RE: 2x3+ 008 Soviet North (Full Version)

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Beria -> RE: 2x3+ 008 Soviet North (8/17/2019 6:14:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: Crackaces
The Finns advance one hex forward at a time. This front is expensive in terms of Manpower, but soon .. very soon there will be a breakout.

I have wondered what are the Soviet advantages to this? The result is the same - only question is they get to the Svir later or earlier. The Soviet units in Karelia could be used elsewhere?

Beria -> 2x3+ 008 Soviet Centre (8/17/2019 6:16:55 PM)

T008 Soviet Centre


Beria -> 2x3+ 008 Soviet Pripyat (8/18/2019 12:03:45 PM)

T008 Soviet Pripyat


Soviet South Commander
run, abandon Kiev etc, try to cut off some major retreat with green front will move eastwards enough (like, Kharkov east!), so will yellow and purple...get a holding front ahead of his tanks, otherwise he will just keep turning my flank again and again, and create pockets we cannot afford...There is nothing between Kiev and Kharkov worth losing troops for. Retreat has little negative consequence, not doing so, and ending in pockets, does.
Furthermore, moving troops eastwards might with time hopefully allow getting ahead on his spearhead, instead of being 200 miles westwards of them...Once the major river line breached, it serves no further purpose...We gain nothing by a west-east frontline. We need to keep it North-south as much as possible, i.e. the front as short as possible. And please, we must stop getting pocketed.


Soviet Supreme Commander
We have no more reinforcement to give South, or North.

I dont particularly agree with abandoning more ground though, personally.

Beria -> 2x3+ 008 Soviet South Ukraine (8/18/2019 12:06:11 PM)

T008 Soviet South Ukraine


Beria -> 2x3+ 008 Soviet Air (8/19/2019 11:32:05 AM)

T008 Soviet Air


Beria -> 2x3+ 008 Soviet (8/19/2019 11:41:02 AM)


We should do our best to consolidate a position where we can hold the Caucasus and the Volga cities.

Telemecus -> 2x3+ 009 Axis Team Allocations (8/19/2019 2:04:58 PM)

For information only - attached turn 9 Axis team allocations

Telemecus -> 2x3+ 009 Axis Finland (8/19/2019 2:07:37 PM)

T009 Axis Finland

Telemecus -> 2x3+ 009 Axis Osinovets (8/19/2019 2:08:43 PM)

T009 Axis Osinovets

Telemecus -> 2x3+ 009 Axis North (8/19/2019 2:11:20 PM)

T009 Axis North

Telemecus -> 2x3+ 009 Axis Centre (8/19/2019 6:09:36 PM)

T009 Axis Centre

Axis Ground Commander
There is a hole in Moscow to bypass a strongpoint ... Nope! they expected it darnit. Got a unit with 46 CV [which... ] recon did not pick up. Placements are a massive improvement. Only pushed 12 hexes and have to go for the only other weak point next turn. Which will then be fortified and is over a minor river.

Although starting from a very bad place the new Soviet centre commander is doing some sensible things and making life less easy. Only a bite of the Soviet lines is taken North of Kaluga - leaving that city's industry in our Zone of Control (and so double the rail cost to evacuate) and the rail exits in our Zone of Control (so it cannot be evacuated anyway).

Telemecus -> 2x3+ 009 Axis Rail Repair North-Centre (8/20/2019 8:31:28 PM)

T009 Axis Rail Repair North-Centre


Telemecus -> 2x3+ 009 Axis Pripyat (8/20/2019 8:32:56 PM)

T009 Axis Pripyat
With the railways of Kharkhov damaged from our prior occupation of the city the only route left for the evacuation of Poltava industry is through the rail line to its west. III Panzer corps commanded by Mackensen sets out to cut this rail line. But unlucky rolls and well placed rearguards on rivers delay their advance. At the very least they will need to use some of their precious rail capacity to evacaute it now otherwise we should be able to cut the rail line by next turn.

Telemecus -> 2x3+ 009 Axis Ukraine (8/21/2019 4:12:33 PM)

T009 Axis Ukraine Rail Repair


Telemecus -> 2x3+ 009 Axis South Ukraine (8/21/2019 4:13:36 PM)

T009 Axis South Ukraine


Telemecus -> 2x3+ 009+ Axis Strategy (8/22/2019 11:27:23 AM)

Mid Barbarossa Strategy Review

With Leningrad all but cut off by land there is little point keeping the tanks for the job of crossing the Neva river or for urban street fighting - that job is best left to the infantry. So what should be done with the northern motorised units? To answer that question also means deciding what is the next part of our Barbarossa campaign.

