RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (Full Version)

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Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/22/2014 7:31:29 PM)

See Obvert's post a little earlier...potent kamikaze.

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/22/2014 7:32:58 PM)

Operation Anvil and Hammer starts off as he races his PT boats into a sighted ak convoy north of Batavia, only to find four destroyers hiding in a squall..


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/22/2014 7:34:02 PM)

The first air strikes find a destroyer and a sweeper ... there is cap over the destroyers but the sweeper in unprotected.


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/22/2014 7:49:58 PM)

And then enemy CAP is no match...


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/22/2014 7:56:48 PM)

Thunderstorms over target...Cruiser sighted...push home the attack...the first Val hit is a dud...flak is heavy...but the IJN pilots push home the attack


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/22/2014 8:10:58 PM)

The results are less than impressive...bad weather cancels 90% of the planned attacks, but the carrier force planes struck home...


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/22/2014 8:17:04 PM)

We light a candle for better weather on the morrow...


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/22/2014 8:20:39 PM)

July 28th, 1942...the best day for the Empire in quite a while I think.


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/22/2014 8:35:49 PM)

What will the Allies do? Flee? Look for a night time engagement? Mass his air power and look for a counter strike? Swarm his submarines? Does he have his carriers near Darwin?

Who knows, who cares for on the morrow we attack with the hammer again sending in the Cruisers and Destroyers....we must attack!


This day also saw Zamboanga & Kwangchoan landings. [:)]

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/23/2014 2:36:01 AM)

My carrier raid really stirred the Allies to action, he responded by:

1. disbanding ships in Soerabaja (29 total, 5 CLs) and having 4 small task forces at sea guarding the port. Heavy cap over the city. Raids on the city suffer losses, especially two that go in without their escorts but hit the CLs and torch one AO.

2. The British show up bombing Magwe in a large 50 blenheim raid.

3. Denpassar gets a large 4E raid.

4. I raid all the airfields in the north where there is no cap.

5. AVG tigers make an appearance in China shooting down some second string planes.

The KB is unspotted as I moved it to Makassar for protection. It is going to be an attritional fighter fight in Java for a while with sweeps, etc. I will try some bombardment missions, but I worry about the plentiful dutch mines.

I could scratch my Chittacong invasion and instead take southern Java which is lightly held...good defensive terrain. Need to ponder this a while...

Got a Navy HQ into Singapore and one AKE so that should help with reloading the big guns...and I took Zamoboanga and Kwangchoan so I have heard the Banzai two turns in a row.

There should be some naval battles around Cocos this next turn.


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/23/2014 2:37:43 AM)

Java is definitely a challenge...


Lokasenna -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/23/2014 5:44:47 AM)

Nice. I think you actually have the makings of a very juicy trap here - it's still too early in the game for him to actually hold Java, IMO. Especially with the ship losses as posted on page 1. You still have a decent advantage at sea.

I especially like your grab on Denpasar. Its utility to the Allies in the early war, even with minimal air support and supply, is high. I think a lot of players forget about it because of the low air support, but the level 3 airfield is just sitting there... basically for free.

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/23/2014 11:08:11 AM)

After having thought about it, I think I have to start operations in southern Java. I can start operations there, and see what develops:

1. My troops there could just tie down a larger number of his troops on Java and allow the Kali invasion forces to exit and crush his vulnerable troops in the open on shore hexes. He is trying to defend everywhere. He doesn't have enough fighters to guard the north and the south I think.

2. It would give me closer air bases, to help win the skies.

3. I can still ultimately prepare for Chittacong, and probably have a week or so to make a decision one way or the other. Where to make a major commitment.

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/23/2014 2:47:20 PM)

A few R&D experiments.

Moving a r&d factory back down the line to production of the available plane (in line) does yield factory loss and complete damage.

Moving a r&d facility forward to the next generation plane also yields loss and complete damage.


Game notes: I have managed to get some troops to Marcus, Ponape, Eniwetok. Mostly defensive air measures in Java, bombing Ambon, Manila heavily...

Getting supply, AA, AV, and mines to Denpasar. Also mined the hex west of Denpasar. Heavy cruiser, dd task forces should control the seas west of Java. Bombing his ground forces in northern java along with a DD bombardment.

Truk now has a small CL force working out of it...not having ships in theater is tough. Got some ASW search planes up in Pescadores finally. Thank goodness for dud torpedoes as he had hit but dudded on several ships.

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/23/2014 2:54:57 PM)

Another first for me: I am using 100% random arcs for searches.

I have so much to do with the mess that is the Empire, I just don't have time or desire to set arcs. Pretty sure that hurts, but I haven't been surprised yet so maybe the difference is minimal.

Although, I got my first fully repaired, rebuild long range Mavis unit back in the game this turn. All long range search planes were broken down in splinters with different generation planes, scattered all over the map usually malfed. Just a mess.

Lokasenna -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/23/2014 3:27:15 PM)



Another first for me: I am using 100% random arcs for searches.

I have so much to do with the mess that is the Empire, I just don't have time or desire to set arcs. Pretty sure that hurts, but I haven't been surprised yet so maybe the difference is minimal.

