RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (Full Version)

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yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/11/2014 10:53:11 PM)

The turn continues, and the convoy sticks: the japanese manage to pull off a land action, which will let it retreat its units in a (safer ???) position closer to the coastline.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/11/2014 11:05:15 PM)

And finaly the turn ends. The situation is not good!
Mandchuria is fallen, and China is likely to follow very fast.
Retreating was anyway necessary, since the northern front relied on two Mandchurian territorials, which would have gone on the fall of the country.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/11/2014 11:11:14 PM)

The destructions in Nov/Dec 44 are minimal, thanks to the bad weather.

However, with but 4 production in Germany and 8 in Japan, there is nothing to be glad about: this is still much more than what is being produced. Anyway, as the German, the Japanese is forced now to the defense of the home country : there is just no military operation that could divert the allies.

Germany falls to 4BP, while Japan falls to 8 BP. However, Germany manages to reorganized most of its oil units, thanks to the remaining synth oil plants.

Japan builds:
- 1 garrison
- 1 inf
- 1 Ftr2

China builds:
- 1 Lnd4
- 1 mech div

The Commonwealth builds:
- 3 offensives
- 2 territorials (mostly for boosting Indian garrison)
- save 10BP

The USA build:
- 5 offensives
- 4 Ftr2
- 2 pilots
- 2 infantries
- 1 mech

Russia builds:
- 2 offensives
- 1 armor
- 1 inf HQ
- 2 militias
- repair one oil filed
- 2 Ftr2
For the allies, most units build now will not have any influence in the war, as by the time they reach the front line, the game will be over.

This turn:
- Formosa, Czechoslovakia were conquered by the Commonwealth
- Mandchuria was conquered by the USA (just wondering how the game decides this! ??? The USSR have more units, more combat factor, a better HQ ; they hold the capital while the USA control both factories)
- Estonia (a leftover...) was conquered by the USSR

Anyway: this means that there will be no compulsory peace between Russia and Japan since Russia doesn't control much in Mandchuria!

Nov/Dec 44, end of turn

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/12/2014 9:21:15 AM)

At the start of the January 45 turn, Germnay is beginning to feel the heat. Berlin is under siege, with little room to move around. However, keeping the line to the Sudeten is vital: here stand the last two remaining synth oil plants.

The weather is extremely bad which fits very well the axis: this should result in a short turn and few losses. In addition under cover of the Blizzard, the japanese manage to repatriate a mountain unit and the armor corps. That much to defend the mother country. With luck, the transports won't be found by the USA this turn, and the supplies might flow the whole turn.

On their side, the allies are now going to burn offensive uipon offensive, to bring in more reinforcements and put the pressure on the places where action is still possible under these weather conditions. For the western allies, nothing will happen in Germany!

Jan/Feb 45, impulse 1

Centuur -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/12/2014 5:01:15 PM)

Can you post that bug on conquest of Manchuria in the tech forum. Manchuria should have become conquered by the USSR and not by the US.

Also: can you put a game with the long calculation times in the Tech forum, so Steve can check on this.

It's always interesting to see how fast the Axis demise is going if they lose the access to oil...

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/12/2014 8:53:37 PM)


Can you post that bug on conquest of Manchuria in the tech forum. Manchuria should have become conquered by the USSR and not by the US.

Also: can you put a game with the long calculation times in the Tech forum, so Steve can check on this.

It's always interesting to see how fast the Axis demise is going if they lose the access to oil...

OK, I'll do both.

About oil, it accelerates somewhat their demise, but not in a large factor. There is always enough oil to reorg the essential, mostly these units that are disorganized : one can live with a few fighters and no bommbers. Of course, once oil is 0, then there is a very large problem ; but that only happnes once the country is virtually fallen : even Germany is not at 0, and it is not in good shape!

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/14/2014 5:42:17 AM)

The allied naval turn is particularly long on a super combined.
Especially when it is expected that the next impulse will also be of that kind! It is necessary to think some impulses in advance: the allied objective is to reconquer lost territories (islands and such) as fast as possible before the invasion of Japan, which is not yet possible. Ship reserves are to be kept in order to be able to recover units that invaded in one impulse and have them invade a second, even possibly a third time...

