RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (Full Version)

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CGGrognard -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/22/2019 7:21:55 PM)

Anxiously awaiting 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 so that I can try The Bloody First. Now I believe it's arrival is scheduled for the first
sometime this year, so that could mean another 3 10 months. But I help its on the earlier side of the quarter year.

All in jest to the developers. Take your time to make this the best of the Close Combat series.

ringoblood -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/24/2019 6:24:51 PM)

Devs just dont screw this up, we been waiting way to long for it.

AFANAS -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/27/2019 12:16:44 PM)

Wooow man! Im just found this website and im shocked!!!
I played all of the Close Combat series. In 1998 year I was buy the Close Combat I in sale. I loved this game very much. And now a see that Matrix game works to make Close Combat in 3D! At first I was delighted, but then I see a screenshots it was sad to me. Its a free project or something? Why the graphics so ugly? Now is year of 2019, Not 2001!!!
I was waiting a lot of years Close Combat in 3D. This is the best of all times wargame for me. I was disappointed :( You need to change graphic engine or models of objects and trees. Tanks seems bad too. Explosion effects like games of 15 years old.

Sorry for hard words and my bad english.

Best regards, Andrey.

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/27/2019 1:49:47 PM)



Wooow man! Im just found this website and im shocked!!!
I played all of the Close Combat series. In 1998 year I was buy the Close Combat I in sale. I loved this game very much. And now a see that Matrix game works to make Close Combat in 3D! At first I was delighted, but then I see a screenshots it was sad to me. Its a free project or something? Why the graphics so ugly? Now is year of 2019, Not 2001!!!
I was waiting a lot of years Close Combat in 3D. This is the best of all times wargame for me. I was disappointed :( You need to change graphic engine or models of objects and trees. Tanks seems bad too. Explosion effects like games of 15 years old.

Sorry for hard words and my bad english.

Best regards, Andrey.

The main point from TBF is get a game which it adds a modern engine without the problems from the older engine looking as the old games. Clearly this new game looks similar and better.

In addition, the Archon engine can be edited and modded easily, without the several limitations from other engines used in other games.

About other type of graphics, do you know another wargame in real time with better graphics and more realist? the answer is clearly no because close combat is a unique game.

I do not like comparations but I go to compare for all you.

Bliztkrieg 3 - Great graphics but zero point zero of realism and bad gameplay.

Sudden Strike 4 - Great graphics but zero point zero of realism, at least gameplay is better than before in other Sudden Strike where it was bad.

Combat Mission games - Very polygonal graphics in a height zero level, a lot of realism if you ignore how the war is not by turns.

Men in war - Great graphics but zero point zero of realism.

Company of heroes games - Great graphics but zero point zero of realism.

Definitely Close Combat the Bloody First can look poorer for some people but it adds more realism and better gameplay than all the other games. And for the record I like a lot more the style of terrain, trees, walls, any other objects than in all other these games named by me where things are too fantastic and subrealistic.

"For end, just I go to say what other people can easily read........... one new guy, one single post = hater or troll. [:'(]"

CGGrognard -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/27/2019 6:10:47 PM)

Back when the second CC (A Bridge Too Far) was released, players complained the graphics were too "cartoonish" with the bright colors and sprites. The argument from Atomic games then was that the graphics at that time were just what they were.
But the principle of the programming was based on the soldier's state, rather than the graphics. So the moral of the story is that you can please some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all of the time. As long as the basic
mechanics are intact, then the game will serve the series well.

AFANAS -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/27/2019 11:14:51 PM)


one new guy, one single post = hater or troll

Man, you are wrong now!
By the way about comparations. Do you know «Soldiers: Heroes of World War II»? This game is most looks like Close Combat for me. Cool graphics, visual effects and realism. When I saw "Soldiers" first time I thought that someone made the game like Close Combat but with modern graphics. Ist been in 2004 year.
IMHO other parts of Close Combat now looks more better and realistic then "The Bloody First". If you wont to made 3d game in 2019 you need to match the time, even it is a wargame. Its need to be visual and realism atmospheric.
In the end, do you want to sell that or what? For whom they made is? For fans for free?
Man, I just want true Close Combat but in modern 3d, thats all.

