Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.14 now Available! (Full Version)

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Andrew Loveridge -> Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.14 now Available! (2/1/2012 9:20:52 PM)

Hello all,

More changes and improvements are in the works for Distant Worlds Legends. There is a new Beta version in the Members Club.

Please try it, if you are willing to work with a beta, and supply us with your feedback.

Change List

v1.7.0.14 Beta - May 5th, 2012


- fixed a crash that could occur when exiting the game


- added new AI design settings in Empire Policy screen.
-- Can now fine-tune how designs are generated with settings like how many shields, engines, weapons are used, etc.
-- Thus each race now has a particular set of focuses for their ship and base designs.
-- Also have multiple new tech focus settings (now 6, instead of 2) which are used to guide which research projects the AI selects
- reviewed base AI design templates for all ships and bases so that AI designs are more challenging to play against
- ensured that new designs properly obsolete old designs of the same type (e.g. Carrier, Resupply Ship)
- auto-retrofitting no longer downgrades spaceport sizes when population is below threshold at a colony (but will still upgrade spaceport sizes when retrofitting)
- toggling the auto-retrofit settings in the Designs screen now also propagates these changes to all individual ships/bases of that design. This ensures that ships are not auto-retrofitted when their role is set to not auto-retrofit


- fixed empire territory bug when invade enemy colony (was not updating territory display properly)
- fixed bug where mining ships were not completing a mining mission when the planet that they were mining was colonized (they were stuck)

v1.7.0.13 Beta - March 20th, 2012


- fixed rare crash when drawing system links
- fixed rare crash when independent colony becomes new empire


- improved design selection for pirate ships so that not prematurely using advanced optimized designs
- AI will now create new designs to replace optimized designs if tech is significantly better than best buildable optimized design
- AI now properly obsoletes/removes old optimized designs when better designs available
- starting designs for new empires now more accurately reflect starting tech level (when using advanced tech start)
- optimized designs now properly have their Date Created reset to current date and Build Amount reset to zero when loaded
- added extra filters to designs screen: Show Latest Buildable Designs, Show Buildable Non-Obsolete Design


- increased frequency of intelligence agent appearance
- improved overall game performance

v1.7.0.12 Beta - March 2nd, 2012

Crash Fixes
o Fixed rare crash when AI assigns blockade against colony
o Fixed rare crash when manufacturing components for construction
o Fixed other rare crashes
o Fixed rare crash when editing an empire with very high war weariness

Pre-loaded Optimized Designs
o Added new feature that allows usage of pre-made custom ship and base designs loaded per race from folders at game startup:
o New designs subfolder under main game folder can contain subfolders for each race containing saved design files, e.g. "C:\Matrix Games\Distant Worlds\designs\human\"
o These design folders are also used by any themes/mods (i.e. you can create a designs subfolder cointaining race subfolders in a theme)
o These designs are loaded for each race at game startup and are used as optimized designs for each empire
o These optimized designs are used whenever an empire has all the required tech and is within current construction size limits. These optimized designs are always preferred over all other designs, unless made obsolete
o If multiple optimized designs for a single subrole can be built (e.g. multiple optimized destroyer designs), then the most advanced design will be preferred
o Optimized designs also guide AI research decisions: preference will be given to research projects with components required by the optimized designs
o Because of the above, you should make custom designs that use the race-specific tech and tech focuses (from Empire Policy) for the race, otherwise there will be many required research paths, and research will be diluted, e.g. Boskara designs should utilize Shaktur Firestorm torpedoes (race-specific tech), and Phasers (Empire Policy tech focus)

• Creating New Custom Design Files

o Create custom designs in the Design screen and then save them to a file
o Ideal setup to create new designs is to start a new game at max tech level (Level 7) so that all components are available, then create custom designs at various tech levels (different components that become available at different times in the game)
o Note that saved designs preserve the ship/base picture and any race-specific tech, so design files probably should not be shared between races - i.e. you should create different custom designs per race

• Research and Designs
o Improved AI selection of research projects so that better uses tech focuses (from Empire Policy) and race-specific techs
o Fixed bug in Designs screen where filtering design types would always exclude obsolete designs (even when 'Show All Designs' was selected)
o Changed "Save Designs" button in Designs screen to save all selected designs in the grid below, instead of all designs. Ctrl-click to multi-select designs
o Tweaked AI research project selection to give priority to: special race tech, Tech Focuses from Empire Policy, optimized design components

