RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (Full Version)

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BBfanboy -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/22/2018 3:04:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: JohnDillworth

Should be able to send some big boys in to Bombard

Fusan will be a tougher place to bombard. It has a starting Naval Fort and might have additional CD guns now. The BF also has DP guns which will fire at ships.
Also expect mines and mini-subs at Fusan. Some probing by minesweepers is in order before sending in more valuable ships. Bombing the LCUs will tend to focus on the Naval Fort and knock out/disrupt squads, support squads and guns - giving the minesweepers a better chance.

BBfanboy -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/22/2018 3:07:21 AM)

Re: North China - I think mopping up is the better option just now. Peiping and Tientsin are Urban Heavy X4 terrain, with forts on top of that no doubt. They have industry making supply so they will not fall quickly. Clear out the cucarachas in the hinterland so you can then concentrate at one of the cities while cutting off the other.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/22/2018 12:48:38 PM)

I'll probably do both, and doing both will probably be synergistic. To pocket the Japanese army, I have to cut the remaining roads. Peiping or vicinity is the narrowest and therefore best place to do so.

Peiping is currently worth 800 points and can be built out to 1800 points. My forward stack is only four hexes away. Meaning: Peiping offers a lot of points conceivably much faster than chasing cockroaches.

The main part of the Chinese army - probably more than 6,000 AV - is 100% prepped for Peiping, though further back. As the units make their way north, I'll detach some to take on and eliminate Japanese units.

It looks like John is preparing to scatter some of his units to remote, non-road, rough hexes. Guerilla warfare time. Not efficient to chase them down, at this point.

Tsientsin isn't worth many points. I'll take it if the taking is easy but I'll consider bypassing.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/22/2018 2:45:13 PM)

All this made me look more carefully at the map and the disposition of forces. I do think a move on Peiping is warranted and synergistic with reduction of what should be a major enemy pocket centered on Kaifeng.


Lokasenna -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/22/2018 5:03:01 PM)




ORIGINAL: JohnDillworth

Should be able to send some big boys in to Bombard

Fusan will be a tougher place to bombard. It has a starting Naval Fort and might have additional CD guns now. The BF also has DP guns which will fire at ships.
Also expect mines and mini-subs at Fusan. Some probing by minesweepers is in order before sending in more valuable ships. Bombing the LCUs will tend to focus on the Naval Fort and knock out/disrupt squads, support squads and guns - giving the minesweepers a better chance.

Also, the default routing back from Fusan towards China (even on Direct) will pass through Tsushima. That's bad news bears.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/22/2018 6:04:15 PM)


Asia: Allies defeat main enemy army NE of Tsinan, which takes heavy losses and retreats towards Tsientsin. The Allied campaign to close the "Kaifeng Pocket" and to move on Peiping is underway.

Korea: Allies have arrived in numbers at Keijo, where the enemy garrison is getting hit daily by multiple large bombardments. Probing Allied bombardment tomorrow. Allied armor has advanced to the key non-base hex to the SE and will try a probing deliberate attack tomorrow, with the infantry coming up the day after.

Operation Unicycle: Strong Allied B-29 raids vs. Kobe Industry. Many Home Island bases are undefended or barely defended, with exceptions including Tokyo, Nagasaki and Fukuoka.

The enemy is in bad shape but points accumulation is lagging. Since April 1, I think the Allies are only scoring roughly 350 to 400 per turn, gross (perhaps 250 to 300 net). I'm looking for 500 to 1,000 net, but can't seem to find it, even with good strategic bombing raids and destruction of a large number of enemy squads in China.

The solution is to keep pushing hard. Strat bombing and wiping out enemy units is a key component of scoring points. The infrastructure to do both is in place, both in Korea and China. I'll keep working those angles hard.

But it's clear that Keijo, Peiping and Singapore may play a key role now in defeating Japan. The three of these have a points potential in excess of 7,000. That's nearly 50% of what's needed to achieve victory.

1. Keijo: curently a level 2(7) airfield at 800 points. I can bump that to 1800 points by building to level 9. I have enough engineers to quickly build to level 7, but getting it to 9 would take considerably longer. Unless John has reinforcements handy, I think this base could fall inside a week.
2. Peiping: ditto re: points and building. Allied army is four hexes south, though some campaigning is necessary to clear the flanks, etc. It's possible I can take Peiping in two or three weeks, depending on whether John has reserves up here.
3. Singapore: already built out. Worth 500 points to Japan (therefore a reduction to the AV denominator, effectively worth 1k points) and worth nearly 2,500 points to the Allies. I have an army of about 2500 AV 100% prepped closing - about five hexes north, with apparently little opposition in between. Current garrison of less than 30k but who knows how many forts. I'll have to use my air force heavily. This could take a long time...or it might surprise the other way.


