RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (Full Version)

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Grotius -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/16/2014 9:11:59 PM)

I loaded the saved game too, and I couldn't fix it either, even with debug tools. About all I could do is magically teleport Allied troops to Japan, but I'm not sure that's what you want. I see another tester has tried and failed to help, too. Maybe Steve will have some ideas on what to do.

Grotius -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/16/2014 9:15:00 PM)

Incidentally, yvesp and I had an interesting discussion in PMs about the early Russian declaration of war on Italy, which allowed the Soviets to ramp up more quickly for war against the Germans. I've been testing MWIF for years, but I'm still a newb when it comes to game strategy. Is this tactic (an early Soviet DoW on Italy) a difficult thing to counter? Is it considered "gamey," and if so, does anyone ever adopt a "house rule" against it?

Centuur -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/16/2014 9:20:19 PM)

Yes, it's gamey. But if the US isn't in the war, than it's costly due to the effect it has on US entry...

Courtenay -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/26/2014 10:14:32 PM)

In the latest beta, the blocking bug that prevented transports being loaded was fixed.

I do not know when the public beta will be available.

Yves, if you want, tell me what transports to move where with what cargo, and I will do so. I want to see this game finish! Alternatively, you can wait for the public beta.

Grotius -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (10/26/2014 11:47:03 PM)

I really want to see this one finish too!

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/9/2015 11:59:27 AM)

Trying to revive an old thread.
After a long halt, I'm downloading the latest version of the game.
Possibly the saved game will work.

But are there any readers left ?

Courtenay -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/9/2015 4:18:17 PM)



Trying to revive an old thread.
After a long halt, I'm downloading the latest version of the game.
Possibly the saved game will work.

But are there any readers left ?

At least one. [:)]

rkr1958 -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/10/2015 1:31:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: Courtenay



Trying to revive an old thread.
After a long halt, I'm downloading the latest version of the game.
Possibly the saved game will work.

But are there any readers left ?

At least one. [:)]

Make that at least two. [8D]

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/10/2015 4:28:04 PM)

Still trying to reinstall the game on this new computer...
Be patient!

Thanks for reading my AAR.

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/10/2015 6:46:36 PM)

Some news; my old save loads correctly.
My laptop has a smaller screen, so the screenshots won't be as large as before.
I also have only one screen now, which won't help.

Loading troops into transports now works! But it's awfully long in the China sea (maybe 30s each unit); probably due to supply check. This really will require an overhaul at some point in the future!

I have now to find the time to watch the whole map and remember which were the plans for each power...

You can expect to see more within a few days.

Mayhemizer_slith -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/10/2015 7:32:13 PM)

Yeah! Go for it!

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/12/2015 6:42:14 AM)

Made a pass on everything on the map, trying to remember where I was.

Of course, Germany is doomed; it cannot act and is not a threat. There are enough troops already there to finish it off; well bad dice can always change that, but even with bad dice, nothing wrong can really happen.

On the Japanese side, things are not so good for the allies.
In Japan itself, there are:
* 11 full corps and some divisions in addition, many of them of good quality
* 5 NAVs, 3 FTR: the imperial air force is not yet done with
* A still rather large navy, outclassed by the allied fleets, but which could still disrupt allied operations given luck
* enough oil for all of this to operate fully at least 2 times

In China, the Japanese army is impressive, but rather teethless: it has a difficult time keeping supply opened to Japan. Yet, the allies will have trouble permanently cutting the supply, given the number of convoys that the Japanese still have. However, it is smaller in number than the Chinese army, and the north front is shaky; a rout is not unlikely considering the supply problems.

The western allies have about 17 corps between both China seas. Worse, the 12 naval transports are widely spread. Clearly, the allies are not ready for more than opportunity actions. The allied fleets outclass the Japanese fleet, but we all know how misleading that can be. A small naval raid can sometimes be devastating; keeping supply open is of paramount importance. If the supply bugs have been solved however, supply should be able to run from Paris (a primary supply source for both the Commonwealth and USA) to Korea and Mandchuria through Russia with no possibility for the Japanese to interfere: keeping the naval lanes open is thus not highly important, except in the North China sea. This was a primary reason for the invasion of Korea in the first place.

