CarlVon -> RE: The Messy Desert War 3v3 [RECRUITING] (11/23/2012 1:48:36 AM)
+1 for Meanfcker. Yes, everyone tries to slow this game down and turn it in to WWI. If that's what you like, more power too you. But from the little I have learned from Mean, warfare means concentration of force, Boldness, Speed and Striking Power. Although the Navy is close to my heart, I see no need for it yet until there is a team that can take out Meanfcker's team on the ground, I think it's coming. Regarding the Cav / Tank Rush, introducing a Navy will not help you. (Unless you are on separate islands), It will actully make it easier for a tank rush to win, because resources will be wasted on a Navy and a navy is very expensive. Seriously, at the beginning I used to try to slow the game down, with shouwd, one city start, etc. And he would still beat me over and over again, because I like winning more than loosing, I have adopted his tactics. When I finally read "On War", I finally understood what it was talking about. I think there are a couple folks that can take on Mean on a 1 on 1, but Strategically there is no one... yet. I plead for people not to go back to the "form lines and push", our Armies are much more deadly when they are liquid. I have truly been witness now to various commanders making art on the ATG battlefield. I would really like to see players get better and be able to take it to Meanfckers team (which I am a part of). You must understand, Mean means no disrespect, we get frustrated when people want to put us in cages. We are Patton, Rommel, Guderian and SunTzu (Among Others), and war is an art of color, fluidness and friction.