GamesaurusRex -> RE: Gamesaurus Rex plays the Germans! (7/17/2014 9:17:36 PM)
Wheat has texted me to prod me for a few comments on my first foray as the German Player in the CG, so here goes. To begin with, the experience is exactly opposite of the Russian side. The massive relative CV and almost unlimited MP reduces combat decisions to a matter of where the Wehrmacht wishes to go. This can be intoxicating, however, and leads to the first error I have made, which is to attack too many places simply because you can run over everything. This has resulted in routing too many units out of pockets which facilitated their escape, rather than destroying them. It also incurred unnecessary German casualties. Next, the command problem is exactly opposite of the Russians. There is an abundance of good commanders, but since a 6 level is a genius by comparison to what the Russians have to deal with, I didn't bother to replace them with 7s or 8s until later, after I realized there were so many 7s+ available. This was another mistake I have made in the this first attempt which was not optimal. The airforce is somewhat of a mystery to me because I would have thought that fuel supplies to airbases would be limited when the airbases got out ahead of the railheads. According to Wheat, this is not as big of an issues as I thought and I have been too conservative and not advanced the airbases optimally, although I have destroyed some 5000 Russian planes by turn 13. Another error Wheat seemed to be bothered by was the use of one SS mechanized brigade I sent into the Pripyet marshes in an effort to cut off and isolate retreating Russian units. It did result in capturing more Russians, but they could have been captured anyway, if I had hadn't been drunk with CV and MP power and had been more circumspect and selective with my initial attacks.(Panzer Power is an addictive drug. [:D]) Finally, because the Panzers depend on the railheads for refueling, rail repair seems to be the real key to how far and fast the Germans can advance. The choice of which rails to repair is critical and there seem to be several ways to go about it, none of which I am yet familiar with, including an interesting trick which Wheat graciously shared with me (after it was too late to apply [:D]), but I will leave that to him to divulge, as it is his tactic. The proper way to utilize the automatic rail repair crews is something else I need to examine to see if there is a way to optimized them. These are a few of my first impressions, but one thing is abundantly clear to me... The German side needs to have substantial initial negative game settings to logistics to keep them from overrunning the Ural Mountains by turn 14, if you want a balanced game. This is my first German attempt at the CG and even with the numerous errors I have made due to inexperience, I am nearly at the gates of Leningrad and Moscow by turn 13 and have overrun the Crimea... and this with the German logistics set at 90. When I have fully examined the rail system and methods of optimizing the repair, I feel confident I will be able to drive Wheat out of both Leningrad and Moskow with the same tactics he has shared with me. At that point he and I will be able to arrive at balanced settings. In addition to the logistic reduction for the Germans. we are using fortification settings of 75/75. This is necessary to keep the game mobile and I'm not sure yet, but it might need to be reduced even further... we'll see.