Although, I got my first fully repaired, rebuild long range Mavis unit back in the game this turn. All long range search planes were broken down in splinters with different generation planes, scattered all over the map usually malfed. Just a mess.

It depends on how many planes you have searching, I think. If only 3 planes are flying each day, it's probably better to set arcs, but if you have 10 or so flying...

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/23/2014 5:39:45 PM)

There are few universal WITP AE truths out there. First and foremost is the that Japanese Intelligence is always wrong. This BB was sighted as a CL.

Followed up by truth number two: BB's are out and out torpedo magnets.


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/23/2014 5:41:00 PM)

And Universal Truth number 3 is that BB's never travel alone. Always at least in pairs.


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/23/2014 5:42:31 PM)

And the results are here. Subsequent attacks took out the dutch CLAA Van Wittersomethingorother. [:D]


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/23/2014 8:36:36 PM)

Most of the southern Java area....My CL scouting ships are doing great. Set at 0 intercept, remain on station they are keeping me well informed of ships in the area. They flee at the first sign of the enemy.


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/23/2014 8:50:17 PM)

In the northern Java area the Kongo and family are cutting off retreat to Ceylon, soon to be joined by the Junyo who is operating away from the KB. She had repairs need being done, and stayed slightly longer at Singers. I am hesitant to venture far with the BB's away from LR Cap form the DEI. Although advanced weather really scrubs the missions...

I guess the Allies will raid with large air attacks this turn trying to hit back somewhere-- probably the oil fields and the Kali beach head. I have up cap and only naval attacks in the area. I hope to get some more Betty attacks in on the BBs.

A 3 BB bombardment on his AFVs near Kali might help lessen his counter punch.

I have a real chance of bagging the entire British SAG force here. The only question is where is Hermes?

Another Deliberate Attack at Manilla with an extra regiment tossed in. Heavy daily bombing there has to hurt him.

I worry that he will put out ships in Soerabaja and my Bettys will fly into the teeth of his cap. Oh well, what will be will be.

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/23/2014 9:44:56 PM)

I think we cranked out six turns this weekend...we will be back to a more sedate pace soon.

I need to thank Obvert's aar, as it is where I learned the trick of night air searching and using the AV's as floating ASW platforms. Works wonders.

Shallow water is starting to be very dangerous for Allied submarines....meanwhile one of the Empire's subs took down an xak between Suva and Oz....more subs tasked there recently.


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/23/2014 11:29:35 PM)

Well, this game is a blood bath! On second look, the KB is spotted in overcast conditions. I wonder why they didn't launch as the enemy CVs are in clear skies.

Distance, settings, morale, leadership all look good. Oh well, the fortunes of war.[:)]


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/23/2014 11:35:47 PM)

We are patching up to the Beta. Is there anything special to worry about migrating a pbem game to the beta?

Should I offer to wait given the chance of a game breaking fight on the morrow?

I feel very much the visitor in this game and don't want to upset the Allies.

We choose this date when I agreed to play over a week ago in game days. Plenty of time to adjust I think.

Any advice?

Edit: No worries, patching up on schedule. It is good to have a good opponent. I really lucked I think....knock on wood. [:)]

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/23/2014 11:43:13 PM)

Better than I thought. For some reasons my 3BB didn't bombard, but turned back to Singers.


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/25/2014 1:01:34 AM)

Well, I missed my chance at grabbing Chittacong. Probably a good thing, landing there would be a little ambitious right now.

I have troops heading to Ramree Island in this theater.

Potential big carrier battles around western Java...we will see what the Allies do. I think I have better information -- i.e. better spotting. We shall see...


Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/25/2014 1:51:20 AM)

Here are the details on the American carrier strike on my poor cruisers....


Lokasenna -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/25/2014 1:53:50 AM)

Looks like only 2 CVs' worth of a strike package, especially if he has one VT on ASW and one VB on search. Very light CAP too if that many went on escort.

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/25/2014 2:14:32 AM)

I was thinking the same thing...upgrades?

Lady Lex loses her big guns and gets lots of ack ack but I thought that was a couple of months ago? I can't remember if the CVs start with radar or not, but lots of AA upgrades.

I was also wondering if Warspite is with the carriers. I don't like that ship as the crew is very experienced...

I hope I am not getting too clever here with my force dispositions...should I simply mass the KB and mini KB and seek out a slugfest? There is a lot of the Japanese Navy north of Cocos and south of Ceylon...and some south of Cocos, and west of Cocos.

If I had to guess, the Allies will think that the KB will head north to join with Junyo west of Merak and take advantage of the 150 land base fighters in that area with the damaged CA retreating to the Ternate area....I have other plans however that are somewhat hamstrung by the complete lack of AKEs.

Lowpe -> RE: Turnaround? Lowpe (J) vs Tiemanj (A) Stock (2/25/2014 2:33:17 AM)

Here is the sigint from last turn. If you never played as the Japanese it is quite a shock.

Notice the transmissions from Chittagong. Looks like someone did their job as air recon supports the intelligence.


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