Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING-CLOSED] (Full Version)

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SailingGuy -> Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING-CLOSED] (9/5/2012 5:52:35 PM)

Requires ATG Version 2.11

Lots of desert warfare!

Scenario set up:
X-Large World
6 Players
Land World
Use Resources
NO Map Loop
Hidden Stats
1 Town Start
Climate = Subtropic-Tropic
No Shroud, but Fog of War
PBEM Protection
Passwords* (write them down!)

Extra settings:
Continental size = Big
Humidity = Arid World
Geological Age = Ancient
Limited Initial Roads
Natural Coastlines

This is a three vs three game. Formal alliances allowed with tech and resource sharing. The scenario set up will generate three powers in the north and three powers in the south (at least it did when I tested it out). The northern three will battle the southern three.

Random turn order determined through the now infamous Nomic Dice Server.

DropBox used for file transfer.

* You will be required to email your password to another member of the ATG community. If you drop out or go missing, the "Keeper of the Passwords" will be called upon to email the password to your replacement.

Keeper of the Passwords: ernieschwitz

Players signed up so far:
Sailing Guy

hatemf90 -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/5/2012 7:06:44 PM)

Sounds interesting. im in.

ironduke1955 -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/5/2012 7:36:51 PM)

Count me in

Tac2i -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/6/2012 1:13:27 PM)

I'll volunteer to be "keeper of the passwords."

SailingGuy -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/7/2012 8:25:09 PM)

If it doesn't look like we're going to get 6 players, we'll go with 4 and change to a Large World. All other parameters will be the same.

Jafele -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/7/2012 8:34:41 PM)

Hi guys, I´d love to play again with you. It´s been a long long time.


ironduke1955 -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/8/2012 12:46:19 AM)

Hi Jafele. Is Web playing or just keeping passwords ? No reason why Web can't hold passwords and play is there ?

SailingGuy -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/8/2012 1:18:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: ironduke1955
Hi Jafele. Is Web playing or just keeping passwords ? No reason why Web can't hold passwords and play is there ?

He is certainly welcome to do so. I know we all trust him.

Meanfcker -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/8/2012 2:44:22 AM)

I am in if you have room.

Jafele -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/8/2012 10:14:36 AM)

I hope Roy could join us [:D]

Meanfcker -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/8/2012 2:16:21 PM)

I am involved a couple of multi player games. I repectfully suggest that each team elect a supreme commander to co-ordinate allied operations. He should go first if possible. It should also be a player with strong map reading skills, for he chooses strategy for team and gives operational objectives to sub commanders. This makes sure that oil and raw are used to greatest effect, not wasted on useless operations. If one team does this and the other does not, it will be painfully obvious. I am in no matter what, but I tell you guys that this command structure works out very well. Webizen has seen it working in one game, I think that he will agree with me.

ironduke1955 -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/8/2012 4:38:15 PM)

Sounds fine by me just need Roy to agree to join and off we go. I will defer to more senior forum members and take the role of Sub-Commander. I will endeavour to play my turns as they come round on the same day regardless of how I am doing in the game. Hope everyone else does the same.

ernieschwitz -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/8/2012 4:46:27 PM)

If you need a new keeper of passwords, i could volunteer. But I won´t participate in any game...

Jafele -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/8/2012 4:57:27 PM)

I´ll be able to send at least 1 turn/day. I won´t leave the game without a good reason [:-], I´m too old for that. To play multiplayer is great, but to play with dependable people is even better. A serious compromise is important before the game starts.[8D]

Jafele -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/9/2012 2:16:21 PM)

Can we play with the NATO symbols mod and the RealMod (graphics)? I have both of them.

hatemf90 -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/9/2012 10:40:09 PM)

will it be separated into branches of service: land army, airforce etc? or army groups each with its air support?

SailingGuy -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/10/2012 1:47:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: hatemf90

will it be separated into branches of service: land army, airforce etc? or army groups each with its air support?

No separation of services. It will be left flank, center, right flank. (Especially with map loop OFF.)

