Peltonx -> RE: Pelton vs 8421 (1/13/2012 9:55:17 PM)
Turn 28 my moves. German armament Pts in pool: 43,000 -20,000 German manpower in pool:156,000 Manpower points over run during 1942: SHC units destroyed after November 1st 1941: 72 Enemy KIA this turn: 40,000 Enemy KIA:3,570,000 SHC OOB: 5,037,000 SHC net OOB change: +99,000 GHC Losses this turn: 110,000 GHC OOB: 3,011,000 GHC net OOB change:-29,000 Total so far during blizzard. SHC——attacks——-won——lost——-% —————99————84———15——85% This last turn. SHC——attacks——-won——lost —————37————31———6 This turn I withdraw 1 - 2 along most of the front. Over-all front is stable and 26 divisions remain under cover. 1 Panzer unit near ront was moved into a town to help hold lines. Troops are now funneling through pool so OOB is stabilizing. So far so good, one more December turn. January can be as bad as December, so I will still be giving ground. Over the next few turns I will start looking for a good area to counter attack come snow and moving resting units to citys close to front. SHC OOB is low. Might be the lowest I have played against. M60 had 5.65 million at this time. TDV 5.3 million. I just need to hang on and not have any major disasters the next 5 turns. I will keep marching west and hopefully by late January he be a ways from his railheads. Over-all tempo is low so far. 33 per turn. Pelton