FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (Full Version)

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FieldOfGlory -> FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/29/2013 4:56:48 AM)

Its been a long time since I've done an AAR. With all the updates to AT Gold and the incorporation of leaders I have had a renewed interest in playing the game.

This will be a random game on a large map with 4 countries. All 3 AI are set to AI+

This game will be played on a looped large map with normal continents and full range climate. It took about 8 tries before I got a map I liked. I wanted to play a German power and I didn't want my country to be too fragmented.

This will be a tough contest. Against AI+ I am hit and miss. I win a few more than I lose but this game could go either way. AI+ comes on hard and fast. In my experience if I can survive to turn 15-20 without completely imploding then it usually becomes a victory.

I do not expect to play this game to the death. Rather it will most likely be played til my position becomes hopeless or victory seems so sure that it becomes incredibly boring to continue.

FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/29/2013 5:18:49 AM)

Here is Mother Germany at start. I share a large border with the Islamabad republic and my capital Berlin is on an isolated peninsula. War with them will come fast and I only hope they wait a couple of turns at least before they declare war against me.
The other 2 powers will end up at war with each other soon enough as they also share a long border with each other. Islamabad shares only a very small border with either of the other 2 powers so I doubt there will be anyone else coming to my aid in the near future. I will likely have to tackle them without help.
Islamabad has an isolated city in my territory and it will be impossible for them to defend it. My capital is also isolated but it should be easy to defend it with the natural choke point to the south.


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/29/2013 5:23:09 AM)

The border in the North has a very defendable border between the river and the Mountains to the East.


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/29/2013 5:31:41 AM)

The Western border on the other hand is going to be a nightmare. It is a wide open desert for enemy armor and other terrible things to just charge right in and will be very difficult to defend. To make matters worst it is a critical area that needs to be held at nearly any cost.
For starters they rail junction here is my life line to the Northern German cities and the Port city Asnabruck is the most Direct supply line to Berlin.


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/29/2013 6:36:41 AM)

First order of business from the Fuhrer is to establish a command structure. A regional HQ is created in Osnabruck which is little more than a supply depot for the German mainland. From Osnabruck it can has a close connection to OKW in Berlin and a good central position to work from.
The Fuhrer also ordered the creation of 5 Armies charged with the defense of the mainland to be led by the finest military minds hand picked by the Fuhrer himself.
Berlin will be defended by OKW under the direct command of the Fuhrer.
The 5 Generals picked to lead the 5 Great armies are as follows :
-Heinz Guderian
-Emil Leeb
-Walter Model
-Erwin Rommel
-Von Rundstedt

Many others were in the running but will have to wait for there chance to command. The Fuhrer has made known his plans for a massive build up of military forces and there are sure to be many more opportunities for talented commanders.

FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/29/2013 6:39:32 AM)


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/29/2013 6:41:06 AM)

Sorry. OOB


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/29/2013 7:21:47 AM)


June 1st 1930 on turn 1 Islamabad attacks!

The Fuhrer is woken up early in morning on June 1st.
(Fuhrer's aid)... My Fuhrer wake up we have a situation.

(Fuhrer) What do you want you idiot! I'll have you shot is this isn't important!

(Fuhrer's aid) The Muslims have attacked us my Fuhrer. There forces have began poring over our borders.

(Fuhrer) What!!! Call my Generals and order them to attack you idiot!

(Fuhrer's aid) My Fuhrer general Rommel has already ordered a general attack on all fronts. But he told OKW that the German army does not have enough men to hold back this advance by Islamabad. OKW has requested your council my Fuhrer. There is panic among the men.

(Fuhrer) Idiots! I am surrounded by idiots! Tell the High command to enact an immediate emergency draft. I want every German who can pull a trigger with a rifle in his hand.

(Fuhrer's aid) ????

(Fuhrer) I mean right now you fool!

(Fuhrer) Yes my Fuhrer

FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/29/2013 7:28:18 AM)

Well I was really hoping for a couple of turns at least before the attacked but that didn't happen. My forces are seriously under staffed and disorganized. I hope this AAR doesn't end in a quick defeat.

Model and Rundstedt began an immediate advance on the isolated city in the North.

Leeb attempts an attack on a lone Muslim unit that crosses the border and suffers terrible losses.