• Other

o Fixed bug where if your race has a victory condition to keep it's leader alive then you will not get any replacement leaders after your initial one is lost for whatever reason (e.g. dismissed)
o Fixed bug where sometimes the wrong tech focuses were saved in Empire Policy files
o Improved mining ship target selection - now mines at planets/moons/asteroids that are nearer to your empire
o Construction and mining ships now properly flee from nearby space creatures
o Ships and fleets now more persistent when patrolling planets - will patrol longer
o Fixed bug where alien race descriptions were missing special tech descriptions when starting second game in a session

v1.7.0.10 Beta


    • fixed rare crash when zooming into systems
    • fixed rare crash in diplomacy
    • fixed crash when take over colony with unowned troops
    • fixed crash when building ships
    • fixed crash when ships exit hyperspace
    • fixed a number of rare crashes related to ships
    • fixed crash when AI disbands excess troops
    • fixed crash when an empire's last colony is wiped out through bombardment
    • fixed crash when assigning ship mission
    • fixed rare crash when empire is destroyed


    • fixed bug where game would sometimes lockup
    • fixed rare situation where ships would sometimes not undock properly, preventing hyperjump from working
    • fixed bug where setting a subjugated empire free sometimes did not remove visibility of all their ships
    • fixed bug where AI empire in Mutual Defense Pact with you sometimes mistakenly cancels treaty
    • fixed bug where moving to another ship that then hyperjumps would drag the other ship through hyperspace
    • fixed bug where planets would sometimes become invisible
      fixed bug where could build wonder twice at colony by accepting advisor suggestion
    • fixed bug where AI empires would initiate trade sanctions and then immediately lift them


    • New Start Game options: empire territory colony influence size slider (defaults to current setting), maximum colonization range slider (this is off by default)


    • increased maximum skill count for intelligence agents from 3 to 4
    • increased chance of randomly generating new intelligence agents


    • fleets no longer auto-refuel when ships under construction mistakenly triggering refueling
    • fleet mission "Repair and Refuel" (from Action button) now correctly both repairs AND refuels all ships
    • now ensure that automated fleets intercepting enemy forces wait at defend location until enemy attack force arrives


    • rebalanced AI selection of patrol locations for automated military ships - now avoid too many ships patrolling same location
    • improved patrol missions - automated ships now patrol for longer at a location
    • military ships no longer keep engaging threats after manually ordered to do something else (manually-assigned missions now always override engagement stances)
    • troop loading improved - all available troops at a colony will be loaded when a ship or fleet is ordered to pick up troops


    • ensured freighters carry minimum amount of resources for orders (thus less trips) - especially affects bases in deep space that need constant fuel replenishment
    • added further fixes to ensure that freighters do not attempt to dock at incomplete space ports (i.e. no docking bays), but instead dock at colony of space port


    • fixed Protectorate display in Diplomacy screen (narrow end was wrong)
    • AI empires now give diplomatic gifts only when other empire's evaluation drops below friendly threshold
    • fixed AI empires sometimes canceling military refueling rights when have Mutual Defense Pact


    • added extra filter to show only state ships, state bases, private ships or private bases
    • default view is now 'Show non-obsolete designs' (was 'Show latest designs')
    • state-owned designs can now be designated not to automatically retrofit (e.g. via advisor suggestion). This setting will flow through to any ships or bases built from the design, but can also be changed individually for each state-owned ship or base. These ships and bases will only retrofit when manually ordered to do so by the player. See top of Design Detail screen for this new setting. Also see Components tab in Ships and Bases screen to update this setting per ship. Also available in a column on the main Design List screen.
    • added new button 'Manually Upgrade Design' that functions similarly to 'Copy As New', but also obsoletes the existing design to save time.
    • added ability to turn design upgrading on or off for each subrole. Thus you can automate ship design for some ship types (e.g. private ships), while manually designing other types (e.g. military ships). See Empire Policy screen for settings (Research & Design section). Also available in a column on the main Design List screen.
    • added extra buttons in Design Detail screen to allow adding and removing multiple components from a design at a time
    • design auto-upgrading can now be enabled/disabled for all subroles, including private designs
    • can toggle design settings for auto-upgrade and auto-retrofit by clicking directly in column in design screen
    • adding and removing components in Design Detail screen no longer scrolls component toolbox at far left


