RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (Full Version)

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Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (5/6/2014 9:41:22 PM)

The two disorganized militia units NW of Paris present another oportunity for a breakthrough, as the Germans still have two armored units available this impulse. If they can get across the Seine, the BEF will have to retreat or evacuate, and Gort will have to run for St-Malo or Cherboug.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (5/6/2014 10:37:25 PM)

With the German movement phase in progress, the attack on the hex east of Paris has been called off, as the odds at best can only be brought up to 3:1 and would require ground support from air units that will be needed in the next impulse. It has been decided to eliminate the garrison unit west os Strasboug instead, which will allow the stalled armor units that performed the last breakthrough to be reorganized.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (5/6/2014 10:43:09 PM)

German attacks.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (5/6/2014 10:45:34 PM)

The garrison is no more.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (5/6/2014 10:48:52 PM)

The breakthrough failed. Not everything goes according to plan.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (5/7/2014 3:29:45 AM)

The western front at the end of the impulse.

Somehow before the German attack, I had set one of the armor units that performed the breakthrough to sentry mode, and when it came time to attack, it was shown as disorganized. I thought I had reorganized one of the units in the previous impulse. Had I realized what had happened, i might have made the attack on the hex east of Paris. Oh well.

I also learned in this HQ reorg phase, that armored HQs reorganize armored units at a cost of one instead of two. I must remember that in the future.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (5/7/2014 3:37:34 AM)

The US, USSR and the CW, since once again the BEF must fall back or be evacuated, choose combined. The Brits will continue to help hold the line one more impulse.
China, and france land.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (5/7/2014 10:31:07 AM)

The CW with only two naval actions available send the fleet in Alexandria out to meet the Italians. They are looking for a showdown also.

The liners lannd the Indian inf unit in Cairo.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (5/7/2014 10:44:38 AM)

This is a short session this morning. Too many things to do today, and too many distractions. Hope to get some time in this evening.

Courtenay -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (5/7/2014 5:45:28 PM)

One comment -- you seem to work very hard to get exact odds ratios. With the rules you are using, (Incremental Odds), this is not necessary -- every combat point gives the same increase in combat value as every other point. If one has a 2.9:1, one will get a +5.8, which is a +5 with an 80% chance of getting a +6, instead. A 3:1 gives you a +6, and a 3.1:1 will give you a +6, with a 20% chance of a +7. If you had a 3.5:1, this gives you a 100% chance of a +7.

Incremental odds are very nice; using them means that one does not have to agonize over getting exact odds ratios; instead, one just throws the best units into the most important attacks. WiF has more than enough micromanagement; it is nice not to have to worry about micromanagement of combat odds.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (5/8/2014 12:10:31 PM)

Thank you for that info Courtenay, your explanation of the incremental odds got through to my tired brain without straining it this morning!!

Yesterday, I was busy until I went to bed, which was too late, and its taking a while to get moving this morning. Today will be equally as busy. Unfortunatly, this will be my last post for at least a week, or so, but I wanted to give you a reply before getting on with what has to be done. I am a bit tired, and I hope that what I will say will not come across a dismissing what you posted, as I will be taking what you said into consideration when I resume play.

For me I duess I am micro managing my attacks, although I never looked at it as such. Often times I try to get the best odds using just enough to get the job done. I have been building two subs per turn, and have built two synth plants for the Germans so far. That have been additional ground units to be used in the attacks, meaning the HQs would not be needed for reorganization as much, allowing more attacks. So far I have tried to keep the number of risky attcks to a minimum, in order to not have to rebuild lost units, and that has been paying off I think, at the cost of Paris not falling sooner.

I take into consideration can I use 6 strength units instead of 7, in order to have the extra strength units available the next impulse if things do not go as planned. That can make the difference of having to use ground support to make up the difference in close odds, or the difference between needing a 3 or 4 str bomber. I may need that 4 str bobmber for a ground strike the next impulse, which would be better than 3.

Another thing I consider when commiting units is their movement factors. I prefer to attack with a lower movement point unit say a 6-3 instead of a 6-4. That extra point might make the difference in being able to move into attack position the next impulse.

Of course things don't always work out that way either because of the situation on the ground, or the situation in my head doing something boneheaded by not paying attention, which I am usually prone to do.

Time to head out the door. now that the incremental odds thing has been brought to my attention, I will try to take advantage of that when play resumes. Thanks again.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/29/2014 7:42:10 PM)

Hello again everyone, hope your summer has been a good one so far. I have a few days of free time, and have decided that it is time to get this game moving again. I have been having some issues with my computer that may prevent this AAR from progressing too far, but with some luck, it will not be a problem.

I have read the last couple pages of the AAR to try to remember just what was happening, after two months off, I have forgetten a lot.

So without any further ado, its time to fire up the game and hope the computer does not crash.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/29/2014 8:01:03 PM)

The Eastern Med search was successful.

