A Japanese Debacle - Sqz (J) vs. fcharton (A) (Full Version)

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SqzMyLemon -> A Japanese Debacle - Sqz (J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/26/2015 2:38:03 AM)

Ok, looks like another PBEM for me. I'll be playing Japan once again in DaBigBabes-B, which is a Scenario 1 equivalent setup with the associated OOB changes.

As soon as Francois indicated interest in another game, I jumped at the chance to play him. I'd enjoyed following his previous AAR immensely. Sadly, I will miss out on his second AAR, and most likely another great read, until this match is concluded.

I'll post more once I've absorbed the Japanese OOB and just how the reduction in aviation support will shape my overall plan. I'm looking forward to matching wits with Francois and I hope we can both provide an entertaining game to follow via duel AAR's.

JocMeister -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/26/2015 4:30:11 AM)

Good luck Joseph. [:)]

Iīll help Francois out so I wonīt be reading this!

pontiouspilot -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/26/2015 3:00:37 PM)

good luck from another comrade in our new worker's paradise!!

Rio Bravo -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/26/2015 5:09:03 PM)

I will be reading fcharton's AAR, but good luck and have a fun game, Sqz!

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/26/2015 6:38:30 PM)

It appears I may get rather lonely here with those more comfortable with the Allied cause jumping ship already. So be it, no one said taking over the world was a popularity contest. [sm=00000622.gif]

Francois and I have exchanged game pleasantries via e-mail, so both AAR's are now closed to one another.

In hindsight, I probably should have requested DaIronBabes-B this time around. In my two previous PBEM's as Japan, I've played Scenario 1 which leads me to play rather conservatively. Lacking the beefed up OOB, supply and extra resources of Scenario 2, it's been my practice to establish a historic perimeter and play for the late war. Both previous PBEM's ended in early 1943, so I've never seen how effective my overall strategy would have played out in 44/45. In light of this, I've decided to adopt a completely different strategy than in the past. I plan on playing Japan more aggressively than I ever have before and will shoot for the moon, just in case this PBEM doesn't go the distance either.

Following a number of AAR's lately it seems India and Pearl Harbor have become the flavours of the month for aggressive Japanese play, with a few Australian gambits thrown in for good measure. The choices are rather limited after all. Russia for me is a no go. I've tinkered with invasions of Russia against the AI and haven't liked what I've seen. India is now a real bugbear to tackle, especially with the increased garrison requirements in DBB-B. Pearl Harbor doesn't seem feasible to me and simply forces the Allies to operate more off map. What's left? Australia.

I'm going to invade and attempt to capture the entire continent of Australia. I understand the risks of trying such an endeavour with the forces available to Japan in a Scenario 1 environment. I also fully understand the consequences of providing the Australian emergency reinforcement package to the Allied OOB. Failure will mean a weakened overall position and the possibility of a short war. Heck, even success could represent nothing more than a Pyrrhic victory. However, just once with Japan I have to throw the gauntlet down and try something completely uncharacteristic of my play to date.

So there it is in a nutshell. I've put on my big boy pants and will challenge myself in this game like I never have before. I hope it amounts to a fun ride for myself, Francois and those of you that choose to follow our PBEM. It's now time to sit down and get planning. It's going to a be an extremely complicated Japanese expansion phase to pull off this time around.

BBfanboy -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/26/2015 6:55:54 PM)

I have often wondered if the key to success in Oz is to seize NZ first, virtually cutting the eastern supply route and then heavily patrol the west side of Oz to cut the western route. Just a trial balloon waiting for some **** to destroy it! [:D]

kaleun -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/26/2015 7:10:21 PM)

Interesting concept. Suscribed

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/26/2015 7:11:44 PM)



I have often wondered if the key to success in Oz is to seize NZ first, virtually cutting the eastern supply route and then heavily patrol the west side of Oz to cut the western route.

Does invading New Zealand release it's own emergency reinforcement package, or is the package the same whether you invade Australia or New Zealand?

