RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (Full Version)

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RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests

See RPs and/or No nav zones and/or exclusion zones from all sides
  1% (4)
Local weather fronts (non-global weather)
  36% (92)
EE trigger: ID status change on contact
  0% (0)
AND / OR operators on event conditions
  21% (54)
Dynamic campaign (events on one scen affect the next)
  24% (61)
Add Magazine
  1% (4)
Lua: Join a unit to a group
  0% (2)
Lua: Compel a ship to UNREP
  0% (1)
UI windows for editing magazines and datalinks (like wpns / sensors)
  4% (12)
Add filter-options to the "Teleport_Unit" event action
  0% (0)
Make nav/exclusion zones optionally applicable to specific units
  1% (4)
Persist sprint and drift settings to .inst file
  0% (2)
Lua: Specify unit as escort on a mission
  1% (4)
Lua: Specify desired unit speed/throttle
  1% (3)
Option to scrub a No-Nav Zone if the side is human-played
  0% (0)
Wrecked ships
  3% (8)

Total Votes : 251
(last vote on : 2/11/2022 6:45:03 AM)
(Poll will run till: -- )


Dimitris -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (1/6/2015 5:50:37 PM)

Removed "EE action: Delete unit" as this has been re-implemented in Build 631. If you voted for this you can vote again.

Dimitris -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (2/13/2015 2:43:36 PM)

Removed "Ability to use coordinates to add facilities (like marker:city)" as this is now available through Lua (either as an EE-scripted action or directly through the Lua console). If you voted for this you can now vote again.

Vici Supreme -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (2/16/2015 12:08:24 AM)

Can we have the ability to change loadouts on aircraft using LUA script? Since we are now given the ability to re-assign aircraft to other missions, having the option to apply a mission-fitting loadout would be very useful. [:)]


orca -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (2/22/2015 4:00:40 AM)

Request making adding/removing magazines and datalinks work the same as weapons and sensors.

Vici Supreme -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (2/23/2015 5:32:23 PM)

Hey guys! I'd like to suggest adding filter-options to the "Teleport_Unit" event action. Something similar to the unit filter in the DB Viewer could be very useful, especially with big scenarios that have tons of units placed.

Check this out! I'm so proud of myself right now...


Dimitris -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (3/3/2015 7:38:24 PM)

"Change side on a unit that is already placed" has been added in B679. If you voted for this you can vote again.

Vici Supreme -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (3/4/2015 12:30:19 AM)



"Change side on a unit that is already placed" has been added in B679. If you voted for this you can vote again.

Perfect timing! [:)]

Mgellis -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (3/4/2015 1:49:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: Supreme 2.0



"Change side on a unit that is already placed" has been added in B679. If you voted for this you can vote again.

Perfect timing! [:)]


This adds a lot of possibilities.

jmarso -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (5/14/2015 10:53:00 PM)

Currently editing my fourth 'big' scenario. (These efforts will be posted here relatively soon.) Hands down the best scenario editor I've worked with in any game, period. That said and having played pretty extensively with the scenario editor now, the and/or operator for events would be a HUGE boon. Just my .02.

figabo -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (5/20/2015 11:00:31 AM)

Note sure it could be possible but i ask [:)]

Possibility to have a tool to uncompress scenario files...

ghynson -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (6/6/2015 8:35:00 AM)

I would like to see the USS Constitution added to the DB3000.
After all, it is the worlds oldest, "STILL commissioned" naval ship still in service since 1797.

I'm sure some very creative scenarios could include it.

Thanks in advance,.. :)

jmarso -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (6/8/2015 7:12:08 AM)

Here's one: make navigation and exclusion zones optionally applicable to units versus whole categories like 'aircraft,' etc.

For example, if I use a navigation zone to put a standoff around something that I don't want, say, an MPA to fly into, other air units on the same side can't attack it.

figabo -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (6/21/2015 8:29:47 PM)


i have a request concerning the saving the select units/group to file :

will it be possible to have the sprint and drift saved too in the inst file
when you save a ship group ?

Thanks a lot !

hellfish6 -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (7/5/2015 9:30:23 PM)

I'm sure this is on a list somewhere, but when adding platforms, I'd really like it if the menu remembered the country you were working in. I think this works on surface ships, but for subs and aircraft, you keep having to navigate back to the country you were working on (in other words, every time you add an aircraft, the menu is set to Country: None).

It isn't a huge problem, but it'd save a little time and annoyance if it could just default to the last country you were working in.

