RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (Full Version)

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Kanov -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (10/1/2015 11:33:57 PM)



I've noticed in PitF and GTC, soldiers don't seem to break as easy, nor surrender as often as previous versions. Given the time of these battles, wasn't the Wermachts' morale at a low, thereby resulting in more soldiers surrendering?

You would have to play a campaign in GtC to see that. You will see lowering morale of the units the longer they are engaged with out rest, and the few replacements you'll get will for the most part be inexperienced, which if left alone outside a commander's command radius, will break very easily.

In Pitf however, the high lethality of all the weapons make the act of surrendering a bit of a strange occurrence.

As for the historical morale of the German forces during these operation's time frames, I don't know, maybe some one with an historic knowledge could enlighten us.

SteveMcClaire -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (10/5/2015 9:04:39 PM)

Surrender tends to be fairly rare in the Close Combat game in general. For Panthers in the Fog units on both sides tend to have good experience and morale. For Mortain specifically the German panzer units involved were historically good, motivated troops. The same can't be said for other German battle groups however -- some of the ad-hoc groups and the 708th Infantry division BGs are fairly low quality. The story is much the same for Gateway to Caen, where the German Panzer and SS-Panzer divisions were good troops while other German units are not as good.


CGGrognard -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (10/20/2015 10:49:15 PM)

Will The Bloody First retain the load and transport system from GTC?

Platoon_Michael -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (1/18/2016 5:42:57 PM)

It's 2016

You have one set of screen shots and one half ass interview about the game.

Platoon_Michael -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (1/18/2016 5:49:49 PM)

Scared to show what you do or do not have?
Your posts have always been I'm too scared to show what I have because it isn't what I want as a final....And I'm............................(well you fill in the blanks)
No demo
No Beta
No more Screen Shots?

Oh wait!
Maybe your update to this game is setting next to your update to WAR and that's why you cant post anything.........Because you couldn't find it.

Platoon_Michael -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (1/18/2016 5:53:19 PM)

It's not my fault you guys set yourselves up like this?

What happens when you don't study it?

Your DOOMED to repeat it.

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (1/19/2016 12:20:53 PM)

Platoon_Michael, I respect you but again, you are acting without sense.[:-]

Tactics -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (1/22/2016 4:06:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: Platoon_Michael

It's 2016

You have one set of screen shots and one half ass interview about the game.

Does it matter? They released Modern Tactics @ $39.99 with lots of bugs and promised a patch. It's been about 8 years (check the forums) and still no patch. Slithering has dropped the Close Combat ball. They should move this section over to the Shrapnel forums and store it with The 101st Airborne - the game that's been available for pre-order since 2003.

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (1/22/2016 8:23:17 PM)

Two points, Modern Tactics was not developed by Slitherine and Matrix was only the publisher. Now you can ask you Sulla about where is the patch........

Tejszd -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (1/23/2016 4:11:19 AM)

For anyone who plays CCMT make sure you download the mod CC2ReduxVer2 you will find a newer exe that fixes some things. Weird that a new exe exits but Matrix/Slitherine didn't publish it??? [X(]

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (1/23/2016 4:06:15 PM)



For anyone who plays CCMT make sure you download the mod CC2ReduxVer2 you will find a newer exe that fixes some things. Weird that a new exe exits but Matrix/Slitherine didn't publish it??? [X(]

Perhaps my english is wrong but do you know the difference between developer and publisher? because the publisher only publish things made by other people.

CGGrognard -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (1/27/2016 11:52:29 PM)

Will weather be more represented than the previous games? In essence, will the terrain have visible effects of rain, etc.?

SteveMcClaire -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (1/28/2016 5:02:41 PM)

To answer some of the questions earlier:

TBF will have mount/dismount and towing of guns.

Rain/snow won't be represented directly in this release -- you won't see rain drops falling or water running across the ground, for example.

Yes, clearly development has taken longer than originally planned. The game will be released when it is ready, as will screen shots, etc.



CGGrognard -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (1/28/2016 9:52:46 PM)

Thanks for the feedback Steve. Please take your time for "good things come to those who wait". Or was it "no good things come to those who wait?"[&:]

schreckenovski -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/6/2016 1:52:01 AM)


no need to check in because nothing has changed...LOL

Matrix did develop Modern Tactics.. wouldn't pay for the update, same for WaR.....

ho hum

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/7/2016 7:37:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: schreckenovski


no need to check in because nothing has changed...LOL

Matrix did develop Modern Tactics.. wouldn't pay for the update, same for WaR.....

ho hum

Sorry but you are not telling the true. Matrix did not developed Modern Tactics or War. Both games were developed by Strategy 3 Tactics, Inc.

Matrix was only the publisher. One thing very different.

Miro -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/7/2016 9:09:01 AM)

Steve ----- How many people working on the game ?

DAK_Legion -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/7/2016 8:08:34 PM)

Steve---------For Summer or Cristhmas???

