Centuur -> RE: 4 player E-mail: AAR (4/15/2016 6:32:47 AM)
Here is RAW on surprise: If a port attack or a naval combat at sea only involves units controlled by major powers declaring war, and the major powers they are declaring war on, the surprised units always get 0 surprise points. The attacking major powers get the normal number (this will increase the number of net surprise points the attacker can spend, if there is any combat). That leaves the question: what is naval combat. Here is RAW again: 11.5 Naval combat 11.5.1 Combat sequence After you have made all your naval moves, you can, if you wish, initiate naval combat. A side can only try to initiate combat once in each sea area each naval combat step (there can be any number of interception combat attempts during naval movement). You can’t try to initiate naval combat at all if you chose a land or pass action. However, your units can take part in any combat that another major power initiates. Choose a sea area and initiate a combat there. You can only choose an area if it contains at least one unit from each side that are at war with each other (etc. etc. etc.). Therefore: Germany is not surprised in the North Sea, since there are Polish ships in the sea area with which they are at war. The search rolls are part of naval combat...