RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (Full Version)

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operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/12/2017 8:28:16 AM)

Oh, I knew what you meant to a degree and I'm sure it was not lost on opnn either..[;)]

operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/13/2017 2:09:42 PM)

Turn 10


This front is stiffing up for both sides (digging in). Disbanded French garrison by Rouen so Brit infantry can move up to the front and deployed 2 fresh French infantry at Paris. Went on the attack against a poorly entrenched German garrison which went pretty good, I need those German casualties to get more French generals. Repaired French and Belgian units. For now decided to attack air on air, would like for those 2 German fighters to buzz off. IIRC the Brit fighter just deployed. Naval bombardment of Rouen. My plan for now is to populate the front line with infantry replacing garrisons who will likely be disbanded..


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/13/2017 2:38:25 PM)

Turn 10


AH has been relentlessly attacking here and gaining ground, while my units have to constantly repair. Well thankfully the Brits have occupied Cetinje and attacked and the French are making their presence known. Noticed the importance here to AH for he has employed 2 generals here, he only has 3 available. Don't expect the salient northwest of Kraljevo to last long..


Robotron -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/14/2017 1:48:55 PM)

Having great fun reading all this, operating. Your battle reports are always top notch! Keep it up!

operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/14/2017 6:13:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: Robotron

Having great fun reading all this, operating. Your battle reports are always top notch! Keep it up!

Thanks Robotron (mod extraordinaire)..!

We are at about turn 34, so a lot of what I'm writing about now is history and about a 100 more screenshots to do (edit) as of right now. Opnn and I chat as the match proceeds, he also reads these posts too (his spy agency at work). Glad to hear you are enjoying the AAR and from the number of hits other are too..

All the best, Bob[:)]

operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/14/2017 8:42:02 PM)

Turn 10


Warsaw under siege. Swapped infantry for garrison to the south west of the city. Leaving a garrison outside where a German commander is destine for a breakthrough annihilation and exposing the core of my defenses. To the east an armored train and infantry took on a unentrenched German garrison inflicting damage and efficiency loss. My general Yudenich has a defense rating of 4, plus local entrenchment (3 or 4) makes this city difficult to attack. Brest-Livtosk is about to be surrounded, meaning next turn it is likely it will be at half supply, refitted these units while I can and hold fortified positions, this will buy me some time to build forces elsewhere for an expected invasion of Russia. At Vinnytsia a newly deployed cav spotted a weak AH garrison trying a end run on this city, put the local infantry into attack mode putting a pretty good dent in this garrison. Many players will try to use the FOW to outmaneuver an opponent, that's why it's important to have units like cav and armored cars around. I felt this an important counter measure to have my SG move to gap in the line, at least temporarily.[8D]


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/16/2017 3:19:35 PM)

Turn 10


On this turn decided to set up a defense here and form a front. I felt as though opnn had a strong start and could have over run my troops in the open grasslands. The advantage to the Russians is: Deployment of fresh troops, availability of rail and forcing the Germans to have an extended resupply route, it's not so much about supply itself, it's the time it takes CP to man-up here. ATM I more concerned with the defense of Warsaw. Did manage to pull of a couple off attacks without much loss, fighters downed the efficiency of German infantry, same with the Russian artillery. Railed in a infantry from Moscow to Riga to anchor that end of the line and placed reinforcements by Vilna and Minsk. Of course The German cav can "see" (pink) what's going on. Certainly opnn would love to outflank this line, we'll have to wait and see what he does.. Repaired 3 units, waiting for more to arrive.


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/17/2017 4:02:57 PM)

Turn 10


Turkey enters the war on this turn enabling it to move units. To me it's a flaw in the game that the Entente player can anticipate this event by having in place naval units that block CP fleets from entering or leaving the Turkey straits, except for CP subs. Russia now can bombard Constantinople, while in this case the French can bombard Gallipoli, robbing Turkey of Production Points without even being able to defend themselves, for we all know historically Turkey had these waters mined with strong shore batteries, but this is left out of the game and should have been addressed by the devs.


