RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (Full Version)

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Hexagon -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (1/31/2013 1:26:17 PM)

Nice screen, and as The Plodder i think that the direction triangle is hard to see... maybe made it bigger... and same for the unit colour... maybe these 2 things are modable but add the option to see these info bigger is interesting (maybe in options you can select big or small as you prefer).

The 3D icons are a good idea but maybe as with the other things add the option to have a pure 2D is good.

A little question, the bridge symbols represent a special type of bridge or is generic??? i refer if you see allways this symbol where is a bridge (any type of them, a tipical 2 ways bridge small or a big bridge like in a highway) or only is present when is a big bridge.

CapnDarwin -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (1/31/2013 3:47:21 PM)

Bridge symbol is generic and shows that the road goes over the water.

Move arrows and command colors size is fixed. It needs to be on the counter, but I will see about having a setting for sizing them both a few pixels. May end up on our list of things for follow on updates.

The map markers are more or less set. The VP markers may get a revamp. Once you have the game you will be able to mod/edit the art to fit your needs.

Great questions. Keep them coming!

wodin -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (1/31/2013 4:15:10 PM)

Are individual solider kills tracked in a counter? Or is it more like a boardgame where you have half counter when it takes a hit.

By the way I'm keeping my FB page updated..your game is generating interest.

BAL -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (1/31/2013 4:23:55 PM)

I like everything I've seen so far. As long as the graphics and map get the infromation across clearly - which I think they do now - I'm fine with it.

Looking forward to the release.

502MI, 2ACR 1982 - 85

danlongman -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (1/31/2013 4:41:35 PM)

Little western style crucifixes for expired commies? That is red baiting at its worst.

CapnDarwin -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (1/31/2013 10:31:10 PM)

Fast and furious time...

1. @ Wodin - Kills are for squads and teams. We did not go down to individuals. We may be able to add a post mortum result listing dead and wounded down the road.

2. @ Wodin - I like the Facebook page and added it to my rotation.

3. @ BAL - Welcome aboard! We should see more info flowing for very soon.

4. @ Dan - Needed something small, more or less universally recognizable, work. It is one of the art assets you can change however. [;)]

wodin -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (1/31/2013 11:17:48 PM)

Capt what I mean is when a Inf Platoon Counter takes a hit does it mean one soldier is killed (And the attributes drop a touch)..or is it morwe abstracted the unit flips to half values and the next hit it's removed?

Same with Tank Platoons does a hit loose one tank from the unit or again is the counter flipped to wounded status and half attributes?

Jim there are two other posts I believe on FP2 on the page further down to the one you liked;)..all three have got a great response. Good to see you there..I will keep the page upto date on your progress.

CapnDarwin -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (1/31/2013 11:39:08 PM)

Wodin et al.,

Losses are by individual vehicles and then squads and teams for infantry...see pic below.


Hexagon -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/1/2013 11:12:00 AM)

Ummm but in infantry units lose a squad is harder than lose a vehicle??? is not the same kill a vehicle than an infatry squad in open order using terrain to cover, maybe this is why i prefer at this scale see soldiers not squads because is to abstract lose a squad... this is why i never like a lot Tiller Campaigns... other thing is if you have squads with a status % (you know you have a counter with 3 squads where 1 is at 50% other is at 80%).

Oooo something i dont remember ask, is possible join units to create a new unit??? i think in have a company heavy damage and join all his units to have a single counter.


CapnDarwin -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/2/2013 2:44:48 AM)


1. The game is a step above tactical and the grand tactical level. Going down to single people is beyond the scope range of the game. That being said the combat engine does know who shot what at whom and the bonuses and abilities of the individual units are taken into account. Your losses are shown both in total number of runners in the units and also as seen in the pic above. As I said to Woding some posts back, we may be able to add a feature down the road to list out losses down to the man in the post mortum of a battle.