SteveMcClaire -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/10/2016 8:02:23 PM)

Sorry for the long absence -- my internet connection went down and the ISP took 12 days to fix it.

Working on this game only we have myself and one artist. We have also had up to 1-3 map makers on and off, and a UI artist.

We will likely more to show in another month or two. And I definitely want to hit Christmas this year, at the latest. Note: this is not an official release date announcement by the publisher. :)


DAK_Legion -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/10/2016 9:30:55 PM)

Thaks for the info steve;)

Miro -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/11/2016 12:02:28 PM)

Thx Steve

SteveMcClaire -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/15/2016 5:50:31 PM)

I was asked a side-question that pointed out my use of past tense may have mislead about the development team's current make up. To clarify: the UI artist and head map maker's involvement is ongoing, as is map development and polish.


Gripen -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/18/2016 10:00:10 AM)

Thanks for the update Steven.
Wish you did more updates with the occasional screenshot/youtube clip, it wouldn't hurt the marketing for this game which seems absolutely absent.

Why isn't there more marketing? Either by you or publisher?
Thanks anyway, looking forward to the game and I hope it's coming along!

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/18/2016 11:35:11 AM)


Why isn't there more marketing? Either by you or publisher?

Slitherine does not announce games before they are at beta and if you check around the world, nobody make the same with exception from games with early access or crowfunding. Publish something when you do not know if you have something..........would not be too intelligent really.

Steve. Have you added any new feature in all this time? more additional maps? more units? more modding capabilities? perhaps a tool for add our own 3D models?

SteveMcClaire -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/18/2016 8:23:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: Nomada_Firefox
Steve. Have you added any new feature in all this time? more additional maps? more units? more modding capabilities? perhaps a tool for add our own 3D models?

There are about three maps that have been added, to support some campaign/operation branches that are new. The question of modding the 3D models is still unresolved. It's something I won't really have time to look at again until we're in beta, most likely. You will definitely be able to mod sounds, textures, and data however.


Alsabretion -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/19/2016 6:39:21 AM)

A bridge too far was one of the first games I played passionately and I have been following this for a while now, hanging out for any new tidbits.

What made me make this account is the post above and one I recall reading earlier about getting 3D models into a built Unity game (for modding).
Unfortunately I cant post links (and the text in my original post was deleted when I was informed that I cant) but there are a few options.

I was involved with a game (currently still in development) that was built from the ground up for modding and it had a separate program (Unity made) specifically for setting up ship models. This program would import the model then the user (designers/developers in this case) could tinker with scale, variables etc. The program would then export this (asset bundle I believe) for use in the main game. This was doubly handy as the dev tool becomes the modders tool.

If you want to do it from the ground up you can use the ObjImporter.cs script from the unity wiki as a base (Unfortunately I cant post a link but it is the first result in google for "ObjImporter.cs script from the unity wiki"). This can then be used 'in game' by having an empty game object with a mesh renderer and assigning the imported mesh to it. Obviously this has the issues (eg. with scale etc) so may require modders tools as per the above example.

The alternate way if you dont want to reinvent the wheel is to licence Starscene Software's ObjReader (Again unfortunately I cant link but the top result in google for "Starscene Software ObjReader"). This is well maintained (and has been for several years) and was created by a well known mod of the Unity forums.

On the modding side; is there any scope for scripted modding (Assuming it is probably way outside scope?)

Good luck with the development, looking forward to the next info dump!

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/19/2016 8:35:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: Steve McClaire


ORIGINAL: Nomada_Firefox
Steve. Have you added any new feature in all this time? more additional maps? more units? more modding capabilities? perhaps a tool for add our own 3D models?

There are about three maps that have been added, to support some campaign/operation branches that are new. The question of modding the 3D models is still unresolved. It's something I won't really have time to look at again until we're in beta, most likely. You will definitely be able to mod sounds, textures, and data however.


Fair enough. Clearly the beta is the best point for create any new modding tool. I hope be at this as with Polaris Sector now.

SteveMcClaire -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/22/2016 7:47:35 PM)


Yes, there are possible solutions to Unity's lack of support for loading 3D models at runtime. It can be done, but it is going to depend on time and method for TBF. It's not something I'm tackling during primary development.

And there won't be any support loading your own scripts for TBF, no.


Alsabretion -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/24/2016 2:36:27 AM)

Cheers for the reply Steve,

Good luck with the development, hanging out for the game!

ntrlpr -> RE: The Bloody First to Arrive in 2014 (2/28/2016 7:58:28 PM)

Like Alsabretion, my first foray into CC was with A Bridge Too Far. Along with Steel Panthers, it solidified my interest in WWII tactics. I've been meaning to rejoin the series, and reading about TBF has inspired me to make it more of a priority. I'm sure I'll dabble in another CC in the meantime, but TBF is certainly on my radar now.

Keep it up, Steve!

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