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/17/2017 6:04:59 PM)

Turn 10


To be honest I do not remember what exactly happened here..! Here goes with what I think happened: Perhaps a Turk garrison had ended up by my infantry and got it's ass kicked forcing it into a retreat where my Brit garrison then leaped over the infantry to totally kill it off. Before this took place the French pre-dreadnaught had given the Turk garrison a bombardment perhaps knocking it down a strength point, plus efficiency loss. All I know is; that my 2 units had somehow received damage, It could have been a Turk garrison was railed to this location, which would have made it even weaker from transport. Anyhow, advanced my other garrison and deployed 2 fresh ones right on the Suez Canal. This is the start of a long back and forth at this front..


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/17/2017 7:39:08 PM)

Turn 11


OK, opnn is taking a risky move I think going on the offensive here, although he is having some success, but when he goes on the retreat or withdraws he will be going to unentrenched hexes. He managed to eliminate one of my garrisons in red circle and forcing me to defend the Suez Canal cities, at least for now. Economy wise, Turkey's economy does not compare to England's and that's where it matters when building up armies. Mind you France is of the most importance to England so I am not going to expend all my income to push back the Turks. Deployed an balloon at Suez City, a great tool to have in the arsenal here. Also received a commander at Isamallia Fort


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/18/2017 1:42:21 AM)

Turn 11


Serbia is getting withered down from attrition losses from AH air-power and troop advantage, plus artillery that is not in LOS. I need to send another expeditionary force here to stave off total annihilation for the Serb economy just cannot keep up with the onslaught. The main battle is in France, only meager units will be sent here, if any at all..[:(] Had to move the exposed artillery back a hex for repair, then covered it's back with a weak infantry, which itself and 2 other units are under repair.


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/18/2017 2:20:25 AM)

Turn 11


Keep up defensive attacks around Warsaw mostly just to cause opnn to use PP for unit repairs, instead of whatever he intended to use them for. Brest-Livtosk is surrounded but entrenched, should be interesting to see what he does there with just AH garrisons in the vicinity.[8D] My cav at Vinnytsia went on the attack while the infantry went into repair. I'm leery of what opnn is up to, when I see an AH commander nearby. I have to defend this city to prevent further incursions into Russia itself, it's just too much open space to protect, have to make my stand here at Vinnytsia..


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/18/2017 8:55:02 AM)

Turn 11


For some reason opnn did not try to out-flank to the left of my line, however I was able to out-flank his right line, saving the Russians from having to defend Minsk or the backside of Vilna, this flanking maneuver enabled a fresh infantry to deploy next to Vilna, plus was able to attach a commander here to give the units a good defense boost.. North of Kovno a Russian garrison could not move without disrupting solidifying the main defensive line, so left him in place and repaired, buying time for others to entrench, Russian infantry here did throw in support by attacking the attackers inflicting German losses. Anywhere on this front that I could do damage to German infantry units was done. During replay could see where a couple of German cavs were trying to get in position to try a flanking maneuver, if that's so, well they are now too late.[:)]


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/18/2017 6:08:09 PM)

Turn 12


Made a mistake here: The armored train continued from Nancy to attack Metz and the damaged garrison repaired at Nancy. Plus the infantry (green circle) south of Verdun was just deployed there to take over where the AT is now next turn. Bombarded Rouen again , then tried a combined Entente attack which failed. Continued air attacks on CP fighters and repaired 2 units..


