el lobo -> RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bravo (A) (8/29/2017 3:20:03 AM)
PACIFIC Sept 14, 1943 Turn 647 Any code breakers out there? I intercepted this Top Secret message sent by Rio to his cohort, Captain Haggard. (Read, he sent an email to me instead of Capt. Haggard by mistake.) It reads in part: --------------------- Captain Haggard- CHARGE (Bugles blaring in the background) 1.) We leave OWT bound for OWP tomorrow; September 12, 1943. 2.) The entire Invasion Fleet presently at OWT has been refueled from the Replenishment Task Force within the hex; including all your Task Forces within the hex. 3.) All Combat Ship Task Forces presently at OWT are fully armed. 4.) I set all your Mine Sweeping Task Forces to follow the Invasion Fleet's lead Task Force; TF 17. 5.) All Task Forces presently at one or the other four southern Marianas Ports have loaded and are set to meet the Invasion Fleet at OWT. They should all arrive by day-end on September 11, 1943. 6.) Please check all the Task Forces under The Haggard Group to assure that I have not set any of your Task Forces to head west that you do not want heading west and to assure that all of your Task Forces you want heading west are indeed set to follow TF 17. DESTRYOER TENDERS (AVDs) PRESENTLY AT OWT These AVDS were at OER as you sent them there, I assume to be protected by the Invasion Fleet. Accordingly, when I moved the Invasion Fleet to OWT, I set the AVDs to follow so they would still remain under the protection of the Invasion Fleet. I have now set them to return to Guam. They are your ships, if you want them elsewhere, so order them elsewhere. ------------------- Any idea what "OWT," "OWP," or "OER" mean? Any guesses where Rio is heading? Thanks. [image]local://upfiles/45493/AE9961D5A6404D4E89DDF6E72DE4BD84.jpg[/image]