No trolling, no hating.

Whith love to Close Combat!

AFANAS -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/27/2019 11:26:25 PM)


Back when the second CC (A Bridge Too Far) was released, players complained the graphics were too "cartoonish" with the bright colors and sprites.

Oh my godness! Who did say that?
After Close Combat 1 the BTF was look amazing! I was run to CD shop for it quickly as I can after I saw the BTF demo! [:D]


The argument from Atomic games then was that the graphics at that time were just what they were.

You just say it!
So make a game that is relevant to today's time!

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/28/2019 8:04:51 AM)


Soldiers: Heroes of World War II

Yes, I know it, a very old 3D WWII game. Another game with lack of realism.......but the graphics in TBF are better than in Soldiers: Heroes of World War II. Just them and everything more was thought for to be as in a old Close Combat game. The most similar would Gateway to Caen, where graphic colors are very similar.

Perhaps you have not played never a Close Combat. No one, absolutelly no one of these RTS can be considered a wargame with realism.

In addition, this engine named by you as poor has a capability which it has not any of these other games with better graphics. The modding capabilities.

Most of the people which we have been following these games for years (I was here almost 20 years ago), we want some similar to the old CC in eveything ways, the style suggested by you was tried before and it was a piece of ****. [:D]

AFANAS -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (3/1/2019 8:19:17 AM)

I dont say thats "Soldiers" graphics is better then TBF. I said the "Soldiers" graphics looks great fo its time.
You second time said what I do not play Close Combat. Who knowns that game? How many people play now in Close Combat? Do you really think that I came here to trolling or hating nobodys known old game? I think its funny. I am 35 years old man.
I did not become lazy and registered on this forum just because I have my own opinion about this project. When TFB be released I with pleasure play and have nastolgie.
By the way. Why you protect it? You are from development team?

AFANAS -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (3/1/2019 8:29:01 AM)


Most of the people which we have been following these games for years (I was here almost 20 years ago)

Following for what? All Close Combat series are played 1000 times. Give me something new!


we want some similar to the old CC in eveything ways

I want that too. But now the graphics looks like its made indie developments for free.
You may say again and again thats the graphics and visuals are ok, but they are not ok and dont be better by words.
Its not that far times now when we must choose graphics or realism.
And I will tell you why the graphics so ugly, because developers knows that TBF will buy too small auditory of hardcore players in the world. Its not mass project. So why they must waste many resourses for it?

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (3/1/2019 8:37:16 AM)

I am remembering the answer when I user in a place where you use the same account buying than writting in forums just can be a hater or troll. Goodbye, have a nice day. [:D]

AFANAS -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (3/1/2019 8:48:03 AM)


place where you use the same account buying than writting in forums

What is this mean?

CGGrognard -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (3/1/2019 5:46:29 PM)

Once released(regardless of popularity), where can I show the developers my appreciation other than purchasing a "physical" copy of the game?

STIENER -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (3/1/2019 9:25:51 PM)

AFANAS....there is know point in argueing here with Nomanda.....ignore him. he lives for this **** and he's always right, just ask him. your entitled to your opinion as is everyone else. your a newbie here....nice to see new blood, welcome...and it will take you awhile to figure out who is reasonable to deal with and who isn't. I read your original posts and I didn't think you were a troll...its just Nomanda baiting you. as I said ignore him.

ringoblood -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (3/1/2019 9:36:38 PM)

I'm love the CC graphics they remind me of the table top days of my game days in the basement with my Step dad.

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (3/1/2019 9:43:16 PM)

Everybody have their opinions. You are free to say them.

