witpqs -> RE: AE under Windows 8.1 (12/5/2014 6:23:11 PM)
Guys I didn't suggest the resolution I use for my screen for yours! Gave you what I use so you can go from there. On the laptop (Windows 8.1), I am using windowed mode in what is actually the full resolution for my laptop's screen. I have the Windows taskbar (or what ever it's called) at the bottom set to "auto hide" so that it only pops up when my mouse cursor goes to/beyond the bottom edge and disappears again when the cursor moves up a little. That way I use as much as possible of the screen and still retain the ability to quickly and easily jump back and forth between AE, Tracker, Intel Money, Notepad++ (for reading turn reports and creating AAR post), etc. On my desktop (Windows 7) I have a much larger screen, so I don't bother with "auto hide" for the Windows taskbar. Instead I just make the game use a little bit less vertical real estate so the Windows taskbar is always visible. BTW, "cpu3" was just plucked out of the air. On your PC it might be best to use another cpu based on whatever is set up for specific cpus. The single cpu for orders is really the big one as far as cpus go. Deepcolor seems to be essential for Windows 8.1 too.