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Nikademus -> LOG! (11/24/2011 12:16:57 AM)

oh happy day

First double LOG! page for the new Thread. My Life is complete.

[img]http://bestsmileys.com/dancing/10.gif[/img] [img]http://bestsmileys.com/dancing/10.gif[/img]

jeffk3510 -> RE: No more Log (11/24/2011 12:38:05 AM)

Hello all. Enjoying my break.

Mike Solli -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 12:41:39 AM)

Well, I've started my AAR. [:)]

Mynok -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 1:13:38 AM)

ONIME!!!! Bro, we've missed your sarcasm. And you too. [:'(]

And congrats on the engagement. I hope she's your best friend. That's the best way.

Apollo11 -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 8:35:00 AM)

Hi all,

Good morning!

Leo "Apollo11"

Apollo11 -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 8:42:47 AM)

Hi all,


ORIGINAL: Mike Solli

Well, some good news. I got a job offer (which I accepted). Temporary federal technician job in the Guard. Back to wearing the uniform (and shaving) every day. Pretty big pay cut, but we can easily live within the budget. It'll last about a year, so that'll give me time to get a permanent job (not in the military preferably).

I'm going to order Windows 7 shortly and get AE loaded so I can do some serious gaming again. [:D]

Good news Mike! [:)]

Leo "Apollo11"

Apollo11 -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 8:44:49 AM)

Hi all,


ORIGINAL: Onime No Kyo

Thank you all for you congratulations. [:)]

How's everyone been?

Good to see you again!

Leo "Apollo11"

Apollo11 -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 10:02:51 AM)

Hi all,

Fascinating... [X(]


The underwater icicle of death: Bizarre 'Brinicle' forms BENEATH the sea and kills everything in its path

By Daily Mail UK

An underwater 'icicle of death' which sinks to the seabed destroying everything it comes into contact with has been caught on camera for the first time.

The sinking brine is so cold that it causes the seawater to freeze around it.

BBC film crews recorded the brinicle for the first time ever as it sunk to the bottom of the sea in Antarctica.

The icicle of death: The brinicle can be seen extending towards the seabed. Slowly it grows bigger over time as more water freezes around it:


When it hits the surface, a web of ice spreads killing sea urchins and starfish.

The remarkable underwater footage was filmed for Frozen Planet on BBC One using timelapse technology.

The 'icicle of death' grew so rapidly towards the seabed that teams could see it advancing before their eyes. Brine falls to the surface as it is a lot more dense than seawater.

Remarkable broadcast moment: The ice begins to expand outwards. The brine is a lot more dense than seawater so sinks to the bottom. It is also a lot colder - causing the freezing:


Touchdown: The brinicle reaches the ocean floor. Starfish can be seen. Often the brinicles break up before they become so large:


When the seawater freezes as it comes into contact with the brinicle it is a lot more spongelike than normal ice.

They are usually found in the Antarctic when saline water is introduced to the ocean.

The remarkable footage was filmed underwater in temperatures of -2C by BBC cameramen Hugh Miller and Doug Anderson at Little Razorback Island, near Antarctica's Ross Archipelago.

Mr Miller said the sinking brine grew rapidly before their eyes.

Killer: The ice floods outwards across the ocean surface rapidly, destroying everything in its wake:


Destruction: The starfish are frozen by the ice as it expands outwards:


'It was a bit of a race against time because no-one really knew how fast they formed,' he told BBC Nature.

'The one we'd seen a week before was getting longer in front of our eyes... the whole thing only took five, six hours.

'I do remember it being a struggle. All the kit is very heavy because it has to sit on the sea bed and not move for long periods of time.'

Although the existence of brinicles has been known since the 1960s, it is the first time it has been caught on camera.

Broadcasting feat: Although the existence of brinicles has long been known it is the first time they have ever been caught on camera:


Seabed spread: When the seawater freezes as it comes into contact with the brinicle it is a lot more spongelike than normal ice:


YouTube video link:


Frozen Planet was screened at 9pm on Wednesday November 23 on BBC One.

Leo "Apollo11"

Grollub -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 10:17:02 AM)

Good morning friends.

Apollo11 -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 10:22:01 AM)

Hi all,

Oh my God... [X(][X(][X(]


Take a virtual ride down a mountainside on the world's scariest 'rollercoaster'

By Daily Mail UK

For some people the mere thought of skiing down a mountain is off-putting enough.

But this Austrian alpine-coaster offers what is perhaps the most frighteningly fast - and seemingly dangerous - downhill descent there is.

The single-pipe ride, which is located in Mieders, usually provides tourists with a slow, open trek down the mountainside.

But one hardy adventurer recorded video footage of himself hurtling down the steep incline without applying the brakes.

The result is a terrifying downhill plunge in small, open-topped car that appears to teeter on the edge of flying off the rail as it rounds tight bends.

