RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (Full Version)

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Tejszd -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (10/18/2014 7:43:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: Nomada_Firefox

Just because we do not know too information about the game, it is not a game to half done.

However, at these days very few games have not a patch after the release.

You are correct most games now days seem to need patches after release and I will give Matrix some credit as they have released a number of patches for previous CC releases. But at the same time there are still serious TLD outstanding bugs;� and LSA outstanding bugs; that should be addressed....

So do you buy this new game hoping it gets patched? You can but buyer beware based on the previous games as Steve's response in the TLD bug thread is that nothing is planned and newer releases are the priority.

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (10/20/2014 9:14:02 AM)

I do not think that nobody work more in a game with a bad engine made more of 14 years ago. In fact the errors from LSA and TLD, probably they can not be fixed, specially because they do not go to give more profits to the creators. At the end, you can speak with Sulla, he was one of the creators, ah man, he does not know absolutely nothing about computers, code and more. What pity.[:'(]

STIENER -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (11/1/2014 2:58:41 AM)

i have to agree with tejszd......Would rather wait longer than getting something half done....
Wish they would patch the previous games before going on to the next game as there are many outstanding bugs.

some of us after being hard core CC players and buyers since CC2 are tired of the frustration of play testing the 1/2 finished games and when we try to get stuff fixed were not really for the most part listened to.

i still havent bought GWTC for this very reason [ and good reason, IE lobby / multi player issues etc etc ] and im not buying the bloody 1st either till its also patched and finished...what ever matrix decides a finished game is....see LSA and TLD. [:(]

TIK -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (11/1/2014 7:42:12 PM)



i have to agree with tejszd......Would rather wait longer than getting something half done....
Wish they would patch the previous games before going on to the next game as there are many outstanding bugs.

some of us after being hard core CC players and buyers since CC2 are tired of the frustration of play testing the 1/2 finished games and when we try to get stuff fixed were not really for the most part listened to.

i still havent bought GWTC for this very reason [ and good reason, IE lobby / multi player issues etc etc ] and im not buying the bloody 1st either till its also patched and finished...what ever matrix decides a finished game is....see LSA and TLD. [:(]

I too would prefer they not release the game before it's ready. What they did with GWTC was great - you can tell they put a lot of effort into it, more than they did with the previous games. They need to put the same effort in again. This time though, they need to really work on the single player. If they can get that right, a lot of players will be happy.

Multiplayer is an issue, but most players play single player. That should be their focus for this release since we're getting a whole new engine and AI. That's not to say they should ignore the multiplayer entirely, but their focus should be the single player.

STIENER -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (11/2/2014 2:27:01 AM)

Hi TIK...well i dont really agree. they have an awesome game in LSA with all the different options that the game offers. it plays reasonably well...they just need to fix a few more bugs.
they may have spent allot of time on GWTC in your opinion, but it appears they didnt spend enough time in the area of the lobby and multi player connection...where the bread and butter is. im glad there spending the time now to fix the issues but i would have been happier if they had of got it right before the game came out.

i dont agree that most buyers / players buy a game to play against the AI. some will for sure but you will always get a better game against a human opponent then against a computer. the players that i know in the gaming community [ not just CC, myself included ]buy there games to play H2H. IMO players buy CC to play H2H not single player. this may change in the bloody 1st as you say but i doubt it.

TIK -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (11/2/2014 12:49:29 PM)



Hi TIK...well i dont really agree. they have an awesome game in LSA with all the different options that the game offers. it plays reasonably well...they just need to fix a few more bugs.
they may have spent allot of time on GWTC in your opinion, but it appears they didnt spend enough time in the area of the lobby and multi player connection...where the bread and butter is. im glad there spending the time now to fix the issues but i would have been happier if they had of got it right before the game came out.

i dont agree that most buyers / players buy a game to play against the AI. some will for sure but you will always get a better game against a human opponent then against a computer. the players that i know in the gaming community [ not just CC, myself included ]buy there games to play H2H. IMO players buy CC to play H2H not single player. this may change in the bloody 1st as you say but i doubt it.

Hey, I'm glad they're sorting the multiplayer issues. I can't comment too much about the issues because I'm actually in a CC multiplayer-dry-spell atm lol. But I experienced enough in Panthers in the Fog to hope that they sort them out before the release of The Bloody First.

But are you sure H2H is what most people play? Based on my experience with GameRanger and the multiplayer lobbies, there's only a handful of people in the world who play CC H2H. It may be superior gameplay - no one's disputing that! But multiplayer is not what most people play. Mooxe has said several times that most people play single-player, and my experience with the series supports that.

Tejszd -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (11/2/2014 4:06:33 PM)

Have to agree with TIK on single player vs H2H. I occasionally play H2H, with the older direct connect CC's games, but spend way more time against the AI playing/testing mods (my own and others).

Matrix could say for sure as they know their sales and can track/see who is using the "lobby". Based on the limited number of complaints posted about the new H2H lobby system, which has not been that good, people either don't play H2H or have given up playing PiTF and GTC H2H.

Platoon_Michael -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (11/9/2014 2:35:50 AM)

Is this still on pace for this year?
Will there be a demo?

