JeffroK -> RE: Spanking of the Sheep! - JocMeister(WA) vs Pelton(Axis) (3/2/2015 5:44:26 AM)
Bad Luck Joc, I think that you were learning how the system worked while playing an experienced opponent. To those who believe the game should continue, can you explain how Joc can recover. Those 1000 pts will take a lot of bombing to claw back. The VP system is broken, apart from a few who have managed to work out the system Allied players are constantly in the negative. Tome it seems you either get behind the ball and stay there or get in front and stay there, very few stay in the middle or have a major turnaround. The devs have introduced a penalty rather than providing an incentive. The Allies should get points for achieving objectives, hand out points for every dot city rather than a dozen major cities map-wide. Make it a Production task for the Germans to build UBoats to be placed in an "Atlantic Convoy" box (maybe at the cost of more fighters or Armour) Allies then commit Airpower and Convoy escorts PLUS have an incentive to attack UBoat Pens and shipyards. Give the Germans a new toy, V1 & V2 to plan attacks on Population centres (affect morale) Ports (affect Shipping) which in turn creates a reaction of increasing ADGB forces, 2TAF attacks against launchers and Heavy Bombers against VW Factories. Negative points for losses should go, replaced by an Allied manpower pool so that drawing too many replacements to replenish after bad offensives starts to hurt. You could also fiddle with their morale/experience to replicate shortened training periods. Special pools for NZ, Canadian, Brazilian et al to make them even more fragile. Germany also gets a breather, get rid of Garrison VP's and make them really garrison the Occupied countries, more garrison cities required but fewer CP per city (make them fragment, an SS Pz Div in Dreux will have minimal effect 100 miles away, but an SS Kampfgruppe 25 miles away might.) Again, penalty isnt points but damage to the railnet, and if too much is given away, the ability for the Allies to land "SAS/Jedburgh" teams to aid the Maquis. I would kill the EF Box, we are playing the Western Front. Overall, make the system REWARD good play, not penalize players to force them down the track that the Devs decide should be followed. Another area for review, is the numbers used to assign Experience & Morale levels. Axis forces already get the advantage of defending in Mountains & Bocage, behind Rivers and in Cities & Ports and in Mud, Rain and Snow. They then get a good/great morale/experience value because they defended so well in this terrain. In this time period, German forces would not have recaptured more than 1 hex except at The Bulge, but in game they have plenty of power to clear Allied Bridgeheads off the map. IRL, even the botched Anzio landings held off the German counterattacks. Hopefully, what has been provided can make a solid base for making a truly fantastic game, some parts cant change but some areas like VP should be easy and knowing the involvement of some of the programming team hope that as time passes, some of the "impossible" areas can be worked on.