Historically 4th Panzer Group was simply backed out of the north and transported to the central sector as part of the final Operation Typhoon for Moscow. But we decide on a different approach. 4th Panzer Group will switch its advance to a south easterly direction crossing the river Volkhov and surrounding Novgorod by turn 11. It will then advance towards Kalinin to link up with Army Group Centre by turn 15. This will release many forces now holding the area in Army Group Centre to be redeployed to the advance on Moscow. 4th Panzer Group with much of the rest of Army Group North would then become the northern pincer of the advance on Moscow - with an outside eye of maybe even getting to Yaroslavl on the Volga.
Plans elsewhere are more diffuse. Although the centre is getting tougher and there is always a danger of hubris, the feeling is Moscow is ours now. There is just not enough time to dig the fortification levels needed to hold - and not on a wide enough arc to stop us surrounding it. So the question is what next? Keep going east and you have the great industrial prize of Gorky. It has so much industry that even using all of the Soviet Unions railway capacity it cannot be evacuated at once. Merely to threaten taking Gorky turns in advance will mean tying up all railway capacity on its evacuation. Alternatively there could be a large encirclement with south meeting at Voronezh taking advantage of the forward positions of a lot of the Soviet forces between them.

Beria -> 2x3+ 009 Soviet (8/28/2019 4:41:48 PM)

T009 Soviet

Meanwhile the Soviets continue to refine their approach.


Soviet Supreme Commander
I want every single division to hit every German troops in front of them. Do not advance and capture territory if gains are made. Hold your defensive position ... but attack the enemy as much as you can as well. ... I want the Germans to consume their supplies like fire, ... The more we get the Germans to consume their supplies and get broken/destroyed vehicles, the better we are off.


Soviet Ground Commander
I don't think we get resupplied before the Germans have their turn, while they do... we may end up being the ones at a disadvantage... we should probably limit this to formations we can recognize are not already fully supplied, and thus the attacks are likely to keep them under 100% on the following turn. Taking a 100% unit down to 80% will probably still see them at 100% ammo by the start of their next turn, while we will be at reduced levels.

Beria -> 2x3+ 009 Soviet Karelia (8/28/2019 4:43:54 PM)

T009 Soviet Karelia


Beria -> 2x3+ 009 Soviet North (8/28/2019 4:48:14 PM)

T009 Soviet North

The land route to Leningrad is re-established along the coast of Lake Ladoga, but this will be the final turn it remains.

Work gets going on the defence of Leningrad and the river Neva in preparation for the siege.

Zorch -> RE: 2x3+ 009 Soviet (8/28/2019 7:43:49 PM)



T009 Soviet

Meanwhile the Soviets continue to refine their approach.


Soviet Supreme Commander
I want every single division to hit every German troops in front of them. Do not advance and capture territory if gains are made. Hold your defensive position ... but attack the enemy as much as you can as well. ... I want the Germans to consume their supplies like fire, ... The more we get the Germans to consume their supplies and get broken/destroyed vehicles, the better we are off.


FORMER Soviet Ground Commander
I don't think we get resupplied before the Germans have their turn, while they do... we may end up being the ones at a disadvantage... we should probably limit this to formations we can recognize are not already fully supplied, and thus the attacks are likely to keep them under 100% on the following turn. Taking a 100% unit down to 80% will probably still see them at 100% ammo by the start of their next turn, while we will be at reduced levels.

Fixed that for you.

Beria -> RE: 2x3+ 009 Soviet (8/28/2019 9:12:51 PM)


Fixed that for you.


Beria -> 2x3+ 009 Pripyat Raid (8/28/2019 9:15:18 PM)

T009 The Pripyat Raid


Soviet Supreme Commander
send some division to try to cut out the German supply and cause a little bit of chaos, this will, in turn, take away some of their troops for the assault on Moscow, maybe they will think we are trying a huge rescue operation behind enemy lines for that pocket we have there and put the attention somewhere else than on Moscow for the time being. I dont think they kept any reserve units in there, and you will most likely encounter very small resistance.

Your task would be to capture Misnk and Mogilev ( shown in Black ). And then retreat back to your own position (shown in red)


Soviet Centre Commander
Interesting...but I think they're running their rail line from Vitebsk, based on looking at their units and the changes in range to rail as I move around. Still it might cause some chaos, and I can displace an airbase possibly.



