RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (Full Version)

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Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/2/2012 1:51:33 AM)

Ok Kraft. New one is in the box and I payed particular attention to what I was doing when I saved this time.

Krafty -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/2/2012 4:04:23 AM)

Worked fine that time, dunno what happened. Turn back 'atch yah.

Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/2/2012 4:12:48 AM)

Turn to Kraft.

Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/2/2012 4:15:27 AM)


Ok Kraft. New one is in the box and I payed particular attention to what I was doing when I saved this time.

To bad I didn't pay attention to my spelling, lol.

Krafty -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/2/2012 4:59:07 AM)

Rofl turn to meanfcker

Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/2/2012 11:52:18 AM)

Turn to Kraft. I still (sometimes but not always) get messages that I have deleted a log file. I wouldn't know what one is or where I would find it. All I do is copy the file and paste. Should I cut and paste?
I don't think that matters, but I just don't know. I have checked my comp for malware and spyware to make sure that isn't the cause. Any ideas?

Krafty -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/2/2012 4:30:52 PM)

Ive had that happen before and have no idea what causes it. Our GD1938 game in the aar forum did that for 2 turns for Ernie then it just went away.

Turn to yah

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/2/2012 11:41:17 PM)

SG - been busy lately, sorry I haven't gotten my turn back to you...going to take it tonight. Thanks for your patience.

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/3/2012 12:14:53 AM)



SG - been busy lately, sorry I haven't gotten my turn back to you...going to take it tonight. Thanks for your patience.

No problem.

Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/3/2012 1:52:10 AM)

Turn to Kraft.

Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/3/2012 2:19:49 AM)

Turn to Kraft

Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/3/2012 2:47:05 AM)

turn to Kraft.

Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/3/2012 3:29:31 AM)

Turn to Kraft.

Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/3/2012 4:06:32 AM)

Turn to Kraft.

Krafty -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/3/2012 4:21:18 AM)

Good game. No way im recovering from this. I was caught off guard by how cramped the map was with water being to my west. Building an aircraft factory was a mistake. I forgot to upgrade raws, and it never produced at full production.

I should have put those raws into light tanks as well, but alas I made the mistake of thinking there were more turns before we met and went for armored cars.

And of course mud hits when I need my dive bombers to knock out the light tanks.

I could hang on another dozen turns but its long past the point of no return, I dont think youre going to make a huge enough mistake on a map this small for me to turn it around.

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/3/2012 4:56:08 AM)


Seed #1 -> All5n
Seed #2 -> Kraftwerk
Seed #3 -> Meanfcker
Seed #4 -> TPM
Seed #5 -> SailingGuy
Seed #6 -> Nego
Seed #7 -> hatemf90
Seed #8 -> AdamRinkleff

First Round -
Game 1: Meanfcker defeats Nego
Game 2: SailingGuy vs. TPM
Game 3: Kraftwerk defeats hatemf90
Game 4: All3n defeats AdamRinkleff

Second Round -
Winner of Game 2 vs. All3n
Meanfcker defeats Kraftwerk

Consolation -
Kraftwerk vs. ???

Finals -
Meanfcker vs. ???
(First player listed sets up game, takes the first turn, and must declare war on turn 1.)

Seeding for March Madness 2013...
#1: To be determined
#2: To be determined
#3: To be determined
#4: To be determined
#5 through #8: Nego, hatemf90, AdamRinkleff (randomly determined)

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/3/2012 6:36:14 AM)

Turn to SG...

It looks like you've got the upper hand, but do you mind if we keep playing...we don't have to go the whole way, just want to see if I can put up a decent defense. Thanks.

Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/3/2012 11:31:10 AM)

Good game Kraftwerk. You are a classy kind of guy and I hope that I did not offend you with my arrogant bullsht. I really expected to bump into a pile of tanks, not armored cars. I have read one of your posts on
X-large and larger maps, and I would be pleased if we could have a game sometime outside of the tournament.
Again gg.

Krafty -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/3/2012 1:28:39 PM)

Yeah the smaller the ship, the smaller the hole has to be to sink it. I counted up the total hexes across the top, and figured I had another turn or two before we even met. I didnt consider that the capital city on both sides was going to be 8 or 9 hexes from the edge of the map and that it was going to be a knife fight. I did my usual pump PPs and engineers for the first turn or so, checked the force graph, wasnt very far behind, built the factory that put me ahead in production. I was just lazily expanding, planing on bumping into your trains...then its all like...those arent trains?! Scramble to build ACs, realize I forgot to upgrade my raw in my haste, and that my airplane factory used them all up making fighters! My encirclements didnt scare you much since there wasnt anything behind the front line lol. Once i had to fall back and my entrenchment was ruined, there was no recoving. Would have been a matter of sticking MGs and SMGs in cities and simply waiting for inevitable.

And yeah im always down for a game :) Considering joining SGs no water game. He's a good host.

I sure appreciate all the work hes put into all these games and the community. Herding cats usually, but hes a damned good sport about it.

And im one of those people who has just as much fun losing as winning. After all the Dwarf Fortress and Aurora, ive learned to lose quite War in the East games have hammered that lesson home as well lol.

ATG is a bit more my speed.

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/3/2012 4:14:25 PM)

If we want to do a consolation bracket hatemf90 should set up a game vs Nego. It's totally up to you guys.

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/4/2012 4:45:38 AM)

Turn to TPM.

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/5/2012 2:47:34 AM)

Turn to SG...that hurt losing that whole army down there...

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/5/2012 5:09:18 AM)

Turn to TPM.

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/5/2012 4:21:35 PM)

Turn to SG

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/5/2012 6:01:56 PM)

Turn to TPM.

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/6/2012 4:16:08 AM)

Turn to SG

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/6/2012 5:03:37 AM)

Turn to TPM.

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/6/2012 4:40:16 PM)

Turn to SG

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/7/2012 5:03:08 AM)


I will be out of town from now until next Wednesday. Sorry for the delay.

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (4/7/2012 6:34:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: SailingGuy


I will be out of town from now until next Wednesday. Sorry for the delay.

No problem...I'm contemplating just ending this. You definitely have the upper hand, but I wanted to see if I could withstand a full-scale invasion! That being said, it's smarter the way you're doing it...just slowly destroying my production...great game...

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