I plan on doing things differently. It won't be landings in the north and east, but rather direct amphibious landings at, or close to, both Melbourne and Sydney and work my way up. Follow up amphibious landings will target Darwin and Perth, but only after the initial landings in the south. My reasoning is that by securing both Melbourne and Sydney first, followed by landings at Perth, a direct supply route to Australia now becomes impossible.

JocMeister -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/26/2015 7:29:58 PM)





I have often wondered if the key to success in Oz is to seize NZ first, virtually cutting the eastern supply route and then heavily patrol the west side of Oz to cut the western route.

Does invading New Zealand release it's own emergency reinforcement package, or is the package the same whether you invade Australia or New Zealand?

I plan on doing things differently. It won't be landings in the north and east, but rather direct amphibious landings at, or close to, both Melbourne and Sydney and work my way up. Follow up amphibious landings will target Darwin and Perth, but only after the initial landings in the south. My reasoning is that by securing both Melbourne and Sydney first, followed by landings at Perth, a direct supply route to Australia now becomes impossible.

You need three things to succeed.

1. Francois doesnīt start prepping his defenses in OZ on day 1.
2. He doesnīt concentrate his forces in Melbourne and Sydney and build forts there.
3. You can seize them both before he can get defenders in place.

IMO, I donīt think its doable if the allies prepare for it. But Francois is new to DBB and the OZ OOB is very different in DBB and he might neglect building those crucial forts in Sydney and Melbourne. Could work. But donīt mess about doing it. Go straight for Melbourne and Sydney as you say. You need to land in OZ in late January.

Crazypantoufle -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/26/2015 7:31:29 PM)

Hello to you dear JFB fellow!

Be sure i'll follow you on this one. This will be the first AAR i will be able to support from day 1!

I play on stock so i know nothing about DBB-B.
Scenario 1, with less AS, more garrison requirement...

Hmmm...Being a conservative player, this would be an automatic China option for 2nd phase bonus 1942 for me. But as you say, PBEM games rarely reach 1945, so most players calculate and bother about times that will (sadly) never come.

So let's enjoy and try some funny stuff! And your allie opponent may just think as i do, and won't expect such a move from you on this mod and scenario!

Anyway, BANZAI![;)]

BBfanboy -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/26/2015 9:27:47 PM)





I have often wondered if the key to success in Oz is to seize NZ first, virtually cutting the eastern supply route and then heavily patrol the west side of Oz to cut the western route.

Does invading New Zealand release it's own emergency reinforcement package, or is the package the same whether you invade Australia or New Zealand?

I plan on doing things differently. It won't be landings in the north and east, but rather direct amphibious landings at, or close to, both Melbourne and Sydney and work my way up. Follow up amphibious landings will target Darwin and Perth, but only after the initial landings in the south. My reasoning is that by securing both Melbourne and Sydney first, followed by landings at Perth, a direct supply route to Australia now becomes impossible.

Pretty sure from my Scenario 1 Stock games (sandbox - i.e. head-to-head so I can see what goes on for both sides) that when the IJA invades NZ it only triggers NZ reinforcements, and maybe a few US ones appear in the US. IIRC it didn't amount to all that much and the NZ units take a long time to fill out, especially their armour. With supply cut off there will be little chance of them fielding units with full TOE.

That said, your plan for Oz also sounds doable, as long as you can get there before Oz gets fighters and DBs. Your opponent might be tricked into sending reinforcements toward the NW if you take Cocos/Christmas IO and start reconning NW Oz.

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/26/2015 9:52:00 PM)

Poking around in both since the shooting hasn't started.

NZ and Oz are separate Emergency Reinforcement packages in DBB. I just went and looked. Invade both and the Allies get both. It looks like, without researching back to stock, that the packages are the same. I wouldn't call NZ's "not all that much." The player can decide I guess.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/26/2015 10:47:25 PM)


Insert witty AAR title here

Haha! That-ah make Mandrake-san raugh.

