Lowpe -> RE: The Dutch are the first to Die! (5/7/2017 1:01:38 AM)
Is this the POW trying to escape....a dash to Batavia, perhaps a cap trap there, and then west to the ocean thru Merak? Use the cover of the Allied cruisers heading north to Mersing... How many fighters does ABDA have left...my recon on Singers failed this day, so I have no clue what he has there. Perhaps 20 guessing from the LRCAP over his lead cruisers. I have 9 destroyers and torpedo boats (the big ones) at Palembang, I am thinking of running them south to try and get the Prince of Wales. The other option is to send them up north to Mersing to tangle with his cruisers. Need to sweep Singers, Batavia... [image]local://upfiles/44178/4DD04B7CD8D649A99785D663C1DB5C03.jpg[/image]