RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (Full Version)

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crsutton -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/5/2018 5:07:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lokasenna


ORIGINAL: crsutton


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

I haven't experienced music stopping time, John, but I recognize what you're saying. There are times that music brings stinging tears to my eyes.

Sometimes that's for sentimental reasons: a song that meant something to us in youth or when we first fell in love, or patriotic songs. Just one example of that is Glenn Miller's rendition of Chattanooga Choo Choo, which brings to mind my parents, of the WWII generation, dancing when I was a little boy.

But sometimes it's the sheer beauty of a composition or arrangement or performance. Some of Tchaikovsky's works do that for me. And I think it would happen more often if I lived in a place where I could readily access live performances, for I've noticed that it happens almost without fail when I'm sitting in a theater or concert hall on rare occasions.

If you make me sit through loud rock concerts (including Christian rock), the tears are for another reason altogether. I hate noise.

Not the sentimental type at all but saw a flash mob performance of Beethoven's Ode to Joy (9th?) that just made me a little verklempt. Not even into classical but there something about it....

But do you guys experience frisson?

In my experience, once you start... it intensifies throughout life to the point where even just the hint of something that would do it touches it off.

The first time I seriously made out with a girl I experience that. Except it was continuous and lasted through the whole make out session. She must have though that I was really cold or seriously weird. Very strange sensation.

tacticon -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/6/2018 3:02:23 AM)

I went to buy a soda but it was really flat so I asked the guy at the counter if he could turn the frisson.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/6/2018 11:33:36 PM)


Asia: John has returned and is back in the gaming saddle. A good day in Korea and China and against Home Island industrial targets.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/7/2018 3:25:28 AM)


Intel Screen: Allies now less than 10k from auto victory.

Looking at the categories, Strat Bombing has contributed slight more than 50% of the Allied lead; Base Points has also become key; Army Loss Points, despite the 1:1 ratio, has been key because Japan opens the game by pulling way ahead in that category and I exacerbated the problem via Sumatra; Ships and Air War points have been tough, but fighting hard at sea and in the air helps clear the way for the other categories.

I think Allied victory will occur in roughly 20 to 30 days, perhaps less. John is fighting hard to milk points from bases and will look for other ways to tweak things in his favor. I think the Allies can win by destroyng enemy troops in China; building Keijo and Heijo large; and efficient Strat Bombing. Only in regard to the latter does John really have a chance to fight effectively, using fighter to down my bombers.

I don't think I need to cross the strait and lay siege to Singapore. And I think, at this point, John is best hiding KB.

So the biggest question left: Does he Banzai or doesn't he? Does he go out with a bang or a whimper? I just don't know.


Capt. Harlock -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/7/2018 4:32:29 AM)

D##n! I would really have loved to see Alaska and Baltimore in a surface scrap![sm=00000003.gif]

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/7/2018 4:37:45 AM)

Way back in the summer of '43, Halsey commanded a TF led by CA Baltimore. The dang TF reacted something like 12 or 13 hexes, from Wake Island to Saipan. The TF didn't accomplish anything, somehow didn't get hit hard by enemy air, and sort of obeyed orders to retire - reluctantly and in fits and starts. Since then, I've seldom put Halsey in command - but I did this past turn specifically to intercept John's cruisers...and this time Halsey just had coffee on the bridge and watched the Northern Lights.

obvert -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/7/2018 7:57:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: crsutton


ORIGINAL: Lokasenna


ORIGINAL: crsutton


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

I haven't experienced music stopping time, John, but I recognize what you're saying. There are times that music brings stinging tears to my eyes.

Sometimes that's for sentimental reasons: a song that meant something to us in youth or when we first fell in love, or patriotic songs. Just one example of that is Glenn Miller's rendition of Chattanooga Choo Choo, which brings to mind my parents, of the WWII generation, dancing when I was a little boy.

But sometimes it's the sheer beauty of a composition or arrangement or performance. Some of Tchaikovsky's works do that for me. And I think it would happen more often if I lived in a place where I could readily access live performances, for I've noticed that it happens almost without fail when I'm sitting in a theater or concert hall on rare occasions.

If you make me sit through loud rock concerts (including Christian rock), the tears are for another reason altogether. I hate noise.

Not the sentimental type at all but saw a flash mob performance of Beethoven's Ode to Joy (9th?) that just made me a little verklempt. Not even into classical but there something about it....

But do you guys experience frisson?

In my experience, once you start... it intensifies throughout life to the point where even just the hint of something that would do it touches it off.

The first time I seriously made out with a girl I experience that. Except it was continuous and lasted through the whole make out session. She must have though that I was really cold or seriously weird. Very strange sensation.

