Aurorus -> RE: The Dutch are the first to Die! (6/12/2017 7:07:06 PM)
ORIGINAL: Lord_Calidor How did ya get the [R]estricted unit to Paramushiro? Or you changed it to 5th fleet, then to Gen.Defence once it was on the island? I usually base the Air HQ at Ominato (built to AF 4 asap) with some Nells, Betties etc., while keeping search and ASW wings at Bihoro, Kushiro or somewhere around there. That way, those 1st line bases are not threatened by a surprise air/naval bombardment. If you transport 11th Air Fleet JNAFs (which are not restricted) to these bases, you can switch then the base itself from the command of 5th fleet to the command of general defense (for a small pp cost). You can then air-transport some restricted units to the Kuriles, including at least 2 brigades from Honshu (the 62nd and 64th, if I remember correctly).