Close to the edge: One brave person recorded video footage of himself hurtling down the steep alpine-coaster in Mieders, Austria, without applying the brakes:


More stately pace: The single-pipe ride usually provides tourists with a slow, open trek down the mountainside:


YouTube video link:


Leo "Apollo11"

Mike Solli -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 1:59:39 PM)

Good morning friends. Happy Thanksgiving Day for all the Yanks!

Apollo11 -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 2:22:15 PM)

Hi all,


ORIGINAL: Mike Solli

Good morning friends. Happy Thanksgiving Day for all the Yanks!

Ahh yes... today is the "turkey day"... [:D]

Happy Thanksgiving to all our USA (i.e. over the big pond) Thread brothers! [:)]

Leo "Apollo11"

Treetop64 -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 3:14:17 PM)

Mornin', all.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Mike Solli -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 3:18:13 PM)

That's right Leo. Ours just went into the oven a little while ago. We got a small one this year, only 12 pounds, 5.5 kilos. It'll be in the oven for about 6 hours. I made homemade spaghetti and sauce yesterday. French fried cauliflower this afternoon. Yum!

comte -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 3:59:07 PM)

Happy Thanksgiving my American Brothers [:)] and to my European friends have a nice day [8D]

Treetop64 -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 4:11:07 PM)

Dude!  Why does Yahoo keep hijacking my searches?!  [:@]

USSAmerica -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 4:52:08 PM)



Woof! Four turkeys deep fried and now for some wings for supper. I'm gonna be cleaning up the mess all weekend I suspect. [:D]

And no, they are not all for the two of us.

Bringing one over here? [:D]

USSAmerica -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 4:52:41 PM)




ORIGINAL: Mike Solli

All hail THE new THREAD!!!

Nice down here. Balmy 60s and 70s. Perfect bike riding weather. Heading up to Prattville for turkey day. 10 humans, 4 children, 4 dogs. Woof !!

So, children aren't humans? Didn't think so. [:D]

I don't think so either. They are cute and fun and the nurturing types love them; until their hormones turn. Then we'll see. The good ones will come up human. The others will come up Democrats. [;)]


USSAmerica -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 4:53:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: Onime No Kyo

Hi guys,

Thank you all for you congratulations. [:)]

How's everyone been?

Hi, Yuri! Thrilled to hear your news! [8D]

Things are good on my end, thanks. Don't be a stranger. [:)]

USSAmerica -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 4:59:46 PM)

Happy Thanksgiving to my US Brothers!  Heading off to my brother in law's house in a couple of hours with a pumpkin pie, an apple pie, and a huge crock pot full of mac and cheese in tow. 

One of the many things I'm thankful for is all of you fellow kooks who hang out here.  [8D]

Have a great day, all. 

Grollub -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 6:07:05 PM)

Heh ... why am I not surprised ...

"A new survey of New Jersey voters comes to a provocative conclusion: Fox News viewers tend to be less informed about current events than those who don't watch any news at all."


Treetop64 -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 6:18:22 PM)

Not so provocative to open minded persons - the conclusion is obvious. [:D]

Grollub -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 6:28:44 PM)


Chickenboy -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 6:43:12 PM)



Heh ... why am I not surprised ...

"A new survey of New Jersey voters comes to a provocative conclusion: Fox News viewers tend to be less informed about current events than those who don't watch any news at all."


I detect a politically-oriented smear campaign...[:-]

I wonder if they did the same poll for those that get their news from Oprah or Dr. Phil or the Today show or CNN or MSNBC. All crap news broadcasts in their own right.

Chickenboy -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 6:43:38 PM)



Happy Thanksgiving my American Brothers [:)] and to my European friends have a nice day [8D]


Mynok -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 7:41:28 PM)

Man, I'm beat after yesterday's labors. My pots still need cleaning but I might procrastinate and take the day off.

Took the stuff down to the hospital and had lunch with the wife and some of her co-workers. There were TWO men there!?!!!??! Wow! It's normally a pure estrogen fest.

Grollub -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 7:44:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy



Heh ... why am I not surprised ...

"A new survey of New Jersey voters comes to a provocative conclusion: Fox News viewers tend to be less informed about current events than those who don't watch any news at all."


I detect a politically-oriented smear campaign...[:-]

I wonder if they did the same poll for those that get their news from Oprah or Dr. Phil or the Today show or CNN or MSNBC. All crap news broadcasts in their own right.

Sorry if I gave offense with the post Andre. My lack of surprise still stands though. Leaving this topic now.

Terminus -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 8:26:20 PM)

CB might feel offended, but that doesn't make it less true.

Redsunrizing -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 8:55:24 PM)

Good morning to the thread, from the sunshine coast (AUS). [8D]

Chickenboy -> RE: THE THREAD!!! (11/24/2011 10:53:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: Terminus

CB might feel offended, but that doesn't make it less true.

Uhh...nope. It means that the initiators of the 'study' are likely biased in their study design, data collection and-ultimately-their conclusions.

Don't know for sure without parsing through their methods, which I won't do. Smacks like many other self-fulfilling political pieces masquerading as decent science.

No offense taken by your post, Per. Just annoying that such broad (and likely falacious) studies taken on any mantle of objectivity.

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