warspite1 -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (10/12/2017 4:57:36 PM)
May/Jun 1942 Impulse: 9 (Allied) Land Movement (cont) Soviet Union 1st Far Eastern Front (Koniev) In the Changbai Mountains the 1st Mountain Corps is ordered south while all other units are ordered to remain in situ and prepare an attack against the Japanese 18th Army. Leningrad Front In the northern wastes 50th Rifle Corps continues to move south along the Moscow-Murmansk highway in a bid to restore the link, broken by the Finnish advance earlier in the summer. 4th Cavalry Corps retreats to the southern banks of Lake Onega to guard the approaches to Vologda. 16th Rifle Army maintains its watching brief south of the River Svir to protect the eastward approaches to Leningrad, while defending the city itself are: the Leningrad Militia and 3rd Guard Garrison Army. Northwest Front (Zhukov) Zhukov’s Front continues to retreat to the northeast 51st Rifle Army remains in the marshes west of Pskov along with the 4th Motorised Army. North of Lake Peipus the 1st Engineer Division moves south to bolster the weak 8th Rifle Army. North of them, on the Gulf of Finland coast is the 1st Mechanised Army. East of the Velikaya, the southern banks of Lake Peipus are guarded by the 2nd Siberian Corps, the 3rd Rifle Army and the 3rd Rifle Division in Pskov. A line is then held east to the forest south of Lake Ilmen. The formations tasked with holding this line are: 9th Guards Infantry Army, 5th Motorised Army and the 2nd AA Division (85mm) 4th Mechanised Army, Zhukov’s Front reserves and the 1st Artillery Division (122mm) The formations named above constitute Zhukov’s command. No reinforcements will be coming to him any time soon – but he is to keep the southern approaches to Leningrad intact at all costs….. Western Front The Western Front is tasked with blocking the gateway to Moscow. The Upper Dnepr between Smolensk and Gomel has been earmarked as the next stop line. To help achieve this the 3rd Guard Cavalry Corps and the 61st Garrison Army are ordered into Vitebsk. The Bryansk Militia are ordered to stand to the last man in Minsk. This unit and the Moscow Militia in Smolensk apart, the only other units west of the river are the 29th Rifle Army, the 6th Guard Infantry Army and the 1st AA Division (76mm) in Mogilev. They do not intend to be their long…. East of the river running from north to south are the 4th Guard Tank Army, the 11th Rifle Army and the and finally the 2nd Mechanised Army and 2nd AA Division in Gomel itself. 4th Siberian Rifle Corps are ordered to maintain position in the southern Pripyat Marshes to try and divert German resources. Black Sea Front This new, and no doubt temporary, Front is ordered to hold Odessa, Sevastopol and the Taman Peninsular. The exact make-up of the Front remains fluid - and depends on the German progress next impulse. But currently contains: Kharkov Militia, Rostov Militia – Defence of Odessa 25th Rifle Army (Sevastopol) and the Stalino Militia occupy the Crimea 43rd Rifle Army, Kubyshiev Militia and 3rd AT Division (76mm) – ordered to hold the Dnepr east of Nikolayev and guarding the entrance to the Crimean Peninsular. 1st Ukrainian Front (Yeremenko) Yeremenko’s small command is likely to be consumed either by the Western Front or, more likely, split into new Fronts as the retreat continues (if they survive). The Front currently consists of: 1st Tank Army, the 3rd Motorised Army and the 2nd AT Division which defends the southern flank of the Front. The Kiev Militia is ordered out of its home city and into the forest to the north. To the northeast the 2nd Tank Army, bolstered by the 2nd Motorised Division seeks to protect the southern approaches to Gomel. Yeremenko himself is with the 1st Rifle Army. 2nd Ukrainian Front (Timoshenko) Any thoughts of trying to hold the Dnepr – even in the Lower Dnepr in the south – are quickly cast aside as Luftwaffe deployment seems to indicate the main German effort will be launched across the endless Ukrainian/Russian Steppe. Resources and factories in the bend in and around Dnepropetrovsk are abandoned to the advancing Germans as Timoshenko flees east. The Dnepropetrovsk Militia are to be used as the sacrificial lambs and ordered to take up positions in the forest north of the industrial city. This will hopefully allow Timoshenko to escape, flanked by the Stalingrad Militia holding Berdiansk, the 3rd Tank Army in Stalino, the 2nd Rifle Army west of Kharkov, the 3rd Mechanised Army to the east and the 1st Cavalry Division in the city itself. Finally the Sverdlovsk Militia take up residence in Rostov. Units under STAVKA control Ahead of a German move on Moscow or into the Causcasus, the Soviet High Command order Kursk (Tashkent Militia) and Bryansk (54th Garrison Army) to be fortified.