RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (Full Version)

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Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/18/2014 11:33:53 AM)

Engine R and D.


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/18/2014 11:35:40 AM)

Resources, Supplies, etc.


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/18/2014 11:37:08 AM)

Total ship losses.


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/18/2014 11:38:44 AM)

The Chart.


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/18/2014 12:39:02 PM)

Here are some monster air units. I doubt they could have fit on the cvls....


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/18/2014 12:41:05 PM)

Planes losses courtesy of tracker.


Captain Cruft -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/18/2014 2:45:17 PM)

He did some "Akagi resize" tricks ...

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/18/2014 2:49:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: Captain Cruft

He did some "Akagi resize" tricks ...

I will be returning them to the pools...nothing quite like 100 obsolete planes on the front lines using up air capacity, supplies and support.

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/18/2014 2:53:56 PM)

On ship losses, further examination shows about 100 of my losses have come courtesy of the 1000 bomb and another 20 or so with the 500 pounder. All over the place including the DEI and IO.

10-15 mine losses...hit the destroyers hard.

Lokasenna -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/18/2014 3:39:47 PM)




ORIGINAL: Captain Cruft

He did some "Akagi resize" tricks ...

I will be returning them to the pools...nothing quite like 100 obsolete planes on the front lines using up air capacity, supplies and support.

Why not keep them around as training groups?

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/18/2014 4:22:18 PM)


Why not keep them around as training groups?

I don't like seeing dead ship names primarily. And heck, the Allies have a shot at one of the biggest groups as it is all on one lonely cargo ship.

Think of the victory points if a sub gets lucky. Don't do this in your games folks. [:-]

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/19/2014 3:56:12 AM)

I have worked on my turn for a solid three hours and feel I haven't accomplished anything. One of the things I did accomplish is to convert some AKEs, I only have 4 with three being in Tokyo. Singapore can't keep up with arming the the entire IJN fleet as most ships sit there with depleted ammo and no fuel.

Still, some things slip thru the cracks as I feel obligated to get my turn done. I lost 4xAKs and a PB to raiding CL in the DEI. This was a TF I missed earlier and it went to Kendari at the same time the bombardment fleet showed up. There was actually decent planes there ready to strike, but they were socked in by the weather. On the good news, the Airbase took no damage from the bombardment as the CLs' ammunition stores were greatly reduced from sinking the fleet. [;)]

I went back and found out what that fleet was doing: It was moving about 100 supplies and a very small fragment of the Wake Coastal Gun Battery. The rest of that unit is in Makassar, and Ternate and our TF came from Sorong area.

I sent a few subs into some Pacific islands and his ASW planes are working very well sighting and attacking even in deep water. Way behind the curve here.

Most of my time is spent working on the economy, supply, command, getting the Army, Navy & AF straightened out. For example all the transport planes are in Palembang with only about 25 AV and set to fly supplies into the Kali/Java. Fully 50% are malfed, and Palembang doesn't have the supplies to send.

Here is the PI front. No real focus here, I just think it odd that Zam is still in Allied hands...


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/19/2014 12:29:53 PM)

Operation Get Some!

IJA High Command has decided that they need to brush up on their planning skills and the troops need some R&R in a big city to blow off steam and visit brothels. Additionally, the Soviets are deemed not a threat currently, So:

Keijo won the bidding to host the following Divisions from the 3rd Army: 57th, 12th, and 9th. Additionally, support units are to be included this means AV, ART, ENG units. Everyone is involved.

While the troops are enjoying a nice holiday, the staffs will be hard at work doing a case book project on how the 3rd Army would invade and conquer Noumea.

This promises to be a fun month of movement, exercises and classroom mock ups. General Kawbe is excited at this opportunity.

And strangely enough, the IJA has encouraged lots of radio messages and garrison units with impressive names from across the Empire will be doing a corresponding study via radio communications using the old code books.

In other news the IJN is holding large scale coordinated ASW exercises with Air and Naval forces in the Yellow Sea.


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/19/2014 12:52:43 PM)

Hmm, the graphic is screwed up on my screen. Odd.