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/29/2013 7:34:57 AM)

Rommel's forces move cautiously towards the Islamabad border. Rommel's 1st Army was the only army that actually received some combat forces in turn 1. All other Army HQ's just received staff and a few trucks.


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/29/2013 7:38:15 AM)

I need Riflemen Yesterday. 560 Regiments of brave fighting men on there way. May God help the proud German people.


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/29/2013 7:56:13 AM)

Model is promoted.

The AI is coming on fast. Already they have tanks in the field.


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/29/2013 8:07:24 AM)

Rommel has made contact already in the desert. His army has received more reinforcements than the other so far. I need to get a gun factory up soon. Riflemen alone aren't going to hold these guys back for very long without some extra firepower to help out.


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/29/2013 8:41:49 AM)

So here we are at the end of the July turn.

Leeb's army got a lot of reinforcements and has now been ordered to move forward and take the river before the Muslim hordes begin to bridge it. Further to the East Guderian's army is under serous pressure and will receive extra reinforcements next month. He must hold his end of the line.

In the North Model and Rundstedt are slowly trying to encircle the isolated Islamabad city.


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/29/2013 8:48:44 AM)

Rommel's Army is preparing for a massive battle. He expects it will be the biggest since the Great War and his orders are to hold the Western Desert at all cost.

Germany has just constructed its first gun factory and the Fuhrer has ordered it to begin production at once. Rommel's 1st Army will receive the first shipment of big guns next month.


Josh -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/29/2013 4:59:39 PM)

Great [&o]

A word of advice if I may? Don't attack with your Inf units headon early in this game, without higher Exp or AT guns/mortars and such they are cannonfodder. Try to make it a war of encirclement at this stage, 1-2 turns of encirclement and the opposing unit is depleted. Wait till you have at least some light armour, lvl II as soon as possible, they gain Exp very fast because of the massive Inf kills they get, and a few high Exp lvl II-III light armour can take out most enemy tanks too.

Good luck.

Tac2i -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/29/2013 8:12:57 PM)

Unless an entire view of the ATG screen is necessary for explaining what is happening, may I suggest that you crop your screenshots to show us only the map.

Thanks for doing this AAR! We need more of them like this.

FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/30/2013 4:50:29 AM)

@ Josh - Yes Leeb's attack was a disaster. But I have managed a couple of successful attacks when attacking from multiple directions. Good advice thank you.

@ Webizen - My thought was that some viewers might enjoy seeing the detailed info on the full screen. Mini map, unit composition, Leader stats, Etc...

FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/30/2013 5:53:06 AM)

Position at the end of August turn.

Leeb has made good progress pushing towards the river and Guderian is holding well.


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/30/2013 6:01:29 AM)

The Islamabad city Auara in the North has been a tough fight. Model's 5th Army to the West of the city has been taking serous punishment and OKW has had concerns more than once that his Army may be cut off. Elements of Guderians Army to the south have moved North just in case the Muslim Army succeeds in cutting off the 5th Army.


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/30/2013 6:16:55 AM)

Rommel has further fortified his position with the addition of AT guns. Rommel has been persistent warning OKW that the biggest threat to the German position in the Western desert is the inevitable onslaught of Islamabad armored units.
Rommel also petitioned OKW for Armored units to aid the German position. Rommel has bragged that all he would need is a few Armored cars and he can push the Muslims back and fight this war on there ground. Then he further stated that if had a few Panzer divisions under his command by Spring he could be rolling them down the streets of Islamabad itself by mid Summer.

OKW responded by stating that German oil production cannot yet support any significant amount of Armor and the 1st Army will have to make due with what is available.


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/30/2013 7:36:13 AM)

End of September.

Leeb and Guderian and pushed back the Muslim horde and secured the river.


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/30/2013 8:05:42 AM)

(Fuhrer's aid) My Fuhrer reports have just come in that Islamabad forces are approaching Berlin security forces stationed to the south. Size and strength of the enemy are unknown.

(Fuhrer) Do you think my dinner jacket makes me look fat?

(Fuhrer's aid) Ahh, of course not my Fuhrer. About the approaching forces. Colonel Deter Wiese who is in command of the Infantry charged with guarding the Narrows to the South has requested OKW to dispatch Engineers to construct a fortification to aid in there defense.

