Peltonx -> RE: Pelton vs 8421 (3/11/2012 2:19:24 PM)
Turn 69 German armament Pts in pool: 5000 German manpower in pool: 52,000 SHC units destroyed after November 1st 1941: 152 SHC units in a pocket: Enemy KIA this turn: 65,000 Enemy KIA: 5,915,000 SHC OOB: 7,191,000 SHC net OOB change: 33,000 GHC KIA this turn: 20,000 GHC KIA:2,373,000 GHC OOB: 3,315,000 GHC net OOB change: 20,000 M60 Turn 69 Russian units destroyed after November 1st 1941= 190 Russian Total dead: 6,322,000 Russian OOB: 6,116,00 GHC OOB: 3,583,000 M60 had the better 41, but was not able to follow up with a good 42. 8421 had a poor 41, but was able to strip units and had a good layered defence during 42. M60 loss about 400,000 more units and his OOB is about 1,000,000 less. I am guessing a big part of the difference is 8421 was able to hang onto more manpower centers as both players lost next to nothing in armament pts. Q-ball and a few others have games in AAR's that are very similar to my game vs 8421. Only difference is I have kept attacking until mud season as they went over to the defensive mid summer. The main thing I am learning from these games is Moscow is there for the taking come 42. I should have gone for it first thing. I would have easly taken it seeing how easy it is to push around this rifle divisions layered defence late summer. There are costs for sure, but if you have to push as the German you should just go right for Moscow first thing. With out 20 or so rifle corps there is no way Moscow can be held during 42 with only rifle divisions/ tank and cav Corp. I still might be able to take it before January, but its not looking to good at this point. I was able to hold 8421 OOB static during 42 and mine has done the same. I gained some space and have 4 layers of forts form Vyazma to Azov sea. If I would have stopped attacking in mid 42 8421 army would be at 8,000,000 +. German moral is high from top to bottom with only a hand full of units under 70 Moral. I have set fort toe to 100%. Before the end of mud all with be at 100%. At that pt I will set it to 50 an all replacements during winter will go to front lines. German OOB will grow quickly, as units hit 90% toe and are in forts they will go over to static mode. I am going to try and hold lines east of the rivers units spring of 44. Lol that’s allot of turns heheh. [image]local://upfiles/20387/A105C6CC55864C3EACB8CAE008FD985D.jpg[/image]