Is there anymore images or video available?

Personally I don't see a whole lot of excitement on the internet for this game so far.

What have you guys got?

CGGrognard -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (11/9/2014 6:04:35 PM)

Almost a year has passed, and if the developers are on track, The Bloody First should be released soon. Just in time for Christmas? [:'(]
But since we do live in a "real" world, I too would prefer the game be free of bugs before release. I can wait. [:)]

sshnuke -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (11/11/2014 2:09:31 AM)
Close Combat The Bloody First will be 2015. Its been a lot more work using Unity than we'd hoped so things are taking longer than planned.

STIENER -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (11/11/2014 4:57:38 AM)

reading between the lines.....hopefully this doesnt mean a rushed buggy game when it comes out.......[8|]

CGGrognard -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (11/13/2014 6:18:36 PM)

Since TBF has been pushed into 2015, I'll have to consider another idea for a holiday present..

zakblood -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/19/2015 5:37:09 PM)

well fury is out and gone and tbh wasn't a great film either, but i'm sure the game will be, enjoyed the rest, so will wait for the latest[;)]

CGGrognard -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (4/23/2015 2:10:41 AM)

Will this game be released through the Steam as well?

Miro -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (4/23/2015 7:33:36 PM)

Probably yes.

aaatoysandmore -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (5/17/2015 3:38:50 AM)

uhhh it's 2015 now, so where is it? [:'(]

zakblood -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (5/17/2015 4:39:20 PM)

all good things come to those who wait, just seems you will have to wait a while longer[:D][;)]

aaatoysandmore -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (5/17/2015 8:10:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: zakblood

all good things come to those who wait, just seems you will have to wait a while longer[:D][;)]

But, I don't wanna wait. They said 2014...I expect it to be 2014...I planned for 2014....I might die tomorrow. [:D] (some of you would love that wouldn't you?) [:-]

Hexagon -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (5/18/2015 10:18:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: zakblood

all good things come to those who wait, just seems you will have to wait a while longer[:D][;)]

We are wargamers, we want it and we want it yesterday!!!

Lets see, for me the problem more than in wait is wait with 0 direct info about game... i follow with more interest games that i can see, one thing is follow some lines of text and other images and true info about game and how works.

TIK -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (5/18/2015 6:42:17 PM)

As I said earlier, I don't mind the waiting. So long as the game's finished when it comes out.

The last thing we want is an unfinished game, right? So what if they said 2014!? We got GWTC last year - go play that instead [sm=sterb003.gif]

Tejszd -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (5/18/2015 9:31:07 PM)

Definitely agree with you TIK that you want the most complete/stable game possible at release.

Matrix for past CC games has released a number of patches which seems to show good support but then stops to focus on the next release leaving known bugs unaddressed.


TIK -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (5/19/2015 8:14:50 AM)

Exactly. It seems they like to get the game out asap, throw one or two patches and then move on. So I'm hoping the longer we wait now, the better a game we'll get.

The problem with changing to a new engine/AI/3D is that if they mess it up, the current CC community will probably shun the series and stick to the old games. If the game's poor and they lose the backing from the CC fans... will they make another? They really can't afford to mess this up. And by "they" I mean Steve McClaire since as far as I'm aware he's the only one working on this atm. Go Steve!

Just wish there was something I could do to help [:(]

SteveMcClaire -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (5/21/2015 5:18:10 PM)


I mean Steve McClaire since as far as I'm aware he's the only one working on this atm. Go Steve!

I am the only programmer, but I am not the only one working on the game. We have art and modeling (you do not want me doing either of these) as well as some map makers who are all doing their thing.


kweniston -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (5/25/2015 4:16:39 PM)

Have to chip in here, really waiting to have LSA fixed (TLD would be nice to have too), before I will step in any other Matrix games (looking at GtC/TBF). Hire some extra support, it couldn't be -too- difficult, having all these years of experience with the games (and fixing similar issues in GtC)... Or is it?

CGGrognard -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (9/15/2015 9:54:26 PM)

How about an update to The Bloody First? Should I aim for it's release around the Holidays, or should I wait until 2016?

SteveMcClaire -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (9/17/2015 7:59:08 PM)

Development continues. Release dates are handled by Matrix/Slitherine, so I can't give any specific answer to that. Sorry.


CGGrognard -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (9/21/2015 9:19:04 PM)

Thanks for the update Steve. I'll use this forum to get my post numbers up! [:)]

Gripen -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (9/23/2015 1:31:57 PM)

Aye, thanks for the update Steve, hope there will soon be more info or screenshots, something we are all looking forward to. Or a little 10/15 second movie of troop movement? ;)

Good luck on the coding, wish I could help.

Zap -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (9/29/2015 5:08:49 AM)



Thanks for the update Steve. I'll use this forum to get my post numbers up! [:)]

me too

CGGrognard -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (9/30/2015 1:09:11 PM)

So as we await updates to TBF, there's been discussion in this forum about medics, which is valid. However, I've noticed in PitF and GTC, soldiers don't seem to break as easy, nor surrender as often as previous versions. Given the time of these battles, wasn't the Wermachts' morale at a low, thereby resulting in more soldiers surrendering?

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