BBfanboy -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/22/2018 7:16:52 PM)

Clearing Sinyang may not clear the rail line for you - in the hex to the NW of Sinyang he has another unit headed east to block the rail line.

Lokasenna -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/23/2018 3:17:16 AM)

Not to mention there is no destination owned by the Allies north of Sinyang (yet).

jwolf -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/23/2018 1:22:22 PM)

FWIW Singapore is indeed a huge flip of points -- if you can take it.

Regarding Fusan and neighborhood -- really crazy idea -- how about invading Tsushima to clear access without then having to worry about mines, etc?

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/23/2018 1:25:45 PM)

When the Keijo-Fusan campaign is complete, I'll have an army of 7,000 AV that needs new preparation orders. It is unlikely that I'll prep them for Manchuria targets, preferring to leave that to the larger (though mostly Chinese army) moving upon Peiping already. So the Allied army in Korea is likely to begin prep for Japan proper, including targets like Tsushima. I'll be surprised if there's enough time left for that to become necessary, but preparation will be in place.

jwolf -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/23/2018 4:04:06 PM)

I was actually thinking about Tsushima in order to clear good access for bombardments or interdictions of Fusan.

GetAssista -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/23/2018 4:45:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel
When the Keijo-Fusan campaign is complete, I'll have an army of 7,000 AV that needs new preparation orders.

At this point you might not really need 100 prep across the board for the targets you are fighting in Korea. Allied firepower is more decisive factor than adjusted AV. Recall how tanks frequently hurt Japanese LCUs with no losses while against 1:X odds. So you might consider switching some of your LCUs to prep for landings, where 100 prep is still a must.

witpqs -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/23/2018 5:08:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: GetAssista


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel
When the Keijo-Fusan campaign is complete, I'll have an army of 7,000 AV that needs new preparation orders.

At this point you might not really need 100 prep across the board for the targets you are fighting in Korea. Allied firepower is more decisive factor than adjusted AV. Recall how tanks frequently hurt Japanese LCUs with no losses while against 1:X odds. So you might consider switching some of your LCUs to prep for landings, where 100 prep is still a must.

Yeah, the impact of preparation at this point (even earlier) is for amphibious landing objectives.

crsutton -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/23/2018 6:18:30 PM)



FWIW Singapore is indeed a huge flip of points -- if you can take it.

Regarding Fusan and neighborhood -- really crazy idea -- how about invading Tsushima to clear access without then having to worry about mines, etc?

More important is that it has a major ship repair yard. Points don't hurt either.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/23/2018 6:27:28 PM)

I doubt John is using the Singers shipyard, given the proximity of the Allied army and airfields. If he is still using it, he'll stop in the near future.

He really doesn't have a viable shipyard left except in the northern Home Islands. In the DEI, Soerabja is his best bet and it's somewhat exposed, though I haven't hit it in months.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/23/2018 6:29:53 PM)

I only use prep now for urban 4x and amphibious assaults. Right now, the only places I'm prepping for are Keijo, Peiping and Singapore. There is one exception: an Aussie brigade is preparing for a Yellow Sea base, in case I try for an Anzio-like invasion behind enemy lines (though with better results than Anzio).

So, when Keijo falls, most of my army in Korea can switch to other preps, mainly targets in the Home Islands. But, as noted above, I'll be surprised if there's time to prep and invade.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/23/2018 6:51:26 PM)


Asia: It seems like Japanese resistance is collapsing. It's definitely collapsing in China. It's on the verge in Korea. And John doesn't seem to have fighters to cover more than a few of his key industrial centers in the Home Islands (though his fighters are still fighting hard and effectively in several places).

It was another very good day for the Allies most everywhere. But I'm still not translating success into points very efficiently. I think it will come soon in the form of enemy stacks isolated, high-value bases falling, and hopefully increased success in the strategic bombing campaing.

But that hasn't happened yet. Points are tough to come by.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/23/2018 7:09:23 PM)


KB: John is bringing a KB division back to the DEI. I think the inveterate raider wishes to keep his options open down here.


Andav -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/23/2018 8:30:56 PM)


Does this RR still connect Kejo and Fusan or am I just missing something?



Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/23/2018 8:46:58 PM)

It does but it won't take Allies armor long to interdict that route. I don't think there's any opposition to the east of the contest hex.

CaptBeefheart -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/24/2018 2:33:47 AM)

You might want to consider an airborne assault on Tsushima. If he hasn't reinforced it, I'd say the 503rd Para or a Chindit brigade is probably enough, although if 11th Airborne is handy, why not drop it? The island has a nasty CD unit which will chew up any inadvertently passing TFs, but has very little or no infantry at start. Also, as far as I can tell, prep level has little or no effect on airborne assaults.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/24/2018 3:03:22 AM)

John attended to garrisons of all his islands more than a year ago - about the time of the Luzon/Foochow operations.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/24/2018 3:09:28 AM)


A good day on the ground and in the air, and this time there was a decent haul of points to show for the work. Not great, but decent.

