Krafty -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/29/2012 9:21:46 PM)
ORIGINAL: hatemf90 yea. the 50 truck strategy is a waste when our prod. is almost similar. but the making units at front HQ ideas is great, never thought of that, frees up production for oil atleast [:'(] but I dont think it will work if theres an emergency or retreating and need to quickly send reinforcements to plug any holes in the line... Yeah the time for the 50 truck strategy is when youve been on the defensive with similar production to the enemy, but have been killing more of them, than they of you. If youve been able to maintain the ratio, stay defensive, and start piling up PPs, then you can build a slew of factories (factories are also good when youre ahead in production, as in our game, ive put up 4 factories instead of researching another level of rifle or staff which is usually what im doing at this stage of the game, but piling on more crap units is a good idea with all the considerations in) this slew of factories is gonna start churning out masses of equipment. Soon yer force rating should start to climb over the enemy, you keep holding the line and let the XP build up on those new tanks and artillery and such. Then you break his offensive in a small area, utterly destroy it. Generally people start pulling back. Thats when you can start pumping tons of trucks to yer HQs that have production going to them. (can assign production to go to any HQ, shortening the distance a bit there for free) You can start sending units, sans xp, right to to front line units to make them look bigger than they really are. This persuades them to not attack you, which is something they dont want to do anyways to ruin their entrenchment. Pumping all the units right to front line units that arent gonna be attacked till he realizes whats going on is a great way to tilt the scales in your favor where previously you were losing. By the time they do gather themselves and are ready for an offensive, all those new units are around 30-40 xp, and decent fighting units. At this point you now have a production advantage because of the factories, you have a force advantage because of the factories and the trained up units, you have a world class reinforcement infrastructure, you have the initiative, and you have an enemy who was just whoopin on you who may make the mistake of trying to go on the offensive again. Then its really your game to lose at that point. Course most of us wont just sit around letting all this happen if we can do anything about it lol. Like I said, your playbook will fill up rapidly. Then its a matter of just doing these things at the right time, and youll be competitive in every ATG game/scenario. The learning curve is steep, but levels off quickly.