If my memory is correct, I think that both sides were looking to do some major damage to each other. Its not going to be easy getting back into this.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/29/2014 8:12:22 PM)

Italian losses in East Med round one.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/29/2014 8:15:17 PM)

CW East Med Losses round one.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/29/2014 8:24:11 PM)

These are the areas for the CW naval combat, less the Eastern Med. I forgot to show this when i resumed play. I really don't remember exactly how this goes, so I am winging it.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/29/2014 8:28:00 PM)

There was no combat in either of the areas as the Axis did not commit their subs.

composer99 -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/29/2014 8:32:57 PM)

Wait... wasn't that a surface combat? Why did the carrier Furious take the damage result?

(If you're unfamiliar with the rules, in a surface combat, each side chooses its own casualties unless someone spends surprise points to do so.)

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/29/2014 8:53:12 PM)

Well Composer99, another bonehead move on my part. Don't ask me what I was thinking. The two month layoff in playing is showing real early, getting back into it. I guess I was trying to not show favoritism to either side. Its gonna be intersting to see what else I forget and screw up. Thank you for pointing it out though.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/29/2014 9:02:25 PM)

It is now the Russian land movement phase. Before I start moving units, I think i better do a bit of reading in the rule books and a few other AARs before I make any more stupid moves. Lucky for me my wife is out of town, and have no other commitments for a while.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/30/2014 12:52:45 AM)

The Chinese remained in position for this turn. The Russians moved a few units toward Poland.
The BEF pulled back behind the Seine. The French units next to Paris remained in position. Units able to move, either moved into blocking positions or occupied cities under threat.

The French have good positions behind the Seine in which to defend. The Germans still face a grind in order to be in a good position to take Paris this turn.

The BEF now has a good line of retreat should the Germans cross the Seine.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/30/2014 1:07:51 AM)

Axis Impulse 7

Germany and Japan, Italy naval.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/30/2014 3:37:33 AM)

The Italians decided not to move their fleet to take on the CW fleet in the Eastern Med. due to the fact that the French navy is still intact in Algeria.

The Germans deal a blow to the French defenders in Paris with an artillery ground strike. If the turn does not end within the next few impulses, Paris might be able to be taken this turn.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/30/2014 4:17:16 AM)

The Japanese continue to slog south. The Shanghai Warlord was at the limits of his range, so he was sent back to move against Foochow and Wenchow.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/30/2014 4:30:21 AM)

The Germans clear the East bank of the Seine, allowing for a possible attack on Paris next impulse, should the turn not end.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/30/2014 4:56:12 AM)

It is now the German reorg phase, and a tough decision needs to be made. I have five points available to use if I choose. If the Germans get another impulse, as it stands now, I can make an attack on Paris at 3:1 odds. All units in Paris are disrupted. If I use the points now, I can bring it up to 4:1. This however would leave little or no points left should the attack fail. If I do not use them, it would possibly make another attack possible if the turn does not end before they get another chance. Even a partially successful attack in the next impulse will further weaken the French line.

So, I will not use the points this turn and wait and see what happens. Two possible attempts are better than one.

This thinking out loud gives me more time to think about what could happen next. However, I am usually my own worst enemy in this game.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/30/2014 11:06:23 AM)

Impulse 8.

US pass.
China,CW,USSR combined.
France land.

The CW has decided it is time to get the BEF out of France. A combined turn is taken to move them into position to be evacuated next impulse. There is just too much at risk by letting them remain in France any longer. The French are not happy about this. I am not sure of this either, and had to sleep on it. The Royal Navy would have a more difficult time of it if they try to evacuate them any later, especially if France falls.


Orm -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/30/2014 11:20:11 AM)



It is now the Russian land movement phase. Before I start moving units, I think i better do a bit of reading in the rule books and a few other AARs before I make any more stupid moves. Lucky for me my wife is out of town, and have no other commitments for a while.

What did you decide on for USSR?

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/30/2014 3:39:04 PM)

The impulse so far.

The Royal Navy reinforced the Bay of Biscay with ASW units in both the 0 and 1 boxes.

The Soviets occupied the Baltics, and the US removed a 2 chit. US entry vs Germany is 0 now! I dont remember what the tension level is. The combined movement is hurting.

Orm, on the last Russian impulse as with this one, units moved west. I have been reading other AARs more than playing to get a bit of a refresher on the game since play resumed yesterday. Since I have only played a turn or two past the fall of France, I am quickly approaching unknown territory for me. There has been a bit of hesitancy in my movement of the Russians in this game, which looking at it now, has been unwarrented, which could possibly come back to haunt me when and if the Germans declare war.

Your question has made me realize that a bit more effort needs to be made on the Soviets behalf. I think part of my thinking has been skewed by The effects of supply, the need for HQs to be on or near rail lines, from something that happened in China I think it was for the Japanese. I forget where it was however, and would rather spend my time playing than trying to find something that I may or may not have done, or read about in someone elses AAR. That being said, the game is progressing once again, and I am enjoying it.

Here is a shot of the Eastern Front, for better or worst. A lot of work needs to be done. The Germans have been holding a token force here since the Soviets have been pretty much idle so far. This will soon change.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (7/30/2014 3:46:25 PM)

On the Manchurian border, things are dead quiet. Both sides are letting sleeping dogs lie.


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