(Fuhrer) What! I have taken personal command of all Berlin security forces and all request are to directly to me. Not OKW!

(Fuhrer's aid) AHH... Of course my Fuhrer. I will inform the Colonel right away.

(Fuhrer) Wait! I have an idea Shultz. Tell OKW to dispatch Engineers with great haste to the narrows and construct a defensive fortification to aid our troops guarding our great Capital.

(Fuhrer's aid) Oh yes my Fuhrer that is a brilliant idea.

(Fuhrer) Of course it is. What are you waiting for Shultz? I want you to tell them NOW!

(Fuhrer's aid) Yes my Fuhrer.

On another note. Large numbers of enemy forces are approaching Rommel's forces from the South. Rommel has repositioned forces to the Southern flank in response.


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/30/2013 8:18:59 AM)

The siege of Zuara is not going so well. Every time German force close in and surround the city they are beaten back with great loss to our forces by a large number of Islamabad Armored vehicles.

General Model has put in an urgent request to OKW for AT guns and strongly suggested that Von Runstedt's forces to the West also be given AT guns.

Model went on to explain to OKW that German casualties are painfully high. The men are disorganized and moral is in the toilet. New recruits are flowing in to replace the losses in droves and going back home in body bags within days. Anti-tank guns are in desperate need ASAP.


Vic -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/30/2013 3:21:12 PM)

nice AAR! :)

also one word of advice: use artillery to level Zaura. Once structural points go down to zero the town will not be able to produce any or much supplies or reinforcements.


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/31/2013 6:31:50 AM)

A very good idea. Blast the city to rubble and he will run out of supplies. I like IT!

FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/31/2013 7:48:18 AM)

End of October and the AT guns have had an almost immediate effect on the battle for Zuara. A Dozen Artillery guns have gone into production to aid in the battle.

The Fuhrer awakens from a dead sleep covered in sweat...

(Fuhrer) SHULTZ!

(Enters Fuhrer's aid) "Yes my Fuhrer." Shultz says with a snap in his heels.

(Fuhrer) I have had a fantastic dream. A strange but brilliant man spoke to me in my dreams. He said his name was Victor but told me I could call him Vic!

(Fuhrer's aid) What did he say my Fuhrer?

(Fuhrer) Call our gun factory immediately and tell them to switch all production from AT guns to Artillery. All production is to be shipped to General Model and General Rundstedt. Then Contact the Generals with a message marked urgent. Message is to read "Use every Artillery Gun at your disposal and pound Zuara into dust. There is to be no building left standing. Signed The Fuhrer."

(Fuhrer's aid) Yes my Fuhrer. But what did the strange man tell you?

(Fuhrer)He said If I wanted Zuara to fall all I needed was a few BIG guns to bring it down. Oh and one more thing. He said you are an IDIOT! Now stop asking me questions and get on the phone now!


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/31/2013 8:11:15 AM)

Despite all of Rommel's troops that are located in the desert not being able to entrench they held the line and inflicted heavy casualties of the Muslim forces. The attacks hit the Southern part of the line just as predicted by Rommel.
As you may recall Rommel reinforced the Southern flank last month with extra divisions from the Northern part of the line. All Divisions in Rommel's 1st Army have been equipped with both AT and Infantry Guns. These divisions are very heavy and I went a little over on my stacking in the South as you can see from the pic. The Combat bonus from Rommel's command is Quiet High though and combined with the Supporting guns proved very effective despite the lack of entrenchment. But the Muslim army has not hit this line with any significant amount of Armor yet.


FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/31/2013 8:25:05 AM)

German industry has been focused on producing PP for the last 2 turns and I have been able to invest PP's in oil production. Oil production has tripled as a result and next on my to do list is to build a tank factory. Tank production should begin in December and Armor Divisions will be ready to lead an offensive in the Spring. Hopefully anyway.[sm=Tank-fahr09.gif]

FieldOfGlory -> RE: FieldOfGlory vs 3 AI+ powers V2.14 with Leaders (3/31/2013 8:51:13 AM)


After a Artillery barrage using 12 guns the call was made to attempt a joint assault on Zuara using elements from Model's and Rundstedt's Armies. The attempt failed but the Cities production has been cut in half. The advantage is beginning to shift and the City will likely fall soon.


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