RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (Full Version)

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operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/23/2017 2:14:55 PM)

Turn 18


I'm not sure if units in blue circles are being upgraded to Class II, although it looks that way, for last turn Russia did not have enough PP to upgrade and also repair all units eligible, plus it may take still another turn to complete this transformation throughout the entire army. My fighter is concentrating on the German infantry to the west of Vilna reducing it's readiness. Did a number of attacks to purely take advantage of the winter conditions to reduce German morale..


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/23/2017 2:36:18 PM)

Turn 18


Not sure why opnn decided to sub attack my dreadnaught in home waters? Part of what you see here is my sub fleets trying to reach home port for repair and replenishment, sometimes accidentally tripping over hidden German sub fleets that I was able to attack with Balloons.. Repaired 1 sub fleet partially and repaired the Russian dreadnaught, I'm pretty sure opnn had sunk the pre-dreadnaught fleet in a earlier turn..


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/23/2017 2:54:27 PM)

Turn 18

North Baltic

This running naval battle continues, opnn has not given up on getting his convoy through and is having some success beating my sub fleets to where they could be totally destroyed, yet 2 of my fleets stymy German fleet movement, the Russian one is the most vulnerable and needs relief.. I may have to move this battle further south closer to home ports, but am concerned it will put them in reach of German sub killing zeppelins.


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/23/2017 3:23:27 PM)

Turn 20

North Baltic

I'm pretty sure the Russian sub by Umea had to go north to evade total destruction and wait for any easy target or wait to slide by the new blockade for repairs. At least one of my sub fleets was defeated, but cannot remember if this was the one.. Had to send in my Russian surface fleet to block passage of the German High Seas fleets and where possible to position my subs to protect the Russian fleets, it's all still a mater of attrition and stalling German supply convoys.. The Russian balloon is worth it's weight in gold when punishing German subs. I'm concerned here that opnn might be able to turn the tables on my fleets in blockading them from their home ports. From looking at the minimap it appears that another Brit sub is making it's way through the Danish waters on it's way to join this battle.


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/23/2017 9:17:18 PM)

Turn 20


Opnn has executed a fine plan to finally subdue Serbia and the allies there capturing Kraljevo and Nis during the process.. 2 Serb units are isolated north of Nis and nothing to stop the onslaught from reaching the Serb capital of Skopje and it's weak defenders. I'm leaving the Brit garrison in Cetinje Fort, if AH wants it they are going to have to destroy it to get it, plus it will delay AH advancement. Moved an English cav to occupy Tirana, there's just no way for this unit to make it to the capital to be of use in time. If anything I want to draw opnn's big infantry as far south into this region as possible. Why you might ask? Because Italy is soon to be entering the war in maybe 5 turns and I want to have AH units as tired as possible when that happens and a long way away from Venice. AH has 1 RR point and 7 units that can be counted in this SS (there are others), that means it would take at least 7 turns for opnn to get this army near Italy, plus the rail travel will have an effect on his unit's readiness. Yes, I know I am going to lose here, but it's going to come at a price for CP..[sm=00000106.gif]


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/23/2017 9:56:44 PM)

Turn 21

North Baltic

OK, this battle has been raging for some time now and I'm afraid of being trapped, but don't wish to let 190 in convoy points to reach Germany, it could spell disaster depending how opnn spends it. So I am going to hang in here one more turn to spoil his plans and await a new Brit sub fleet that's right around the corner. A fleet got sunk in the red circle, I can't remember if it was another convoy or a German light cruiser fleet. I try not to attack German sub fleets with my surface fleet, it just never seems to work out favorably, choose to only to have them act as blockaders and let my subs do the work. Again the Russian balloon chimes in with a double hit on the German sub commander.. Keeping my fingers crossed my ships don't get trapped..[&o]


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/23/2017 11:53:39 PM)

Turn 21


Before Gaza was captured, there was a chain of attacks and movement as a result of Turk retreats. In the red circle was a Turk infantry I believe which was shore bombarded by the navy then overrun by the British infantry, then bypassed with a Brit garrison to finish off the Turk infantry and at some point captured Gaza. Fighters struck the lead Turk infantry which was also attacked by British infantry. It's possible in following turns to cut off the main Turk army if opnn does not decide to withdraw.