    • increased reputation hit from bombarding colonies
    • fixed bug where bombarded colonies that were totally wiped out were becoming 'lost colonies' that could be acquired
    • rebalanced bombardment so that colony damage occurs at a slower rate


    • now properly revert zoom level when load saved games
    • fixed mixed up setting for Empire Policy setting "Prompt for Retrofit when new tech becomes available" - now properly allows auto-retrofitting regardless of this setting
    • ensured that invalid advisor suggestions in diplomatic message panel are removed, e.g. treaties no longer valid, bases already built, etc
    • accelerated ROTS storyline progression when have expensive research settings
    • fixed missing text for title of message when civil war or revolution in another empire
    • increased size of popup message panel so that message text not cut off
    • fixed bug where Ardilus creatures were sometimes not visible
    • space ports built from advisor suggestions are now located over colony instead of further away
    • AI empires now more likely to use Trade Sanctions against other empires
    • further improved freighter availability by reducing empire willingness to do freight missions for other empires
    • slightly altered how retrofitting works - private ships are always retrofitted if new designs are available, whereas retrofitting for state ships is prompted by your advisors (if Empire Policy setting 'Prompt for Retrofit when new tech becomes available' is enabled). Retrofitting is no longer controlled by the Ship Design automation setting
    • colonization range limits are now off by default in Start New Game screen
    • slightly widened diplomatic relation info section in empire list area of Diplomacy screen Changes

DasTactic -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/1/2012 9:51:18 PM)

Awesome. Downloading now. :)

WiZz -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/1/2012 9:54:58 PM)



New Start Game options: empire territory colony influence size slider (defaults to current setting), maximum colonization range slider (this is off by default)

Big thanks from me for this feature. It works much better than I thought.

Belhoriann -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/1/2012 10:15:49 PM)

I can't download the patch, it says that my IP is blocked [X(]

EDIT : Well, problem solved. I think it was my firewall. Thanks for the patch anyway !

Speedy2511 -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/1/2012 10:31:19 PM)

Thanks guys, downloading now!!

EisenHammer -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/1/2012 11:50:17 PM)


Raap -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/2/2012 12:14:37 AM)

Thanks, looking great!

tjhkkr -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/2/2012 12:26:43 AM)

Thank you; thank you!

Mozo -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/2/2012 1:35:34 AM)


You mentioned you would pass on the Elliot to change how quick characters die from bombardment. Is that part of the bullet "reduced bombardment to damage more slowly"?

Just curious and if not, just wondering if you could put it on the next update list.

Thanks as always,


fierceking -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/2/2012 2:51:12 AM)


Also I don't know why enemies which has a trade sanction against me would give me Monetary Gift? So they want me to pay them to Lift Their Trade Sanction but will gift me some money too? I don't think that makes sense.

Canute0 -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/2/2012 6:23:21 AM)


Also I don't know why enemies which has a trade sanction against me would give me Monetary Gift? So they want me to pay them to Lift Their Trade Sanction but will gift me some money too? I don't think that makes sense.

they are enemies or they are friends ?
If they are friends they maybe got a defence pact with some enemy of you thats why they are forced to trade sanction you, but your relations are still good enough with them so they keep the good things up and made you a gift.

If they are realy an enemy that dont make a sense you right.

Chet Guiles -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/2/2012 6:49:34 AM)

Great. Installed patch and it's working fine.

Will have a few comments about the design screen after I have had a chance to play with it a little more. Somehow when designs are automatically upgraded, prior versions are not being declared obsolete, which tends to load the "Non Obsolete" list with a whole range of previously upgraded designs. Maybe this is due to something I have been doing wrong? Any suggestions welcomed.

J HG T -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/2/2012 7:00:05 AM)

DLing now.
Automating private ship upgrading sounds good and extremely helpful.

Igard -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/2/2012 3:18:14 PM)

This looks like a great patch! I'm not actually allowed to play the game, because I'm supposed to be modding it...

...but I might sneak in a couple of hours tonight![:D]

Data -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/2/2012 3:37:27 PM)

Fat patch as always, Elliot at full throttle again [sm=00000436.gif]

scotten_usa -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/2/2012 4:07:45 PM)

Installed and tested and game is running fine. Really appreciate the larger font in the research screen.

