Bullwinkle58 -> RE: Japanese land in OZ!! (8/26/2014 4:05:04 PM)
ORIGINAL: ny59giants Watching your American subs until 1/43 can put a big stress on your heart. You never know if they are actually going to do their job. [:(] I guess the best thing to do is have a frame of mind that anything they actually damage or sink is a bonus until '43. Even the reduction in the dud rate on 1/1/43 is too low. And 1942 is simply fantasy. JFBs have no, none, zero fear of USN subs in 1942. In reality, in JANAC records (post-war assessment using Japanese records; far lower than in-war CO claims), USN (no Dutch or RN) subs sank 133.5 Japanese ships in 1942 for 552, 472 tons. Of that total, 14 of those ships were sunk by S-class subs. The rest were fleet boats. Can anybody come close to matching that in the game? How many times has a Japan economic primer said "Immediately turn off all merchant construction. You already have plenty."? By the time subs actually work, in late 1943, JFBs have huge HI stocks, big Arms and Vehicle stocks, and are using the Magic Highway across Asia to avoid having to drive tankers all the way home. Nerfing subs makes the game skew hard to an air war game, and not a naval game as it should be. I doubt the devs, or GG, had any idea JFBs would be as inventive as they have become. But leaving the dud rate at 12/7/41 levels for thirteen months is wrong, and it has big effects. Same as the very high escort-targeting rate versus targeting the merchants primarily, which was also the case in RL. And the sub war, except for the initial dud rate, is buried in the EXE, including the dates of dud rate reduction. It's sad that so many people play this game and come away with the idea it was all about airplanes.