The allies planes are not very numerous, 4 FTR and 3 heavy bombers, but more are on the way which should arrive shortly: the allies don't yet fully control the skies, but this should change shortly. More to the point, the Japanese are not likely to engage their air assets lightly, first because they lack oil, second because they could run the risk of having their oil reserves bombed... One should note however that the allied FTR outclass most Japanese planes. The sole Japanese plane that can stand its own is the Ki-84-lb (rating 8); but it faces 2 P51D (rating 8), 1 P38L and 1 F6F3 (rating 7), soon to be joined by two black widows and Spitfires IX. The other Japanese FTR have poor ratings of 6 and 5...

As objectives go, Japan still controls Batavia, Saigon, Shangai, Manila, Truk, Kawalain, all objectives in Japan. Clearly, the allies will want to reduce this number, and as the military situation clearly doesn't allow for a successful conquest of Japan within time, the allies will concentrate on keeping Japan in check, while they will conduct peripheral operations hopefully undisturbed while conveying as many reinforcements as possible. A reasonable expectation is to conquer all objectives outside of Japan by the end of the war.

Courtenay -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/12/2015 2:33:40 PM)

Unfortunately, I think you will find the MWiF will not send supply western Allied supply all the way across Russia.

Yes, a bug, but not one that will be fixed any time soon.

I may be wrong about this, but don't think I am.

If I am correct, you can work around it by by putting Allied convoys in out of the way places to establish supply, and not let the Japanese attack them.

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/12/2015 6:22:49 PM)

Yes, I guessed as much.
Supply in WiF is still the poor man.
But keeping supply for the allies means keeping both China seas opened, as well as at least one connecting sea.
Disrupting allied supply is thus quie possible for Japan.
One more reason to stay away from Japan itself at this time.

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/12/2015 9:12:33 PM)

Still inspecting the map.
I discovered another annoying plane for the Japanese, the Australian Mosquito Mk 40, an 8 rated FTR. This definitely puts Japn in air inferiority, even though they have a Zero (rating 6) in Truk.
I also incidently discovered that Japan still holds on another objective hex: Diego Suarez. Indeed, Japan did claim Madagascar.

The allies turn in the East is awfully difficult to plan.
The poor weather (snow in temperate areas, rain mostly everywhere else) doesn't help any invasion!
Nor does the fact that only two AMPH are available on this theater: one low speed (4) US, one high speed (5) but low range (2) British. Troops have either to disembark on a previously captured port, or marines have to be used...
The Commonwealth and USA both have a super-combined (expect more in the future! The Commonwealth still has 4 in store, the USA have 9! And with the end of the game coming, this was the best production (well, maybe I saw too large), there are 4 or more coming in each of the next months...

So, here is what is expected for this impulse:
=> clear the Japanese convoy in the North China sea (a 30% chance proposition given the rain I think), do the same in the Mariannas. This would put all Japanese units outside of Japan OoS.
=> from Rabaul and Guam, invade Truk (defended by a 1 strength marine division); with luck, no units should be turned down: have follow up ships to try the invasion of Kawalein in the next impulse (chance that this can really happen are low.) This is a US operation.
=> From Sarawak, load the British div with a fast destroyer from Singapore and invade west of Saigon. Even in the rain, this should automatically succeed. The Japanese have no easy answer to this move.
=> The Russian army in Mandchuria having little else to do, better leave it deal with northern China.
=> Diego Suarez is already within (long) range, a lone British div having invaded the island east of Tamatave; all what remains is to reach Antananarivo in time; this should happen in the last turn of the game.

The three other objectives are harder to get to:
=> Manila is garrisonned with 2 corps (total strength 5); but jungle and bad weather don't make that fight easy! At least 4 allied corps are necessary. They'll have to reach the area by invasion (each using an AMPH), or by capturing a port and walking (long.)
=> Shangaï is likely out of reach for the turn, due to the impossibility to invade now (snow); furthermore, the Japanese are likely to retreat some units there, since they have nothing else to protect now in China (resources cannot reach Japan)! It is very possible that it won't be captured without a serious war effort. A shame, since this impulse was perfect for the task! A single landing SW of the city would have closed the railway line and made it very difficult for the Japanese to further interfere. Sometimes the fate hangs on so little!
=> Batavia is sieged from the west, but it won't easily fall unless the Japanese mechanized is disrupted.

Some screenshot from all these places to follow.

yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/13/2015 5:50:15 AM)

Diego Suarez is undefended, but not captured yet.