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/24/2017 1:29:41 AM)

Turn 21


Skopje has survived it's first direct assault, but I seriously doubt it will last another turn, so much so detached the French general next to it. Why you ask? cause once Skopje is captured all Entente units here will go to half supply, if a general is attached to a half supplied unit then the general will not be eligible to detach, can only detach from units in full supply and looking at that miserable French garrison I had my reservations that too was not going to last another turn either. Decided to deploy a fresh Serb garrison next to Tirana for this will be the last bastion of the Serbian nation, which happens to be on the other side of a mountain range from Skopje. CP air has attacked the English cav and the artillery was bombarded, had both repaired. Cetinje is surrounded and still an obstacle for AH to overcome. The French navy pitched in by sticking some torpedoes and shells into the AH pre-dreadnaught doing some damage. Again, the more I can draw opnn south, the better off Italy will be.[;)]


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/24/2017 2:02:08 AM)

Turn 21

Strategic Bombing Map

Not sure atm if there was bombing done this turn, at the very least a player can get an idea of what CP PP it does not have...


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/24/2017 9:54:12 AM)

Turn 22

Strategic Bombing Map

Compare to previous post to see effects..


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/24/2017 10:11:35 AM)

Turn 22


This turn concentrated my attacks on the Turk cav, but in hindsight I had a better plan in the offering and that would have been to slip the garrison with the commander to the hex just northeast of the Turk cav, but I think I did not do that is because that garrison's efficiency was down and would have been subject to much counter attacks. As it was: It was hard just knocking his cav down to a 7 strength, even with fighter assist. Naval bombardment did score some hits which always help. Moved the rested Brit infantry to Ismaillia to attack next turn and deployed a fresh fighter squadron to Port Said. With the additional air-power I'll be able to rip his guys apart in succeeding turns..


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/24/2017 3:25:53 PM)

Turn 23

Gallipoli Campaign begins

For those who might be confused as to when this campaign begins, here's the event:


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/24/2017 3:45:16 PM)

Turn 23

Serbia Surrenders

What this event causes is a -10 NM to all Serbia's allies. It was a conditional surrender meaning whatever hexes and so forth that was in Serbian control stays Serbian and whatever armies it has left stay on the map as the country effectively goes neutral due to the surrender. The English cav that survived the surrender is repatriated to the English production queue at full strength and updated to the latest tech it is eligible for. Opnn captured Triana before accepting the surrender offer. Even though this was an Entente defeat I feel it accomplished the mission of drawing his forces to where it will take AH considerable amount of turns to bring his armies to other fronts. Italy being my prime concern..


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/24/2017 4:13:04 PM)

Turn 23

North Baltic

I think I took my first surface fleet casualty in the red circle with the green dot being the Russian pre-dreadnaught fleet. I felt lucky to have had my dreadnaught and armored cruiser escape to home ports to fight another day. Sub fleets are taking up the brunt of the action once again blocking German surface fleets from breaking through one way or the other, his sub fleets are a different story, although they are taking hits from the sub killing Russian balloons. 2 crippled subs are trying to evade detection, the English one was heading south, but ran into a hidden German sub, decided not to attack it making my presence known and the other, a Russian sub headed north for I believe there one or two 1 strength German fleets out of LOS hiding up there. Personally really enjoying this naval combat aspect of this match[:)], of course it looks as though I am winning and the mission to stop the flow of supplies has been effective.