I get that. Definitely with music, but also remembering things that have had a big impact. It's odd. We are electric though, so I think of it as a little current going through.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/7/2018 10:03:42 AM)


Intel Screen: Allies increase score by a net of almost 400 points. This was a "quiet" turn, with little ground combat, as Allied troops continue to make good progress in closing the China Pocket. There was significant opposition to the Allied 4EB raid, too, but sweeps and escort managed to distract most of the fighters so that the bombers did their job efficiently. I'm trying to average about 500 points progress per day, so getting about 400 on a day like this one is pretty good.


obvert -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/7/2018 10:23:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel


Intel Screen: Allies increase score by a net of almost 400 points. This was a "quiet" turn, with little ground combat, as Allied troops continue to make good progress in closing the China Pocket. There was significant opposition to the Allied 4EB raid, too, but sweeps and escort managed to distract most of the fighters so that the bombers did their job efficiently. I'm trying to average about 500 points progress per day, so getting about 400 on a day like this one is pretty good.

I like seeing the countdown. interesting to notice turn by turn how much or how little difference occurs in the score, sometimes even on the quiet turns.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/7/2018 10:26:01 AM)


China: A good day of maneuver, as the Allies make progress towards closing the key Kaifeng Pocket.

Korea: Allies making progress heading north and south.


Lawless1 -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/7/2018 4:39:36 PM)

Wonderful article Dan. Passed it on to my wife and daughter who both writes poetry.

I also like the photos, your work?

Sitting silently
Rain fallls wind blows
The car shakes

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/7/2018 5:15:51 PM)

Thanks, Lawless. Yes, I took the photos during an epic Saturday bike ride and hike (the latter necessitated by a flat tire) covering about 11 miles in November. It was a memorable day.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/7/2018 5:19:50 PM)


Intel Screen: A good day for the Allies, whittling away on the Auto Vic target by more than 600 points. This came by a combination of Strategic Bombing (about 275 points), taking bases (about 200 points), and destroying a fair number of enemy squads (about 175 points). Signficantly, Allied armies continue to close on vulnerable Japanese stacks in Korea and in China. Alot of points to come that way. Also, the fall of Heijo (a turn or two earlier than expected) provides solid points potential. Engineers are en route to help build the airfield fast (100 points will accrue per level, and it's currently a 2(7)).


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/7/2018 5:43:06 PM)


China: Allied troops are close to encircling the main Japanese stack. China is a disaster for Japan.

Korea: Resistance has collapsed in northern Korea - several weak stacks exist that represent lots of points. Heijo falls a few days earlier than expected, so base building will commence as soon as the engineers arrive. And in the south, the Allied army approaching from due north threatens the flank of the Japanese MLR. Still a lot of work to do down here, but lots of points potentially here too.

Strategic Bombing: A good day grosses 275 points. Still far less than the mythical "1,000 points a day" that I've heard about. Occasionally my bombers gross 600 points or so, but routinely 300 seems like a good score.

Malaya: Allies take Johore Bahru. The Japanese are bottled up in Singers, with 40k troops probably behind 7 or 8 forts. I don't think it's worth tackling at this very late date, but I'll line things up in case of an eventuality where moving on Singers becomes necessary.

KB: No sign of John's carriers at the moment. I feel certain that KB South is loitering somewhere, while John yearns for a shot at the little RN carrier TFs at Colombo. I won't give him that chance. As for the rest of KB, I think it's in the Home Islands. Will he or won't he? (Banzai, I mean.) I don't have a feel for his mental state right now. He's not playing in character, so he might prefer to walk away with KB intact.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/8/2018 3:56:49 PM)


Ceylon: John's showed noticeably heightened interest in the Bay of Bengal in recent weeks, including NavSearch where there had been no NavSearch for months or years plus enemy subs. I have zero hard evidence of KB South's location, but I'm as positive as I can be that John's waiting to take on the RN carriers at Colombo.

The defenses at Colombo are sufficient to handle KB South. It occurs to me now that John may want this bad enough to augment KB South...and may have already done so, without my catching a whiff of the additional carriers in theater. So I'll take a few precautions to beef up the defenses.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/8/2018 3:59:59 PM)


As I continued to run the turn, about 15 seconds later I got a confirmed carrier sighting between Ceylon and Diego Garcia.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/8/2018 4:04:50 PM)


Air Raid Nagasaki: This is the main target today, and the opening sweeps show that there is minimal opposition. Ordinarily, after two turns hammering Fukuoka, a southern target, I'd swap to a northern target. John likes to think he has a handle on "target fixation," as he's referred to it, which I like to use against him. Mostly I succeed, though sometimes I don't (as when weather knocked out the sweeps at Shimonoseki earlier this week).


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/8/2018 4:16:13 PM)


Raid on Nagasaki: The first big contingent of 4EB comes in from Ningpo. Air opposition is minimal; flak appears decent (but I don't think the "damage" done to the Liberators is meaningful). Damage inflicted is decent but not earth-shaking at 8k.