Lokasenna -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 12:05:29 AM)

Don't bother with New Zealand - it's way too far, and you can accomplish the same blockade effect by simply taking enough of the Australian coastal bases that you can make sure nothing gets in (or out).

If you're going for Australia, I'd do it as early as possible. Before June, if you can. Even then it might be too late to take Sydney. That place is a real beast. I'd shoot down from Rabaul to Luganville, and get Townsville at the same time as Noumea. March west with a single armor unit to take Normanton and points north. March the rest of your stuff down the coast, using armor to flank west and control paths of retreat. Reevaluate your chances at Brisbane, before you trigger the reinforcements. At the same time, you should have landed at Geraldton or Esperance to take Perth, and then start marching along the rail line to Port Augusta. Once you have Noumea, Brisbane, and the islands off Sydney, he can't bring anything in that way. That leaves Melbourne. Park some float-plane cruisers/subs in the area and you'll at least see things coming in/out, and you can use naval air to interdict. From Albany (that's the name, right?) and Esperance, you can try to interdict with Netties or at least force him to go much farther south.

Make sure you don't skimp on naval search to Luzon in the interim, lest some xAKLs, or even xAKs, sneak by with supply. In this scenario, I envision taking Java and Palembang early, Mindanao as well, and living off of the fuel from Java/Balikpapan.

You'll likely have to forgo anything in the Gilberts area, and much of any consequence NE of Noumea. I would be shocked if you could also get Suva and still have time to get Australia.

The key to it all is his preparation and forts level. Any unit that can be cut off from retreating to Sydney should be cut off, otherwise you're looking at sizeable garrison. That's where the armor and aggression leapfrog landings down the coast come in.

I've tried this against the AI. Once Sydney is well stocked, taking it just isn't really possible.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 2:07:51 AM)

Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. I'm currently putting together a plan and timetable for an Australian operation with the prospect of Francois preparing for just such an eventuality. I'll do my best to mask my intentions, but having to prep a large number of units for Australian targets could provide enough SIGINT to eliminate any chance of surprise.

The invasion of Australia will be a Phase I objective, possibly occurring before Singapore is even captured. Any later than February will be too late in my opinion. This is Australia or bust. The objective is to not give Francois the time to fall back on Melbourne or Sydney by landing along the east coast, but rather an attempt to land in proximity to both targets and isolate both from reinforcement prior to capture. It's a tall order, but there is no other way in my opinion.

I'm looking at the forces available and it's going to be tight. Japan starts with 11 divisions and the 65th Bde., all unrestricted. Two restricted divisions can be bought out from China/Korea/Manchuria by February. I'm spit balling five divisions for Singapore, one division and 65th Bde. for Luzon and five for the first landings in Australia. The two restricted divisions will be parcelled out as PP's become available and arrive in subunits over the next two months. Once Singapore falls, one division will reinforce Burma, two will invade Java and the remaining two will capture Perth.

These are my initial dispositions for the preliminary planning stage. Unrestricted heavy artillery and armour will initially be sent to Australia rather than China or Luzon.

The downside to an Australian first strategy will be the weakening of the push through the DEI. I expect to face substantial resistance from the Allies' naval assets in the DEI and an attempt to create a fortress Rangoon to get extra supply into China once my intentions become clear.

Should be fun times!

FeurerKrieg -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 3:20:59 AM)

Nice - another DBB game to watch. I have a DBB-C game with scen 28 (aka Scen 1) and I think I've managed to expand pretty well with the limited forces, so it can definitely be done.

Something you are probably considering, but I didn't see it mentioned, is using some of your warp move TFs to get launching points for the Australian invasions as early as possible. Not sure if you HR's limiting your use of those TFs, but I made my self a spreadsheet (visible in page one of my AAR) just so I knew exactly what I was doing with those warp TFs. For time sensitive goals - like an Oz invasion - those things are priceless.