Excroat3 -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (7/6/2015 2:27:42 AM)

Why does nobody vote for the dynamic campaign? I think it would be pretty cool, especially in the Northern Fury scenarios.

figabo -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (7/7/2015 11:28:23 AM)


A request which could be interresting for lua scripting :

when using lua command assign unit to a mission, having some kind of parameter saying that you want the unit as escort for a strike mission. (as you can do it in the mission editor)

Primarchx -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (7/7/2015 12:29:34 PM)

Wait. You can change a placed unit's side now? How do you do this!?



"Change side on a unit that is already placed" has been added in B679. If you voted for this you can vote again.

DeSade -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (9/2/2015 8:07:04 PM)

one LUA plea: speed field in Unit structure. Exposed to AddUnit, SetUnit and GetUnit functions.

Dimitris -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (9/2/2015 8:24:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Primarchx

Wait. You can change a placed unit's side now? How do you do this!?



"Change side on a unit that is already placed" has been added in B679. If you voted for this you can vote again.

Check the v1.09 RC.

stilesw -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (9/3/2015 3:24:31 PM)

Would it be possible to add a 'depth' parameter to the add/set/get structure for units. This would apply to submarine units as the altitude field does to add/set/get structure for aircraft. Thanks.

W. Stiles

DeSade -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (9/3/2015 11:37:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: stilesw
Would it be possible to add a 'depth' parameter to the add/set/get structure for units. This would apply to submarine units as the altitude field does to add/set/get structure for aircraft. Thanks.
W. Stiles

Actually, altitude works for subs, just remember to set it negative [8D]

stilesw -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (9/4/2015 4:02:49 PM)

Hmm. Must be doing something wrong. I tried the following:

ScenEdit_AddUnit({type = 'Sub',
name = 'RedSub',
dbid = 392,
side = 'Red',
altitude = -100,

It created the sub however it is at a depth or -66 feet. Also tried altitude = "-100 ft" with the same result. Tried "depth" instead of "altitude" in case such a field existed - no change. The Baloogan Lua on-line reference does say:

--Altitude: Only valid for aircraft, if a number is passed to this function it will assume its in meters, otherwise pass a string in with units; for example: "5000 ft", "2000 m", "40000 ft"
--Alt is also a valid way to input altitude

What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

W. Stiles

Tomcat84 -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (9/9/2015 4:41:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: Primarchx

Wait. You can change a placed unit's side now? How do you do this!?



"Change side on a unit that is already placed" has been added in B679. If you voted for this you can vote again.

if you were still wondering:

Syntax is: ScenEdit_SetUnitSide({side="XXX", name="YYY", newside="ZZZ"})

Vici Supreme -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (9/13/2015 3:34:49 PM)

It would be very useful to have the option to scrub a No-Navigation Zone once the side is played by a human player. Just like you can do in the Mission Editor.


Primarchx -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (9/13/2015 4:26:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: Tomcat84


ORIGINAL: Primarchx

Wait. You can change a placed unit's side now? How do you do this!?



"Change side on a unit that is already placed" has been added in B679. If you voted for this you can vote again.

if you were still wondering:

Syntax is: ScenEdit_SetUnitSide({side="XXX", name="YYY", newside="ZZZ"})

Thanks, TC. Is there a full listing of Lua routines and syntax out there somewhere? There are quite a few new commands that have vague input parameters in the editor. Thanks!

snowburn -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (9/13/2015 8:23:22 PM)

Im working on a script to generate downed pilots and rescue missions, but i need a function that allows me to know if a pair of coordinates are on land or water, something like:

function isWater(X, Y) return bool

thanks :)

ColonelMolerat -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (9/30/2015 9:11:18 PM)

I don't own the game (yet), but was talking about potential scenarios. Someone a thread I was on suggested I post this to a request thread. (I don't know if this is the right place, I'm awful at navigating forums):

Wrecked ships/other units: In the editor, make it possible to designate a unit as 'wrecked'. This would allow for missions in which the player has to find shipwrecks (and possibly discover enemy subs in the process, or for false-positives to be added for sub-hunting missions (ie, a sub could lurk in a ship graveyard).

Dimitris -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (10/6/2015 9:42:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: Supreme 2.0

Can we have the ability to change loadouts on aircraft using LUA script? Since we are now given the ability to re-assign aircraft to other missions, having the option to apply a mission-fitting loadout would be very useful. [:)]



Dimitris -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (10/6/2015 9:43:52 AM)


Request making adding/removing magazines and datalinks work the same as weapons and sensors.


Dimitris -> RE: RUNNING POLL - ScenEdit requests (10/6/2015 9:44:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: Supreme 2.0

Hey guys! I'd like to suggest adding filter-options to the "Teleport_Unit" event action. Something similar to the unit filter in the DB Viewer could be very useful, especially with big scenarios that have tons of units placed.

Check this out! I'm so proud of myself right now...



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