RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (Full Version)

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TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/17/2012 5:28:18 PM)

Turn to SG

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/18/2012 5:02:16 PM)

Turn to TPM

Spartan07 -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/18/2012 10:07:22 PM)

Turn to MeanF..


Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/19/2012 1:57:21 AM)

Nego, you forgot to put it in the box

Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/19/2012 1:10:42 PM)

Turn to Nego, does any one have any idea why game keeps telling me that I have deleted directories.
All I do is cut game and paste into saved games folder and then cut and paste back.
Sometimes, but not all, I and no doubt my opponent, will recieve a possible cheat- deleted directory.
I have no idea why and any advice would be appreciated.

Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/19/2012 8:36:07 PM)

Turn to Nego.

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/20/2012 4:56:58 PM)

SG - been hit with a lot of real world work lately...will try to get to my turn tonight, hopefully tomorrow. Thanks.

Spartan07 -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/20/2012 10:31:45 PM)

turn to Mean F

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/20/2012 10:57:21 PM)



SG - been hit with a lot of real world work lately...will try to get to my turn tonight, hopefully tomorrow. Thanks.


Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/21/2012 1:46:05 AM)

Turn to Nego

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/21/2012 2:36:52 AM)

Turn to SG

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/21/2012 5:28:46 AM)

Turn to TPM.

Spartan07 -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/21/2012 2:54:49 PM)

Turn to MeanF


hatemf90 -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/21/2012 8:08:18 PM)

I guess its too late to squeeze one more in? [:)]

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/21/2012 9:00:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: hatemf90

I guess its too late to squeeze one more in? [:)]

Not too late.


Seed #1 -> All5n (954)
Seed #2 -> Kraftwerk (773)
Seed #3 -> Meanfcker (689)
Seed #4 -> TPM (543)
Seed #5 -> SailingGuy (482)
Seed #6 -> Nego (474)
Seed #7 -> hatemf90


First Round -
Game 1: Nego vs. Meanfcker
Game 2: SailingGuy vs. TPM
Game 3: hatemf90 vs. Kraftwerk
(First player listed sets up game and takes first turn.)

Second Round -
Winner of Game 2 vs. All5n
Winner of Game 1 vs. winner of Game 3

Rounds 1 & 2:
Small World

Round 3:
Medium World

All rounds:
Normal World
Use Resources
One Town Start
Climate - Full Range
Fog of War
PBEM Protection

The lowest ranked seed will be Player #1 in each match. Player #1 in each game must declare war on Player #2 on the first turn. (For reference: Seed #3 is lower than Seed #2 etc.)

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/21/2012 9:05:46 PM)

Reminder. First player in each match up has to declare war on turn #1.

Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/22/2012 1:35:55 AM)

Turn to Nego

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/23/2012 5:38:01 AM)

Turn to TPM.

Meanfcker -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/23/2012 11:14:39 AM)

Turn to Nego

hatemf90 -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/23/2012 4:47:58 PM)

ok so I am confused where is this dropbox and how do I use it? I have the first turn ready but dont know where to send it

SailingGuy -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/23/2012 5:19:44 PM)

Invite to DropBox sent to your email. Fairly easy to understand, but let me know if you have questions.

Krafty -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/23/2012 5:35:42 PM)

Once you use dropbox, its gonna blow your mind. I use it for everything amongst my friends. When one of us downloads and watches a cool movie, album, game, whatever. We just drop it in the dropbox and all our friends can grab it, watch it, play it, whatever. We can share savegames, turns... We do our own AARs amongst ourselves...two of my buddies stationed here and I are in a band. We can drop our tracks and stuff were working on in the drop box, everyone can check em out, when we practice, all the stuff is there to listen to. Netbooks and such, we can share those. Were all reading Gardens of the Moon currently.

hatemf90 -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/23/2012 6:25:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: Kraftwerk

Once you use dropbox, its gonna blow your mind. I use it for everything amongst my friends. When one of us downloads and watches a cool movie, album, game, whatever. We just drop it in the dropbox and all our friends can grab it, watch it, play it, whatever. We can share savegames, turns... We do our own AARs amongst ourselves...two of my buddies stationed here and I are in a band. We can drop our tracks and stuff were working on in the drop box, everyone can check em out, when we practice, all the stuff is there to listen to. Netbooks and such, we can share those. Were all reading Gardens of the Moon currently.

wow, nice. sounds great, and more simple than I thought [:)] where are you stationed btw?

oh and turn sent [:'(]

TPM -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/24/2012 5:18:56 AM)

Turn to SG...guess I didn't watch my supply lines...

Krafty -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/24/2012 8:11:55 PM)

Jacksonville Florida!

Krafty -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/24/2012 8:28:48 PM)

Turn to Hate

hatemf90 -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/24/2012 8:43:32 PM)

its hateM, i dont hate any one :P

I might have messed up the naming, my first turn was Turn 1A, your reply is Turn 1B, the one im gonna do now is Turn 2A.. etc hope its clear..

hatemf90 -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/24/2012 9:16:52 PM)

ok sent to kraft

Krafty -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/24/2012 9:20:08 PM)

My bad, brain fart.

For some reason I thought we started at 0

hatemf90 -> RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] (3/24/2012 9:23:34 PM)

haha are you into programming by any chance? [:D]


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