PaxMondo -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 7:08:39 AM)


This should be good. Keeping the initiative as long as you can I think is a winning philosophy, as long as the allies are taking the bait. You will need to keep track of allied losses and some reckoning of what they have so that you don't get blindsided when you have all your forces on the perimeter. Takes careful management.

Balancing this of course is that the more you take, the bigger your economy, the more planes you can build which is a very big deal.


pws1225 -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 2:12:53 PM)

Subscribed! This will be fun to watch. [sm=00000613.gif]

Lokasenna -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 2:35:02 PM)



Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. I'm currently putting together a plan and timetable for an Australian operation with the prospect of Francois preparing for just such an eventuality. I'll do my best to mask my intentions, but having to prep a large number of units for Australian targets could provide enough SIGINT to eliminate any chance of surprise.

The invasion of Australia will be a Phase I objective, possibly occurring before Singapore is even captured. Any later than February will be too late in my opinion. This is Australia or bust. The objective is to not give Francois the time to fall back on Melbourne or Sydney by landing along the east coast, but rather an attempt to land in proximity to both targets and isolate both from reinforcement prior to capture. It's a tall order, but there is no other way in my opinion.

I'm looking at the forces available and it's going to be tight. Japan starts with 11 divisions and the 65th Bde., all unrestricted. Two restricted divisions can be bought out from China/Korea/Manchuria by February. I'm spit balling five divisions for Singapore, one division and 65th Bde. for Luzon and five for the first landings in Australia. The two restricted divisions will be parcelled out as PP's become available and arrive in subunits over the next two months. Once Singapore falls, one division will reinforce Burma, two will invade Java and the remaining two will capture Perth.

These are my initial dispositions for the preliminary planning stage. Unrestricted heavy artillery and armour will initially be sent to Australia rather than China or Luzon.

The downside to an Australian first strategy will be the weakening of the push through the DEI. I expect to face substantial resistance from the Allies' naval assets in the DEI and an attempt to create a fortress Rangoon to get extra supply into China once my intentions become clear.

Should be fun times!

Your thoughts are not what I would do, but I think they have potential. I guess I'm saying I hadn't thought of doing it that way.

If you want to cut back on the SIGINT hits... you can prep for the target with only your initial landing forces that will be enough to overwhelm the landing site. You know that Newcastle is not likely to be well-defended if he doesn't think you're coming to Sydney straight away, for example. You can then keep from prepping your other units until after the game is revealed. I would still risk it on the HQs, however, as they do seem to provide their bonuses without there being an hq(+) in the combat report, and you need them to be at 100% prep. The LCUs themselves can be lower than that to start with.

Your initial force dispositions could work. I assume you'll be relying on the various other small infantry units (army and navy) to do the "heavy" lifting of taking all of the bases around Darwin, etc.?

I do think that you need to take Singapore rather than delay. At the very least you have to keep it isolated and bombed out, and at that point it's easier to just take the place and free up your forces. You could then move them instantly - 2 divisions to Java/Sumatra to begin a slow conquest there, and the other 3 to western Australia?

You will need to get some armor to Australia, especially since you won't be getting the Guards Tank Division that comes with Scen 2.

As far as supply into China goes - just walk right on up to Lashio and cut the road there if you won't be taking Rangoon anytime soon.

Skygge -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 3:52:07 PM)

The emergency reinforcement for NZ is very good.

The NZ brigades form into a very large division with 90+ xp
The Tank Brigades are well equipped with Valentines and are a tough match in open terrain.

And as pointed out by Loksanne NZ is a far away from Japanese supply bases ...and you will need lots of fuel.

It is very hard for the Japanese to succeed without an early and massive effort. It is easy to bog down here.
The allied can deploy their carrier force defensively to cut the supply routes and run away when the KB is near, and send
the airgroups to land bases in NZ.

