JervisBay -> Sealion in Campaign Mode (5/27/2012 3:51:40 PM)
Hello. I have reached Sealion in Campaign mode as Germany, but on the opening turn my air units have zero APs and when I land units, they have zero APs as well (except the HQ), so I can't really do anything. This doesn't change on the next turn. I can play Sealion OK in the stand alone mode, where landed units get 50 APs typically. Am I doing something wrong? I have to add this is a first class game - intuitive interface, bug-free, smart & aggressive AI, challenging scenarios. Supply and stacking rules are the areas I've found most difficult to grasp. PS Is there are way of clicking on an HQ unit and seeing which units its connected to? I've done a forum search on 'Sealion' but it comes up with nothing. The Title panel says v100 - is that the version? Many Thanks.