AFANAS -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (3/2/2019 1:33:03 AM)


AFANAS....there is know point in argueing here with Nomanda.....ignore him. he lives for this **** and he's always right, just ask him. your entitled to your opinion as is everyone else. your a newbie here....nice to see new blood, welcome...and it will take you awhile to figure out who is reasonable to deal with and who isn't. I read your original posts and I didn't think you were a troll...its just Nomanda baiting you. as I said ignore him.

Thanks for understanding. I will wait game release, then we can speak about existing things. In any case, I want to plaу TBF because it is still Close Combat.

Do you know legendary Jagged Alliance? They made two amazing parts of it in past, but now its a just use of kind name of that game. Nothing more.
I don't want that TBF use same path.

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (3/2/2019 7:39:13 AM)

Very curious Anas. You started claiming a TBF with better graphics comparing it with games where there is a complete lack of tactics and now you are claiming the possible lose of them after suffer a big graphic change.......

Close Combat is not in the point of the classic game where they changed everything for worse. If it had been as you said, they had continued the game in the Unity3D engine and they had not made it in Archon. They had not been so many years making the game and clearly they had not been making so long beta process, in fact probably there would not make a beta where other people out the team can help with it. I see dedication and interest in to create some good and equal to the older games but with a most modern engine. There is not need from big changes in graphics, the unique thing which I and many others we want, it was a engine without more of 20 years old without a lot of software problems, better modding and better future expansion capabilities. Archon lets all these things.

(Stunes is the typical player insulting to the others which everybody should ignore. I was making just a bloody joke with your answers, nothing more.)

AFANAS -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (3/3/2019 12:25:38 AM)

Nomad, stop defending this game as if you are developed it alone. Ok, no more comparisons. let's wait beta or release and then talk constructively.
Its very important for me how they realise a landscapes details. Can I see a grass, grain etc or I need to imaginate that like it be in other CC parts by holding right mouse button. I think type of terrain is a big part of CC tactics.
I already send a request for beta, but I think after my posts I have no chance [:D]

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (3/3/2019 7:53:14 AM)



Nomad, stop defending this game as if you are developed it alone. Ok, no more comparisons. let's wait beta or release and then talk constructively.
Its very important for me how they realise a landscapes details. Can I see a grass, grain etc or I need to imaginate that like it be in other CC parts by holding right mouse button. I think type of terrain is a big part of CC tactics.
I already send a request for beta, but I think after my posts I have no chance [:D]

I can defend the game because I have more information than most of the players around here, but a lot more.;) If I say how the game is exactly as a CC, it is exactly as a CC.

Being very critic is not a bad reason for be accepted in a Beta. People are accepted in Slitherine/Matrix beta by the chances of to aport something or help with the development process. Being a more active user in a forum and older member from this community can clearly help. You have a 6 days old member, I have a 18 years old member. You can see the differences and probably they would not accept me in any beta by these reasons, who knows.

But when I have been in a beta, I have tried not play the game, just search problems, most of the people here are signed the beta because they want play the beta, just few minutes, this type of people are usually ignored in more of the games, they want people which they play even if it is not fun, people which they find problems and be active even giving feedback.[;)]

But Slitherine beta goes by stages, you can not be accepted now and you can be accepted in the end of the beta. They will go adding more and more people, depending from several other points.

For end, just because I say how some of you ignored the point, there were a closed alpha before and it started more or less one year ago. These days are the aniversary. Have fun.[:D] After be waiting 4 years (at least for me) we discovered new info about the game.

AFANAS -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (3/3/2019 8:09:52 AM)

I think they need to be motivate. They need to open pre-order. [;)] Im ready to pay first [:D]

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (3/3/2019 8:49:32 AM)

Pay is not enough motive for to get access in a beta and I have not seen a pre-order for this game.

AFANAS -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (3/3/2019 12:32:26 PM)

Im just joking ))
This game is based on enthusiasm. Its no commercial project at all.

ringoblood -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (3/4/2019 1:28:06 PM)



Im just joking ))
This game is based on enthusiasm. Its no commercial project at all.

As most if not all of Matrix/Slitherine games are based ON enthusiasm and NOT commercial.

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