New Zealand
Activation area: Invasions on both New Zealand islands will trigger invasion reinforcements

Reinforcements triggered:

Unit Arrival Location
51st Highlander Division Cape Town
2nd Army Tank Brigade Canada
32nd Army Tank Brigade Aden
4th New Zealand Brigade Aden
5th New Zealand Brigade Aden
6th New Zealand Brigade Aden
2nd New Zealand Division Cavaly Regiment Cape Town
28th Maori Battalion Aden
Reinforcement Convoy:

108 NZ Inf Section
48 3" Mortar
48 Bren AAMG (x2)
72 18 Pounder Gun
30 Beaverette
24 Vickers Section
240 Motorized Support
72 Valentine III
108 Brit Inf Section
36 NZ Combat Engineer
12 PBY-5 Catalina
36 SBD-3 Dauntless
24 Hudson III (LR)
54 Kittyhawk IA
24 PV-1 Ventura
24 Vildebeest IV
24 Vincent I

BBfanboy -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 3:57:37 PM)

Thanks for ferreting that out, Skygge. That is a LOT more than my foggy old memory was giving me! [:D]

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 4:10:35 PM)

Great information all around. Seeing the NZ emergency package means an invasion of New Zealand is out.

Skygge, thanks for posting that information. You wouldn't happen to have the Australian emergency package handy? It would be nice to get an idea what I'm offering to Francois on a silver platter. [:D]

I've also thought about what the American CV's might do to threaten my LOC. I'd actually welcome attempts to do so. Possibly drawing the Allied CV's out in defence of Australia is one of my goals.

Skygge -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 4:34:19 PM)


Activation area: The Australian mainland one hex South of Brisbane and Tasmania. [1]

Reinforcements triggered:

Unit Arrival Location
44th British Division Cape Town
9th Australian Division Aden
2nd British Para Brigade Cape Town
7th South African Armoured Brigade Cape Town
27th Rhodesian Brigade Cape Town
1st AA Brigade Aden
Natal Mounted Rifles Regiment Cape Town
Reinforcement Convoy:

214 AIF Inf Section 42
24 3" Mortar
24 Bren AAMG (x2)
72 25 Pounder Gun
48 M3A1 Armoured Car
48 Vickers Section
48 Bren Section
108 Brit Inf Section
48 2pdr AT Gun
48 40mm Bofors AA Gun
250 Motorized Support
48 AIF Cmbt Eng
48 Matilde II Tank
24 3.7" Mountain Gun
48 Stuart I Light Tank
48 Kittyhawk IA
48 Vengeance I
12 Catalina IIIA
32 Spitfire Vc Trop
48 Mitchell II

Skygge -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 4:35:16 PM)

Activation area: The Indian mainland, the trigger line is one hex South of Delhi

Reinforcements triggered:

Unit Arrival Location
XXI Indian Corps Aden
31th Armoured Division Aden
5th Indian Division Aden
6th Indian Division Abadan
8th Indian Division Aden
10th Indian Division Aden
Waziristan Division Karachi
XXI Corps Engineer Battalion Aden
Reinforcement Convoy:

216 Ind Inf Section 42
24 3" Mortar
24 Bren AAMG (x2)
72 25 Pounder Gun
30 Valentine Tank
24 Vickers Section
36 Bren Section
36 4.5" Field Gun
216 Brit Inf Section 43
24 40mm Bofors AA Gun
240 Motorized Support
25 5.25" AA Gun
30 Humber IV
72 Frontier Scouts
72 Hurricane IIa Trop
72 Wellington Ic
36 Vengeance I
24 Catalina I
72 Spitfire VIII
30 Merchant Ship (= Supply Injection)

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 4:38:58 PM)

I was setting up China last night and ran into an issue with DBB-B. There is a typo in the editor that makes the garrison at Mukden 2000 instead of 200. I guess it's a simple fix by going into the editor, fixing the typo then saving into the scenario folder. Once that is done we may just exchange dummy turns to make sure everything is ok.

Anyway, this is the third time I've set up China as Japan and feel quite comfortable in the theatre. The reduction in aviation support will have a direct impact on the campaign though. Coordination of effort between ground and limited air forces will be a key to success.