Soviet Centre Commander
It turns out AGS has cut the rail line. Meaning I can't rail straight in. As a result, I don't think we'll be able to sneak in, particularly as the marsh should be pocketed by next turn. So I've decided not to go ahead with the swamp attack.

Beria -> 2x3+ 009 Soviet Centre (8/28/2019 9:19:11 PM)

T009 Soviet Centre


Soviet Centre Commander
Northwest of Tula i've retreated behind the river.

The reinforcements this turn were largely cavalry and AT brigades. I think the German Panzers are on the end of a HQ buildup so hopefully they won't be able to mount a push this turn. If they have full movement points, then I don't know what might happen, our fortification levels are too low, and many of our troops too inexperienced to stop them...

I've currently evacuated factories exclusively in Moscow as Leningrad is almost empty, and the Southern front doesn't have anything directly threatened...

Currently I have Moscow, Tula and Bryansk all possibly having adjacent units within three weeks, and potentially captured or surrounded within the next 4-6 weeks. Hopefully we'll hold out longer, but this is a likely scenario.



Soviet Supreme Commander
Loosing Moscow is not a game breaker. We can always retreat and capture it back during the winter. One avenue we could go is retreat everything and leave the Germans fighting for supplies.

Beria -> 2x3+ 009 Soviet Ukraine North (8/29/2019 10:16:29 AM)

T009 Soviet Ukraine North


Soviet Centre Commander
overloaded, considering it does not provide a natural avenue of advance for the Wehrmacht...plan is to retreat all mechanized and motorized units from this sector to help with the defense of Moscow. A token force of four infantry divisions ... will be left behind ... Additional infantry forces will be placed around Bryansk and Tula early on. While token defences will be placed along the river lines further south to slow the German advance towards Kursk etc.


Soviet South Commander
suggest a joint up defensive line that runs along the Oka to Orel and beyond, then following the Tuskar river past Kursk, then via the patches of forests west of Belgorod, on to Kharkov...There is nothing of value west of that line, it shortens the line and frees up troops...

The Kursk sector will only be defended lightly ... I doubt the Germans will send their tanks that way. And their infantry will take 4-5 turns to reestablich contact with our lines again...



Soviet South CommanderI am anxious about a sudden southern swing of their armour spearheads southwards towards Orel and Kursk which could bag a lot of our forces.


Soviet Centre Commander
I doubt they are planning to go much further than Bryansk & Tula from Centre to South. Their supply lines would be too long with a rail line back in Vitebsk. If AGS starts grouping panzers on the northern part of their sector, I'll start to get more worried about an actual encirclement, at this point I'm expecting a minor thrust and then a redirect back towards Moscow.

Beria -> 2x3+ 009 Soviet Operation Jaws (8/29/2019 10:18:45 AM)

T009 Soviet Operation Jaws


Soviet Centre Commander
...slowly create increasing lines of defense and slow down the infantry advance, with the hope of maintaining lines in front of Moscow come winter, providing us with a salient with which to counter-attack during the blizzard.


ledo -> RE: 2x3+ 009 Soviet Operation Jaws (8/29/2019 1:35:23 PM)

Hey that's me. Maybe a bit naive but it was my first attempt at anything Soviet. Still I do feel the objective in the winter for Soviets is the longest line possible to keep panzers in the theatre, even if you lose Moscow. The counterattack might be impossible, particularly in this situation. But legitimate threat of one probably draws attrition losses that aren't otherwise necessary.

Beria -> RE: 2x3+ 009 Soviet Operation Jaws (8/30/2019 7:28:08 PM)


Wonderful to see you here too!

Beria -> 2x3+ 009 Soviet South (8/30/2019 7:29:54 PM)

T009 Soviet South


Soviet South Commander
continue to fall back north of the river to conserve my forces, and thus have enough to move the entire line eastwards... hopefully will have enough to guard Kharkov. I will try to hold the Stalino tricity area for a few turns.
Odessa will be evacuated as best as possible to rescue those good divisions there.

This overall shortening of my front... will free up some forces we bitterly need...


Beria -> 2x3+ 009 Soviet Air (9/3/2019 5:28:01 PM)

T009 Soviet Air

With changes in control of the air the mass of the Soviet air force has come up to play and airbases are moved closer to the front.

Some new types of airgroups are being made!


Telemecus -> 2x3+ 010 Axis Team Allocations (9/3/2019 5:36:14 PM)

For information only - attached turn 10 Axis team allocations

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