China: Spoiling attack by Allied armored detachment roughs up retiring, beat up, main enemy stack. Shock attack tomorrow should really mess up this big army (and I don't think it can clear the hex as I've been bombing it every day).

I see evidence that John realizes his big army is at risk to be isolated. The pocket is a long one with the only escape at the mouth on the east side. The bulk of his army has a long way to go and he's moving that way. This is a Falaise Pocket situation but I think I have a big head start and the right angles to trap his army.

Korea: Allied shock attack mauls enemy units in what I've identified as the key open hex SE of Keijo. Two Allied divisions plus arty and armor will move north to help with the Kiejo siege. One will remain in place to hold this position. Some Allied armor will move to the coast to sever the road.

Air War: Sweeps clear the way so that Superforts in big numbers get an uncontested shot at Okayama. The damage is great and this base is no longer worth targeting.


RangerJoe -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/24/2018 4:01:28 AM)

About a month ago my hard drive crashed. [:@] A couple of days ago I hot a new one. I just caught up. You are doing very well. I hope that Korea does not turn into a WWII Italian type campaign - but you are a better general than that.

Needless to say, I have learned a lot from this AAR.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/24/2018 4:04:25 AM)

Hey, Ranger. Congrats on getting your new computer up and running and for surviving the crash of the old one. No fun.

Korea won't turn into a WWII Italian campaign. The terrain is too open, Keijo is too exposed to attack by sea, and Allied air is overwhelming, close, and mostly unopposed. John is in big trouble in Korea, even if he doesn't know it yet.

jwolf -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/24/2018 12:33:20 PM)


The damage is great and this base is no longer worth targeting.

YES!! Great work! I hope you can begin a chain reaction and knock out more industrial bases in this manner.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/24/2018 1:15:04 PM)


Industrial Damage: This shows the extent of the strategic bombing damage at select targets throughout Japan (plus Harbin). Due to space limitations, I couldn't include all of the targets that have been hit hard. Some of those not included: Toyama, Matsuyama, Tokuyama and Kanazawa.

There are only a few major tagets remaining that haven't been hit at all: Yokahama and Gifu chief among them. Maebashi has been hit but still has many aircraft factories in excellent condition.

Some cities are so damaged that they are no longer attractive targets. Okayama and some smaller targets fall into that category.

Some of the major targets still worth hitting in the south: Nagasaki, Shimonoseki, Hiroshima, Kobe.

Tomorrow's raid will target Iwaki resources without sweeps. This is based on recon consistently showing Iwaki and nearby bases unprotected.

Pretty soon I'll have to turn my attention to the tough nuts like Tokyo, Osaka, Yokahama. Those are within extended range of the Lightnings, Mustangs, and P-47Ns (two squadrons now on map and more coming).

The Allies have scored almost 30,000 strategic points. You can see why - a lot of heavy damage. Points have been tough in coming since the first of the year, but John's fighter coverage is also far more sporadic than it once was. He has a core of strong squadrons at Tokyo, Nagasaki and Fukuoka. He'll probably have to reposition those a bit, given recent Allied focus on bases further north.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/24/2018 1:28:39 PM)


Fusan will be a tougher place to bombard. It has a starting Naval Fort and might have additional CD guns now. The BF also has DP guns which will fire at ships.
Also expect mines and mini-subs at Fusan. Some probing by minesweepers is in order before sending in more valuable ships. Bombing the LCUs will tend to focus on the Naval Fort and knock out/disrupt squads, support squads and guns - giving the minesweepers a better chance.

Fusan shouldn't require bombarding. It's open terrain subject to immense bombing runs. Keijo, on the other hands, is 4x heavy urban where bombers don't have quite the impact. If my guys can force and IJ army to retreat to Fusan, it's going to be in trouble quickly.

JohnDillworth -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/24/2018 3:37:50 PM)

Can’t figure out why he is defending Nagasaki. It’s pretty banged up and it does not look like he producing critical aircraft there. Shipyard is not important and he probably has engines stockpiled. Selective cap trap? Shipyard has one of his favorites under repair? Just move along to something more exposed I guess

paullus99 -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/24/2018 4:01:45 PM)

If I was to guess, I would bet that its not even a question of Nagasaki being an important target for John, but he knows that Canoe is focused on it, so he's feeding his fighters in to kill as many allied planes as he can.

Hence why I believe we're seeing him have problems defending multiple targets at a time - he doesn't know which one Canoe is going to hit next.

When CR is predictable, so is John.

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