2. We had tried merge and split with units in the Mid-East version of the game that got shelved. It was a function that worked okay for a player but was almost impossible to code for the AI. You can basically stack the units together to simulate this function and units get a bonus to readiness and morale recovery if they are near other units and/or HQ unit. With the game having a campaign model, it was important to retain each unit and its stats (runners/losses and kills) to be able to refit for follow on missions. If you think split and merge is a good feature, be sure to bring it up in the official forums when they go online in a few weeks.

Thanks for your interest in the game!

Mad Russian -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/2/2013 2:18:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: danlongman

Little western style crucifixes for expired commies? That is red baiting at its worst.

Little western style crucifixes for expired NATO soldiers? That is blue baiting at its worst.

The loss markers are generic. No baiting involved.

Good Hunting.


Mad Russian -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/2/2013 2:21:49 PM)



Ummm but in infantry units lose a squad is harder than lose a vehicle??? is not the same kill a vehicle than an infatry squad in open order using terrain to cover, maybe this is why i prefer at this scale see soldiers not squads because is to abstract lose a squad... this is why i never like a lot Tiller Campaigns... other thing is if you have squads with a status % (you know you have a counter with 3 squads where 1 is at 50% other is at 80%).

Oooo something i dont remember ask, is possible join units to create a new unit??? i think in have a company heavy damage and join all his units to have a single counter.


The game is a platoon level game. The infantry squad rides in a single vehicle. That scale remains consistent.

All wargames are an abstraction. What you will not see is every single soldier identified. Each unit is a platoon. No units cannot combine. In all honesty, they don't last that long when they start taking casualties. Loss rates are high in modern combat. It's all you can do to get parts of your units out of it alive at times.


While I'm at it...I have mixed screen shots. Some are older graphics some are newer. We are constantly making changes to the game. These are pre-discussion shots. We won't be getting into the latest and greatest everything until we get a forum and Matrix says...GO!

Good Hunting.


Mad Russian -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/2/2013 3:52:05 PM)


But what is that? Is it a tank column or a column being led by a tank?

Good Hunting.



CapnDarwin -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/2/2013 4:05:47 PM)

I'm guessing tanks. Lots of tanks. [:D]

wodin -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/2/2013 5:40:30 PM)

lots of tanks..

Mad Russian -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/2/2013 7:49:49 PM)

You just never know, do you?

Good Hunting.



Hexagon -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/3/2013 3:07:34 PM)

Well, i refer if game use absolute values... 1 hit 1 squad out... nothing more, this is why i like see infantry strenght in soldiers not abstract points/squads

Nice pics, red power looks health [:D] a little question talking about red... i supose game has guards and non guards units, if this is true you use a diferent counter colour for them??? i dont enter if you use special units (comandos, airborne, naval).


CapnDarwin -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/3/2013 5:04:47 PM)


The counter color is by nation. So, no we do not have a guards/non-guards distinction like that. The scenario and intel info will tell you in most cases who you are up against. Different colors would have required a separate data folder for a clone of the same information other than counter color. The equipment used by both is the same and the differences in training and morale are set in the scenario design to reflect these kinds of things.

CarnageINC -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/3/2013 7:30:51 PM)

This is all looking great! [&o] Please keep posting teasers shots [;)]

Mad Russian -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/3/2013 9:19:51 PM)

Combat is a bit more involved that 1 hit, 1 squad out. The platoon strength is shown on the counter. When it takes a hit that number is reduced. If you take a vehicle hit while they are in transit then you lose the squad as well as the vehicle. If the platoon is deployed it may be either a vehicle hit or an infantry squad hit.

Once we can give you a full range of AAR's, screen shots, etc. it can be shown in much more detail. At the moment we are simply trying to show that there is work being done to the game. That this is not a game that is just sitting on a back burner somewhere.

Good Hunting.


Hexagon -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/4/2013 12:09:41 PM)

Well, i only talk about i know, this is why i ask if game uses absolute damage values in infantry/vehicles... i dont expect same level of detail as in Steel Panthers but at least dont expect have the feeling of "1 tank platoon shoot 2 dismount infantry squads out" even in modern combat infantry has his old advantages and is not easy clear his presence.