Oh well, this is about the only offensive operation I can do weak as it is. I hope he looks at sigint.

Noumea is a credible threat because my opponent doesn't know how bad the Empire is and probably is unfamiliar with Japan. It also has the benefit of being far, far away for the North Pacific where there is only one squadron of 8 Jakes and two AA units. He could sail the CVs into the Home Island and bomb to his hearts content protected by leaky tug boats and call it a game.

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/19/2014 1:05:22 PM)

I have got supply straightened out and will be making R&D choices now.

If I understand Realistic R&D off, I can freely change a current factory to the next plane in the upgrade line (to R&D) and all the factories keep producing. Sweet...

So I have a factory producing 24 Oscars IC now, I can expand that by six airplanes over the next six days and then move them to R&D the IIA and the R&D will start off at a fixed 30 facility.

Now, this is so cool.[:D]

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/19/2014 11:46:55 PM)

Spent a fair chunk of time on this my 3rd turn. Got my first fully functioning size 30 R&D factory, more to follow in subsequent turns. In a month there will oodles.

I take it a solid plan is to convert R&D small factories (or worthless research) into production plants sized to 30 with production off. And then a month later when they reach size 30 convert them into the next plane's R&D factory. I wish I had 500 engines in the pools, but no joy, only 10 or so in the engines that count.

This will cost a fair amount of supply, but I have got something in mind to help with that. More on this later but there is massive movements underway in the Empire.

Doing a lot of drudge work, straightening out convoys, building air bases in the Home Islands, sending AV support and construction to where it is needed, establishing air search -- really all the things that should have been done months and months ago. Straightening out the HQs; there were four Navy HQs in Saigon for some strange reason with none in Singapore with the fleet.

He is trying to cap trap me with fighters appearing in Rangoon and DEI. Or perhaps he is trying to send a supply convoys/reinforcements? My long range recon units are splintered and pretty much malfed for a while yet so I feel a little blind. The Dinahs, Babs, and Jakes are doing double duty, and I need to selectively use extended range to get a better picture of Allied dispositions.

Even with 4-5 shattered divisions the Empire is strong...there is one full strength division in Palembang, and the 1st Tank Div is about a week away from being rebuilt at Singapore.

I am going to give him some more wins, hopefully minor, with the goal of getting him to be aggressive. Nice change to have him come to me this early.

I was thinking of putting together a Traccom Zero unit for a week or so designed to tackle his long ranging 4E's. I am deathly afraid he is going to hit the oil fields, but so far he is using them against ground forces. From past experiences the pilots are pretty safe tangling with 4E's only given low fatigue, good morale. I have several good fighter squadrons and should be able to really surprise the Allies in about a week or so...I am trying to keep it low key until I can hit with overwhelming force, but some of my better fighter squadrons have to fly to protect the Java forces -- we will see if he cottons on to my plans.

On second thought maybe I should let him fly his 4Es at my ground troops unopposed until I can get proper coverage at the oil fields. Hmm...

Very different playing a dropped game...drudgery aside, it is enjoyable and something of a mystery that needs unraveling.

Rangoon below...


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/19/2014 11:50:28 PM)

Central Pacific. Getting better slowly. His ASW planes are good, lots of high detection on my subs and several air attacks. I will have to be careful.

I am thinking that I would have been better off letting him bomb me for now with 4Es here. What a waste.


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/19/2014 11:57:55 PM)

I can almost hear the crickets....


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/19/2014 11:59:07 PM)

China has gone ok, but here is the real joy.

I should have mentioned that he is trying to trinkle in supply with lone xakl's into Cox's. Sank one with planes out of Magwe, but in hindsight I should have let him do it. For now.


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/20/2014 12:04:44 AM)

Southern China. Odd.


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/20/2014 12:08:14 AM)

Ok, you guys are pretty much caught up to date with the situation. A very salvageable game don't you think?

JocMeister -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/20/2014 9:27:34 AM)

Haha, man you are in for a tough challenge!

