warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 12:59:00 AM)
Turn 55 - Axis Turn 18th June 1941 So much for trapping and destroying the Italian forces.... Anyways the Axis start the round with a bombardment of Bardia for 1% loss. Then the focus is switched to the 11th Hussars who suddenly find themselves surrounded at Gabr Saleh (24% loses vs 12% in the Axis favour). At attack against the RN off Tobruk sees 7 Hurricanes lost but just over half that number are lost by the Italians. Unbelievable - the tanks of the 4th Armoured at Sidi Omar get attacked and are forced to retreat with 13% losses... Bardia comes in for another hit (2%) but the Axis are struggling to make an impression at Tobruk so far - just 3% over two bombardments. Then the action switches back to Sidi Omar and another attack on the British tanks - this time the attack strikes the 7th Hussars, but they hold their ground despite some pretty serious losses (18% vs 9%). Things start to ramp up nicely for the Axis, 10% against the west fort, and the Hussars retreat at Gabr Saleh. This time around the shells miss Bardia altogether and fall into the sea - and exactly the same thing happens at Tobruk; three barrages and not a single loss. But at Sidi Omar the 7th Hussars break with another 28% losses and they fall back in some disarray. Another attack goes in against the 11th Hussars and this sees them taking more losses and retreating yet further. The Axis gunners have completely lost their range at Bardia, while back at Sidi Omar Italian infantry from the Sabratha Division and motorised infantry from the Ariete, attack the 2nd Rifle Battalion. The British infantry hold and repulse the attack with 3% loss vs 8%. Back at Tobruk the shells continue to go astray, but the 7th Hussars continue to take a beating north of Sidi Omar - as so the 11th at Gabr Saleh. Finally the Axis land another hit at Tobruk with 9% losses against the western strong point. At Sidi Omar the Italians are keen to exploit their success and attack the 3rd RTR using their cavalry. However, this time the attack is rebuffed with 5% losses to the Italians. Fed up with Bardia the Italian gunners switch to the infantry manning the northwestern approaches to the port and this time hit once more (8%) although not without pain to themselves (5%). The 11th Hussars pain goes on.....as does the Rifle Brigade which is on the receiving end of a bombardment that costs 7% losses. 16% losses are also recorded at Tobruk over the three target areas. The 4th Armoured Brigade is almost destroyed as the 3rd RTR - or what is left of it - retreats once again. 4th Armoured Brigade is again the target, but this time the attack is held off at some cost to the enemy (4% vs 7%). The Savona Division attack northwest of Bardia but the attack is broken off with 18% losses. There is another 9% losses at Tobruk, and east of Sidi Omar the Rifle Brigade break at the hands of the Ariete Division. The 4th Armoured continue their headlong retreat - as does the 11th Hussars. The Italians are beaten off again at Bardia with 14% losses, but Tobruk continues to be gradually worn down. The 3rd Royal Horse Artillery evaporates under another barrage, and further losses rack up eveywhere..... No less than 52 attacks - and untold damage done to the British spearhead unit. [image]local://upfiles/28156/FFB8353FBBF641A5A0CDF582357A581A.jpg[/image]