I always concentrate on freeing up combat LCU's from garrison duty to frontline service first. My priority for China remains focused on fuel/oil producing bases first, Sian and Lanchow, and then smaller supply production centres. It will be interesting to see how Francois plays China, and for some reason I believe he's going to try and play aggressively here. I do not let Chinese troops remain active in my rear, ever, so it could be interesting if he tries to flood my LOC's with units.

Next up for me will be planning operations against Borneo, the Celebes, Malaysia and the Philippines. Then air production for a change of pace. The biggest task will be the organization of transport capacity to move five divisions worth of troops plus armour, artillery and support units for sustained operations in Australia. The amount of fuel and supply required will be substantial.

Skygge -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 4:40:56 PM)


I've also thought about what the American CV's might do to threaten my LOC. I'd actually welcome attempts to do so. Possibly drawing the Allied CV's out in defence of Australia is one of my goals.

Problem with NZ is that initially the allied has better "eyes" in the sky and can keep their carriers on the other side of the "table" of NZ with lots of retreat options.... and having their DBs fly out of landbases. Fires on carriers a long way from home can be painful.

Australia is another matter ... I think

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 4:42:07 PM)

Thanks again Skygge!

Skygge -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 5:18:28 PM)


Next up for me will be planning operations against Borneo, the Celebes,

I find that setting up an Air HQ on Kendari will get you control of all of the Banda Sea when you have flown in some Betties and Zero and from here you can also shut down Ambon and Balikpapan as useful bases for the allied.
- then you can spring on to Timor and Bali under this air umbrella

With Timor in hand the way is open to N.Australia.
With Bali in hand the way is open to East Java.

Other bases in the area I find can wait until I have the extra time and forces.

mind_messing -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 5:18:52 PM)

I like the notion of a "bottom-up approach" to taking Australia.

- The first wave lands at Geraldton, takes Perth
- Land the main invasion force around Melbourne
- Take Tasmania as an unsinkable aircraft carrier and supply/fuel dump for the invasion.
- Take New Caledonia & Lord Howe Island as naval search bases.

With Perth and Tasmania, you really limit the opportunities the Allies have to get stuff in to Austrailia.

There's only the east coast (the great southern route is blocked thanks to Japanese Tasmania), so there's not much chance of the Allies getting troops in undetected...

Yaab -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/27/2015 5:22:13 PM)



I was setting up China last night and ran into an issue with DBB-B. There is a typo in the editor that makes the garrison at Mukden 2000 instead of 200. I guess it's a simple fix by going into the editor, fixing the typo then saving into the scenario folder. Once that is done we may just exchange dummy turns to make sure everything is ok.

Anyway, this is the third time I've set up China as Japan and feel quite comfortable in the theatre. The reduction in aviation support will have a direct impact on the campaign though. Coordination of effort between ground and limited air forces will be a key to success.

I always concentrate on freeing up combat LCU's from garrison duty to frontline service first. My priority for China remains focused on fuel/oil producing bases first, Sian and Lanchow, and then smaller supply production centres. It will be interesting to see how Francois plays China, and for some reason I believe he's going to try and play aggressively here. I do not let Chinese troops remain active in my rear, ever, so it could be interesting if he tries to flood my LOC's with units.

Next up for me will be planning operations against Borneo, the Celebes, Malaysia and the Philippines. Then air production for a change of pace. The biggest task will be the organization of transport capacity to move five divisions worth of troops plus armour, artillery and support units for sustained operations in Australia. The amount of fuel and supply required will be substantial.

Lanchow is important for Allied player beacuse its fuel feeds big HI factories in Chengtu and Chungking. Sian is a net drag - it directly competes for fuel with Sichuan's HI. To avoid it, in my games, I always disable Sian HI, so the fuel can migrate to Sichuan.

I would focus on cutting out the heart of the KMT troops first which is Changsha. It is the biggest supply generating centre, closest to the frontlines.It can feed tons of KMT troops sitting outside Changsha.

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