An AAR sure provide a better look to the game in all sides.

Ummm then basic game doesnt has diferent counters in same nation to separate unit types (guars, airborne, naval, comando...) but this is modable??? something like copy paste the nation folder, rename it, change counter and can use it in scen editor???


Mad Russian -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/4/2013 5:37:41 PM)

I know, you are simply trying to understand how the game works. It's simple, the game is a squad and single vehicle based game. Those are plugged into the ORBATS where they belong or where the scenario designer adds or subtracts them. The games combat system then eliminates units in squad or single vehicle losses as appropriate. The unit counter shows how many overall building blocks (squads/vehicles)are in the unit and keeps a running total for you on the counter.

Good Hunting.


wodin -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/4/2013 6:09:01 PM)

I too would have loved to see individual soldiers monitored within a squad..the less abstraction the better for me in tactical games..however it's not a deal breaker..would love it to be the case but I can live with it. As long as the immersion is there and some chrome (the citation bit being one) I'm happy.

So the bottom left number is the squad or vehicle count then? If so cool..erm will this be prone to FOW? Maybe the enemy counter says 5 but really there are 8 or something like that? If it's a mixed force counter...and it shows 5 does that mean 5 vehicles or 5 squads? Also will it be possible in a mixed force counter to show both vehicle count and Inf\squad count?

Hexagon -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/4/2013 9:01:30 PM)

Something i dont remember ask, is possible know if you can change by fight and works the enviroment??? i refer to things like remove/add obstacles, bridges (specially bridges, here i have in my mind the "Red Storm" fight for the bridge episode where you can destroy/damage them by accident) and of course defensive works like trenches (here if is posible create defensive works you destroy them when are assaulted and conquest or you can win his control with negative points).

PD: try find info under rocks pre-game release is other kind of "game" is like play a wargame based on intelligence... feel like Jack Ryan searching tits in a photo [:D]

CapnDarwin -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/4/2013 10:40:50 PM)

@wodin - Bad guys number of units is variable. If you have certain setting turned on you can "look" at the units and see its exact composition. As for single soldiers being indicated, other then the post mortum possibility talked to a number of threads above, that granular of a resolution is just out of scope for this style of game.

@ Hex - Yes you can add/move/remove mine fields, obstacles, bridges, and other markers (VPs). Bridges at the moment can only be blown by engineers. We hay have to think about airstrikes as a down the road item to add.

Hexagon -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/5/2013 12:17:18 PM)

I see... ummm i dont know how work bridges but maybe you can add to them a value to show what unit types can use them and combats in the hexes that are close to it can reduce his value (low % if with range attacks and high % in assaults) and you can find that you are unable to use a bridge with tanks only with light armored vehicles... or only with on foot infantry apart of course damage/destroy them with airstrikes or other weapons... is not easy destroy one of them without a big bomb or a demolition unit.


Mad Russian -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/5/2013 4:50:46 PM)

There is one size bridge. No need to give them values in this game. Maybe later.

Good Hunting.


wodin -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/5/2013 6:33:37 PM)

I think at some point if the airwar is in game be able to cal in airstrikes on bridges..

Actually how is the Air war managed ;)

CapnDarwin -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/6/2013 1:38:13 AM)


If you have air strikes inthe scenario you can order them to strike locations on the map. We have a number of aircraft and a number of various loadouts for them too. We did not get too crazy and try to have every possible loadout under the sun, but we tried to cover the major ones and also SEAD loadouts. The attacks are abstracted down to the aircraft showing at the target, taking AD fire from applicable platforms (assuming they detect the aircraft), ordinance attack on target, and then aircraft leaving. If the aircraft has weapons left there is a chance it will go back on standby for another call in or it goes home to rearm and reload.

We are in the midst right now of working the air defense and airstrike systems in the game engine. Hopefully we will be able to show a few screens down the road here when the release announcement is made.

wodin -> RE: Better Get to Know Red Storm... (2/8/2013 8:48:21 PM)

Sounds perfect.

How about helicopters and Insertion?

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