SailingGuy -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/11/2012 5:27:13 AM)

Roy (Webizen) will take over the 6th spot.

ernieschwitz will be our "Keeper of the Passwords". Please PM your password to him.

SailingGuy -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/11/2012 5:43:53 AM)

Nomic dice rolls and player order.

786 hatemf90
727 Meanfcker
545 Jafele
491 ironduke1955
462 Webizen
437 Sailing Guy

Setting up game and DropBox. First turn to hatemf90 shortly.

SailingGuy -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/11/2012 5:57:11 AM)

Game is on! 1st turn to hatemf90 is in the DropBox. Good luck everyone.

Don't forget to PM your password to ernieschwitz.

Meanfcker -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/11/2012 2:25:29 PM)

If my team wishes to get organized, pm me and we can sort out who gets the big chair and set up a team dropbox.

Tac2i -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/11/2012 2:33:37 PM)

In the future, a couple of suggestions for games of this type:

1) If using Supreme Commanders, get the volunteers for SC settled first, then use the dice rolls to determine team members.

2) In lieu of 1 make some subjective ranking of player skill and the top two are the CCs (item 1 is preferable).

The idea above is to try to avoid the top skilled players on the same side. There will be times (have been) where one set of players want to challenge any takers and that is fine. In the case where teams are randomly chosen and the players agree to use a Supreme Commander I believe my suggestion would ensure a better game.

As a side note what I think I'm seeing in recent games is that the ATG community now has some very skilled multi-player players (commanders), i.e. they know how to coordinate a combat command within the ATG game system. Just as the Germans did to the allies in the early war years through superior strategy and tactics, these players in team games are doing to their less coordinated opponents. In any team game, a team that is well coordinated is going to have a distinct advantage over a team that isn't coordinating/cooperating well.

hatemf90 -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/11/2012 5:30:57 PM)

about version 2.11, I cant seem to find the patch anywhere?

Jafele -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/11/2012 5:35:18 PM)

It´s in the members club:

hatemf90 -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/11/2012 5:55:03 PM)

Yea I found it right after I posted that.

From the 1st post it is the northern 3 vs the southern 3, do we have to manually make these alliances and play by them til the end or will there diplomacy? breaking alliances/making new ones etc? just clearing things up.

in any case I offered alliances with the other 2 northerners.

Tac2i -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/11/2012 7:15:27 PM)

I'm sure there is no diplomacy in this game. It a team game with team victory: top vs bottom.

Meanfcker -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/11/2012 7:24:14 PM)


In the future, a couple of suggestions for games of this type:

1) If using Supreme Commanders, get the volunteers for SC settled first, then use the dice rolls to determine team members.

2) In lieu of 1 make some subjective ranking of player skill and the top two are the CCs (item 1 is preferable).

The idea above is to try to avoid the top skilled players on the same side. There will be times (have been) where one set of players want to challenge any takers and that is fine. In the case where teams are randomly chosen and the players agree to use a Supreme Commander I believe my suggestion would ensure a better game.

As a side note what I think I'm seeing in recent games is that the ATG community now has some very skilled multi-player players (commanders), i.e. they know how to coordinate a combat command within the ATG game system. Just as the Germans did to the allies in the early war years through superior strategy and tactics, these players in team games are doing to their less coordinated opponents. In any team game, a team that is well coordinated is going to have a distinct advantage over a team that isn't coordinating/cooperating well.

< Message edited by Webizen -- 9/11/2012 2:35:33 PM >

I did try to suggest this before the game started but cest la vive
After fighting on very well organized and properly coordinated teams, it will feel real odd to be fumbling around by meself.

I have in the past had problems with the PBEM protection saying that I have wiped logs etc. .
I read a recent post regarding this issue and Vic's response. If I have any problems I will have to uninstall and re-install game, so please extend to me your good sufferance in the event and I will clear it up asap.

hatemf90 -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/11/2012 8:12:36 PM)

why not try to do something like this? not too late is it?

Meanfcker -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/11/2012 8:39:05 PM)

If you guys are interested, mail or pm me and we can set up team dropbox

Meanfcker -> RE: Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (9/11/2012 10:39:44 PM)

Could my two team mates please send me thier emails?

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