The first step is to continue putting all Japanese units not in Japan out of supply, i.e. destroying convoys.

This works well in the Sea of Japan. An interesting consequence is that the Japanese fleet in Ominato is OoS (but it can put itself again in supply by successfully placing a convoy back)


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/14/2014 5:43:55 AM)

In the Mariannas, the allies fail to locate the Japanese ships, but a lone sub succeeds in finding the Japanese in the Sea of Japan, despite the heavy storms.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/14/2014 5:45:23 AM)

The result is impressive, as a large part of the japanese fleet is disabled. However, the US fleet fails on the second round, and the Japanese succeed in keeping their convoy in the area.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/14/2014 5:47:50 AM)

The Japanese want to abort to Ominato, which is protected from air strikes by fighter cover, and, more efficiently, by distance!

On their way back, the TRS are ambushed.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/14/2014 5:49:47 AM)

And one of them is disabled.
This is quite annoying for the Japanese: this is half of the sea lift force yet available. Actually there are still two others, but they are stuck with no oil in distant islands! And getting oil doesn't seem likely...


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/14/2014 8:12:33 PM)

New places are lost: Sarawak...


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/14/2014 8:13:21 PM)

South west of Manilla...


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/14/2014 8:13:59 PM)



yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/14/2014 8:16:13 PM)

And on the second impulse, the Japanese manage to disentangle their troops in China. What use for them remains to be seen, but they are better coming back at least around Shangai if possible...


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/14/2014 8:28:07 PM)

But Italy and Germany take a pass action on the second axis impulse.
Italy for lack of anything to do with its territorials...
Germany for lack of space to move any units! No, any retreat pushes the retreating units into Denmark... even from Czechoslovakia...

And these pass action results in the end of the shortest turn possible, with but three impulses! The allies are angry, but don't regret using their offensives on their unique impulse! The USSR captured two hexes, and Berlin is at last in view : the Oder is at long last behind most of the front line. Japan is satisfied: its units are still suppiled, and with luck the axis might yet once more get initiative. more to the point, the allies could not fullfill their agenda, which included the conquest on the Philippines and possibly Truck. The US fleet is spilt in two, with the reserves in Brisbane : however, this has little impact because the allies now have an overwhelming air advantage with more than 5 very good long range land based fighters. There is now no doubt that the China sea is uncontested.


composer99 -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/15/2014 2:03:51 AM)

Just based on objectives the Allies appear to have won the game already.

So it's just a question of whether they can get the total victory (i.e. by invading Japan) or not next summer.

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/15/2014 5:23:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: composer99

Just based on objectives the Allies appear to have won the game already.

So it's just a question of whether they can get the total victory (i.e. by invading Japan) or not next summer.

I believe Germany won't pass the summer,even though it (as often) made a very long show of dying. I'm optimistic for Japan that the allies cannot conquer the homeland in time. There are not many allied land units on the theater, and little time to bring more. However, by burning offensives, the allies can hurt.

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/15/2014 5:31:55 AM)

The destructions for the turn are fitting for such a short winter turn...
We don't see the few Jaanese naval units that were damaged or sunk (convoys.)

Japan production falls to 9. But that makes three inf (we'll see) ; anyway, enough to garrison a new city.

Germany can reorganize all of its units, and Japan still has about 10 oil stored : enough to move the full navy two times : there are teeth still.

Japan builds:
- 1 pilot
- 1 Ftr2
- 2 crappy inf

China builds:
- 1 Ftr2
- 1 pilot
- 1 inf div

The Commonwealth builds:
- 4 offensives
- 1 pilot
- 1 Lnd3

The USA build:
- 5 offensives
- 3 pilots
- 3 Lnd3
- 2 Ftr2
- 1 mot

Russia builds:
- 3 offensives
- 1 garrison
- 1 artillery
- 1 Lnd2
- 2 inf

The Commonwealth repaired the major port in Formosa, so that now both allied fleets can rest directly along the China sea.

Jan/Feb 45

Grotius -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/15/2014 6:42:03 AM)

I'm really enjoying the AAR. I've just read the first 3-4 pages so far; I'll read the rest tomorrow. I'm learning a lot from it. Thanks for posting.