Many more raids to follow, including 4EB from Shanghae and 2EB and 4Eb from Gunzan, Korea. Overall, damage inflicted is pretty signficant. I'll post more on that later.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/8/2018 4:22:15 PM)


Raid on Nagaski: Bombers coming from everywhere.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/8/2018 4:38:35 PM)


Kaifeng Pocket: The Allies are getting close to encircling the Japanese army once centered on Kaifeng. I think John still has hopes of extracting some/most of his units via Chengting. The odds look slim for him, so he's probably considering alternatives. Perhaps his best is to try for the rougher terrain to wage guerilla warfare until the war ends.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/8/2018 4:48:10 PM)


Northern Korea: Allies closing on Genzan and should take it within three or four days.

I don't think there's meaningful opposition NE of Genzan, although John is probably attending to that. I think his highest priority is to adequately garrison the big bases, like Mukden.

But once Genzan is taken, I'm going to shift a fair amount of the Allied army to the southern end of the Peninsula, where there's a lot of fighting to be done. John has a stout army there - worth a lot of points. And if the war were to last more than a fortnight or so, Fusan would be a key base necessary to future ops in the Sea of Japan.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/8/2018 4:55:16 PM)


Battle of Taikyu: This is the key to Korea, now. I'm trying to unhinge John's defenses by threatening to outflank his MLR to the W and NW. He has interior lines and good units here, but the Allied army is strong and the air force is nearby in massive numbers.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/8/2018 5:05:20 PM)


Battle of Chengting: Probing bombardment suggests the Japanese infantry units are weaker than expected. The Chinese army of some 4000+ AV will attack tomorrow.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/8/2018 5:20:55 PM)


KB South: Raiding, probably in hopes of bushwhacking the RN carriers at Colombo. Now that his carriers have been spotted, what will John do. He might Banzai, given the date and the circumstances of the war. I'll augment the CAP just a bit.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/8/2018 6:12:47 PM)


Intel Screen: Allies seem fated to score roughly 500 points per turn. That's a decent rate, so I'm not complaining. It'll end the war in 20 days or less. But I had expected more, since the Allied air force is far forward and is mostly unopposed by enemy fighters. I'll keep fiddling with the recipe, even as the sand runs through the hourglass.

And what about John? What's his thought process? Resignation and acceptance of the status quo as the end comes? Or does he take a dose of sake and trigger the Banzai charges.

Weird game. He has yet to employ kamikazes in meaningful numbers, even as the Allies romped all over his back yard and then knocked in the back door. I know he has a serious case of "Can't Take on Death Star," but that was the same dilemma the real Japan faced.

I think he'll pull the trigger at the last moment, even if he's not thinking that way now.


JeffroK -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/8/2018 6:35:51 PM)

CR, as well as posting the points difference can you post the ratio.
After all, AV depends on achieving a ratio, not a points difference.

Currently its at 1.896 v 1.890 at your previous posting.

Lecivius -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/8/2018 6:43:09 PM)



CR, as well as posting the points difference can you post the ratio.
After all, AV depends on achieving a ratio, not a points difference.

Currently its at 1.896 v 1.890 at your previous posting.

OK, color me confused. Currently the ratio is 1.897 (146534/77255), and needs to be 2:1. Or am I missing something?

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/8/2018 7:08:35 PM)

I think it's easier to work from the raw numbers than a ratio, but I'll try to post the ratio too.

Lecivius, you're right about the current ratio and the ratio needed for AV.

On a separate note, I don't know if and to what extent FOW will toy with my AV calculations. For instance, there are ships that have been sunk that I haven't gotten credit for (yet), and the same for John. So the numbers we're going by probably aren't true duo to that FOW.

JohnDillworth -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/8/2018 11:03:27 PM)



But I had expected more, since the Allied air force is far forward and is mostly unopposed by enemy fighters. I'll keep fiddling with the recipe, even as the sand runs through the hourglass.

You seem to have found the recipe for Strategic bombing. It's all great until you send in every bomber and the sweeps go in last against a well defended target. BTW, are the bombers going in all at once or do they come in waves? Are you mixing altitudes? Lower is probably better but I'd keep the B-29's up a big higher and maybe go in really low with the low service rating stuff. Bad, bad times for the Empire when the 2E bombers are showing up

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (2/9/2018 3:43:44 AM)

I have a good flow going right now. I've tinkered with lots of different configurations - day, night, low, medium, high, escorts, no escorts, etc. Right now, I'm usually able to pick targets that are largely undefended or which my fighters easily handle, making things easy on the 4EB. I'm setting them at 8k - high enough that flak isn't a killer and low enough to score points. For a long time, I was setting them to 2k, which resulted in tremendous accuracy but attrition that wasn't sustainable. (Sometimes I set the 2EB lower than 8k when I think a target has little flak.) Usually all my 'Forts are set at the same altitude. Usually the raids are broken into several large contingents and a few smaller, straggling contingents. Overall, I'm pleased with mission coordination - the raid last turn from something like five different bases was a good example.

Operation Unicycle has been going on for about three weeks. Losses to the Superforts have been low. But accumulated wear and tear is beginning to factor in. For the next few days, I'm likely to rest most of the 'Forts while using the other 4EB to hit ground targets in Korea.

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