This will be the first time IŽll be cheering the Japanese on! [:D]

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/20/2014 1:51:06 PM)

I mis-communicated with the Allies, I sent the turn back yesterday and he can't work on it until tonight. I could have gotten in another hour or so of work on it...well things like this will improve over time.

He has been flying his 4Es aggressively against an ineffective Japanese Air Force. But, things are changing.


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/20/2014 1:59:34 PM)


Haha, man you are in for a tough challenge!

This will be the first time IŽll be cheering the Japanese on! [:D]

Thanks, they need the cheers-- their morale is quite low right now. Especially in the shattered divisions in the DEI.

Hopefully supply will get straightened out shortly and the replacements will start coming in. Lots of A/B/C broken up divisions looking for replacements that are delayed for now. [:)]

Lokasenna -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/20/2014 2:55:22 PM)



Spent a fair chunk of time on this my 3rd turn. Got my first fully functioning size 30 R&D factory, more to follow in subsequent turns. In a month there will oodles.

I take it a solid plan is to convert R&D small factories (or worthless research) into production plants sized to 30 with production off. And then a month later when they reach size 30 convert them into the next plane's R&D factory. I wish I had 500 engines in the pools, but no joy, only 10 or so in the engines that count.

This will cost a fair amount of supply, but I have got something in mind to help with that. More on this later but there is massive movements underway in the Empire.

On second thought maybe I should let him fly his 4Es at my ground troops unopposed until I can get proper coverage at the oil fields. Hmm...

Very different playing a dropped game...drudgery aside, it is enjoyable and something of a mystery that needs unraveling.

I enjoyed picking up a dropped game as well. It was interesting.

RE: the part I bolded on production. If you mean what I think you mean, don't do it! I think (95% sure) that, even with realistic R&D off, factories switching from production to R&D become damaged. I could be wrong in my understanding of the Realistic R&D setting, but I was under the impression it simply allowed switching between production and R&D, as well as to a wider range of models between factories (or less of a penalty for switching types?). In order for a factory to remain fully repaired when you switch it to another model, it has to satisfy a specific set of conditions - namely, 1) the model it is currently researching is arriving next month and the factory has "turned blue", and 2) the model you switch it to is the next model on the upgrade path from the model it is currently researching, such as Ki-44IIa to Ki-44IIb.

I don't think you can convert a fully repaired A6M2 production factory to an R&D factory for the A6M Sen Baku without suffering damage as normal, for example.

If someone has actually done this with realistic R&D off, please enlighten us! I just fear you may end up wasting hundreds of thousands of supply.

JocMeister -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/20/2014 3:17:03 PM)

Java might actually present you with a good opportunity in the months to come. If your opponent overreaches you could potentially hurt him badly there. Your opponent has been accustomed to play someone who doesnŽt really understands the game at all. Perhaps that could lead to some over aggressive choices you can exploit! [:)]

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/20/2014 4:12:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lokasenna

RE: the part I bolded on production. If you mean what I think you mean, don't do it!

Too late, I tested it with a Betty factory size 30(0). I converted it to the next plane in the line and now it is a size 30(0) R&D Factory. I.E. I went G4M1 factory with 30 production and now I have a G4M2 fully repaired size 30 R&D factory. How cool is that? [8D]

If I ran short of G4M1 planes I could shift the R&D G4M2 factory back to the G4M1 and not have any damage I think. Again, too cool.

I think I can now switch it to G4M2a, if I wanted to, and not suffer any damage too. In fact, I think I can do it all on the same turn. Freely move up and down the model line (one generation at a time) and suffer no damage or reduction.

Perhaps this doesn't work in the Beta...which we plan on switching to in a couple of game days.

Lokasenna -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/20/2014 4:18:43 PM)




ORIGINAL: Lokasenna

RE: the part I bolded on production. If you mean what I think you mean, don't do it!

Too late, I tested it with a Betty factory size 30(0). I converted it to the next plane in the line and now it is a size 30(0) R&D Factory. I.E. I went G4M1 factory with 30 production and now I have a G4M2 fully repaired size 30 R&D factory. How cool is that? [8D]

If I ran short of G4M1 planes I could shift the R&D G4M2 factory back to the G4M1 and not have any damage I think. Again, too cool.