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/18/2017 6:12:11 PM)

Turn 11


Forgot to post this SS before the one above..[sm=dizzy.gif] Not giving CP a chance to use his fighters by attacking them, for which he has to repair them each turn, if he does not he will pay a heavy price later. Gave the Belgians naval support with shore bombardments.. Bombarded Rouen. Struck at German garrison northeast of Paris. Swapped armored train for garrison at Nancy, here's why: The AT has a higher defense rating and it has an AA defense whereas the garrison did not. opnn has done continuous attacks here knocking Nancy's 5 PP to 0 PP, good move on his part, but I want something there he is unlikely to attack and regain those PP. Attacks like the one near Verdun are just to feel out CP defenses. Choose to move a garrison into the mountains east of Dijon, just in case CP tries to take my most easterly hex. ATM I think France has pretty solid front and now will give me more time and PP to increase labs and air units..[8D]


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/19/2017 1:08:54 AM)

Turn 12


opnn is pressing his Sinai-Suez offensive, which to me is kind of suicidal, but that depends on if I or another opponent makes a mistake for him to capitalize on for a victory here. I'll tell you right now "It ain't going to happen.!!".[;)] First off, he has no naval support, Entente does, secondly, Ismallia is a fort (tough to take on any day), thirdly, he has no air-power, Entente does, fourth, Entente has 4 immediate hex locations behind it's line to deploy fresh units, while the Turks have only one hex by Gaza to deploy, fifth, Look at the hex description beside Izzet Pasha's picture it has sand dunes, well guess what? units cannot entrench in dunes[:-]. Now I gave him a little taste of naval bombardment by Gaza and Suez City, followed by ground attacks and dropped some bombs on his commander, at all 3 places he took losses (me too, his were more). At Port Said received a fresh infantry and on the 15th turn an ANZAC infantry deploys by Cairo. I'm expecting to have a good fight here for a few turns, then start pushing the Turks back over their sun baked fallen comrades.

Must of hit the bold key, sorry about that..[8|]


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/19/2017 4:12:01 AM)

Turn 12


Winter is coming then movement becomes costly on readiness. To try and ward off an attack next turn laid down a barrage on the AH commander, reducing his efficiency.. My units need rest to stay sharp and prepare defenses, many are in a state of repair, much as a result from receiving aerial attacks. If this front line breaks Serbia will be in real trouble..[sm=sad-1361.gif]


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/19/2017 4:01:50 PM)

Turn 12


Brest-Livtosk is surrounded and at half supply with a good entrenchment of 18, companion units from last turn have been destroyed. At Warsaw my troops keep working on Germany's MP through raids. At Vinnytsia a combine unit attack forced an AH garrison to retreat with much strength loss, but was unable to advance into the vacated hex without putting a unit at an disadvantage, also exposing my right flank there too. Hopefully got a screenshot of the action at the top right of this SS.


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/19/2017 4:26:07 PM)

Turn 12


I think opnn had now realized his mistake in not flanking my line last turn and is now trying to fight to regain the advantage. To prevent this attacked the weak AH garrison doing it much damage and my commander assaulted a German cav taking steam out it's expected flanking maneuver. Also see a weak German infantry in route to this fight and gave him a kiss from my fighters to further weaken him.. Did a barrage the German commander by Kovno followed up with unit attacks, just north of there gave a punishing blow to the cav line anchor unit. Would like to turn his line starting there, but lack reserves atm. Got a fresh infantry by Minsk from the production queue, he'll join the fight for the southern left flank shortly..


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/19/2017 5:18:48 PM)

Turn 12

North Baltic

Last turn Entente subs sank s strengths off the German convoy, then Germany sent 2 class III light cruisers to help rescue the convoy. Because of the narrow waterway, if both subs go on the attack the convoy cannot pass them by, neither can the cruisers. My 2 subs fleets were joined by a third and concentrated their attacks on one cruiser fleet, both sides had losses, the cruiser had more though. I believe this is the second convoy to deploy here, the first ended up reaching home port although damaged. Germany can turn into a real monster if convoys get through on a regular basis.


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/19/2017 5:32:23 PM)

Turn 12


With the arrival of the German fleet up north, I decided to reposition my Tallinn fleets for a possible attack run up north and also to give me a LOS beyond my green dot home waters, where I feel safe, but not that safe. Sure enough on my first move tripped over this German class II sub fleet, totally did not expect it to be there, took a look at the attack odds with my admiral present added up very favorably, then went on the attack scoring a 3 hit. The bonus here is: My fleets are in protected waters, thus get a offensive and defensive bonus, otherwise I would not have attempted such an attack. I try to figure out why a sub was there in the first place? Why wasn't it up north? Basically it froze my other fleets in place to support the pre-dreadnaught, end of story..