The bad weather doesn't help moving, but whatever there should be time to reach Antanarivo wothin time.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/13/2015 5:53:14 AM)

Batavia will fall easily if it can be put out of supply AND the defending unit can be disrupted AND allied units can be brought east of Batavia.
Otherwise, a serious effort will be required.
Note that the NEI unit is Japanese; both sides of the straight are still under strong Japanese control.

However, being in the South Moonsoon zone, there is no hurry: the weather should turn clear in the next or following turn.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/13/2015 6:01:30 AM)

Manila is also under firm Japanese control.
The allies are still far from capturing it.
With 5 factors, 2 corps, and the penalty for city and jungle, at least 3 good allied corps are required to hope for any success.

However, being in the North Moonsoon zone, the weather should probably improve in the next impulses of this turn, and might (~50%) stay clear in the next turn. The capture of Manila is thus a high priority before really bad weather settles.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/13/2015 6:02:54 AM)

Shangai would have been ripe for the taking if the weather had been fair.
Snow foils the allied plans.
Note that due to the Chinese being uncooperative, only the US can seriously expect to act (Stillwell already provides the support for 2 corps)


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/13/2015 6:03:49 AM)

Truk is an easy pick.
As for Manila, this had better be captured soon, before the weather really sours.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/13/2015 6:04:57 AM)

And Kawalein should not be too difficult, even though a loss is certainly expected.
The weather is also expected to worsen in the next turns. Better hurry!


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/14/2015 6:11:53 AM)

The complex naval ballet has been done.

In addition to the planed invasions, the allies take the opportunity offered by the bad weather to try and corner the Japanese fleet: it is unsupplied n Ominato which is too far from a Japenese city, and it cannot act offensively this impulse.
A strong carrier task force coming from Brisbane has moved into the Japasese coast sea area, while the exit into the Japanese sea has been closed by another carrier task force coming from Port Arthur.

As a result, either the Japanese fleet sits low, hoping for the upcoming port attack to fail.
Or it sails to rebase in another port (but which one, in order to avoid said port attack ?), risking interception in the 0 box...

In the Marianna, the two US subs fail to intercept the Japanese convoy.
But in the China sea, the Japanese are not so lucky; and that sea area is the cornerstone: with the convoy gone, all the Japanese units outside Japan go OoS. Worse, due to the unsupplied state of the Japanese fleet (including all convoys), supply won't be reopened on the next impulse. This is a very bad event.

Note: the destruction took one minute to complete while the game was recomputing the supply status. This is much too long.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/14/2015 6:28:47 AM)

The allies don't use their air units in such a bad weather and wait for a better opportunity.
The Russians are willing to attack in snow, to use their superiority in such weather.

However, they now sorely lack any fighter cover: they have but three fighters remaining on the west front, all of them poorly positionned. As a result, they lose a rather good bomber, but the Germans also lose a fighter.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/15/2015 7:12:16 AM)

The remaining bomber does its job.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/15/2015 7:16:19 AM)

Which opens the way to a fully successful attack south of Berlin.
As a result, the German army is cut in two, the southern army (~10 corps) being out of supply.
It is still a strength to recon with, but as long as it is not attacked it is harmless: it has no chance to reconnect to a supply source! It will surrender when Germany surrenders.

As important, Berlin is now almost fully surrounded, and with three adjacent hexes, the Russians are now in a good position to try and capture it. However, as it is a three stack factory city, the penalties are still heavy.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/15/2015 7:20:54 AM)

In the pacific, Truk falls, but not without putting a serious fight with costs a marine div to the USA.
Kawalein will be harder, with twice as much defense!

And the allies must hurry up before the moonsoon settles in.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/15/2015 7:22:10 AM)

The three next combats are unopposed; they are meant to pave the way for reinforcements in the Philippines, while the landing in Vietnam is of course focused on capturing Saigon.


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/15/2015 7:23:17 AM)



yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/15/2015 7:23:45 AM)

And again Philippines


yvesp -> RE: Global War : a Japanese AAR (8/15/2015 11:51:51 AM)

Of course, coming back after more than 9 months, I have made some mistakes. One of these is that the Japanese, taking a naval move, could put their fleet again in supply before moving...

So the Japanese decide to break the siege around Omonato, going with all their carriers against the secondary US fleet made of support carriers.

Luck is with them! with 4 points of suprise, things could hardly be better!


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