Grotius -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/15/2014 6:56:34 AM)

Also, I meant to ask: did the recent changes to Production Planning address the concerns you raised earlier in the thread? I'm getting back into MWIF, and the first thing I'm going to do is watch the new video explaining the Production Planning form.

composer99 -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/15/2014 12:53:47 PM)

Looks like the Axis are going to get ploughed over in a storm of offensive chits next summer. (It would be even worse if MWiF implemented crack o-points.)

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/15/2014 1:57:19 PM)



Also, I meant to ask: did the recent changes to Production Planning address the concerns you raised earlier in the thread? I'm getting back into MWIF, and the first thing I'm going to do is watch the new video explaining the Production Planning form.

The latest version doesn't cover most of the production concerns, or more to the point, the buggy conveying of resources.
This problem mostly affects the Commonwealth which ships resources from all over the world.

However, one serious improvement is the removal of the bug that limited oil storing to one per city/port.
This forced lots of oil rerouting for all countries to ensure that no oil was lost, and this is a good improvement!

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/15/2014 2:15:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: composer99

Looks like the Axis are going to get ploughed over in a storm of offensive chits next summer. (It would be even worse if MWiF implemented crack o-points.)

I'm uncertain on the Japanese side. It much depend on the ability to bring units fast and in force, and I am dubious about that : it is late, and the allies will have to do mostly with what they have on the theater, which is not much.
And Japan is mountainous, which doesn't help... Unlike my previous AAR, I don't foresee the fall of Japan in time.

However, Germany will sure lose Berlin fast ; but the unit density is such that many offensives are needed to progress, and an offensive at best earns two hexes...
Now, with good weather, the planes will be able to fly again efficiently and this should give a boost, especially since Germnay will soon lose access to its oïl.

But it looks like the western allies will have to let Russia do the dirty work while they concentrate on Japan.

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/15/2014 4:47:56 PM)

In March 45, the allies gain the initiative: the should, at +2 on the track. However, the weather is still quite bad and begins with snow (not that bad for Russian units) and rain/strom in the north/south moonsoon area (not very good for planned invasions which had better be done from the 4 box!) ; worse, the impulse advance will be 3, so the allies can again count on a short turn.

The USA have 10 offensives in store (!), Russia and the Commonwealth each have 5. Needless to say that one each is going to be burnt. The Russians intend to cut Germany in two, while the commonwealth and USA are going to do as much as possible under the current conditions. One good news, though: they are ensured to have at least two impulses this turn!

Note that the USA have 10 more offensives on the track before the game ends, the Commonwealth have 7 and Russia has 5. The USA have more than they can use to the end of the game, while the Commonwealth likely has enough to burn one per impulse. Russia has a little less, but they really only need them to terminate Germany : 10 should be more than enough...

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/15/2014 6:31:52 PM)

Looks like this AAR is coming to an end due to a blocking bug.

The allied cannot now load land units in TRS/cruisers unless they start stacked with it. This is too restrictive under the current circumstances.
Unless it is possible to clean up this save, this will halt the AAR : it makes no sense to try an invade Japan under such limitations.

Grotius -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/15/2014 9:18:27 PM)

Ugh. I wonder whether some debugging tool might be available to help you fix that. It would be a shame to see this AAR end prematurely.

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/16/2014 5:26:46 AM)



Ugh. I wonder whether some debugging tool might be available to help you fix that. It would be a shame to see this AAR end prematurely.

That's why I joined the saved game here, in the hope somebody might fix it...

Centuur -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/16/2014 2:53:20 PM)



Looks like this AAR is coming to an end due to a blocking bug.

The allied cannot now load land units in TRS/cruisers unless they start stacked with it. This is too restrictive under the current circumstances.
Unless it is possible to clean up this save, this will halt the AAR : it makes no sense to try an invade Japan under such limitations.

Sorry, I can't clean up this save. It's a real bug...

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/16/2014 5:35:06 PM)





Looks like this AAR is coming to an end due to a blocking bug.

The allied cannot now load land units in TRS/cruisers unless they start stacked with it. This is too restrictive under the current circumstances.
Unless it is possible to clean up this save, this will halt the AAR : it makes no sense to try an invade Japan under such limitations.

Sorry, I can't clean up this save. It's a real bug...

Thanks about trying! [:(][:(][:(]

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