Twigster -> RE: Twig's War (Twigster Axis, thedoctorking Soviet) (11/24/2017 5:46:10 PM)
I have been interested in getting an objective read on the difference in outcome between an aggressively forward-defending Soviet and a Soviet strategy of trading space for time. We now have posted losses from the same time period (end of Soviet Turn 8) so I crunched some numbers and will share what surprises me, what does not and invite others (nearly all of whom will have had far more experience playing the game)to let me know if I am reading things incorrectly. This is not at all intended to be a competitive comparison- I know I need to up my game in terms of skill level. *Axis permanent manpower losses are 64,575 greater in Twigster's game compared to tyronec's, gun losses are 1,301 greater and and AFV losses are 567 greater. Soviet manpower loses are 91,817 greater, gun losses 1,410 greater, but Soviet AFV losses are 74 greater in Grognard's game This makes sense to me as a result of the forces engaging in more combat in this game. That said, I hasten to note that the Soviet has conducted fewer than 10 hasty and/or deliberate attacks thus far in Twig's War. Soviet reserve activations have been memorable for me though I can't speak to activation percentages for the Soviets. Tyronec's pocketing has been far more extensive. *In the air, Twigster's Luftwaffe has lost 35 more planes overall; 12 more fighters and 43 planes more lost in air-to-air combat but lost 10 fewer operational losses than tyronec's Luftwaffe. thedoctorking's Red Air Force has lost 1,221 fewer planes overall but 160 more fighters and 545 more lost in air-to-air combat than Grognards', and and has lost 171 more operational losses. Twigster and tyronec's air losses are very close though they faced two very different Soviet air strategies. The difference in thedoctorking's and Grognard's overall losses are attributable as per tyronec, i.e. he destroyed more on his Turn 1 attacks. It seems clear that Twigster's LW has conducted more interceptions (as was, I believe, thedoctorking's goal) the question being how much more Fatigued Twigster's LW is over tyronec's. A big take-away for me is that, judging by these numbers, the respective OOBs should not be numerically too terribly different; being aware of course that Twigster's relative losses are a bit higher than the numbers alone indicate. Even so, to date numerically the Soviet "forward defense" as opposed to "trading space for time" has resulted in a drop in manpower, for example, in the German (not general Axis) OOB of less than 2% (1.85%). I guess time will tell how significant that is.