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/24/2017 4:43:12 PM)

Turn 23


Having sufficient friendly navy handy is crucial to having any success with the Gallipoli landings and maneuvers..!! High Command changed plans to go after Izmir instead of Gallipoli itself, first was to eliminate a safe port for CP fleets and cut off this city from railing in reinforcements, secondly, it gives my fleets a place to repair once captured. Decided to send a third infantry transport to Italy which enters the war on turn 25, put a naval protective ring around this transport for it's an unknown as to how many enemy subs are out there? Naval bombardment is a must to taking either one of these cities in this region.. Commanders add their combat stats to units also.. Have to say this campaign looks promising..[;)]


nehi -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/24/2017 5:32:55 PM)

but serbian surrender did -13NM

operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/24/2017 5:45:21 PM)



but serbian surrender did -13NM

Ya know, I think your right..!! I rechecked Surrender Events: Sure enough it says it should only be -10 NM to allies.. Going to have to ask Robotron about this outcome..?

nehi -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/24/2017 6:07:17 PM)

u dont have to, its usually 13

operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/24/2017 8:38:21 PM)



u dont have to, its usually 13

That was quite the conversation in that thread, although it did not specifically address the Serbia issue.

nehi -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/24/2017 8:43:34 PM)

did serbia+minsk -16NM (most likely 13+3 or 12+4)

i tought there was exactly 13 for serbia in that conversation, it has to be somewhere else then, but anyway 13 is standard

operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/24/2017 8:56:10 PM)

I'm a hard numbers guy, when it comes to all the gobbly-gook calculations that change hard numbers, it just goes over my head and do not spend my time dwelling on it, perhaps I should, but the calculations just skewer how the events scripts that contain data says what it should be..

nehi -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/24/2017 8:58:47 PM)

but its related to that russian one conversation

there is more than hard coded nm loss, as ive tried to explain to u on paris example at steam

maybe losing of that nations manpower in alliance pool, i can just guess, but 13 is pretty common result for serbian surrendering

in later scenarios is ai able to finish it, so ive seen it many times

operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/25/2017 12:27:35 PM)

Turn 23


Made a small investment here to see how opnn reacts to my flanking maneuver.[8D] Have been making alternating attacks on his left flank degrading the Turk cav there. Clearly Erzurum is vulnerable to being captured next turn. If I am not mistaken 2 fresh units deployed near Sarikamish and a garrison on my right flank is under repair. Where is opnn going to prioritize his resources? Here or at the Palestine front?[&:]


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/25/2017 12:55:30 PM)

Turn 23


Came close to killing off The pesky Turk cav with air and ground attacks. Improved my right flank on the Sinai and held other units in reserve for upgrading and repair. English navy sailed out of the Red Sea and the other fleets here kept up shore bombardments. I don't recall what happened to the Turk infantry that was here, I may have destroyed it or it escaped, what I don't see here either is a Turk Commander..![:)]


operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/25/2017 1:33:31 PM)

Turn 23

CP Preparations

Spotted CP preparations to invade Italy with English balloon. Bombed the German artillery and AH infantry causing some loss but more to knock their efficiency down. 2 English units disembarked at Nice, that originally were going to reinforce Serbia, but did not make it in time. With Serbia gone knew opnn was going to prepare for an Italian front, I'm doing likewise with the French units by Nice.[;)]


nehi -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/25/2017 1:36:40 PM)

soon he should do the dirtiest thing in whole ctgw, to declare war on suiss [:D]

it would postopen italy joining by 20 turns

operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/25/2017 1:50:47 PM)

Are you sure about that..? As I recall if CP DOW'd the Swiss it actually brings Italy to the Swiss defense all that much sooner..! I believe the Swiss and Italy have a Defensive Pack.

operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/25/2017 1:57:19 PM)


There is an event that triggers when the Swiss are attacked, have not looked it up yet in the scripts..


nehi -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/25/2017 2:02:16 PM)

im pretty sure, its "meister stich" which can save cps ass even in 1915 scenario, else its just hopeless

as usually, u can try it vs ai in 1915 scenario

the best is to let italy to be as close as possible and then pull the trigger, it always set 20 turns for italy [8D]

ive discovered it in my 3rd mp game ever, 1st i won, 2nd u blimped me out, in 3rd i was stopped far from paris so i was looking for weaklings to chikane, first i took netherland, next move was to suiss, there i got it

operating -> RE: opnn (CP) vs operating (E) active (2/25/2017 2:21:51 PM)

What is ?


"meister stich"

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