AllenK -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (1/13/2018 2:29:19 PM)
End of Turn for Japan and Italy Italy sends the Synth Oil to production (Milan). Should give 10 BP's. Japan sends one of the NEI oils to Hainan. Save idle NEI oil in place at Palembang. No other changes. A measly 5 BP's. Stay at Sea/RTB Japan China Sea - NAV in 4-box, CV and 2 CA in 3-box stay at sea. CA's and BB's return to Fukuoka. South China Sea - CVL and BB's stay at sea. Sian CA to Bangkok. Other to Fukuoka. Bismark, Solomons and Marianas, CP returns to Tokyo. Warships to Truk. Coral Sea - Sub stays. Cape Naturaliste - Sub stays. Sea of Japan - No stays. TRANS to Truk. CA's to Fukuoka. Italy East Med - No stays. FTR to hex 74,39. NAV to 74,39. Oil use Germany and Italy will click to share oil with each other. Use oil point in Trieste to reorganise the Hungarian HQ and the 3 Italian units. Japan reorgs all for 3.7. All units that can source oil from Truk do so (1.6 points, so expend thew 2nd one). All units that source from Japan do so. Use the Kyoto oil (1.9 points, so expend for 2 cost). Siam CA and sub at Batavia use 0.2 oil from Batavia at no cost. No break downs Production Italy 10 FTR-2 Pilot MTN MTN Div. Japan 5 CP FTR-2 Pilot. Reinforcements Italy Pilots to C.200; Rome and Stuka; Turin. CP's and sub to La Spezia. Japan Pilot to A6M2, Tokyo. CP's to Tokyo. Garr to Sapporo INF to Yokohama.