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/19/2017 9:11:48 PM)

Turn 13

North Baltic

opnn sent more cruiser fleets to try and break the convoy blockade, one had escaped to the shores of Sweden, now spotted, I decided to blockade all fleets possible in the north Baltic, which also puts my subs closer to home ports for repairs. This Entente wolfpack positioned to gang up on the most southerly cruiser and attacked, this time there will be no escape..! I'll try and rotate fleets out for needed repairs..


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/20/2017 9:28:38 AM)

Turn 13


This front is static at the moment, swapped infantry at Port Said to repair and attack Turk garrison after naval bombardment, also had balloon bomb infantry by Gaza only to knock it's readiness down.. Repair garrison by Suez City.


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/20/2017 1:36:14 PM)

Turn 13


Winter has arrived, it's hard on attackers, defenders, and those that move. Usually if an attacker moves then attacks that unit losses 2 efficiency points in winter conditions. Spent an artillery barrage on Von Hotzendorf, hopefully keeping him at bay. Repaired units and attacked Cattaro. Otherwise stay hunkered down waiting for the inevitable AH push.


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/20/2017 2:05:41 PM)

Turn 13


Most of the French troops are keeping warm at their campfires while replenishing. Belgians look to be in sorry shape, probably Antwerp will fall soon knocking Belgium out of the war, still an English dreadnaught supports them bombarding a German cav. German fighters struck last turn and now they are getting struck themselves, it's obvious their efficiency is suffering and numbers are dropping, maybe they will go away this time. Pounded German infantry with class I artillery north of Paris.


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/20/2017 2:18:23 PM)

Turn 13


Brest-Livtosk is still under siege and replenishing as well as several others are doing here. The Russians are making an attempt to relieve the garrison at Brest-Livtosk forcing a AH garrison to retreat and another to have 50% damage. Deployed a fresh garrison down by Vinnytsia, I might try to send a relief column from their to the fort too, Movement through the Pripet Swamps is slow and energy sapping..


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/20/2017 2:36:29 PM)

Turn 13


The Russian left flank is on the attack here, as well as extending it's defenses. Russian fighters are suppressing the German infantry reserves, while other units repair for the most part and dig in. Evert's infantry harried German cav only to cut into their readiness.


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/20/2017 3:08:52 PM)

Turn 15


It appears that opnn is starting to feel the heat here..[X(] Naval bombardments to his cav and infantry, plus my fighters sapping his strength and getting bombed at Aqaba are taking it's toll. ANZACs joined the fight from Cairo putting the hurt to a Turk cav. Yes he has artillery, however when Turkey enters it is only getting 3 ammo per turn, meaning it cannot fire his class I artillery but every third turn or so, unless he has bought more ammo chits (his first ammo chit costs 20 PP). The artillery alone is not going to save the Turks from getting pushed back. As far as I can see: The Turks are facing too many weapons other than ground troops. [:)]


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/20/2017 3:44:06 PM)

Turn 15


I'm a little stymied here because of the Turk commander, where I have no commander, but at least I'm keeping opnn contained and he is doing like-wise to me. The garrison moving up from Batumi is more on the look-out for any rouge Turk units trying to do an end run behind my lines. Did a test attack on a Turk garrison, it failed. What I have not done thus far is display tech advancements. IIRC turn 14 opens up armored techs for all, meaning if Russia waits 2 turns it should be able to buy armored cars, then at least I will get a greater LOS that may effect my strategy here..


nehi -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/20/2017 4:03:52 PM)

i never understand you like armored cars so much, cavalry has great fighting value in comparison, similar other abilities

los is useless, especially when u know turks cant produce new units, there is like no way they can suprise russian industry giant

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