I think I can now switch it to G4M2a, if I wanted to, and not suffer any damage too. In fact, I think I can do it all on the same turn. Freely move up and down the model line (one generation at a time) and suffer no damage or reduction.

Perhaps this doesn't work in the Beta...which we plan on switching to in a couple of game days.

Hrm. I wasn't aware of that. I'll have to check it out in a test game. That has implications for my current game with Bullwinkle - I have several lines of factories not producing as I'm waiting for upgrades, but I don't want them to become damaged so I'm letting them sit. Furthermore, I didn't realize you could "skip" the R&D of models entirely by moving all the way up a line (I'm pretty sure that my prior experience, even with Realistic R&D Off, is that the factories would become damaged on the second model up the line).

Switching back to G4M1 production from G4M2 R&D doesn't sound right at all, though.

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/20/2014 4:41:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: JocMeister

Java might actually present you with a good opportunity in the months to come. If your opponent overreaches you could potentially hurt him badly there. Your opponent has been accustomed to play someone who doesnŽt really understands the game at all. Perhaps that could lead to some over aggressive choices you can exploit! [:)]

My goal. I think he is throwing everything forward...

I am going to feed him some lousy To'su PB boats and cheapo xakls in the Kendari area. I have a half dozen heavily damaged ones in the area stuck in small ports...can't get very far at 3 knots, but sure to look inviting.

Latest recon shows 10 ships (doesn't it always) in Soerabaja port, AOs, Tankers in port probably those small Dutchies. Plus CAs, DD, and other boats all over the place near bye. It will take me less than a week to put a very large hammer in place...the anvil is already steaming into position and not spotted while portions of the hammer rest, repair and appropriate AV gets into place.

My poor Kali landing has one MTB protecting it...begging him to come calling with a night bombardment. We shall see if he does...

I wonder what he has done with his good pilots. He must have bunches of them given the carnage the Japanese AF has taken.

On a whim I sent a few decent Zeroes over Batavia and he lost a Hurricane to one of my Zeroes despite him outnumbering me three to one. Another attempt at a CAP trap as there was no planes in the area previously. Anyhow, the small fight bodes well for a revitalized Japanese AF.

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/20/2014 6:04:49 PM)

Here is my basic military strategy for the next month:

1. Deceive: get him worried about a multi division invasion of Noumea. I will build bases in the Tulagi area with air transports, fast transports and fragments. I really am not putting much stock into this, but you never know.

2. Build up defenses as material allows in the North Pacific and Marshalls, Ponape, Truk. Bluff. The Nagato class BBs will be around to show some force if they ever get there - they left Singapore on my first turn.

Since almost all my forces are in the DEI/Burma/Malaya Area I will:

3. Use the KB to hit southern Java from the Ternate area in coordination with lots of land base air and a paratroop invasion of Denpassar. The goal is to bloody the allies as much as I can in a massive attack. I have naval forces on the way to catch ships fleeing to Australia. Then isolate Java so no more troops can be shipped in. Land base air will close off northern Java. Defend the Java beach head behind the forts. He has a lot of troops tied up here which means I should be able to:

4. Swing around and invade Chittacong. Move south and crush the allied army in Cox as it starves. Feint towards Calcutta. The mini KB will support this, plus lots of surface vessels. Most land forces in good shape will go here. If I move fast I might be able to take Chittacong with paratroops with the invasion fleet offshore.

5. Take Manila.

After 3,4 and 5 worry about Java and Rangoon. Isolate, contain, bomb and starve.

6. If I get it all done: turtle for the rest of the game. Upgrade ships.

I hope his carriers are in Central Pacific/Sydney area. It would be too much to hope that he commits them to Java, but history shows a lot of ships sunk in the DEI with 1000 pound bombs.

Oh, I forgot: continue pushing in China. Already underway.

I want to try and coordinate the southern strike on Java with the invasion of Chittacong but it will be tough.

I would normally never try something like this, but the opportunity seems to be there. British Carriers sunk, rear areas unguarded. Over confident Allied commander.

Wish me luck.

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