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Nikademus -> LOG! (11/23/2011 9:21:23 PM)

trust me

USSAmerica -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 9:40:38 PM)

It sucks to be the only hourly employee on the afternoon before a holiday, when almost everyone else is already gone.  [:D]

thegreatwent -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 9:45:29 PM)


thegreatwent -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 9:46:35 PM)

Grats on the job Mike. Believe it or not that sounds like a cool position.

Chickenboy -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 9:50:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mike Solli

Well, some good news. I got a job offer (which I accepted). Temporary federal technician job in the Guard. Back to wearing the uniform (and shaving) every day. Pretty big pay cut, but we can easily live within the budget. It'll last about a year, so that'll give me time to get a permanent job (not in the military preferably).

I'm going to order Windows 7 shortly and get AE loaded so I can do some serious gaming again. [:D]

Congrats Major Mike! [&o]

nashvillen -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 9:50:15 PM)

Well, I am not an hourly employee, but someone has to keep watch while everyone else is scurrying about!

Mike Solli -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 10:11:14 PM)

I understand, Mike. I'll be right there with you at Christmas and New Years.

Mike Solli -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 10:12:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: thegreatwent

Grats on the job Mike. Believe it or not that sounds like a cool position.

Thanks. Yeah, it will be. Unfortunately, only temporary. I'll be spending most of my free time job hunting. Better than unemployment though. [:D]

Nikademus -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 10:17:38 PM)



It sucks to be the only hourly employee on the afternoon before a holiday, when almost everyone else is already gone.  [:D]

It sucks to be the only employee on the floor who won't get holiday pay!

USSAmerica -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 10:18:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: Nikademus



It sucks to be the only hourly employee on the afternoon before a holiday, when almost everyone else is already gone.  [:D]

It sucks to be the only employee on the floor who won't get holiday pay!

None for me, either, Nik. That's why I'm working 4 x 10's the rest of this week to make sure the check isn't short. [:D]

Mike Solli -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 10:18:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: Mike Solli

Well, some good news. I got a job offer (which I accepted). Temporary federal technician job in the Guard. Back to wearing the uniform (and shaving) every day. Pretty big pay cut, but we can easily live within the budget. It'll last about a year, so that'll give me time to get a permanent job (not in the military preferably).

I'm going to order Windows 7 shortly and get AE loaded so I can do some serious gaming again. [:D]

Congrats Major Mike! [&o]

Thanks CB. For the first (and hopefully only) time in my life, I'm going out on Black Friday to get a copy of Windows 7, hopefully at a discount, but I doubt it.

USSAmerica -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 10:19:12 PM)

The good news is that my timer just went off, and it's officially Thanksgiving Parole time!  [&o]

Chickenboy -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 10:28:18 PM)



The good news is that my timer just went off, and it's officially Thanksgiving Parole time!  [&o]

Parole here in a few minutes. Check your inbox sometime tomorrow morning, USS Mike...[8D]

Mynok -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 10:46:21 PM)

Woof! Four turkeys deep fried and now for some wings for supper. I'm gonna be cleaning up the mess all weekend I suspect. [:D]

And no, they are not all for the two of us.

Mike Solli -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 10:54:56 PM)

They could be little turkeys.

JWE -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 11:07:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mike Solli

All hail THE new THREAD!!!

Nice down here. Balmy 60s and 70s. Perfect bike riding weather. Heading up to Prattville for turkey day. 10 humans, 4 children, 4 dogs. Woof !!

So, children aren't humans? Didn't think so. [:D]

I don't think so either. They are cute and fun and the nurturing types love them; until their hormones turn. Then we'll see. The good ones will come up human. The others will come up Democrats. [;)]

Onime No Kyo -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 11:15:38 PM)

Hi guys,

Thank you all for you congratulations. [:)]

How's everyone been?

Chickenboy -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 11:15:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mike Solli

They could be little turkeys.

"Cornish game turkeys"? They'll never fly. Ba-dump-bump.

Chickenboy -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 11:16:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: Onime No Kyo

Hi guys,

Thank you all for you congratulations. [:)]

How's everyone been?

COMRADE RED MOUSE! Welcome back! What the hell have you been up to for the last 10 months or so? [8D]

Terminus -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 11:17:01 PM)

Getting married, apparently. Mazel Tov, etc.

Onime No Kyo -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 11:21:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: Onime No Kyo

Hi guys,

Thank you all for you congratulations. [:)]

How's everyone been?

COMRADE RED MOUSE! Welcome back! What the hell have you been up to for the last 10 months or so? [8D]

Been busy. Most of it has been a good kind of busy, fortunately. [:)]

Still torturing innocent fowl? [:'(]

Onime No Kyo -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 11:22:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: Terminus

Getting married, apparently. Mazel Tov, etc.

Thank you, etc.

Onime No Kyo -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 11:22:46 PM)

Did you guys have another abridgement or just a new Thread?

Chickenboy -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 11:28:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: Onime No Kyo


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: Onime No Kyo

Hi guys,

Thank you all for you congratulations. [:)]

How's everyone been?

COMRADE RED MOUSE! Welcome back! What the hell have you been up to for the last 10 months or so? [8D]

Been busy. Most of it has been a good kind of busy, fortunately. [:)]

Still torturing innocent fowl? [:'(]

Glad to hear it. Will you grace us with your presence once more, or will you be in 'drive-by' mode for some time yet?

Also, I never torture innocent fowl. [:-] I kill a ****load of 'em, but never torture.

Chickenboy -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 11:29:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: Onime No Kyo

Did you guys have another abridgement or just a new Thread?

Rebirth! Rejoice! (the old one was @ 1002 pages...)

Onime No Kyo -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 11:50:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: Onime No Kyo


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: Onime No Kyo

Hi guys,

Thank you all for you congratulations. [:)]

How's everyone been?

COMRADE RED MOUSE! Welcome back! What the hell have you been up to for the last 10 months or so? [8D]

Been busy. Most of it has been a good kind of busy, fortunately. [:)]

Still torturing innocent fowl? [:'(]

Glad to hear it. Will you grace us with your presence once more, or will you be in 'drive-by' mode for some time yet?

Also, I never torture innocent fowl. [:-] I kill a ****load of 'em, but never torture.

Probably a drive by.

Onime No Kyo -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/23/2011 11:50:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: Onime No Kyo

Did you guys have another abridgement or just a new Thread?

Rebirth! Rejoice! (the old one was @ 1002 pages...)

If so, you havent been living up to your spambot ideals. Youre still under 10k.

Nikademus -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 12:15:40 AM)




ORIGINAL: Nikademus



It sucks to be the only hourly employee on the afternoon before a holiday, when almost everyone else is already gone.  [:D]

It sucks to be the only employee on the floor who won't get holiday pay!

None for me, either, Nik. That's why I'm working 4 x 10's the rest of this week to make sure the check isn't short. [:D]

Oy. Wish I had that option. Alas, its going to be 24 hour work week. Ah well......football tommorrow at least.

Nikademus -> LOG! (11/24/2011 12:16:14 AM)

and Rogue finally has Double Chocolate Stout on tap again!!!!

Nikademus -> LOG! (11/24/2011 12:16:40 AM)

and there's a mare that will hopefully not kill me as i get my riding legs back

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