I'm not much of a software tester (I rarely notice bug except fatal ones!), but I'll provide whatever feedback I can.

Howard Mitchell -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/2/2012 5:21:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: Andrew Loveridge
  • accelerated ROTS storyline progression when have expensive research settings

  • Useful. I usually play with research costs on 800 and have only seen the Shakturi once.

    Caesar_Augustus -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/3/2012 6:44:47 AM)

    Oops... [:D]

    Caesar_Augustus -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/3/2012 6:46:56 AM)

    Sneak into playing a few hours, eh? Yes well, "sneaking" is what Romaulans are known for I suppose. [8|]
    Just stay away from that ale of yours...

    Oh, and for Heaven's sake, keep that android away from that ale!!

    elmo3 -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/4/2012 11:48:47 AM)

    Appreciate the ongoing support of the dev and testers for this great game. Thanks.

    ASHBERY76 -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/4/2012 7:02:12 PM)

    This is a great patch with the sphere range,colonisation range have really helped mold gameplay to my liking.I hated messy borders so I am very happy with this.Same with the new design system that is no longer wasting my time fiddling with private ships.

    A longer term issue in my view is the economy in mid game onwards.Later game economy is crazy big.Ships,planet buildings and super projects should be much more expensive to purchase and scale to map,planet size.You basically have a zillion moneys and it kills strategic choices in gameplay.Maybe a options slider this too[:)]

    WiZz -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/4/2012 9:01:31 PM)


    For now it's impossible to destroy your economy. I remember my old game where I found debris field and began to repair ships in it. Then I got a huge shortage of cash and as result lose my game. Other example. I wanted to begin a preventive war with other empire. Began training troops. But I ordered them too many and my economy went to hell. Remember this situation with nostalgia.

    As for me it would be useful for gameplay to implement some punishment for zero skills in economy planning. Not only impossibility to build a new ships or stations but decreasing available troops, abandoning ships/stations, impossibility to repair ships, stopping science researching...

    fierceking -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/5/2012 1:02:22 AM)


    ORIGINAL: Canute

    they are enemies or they are friends ?
    If they are friends they maybe got a defence pact with some enemy of you thats why they are forced to trade sanction you, but your relations are still good enough with them so they keep the good things up and made you a gift.

    If they are realy an enemy that dont make a sense you right.

    I never used the word "friend" anywhere in my post


    Also I don't know why enemies which has a trade sanction against me would give me Monetary Gift? So they want me to pay them to Lift Their Trade Sanction but will gift me some money too? I don't think that makes sense.

    Another CTD with snapshot and now I can't load any of my saves.


    hewwo -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/5/2012 12:46:31 PM)

    +1 to balancing the economy to scale with larger empires. I keep getting obscene amounts of money. No fun at all. I understand this could be very difficult to tweak, so perhaps make some values moddable? We'll figure out the rest ourselves :D

    fierceking -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/5/2012 6:25:16 PM)

    More bugs found...

    Fleet when retrofitting will forget its original orders. A fleet which I ordered to patrol one of my border system which had no port yet, decided to retrofit because its on auto-retrofit and after it has finished with the upgrades it then decided to just stay at the port where it conducted it's upgrades.

    Weird bug where my empire has asked me to remove my ships from my own territory. So I went to check what this was all about and was able to trade techs with my own empire. So to test it out more, I declared war on myself. Now my populace is angry that I am at war with myself? Happiness went down across all planets.

    Now I keep getting messages to remove my forces away from my own territories. Strange...

    Lorini -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/5/2012 8:14:03 PM)

    Sure hope they fix that fast!

    ASHBERY76 -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/5/2012 8:45:27 PM)

    Bugs should be posted in the tech forum.I am not sure Elliot looks at the main forum much.

    fierceking -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/5/2012 9:24:36 PM)


    fierceking -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/6/2012 12:39:07 AM)


    That's it for me, it's crashing too much now. No more beta testing till next patch update.

    Jeeves -> RE: Public Beta for Legends v1.7.0.10 now Available! (2/6/2012 1:32:01 PM)

    I have been using Legends patch for several days now, problem free. Perhaps you are using an old save game file or alternatively something on your machine like the antivirus or insufficient memory is causing problems. Remember that a large map needs 2 GB of FREE memory, not 2 GB of hardware...

    Lonnie Courtney Clay

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