RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (Full Version)

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warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 10:22:18 AM)

Turn 56 - Round 1
21st June 1941

The day gets off to thunderous start as 15-inch and smaller size shells are hurled from the RN vessels off Tobruk and Bardia. Meanwhile Operation Battleaxe continues with an artillery barrage against four targets.

South of Sidi Suleiman units of the Ariete Division are on the receiving end of barrages from the Kiwi 4th Field Artillery Regt and suffer 5% losses. A similar result is meted out by the 5th Regt. against Ariete cavalry. Both surrounded Ariete tank battalions take 6% and 5% losses as the remaining New Zealand regiment opens up supported by the Indians.

At Bardia there are some heavy losses for the Savona Division courtesy of the RN (21%), but also to the artillery at Menastir. The RN at Tobruk target the German armour southwest of the southern strong point, causing 19% losses.


Franciscus -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 10:52:28 AM)

Warspite, thank you again for you AAR !

But I have a question: a recurring theme in your campaign is the almost complete impunity of the RN to bombard to oblivion the DAK and, related to that, the inefficacy of the axis airforce to inflict pain on CW ships and land units...

Do you think this is historical ? Is it do to AI inefficacy ? And where is Regia Marina ?

Cherrs !

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 10:57:08 AM)

Turn 56 - Round 3
21st June 1941

Having opened up with a barrage, the barrage briefly continues with the 31st Field Artillery from 4th Indian Division hitting the Ariete cavalry again (7%). The VIII Tank Battalion at Halfaya loses another 4% to 51st Field Artillery.

Then its time for the tanks and motorised troops to go in, spearheaded by the 7th RTR (temporarily attached to Creagh's command). North of Sidi Omar they, in company with a squadron from the 7th Hussars, brush aside a Bersaglieri motorcycle battalion.

To the southeast the 3rd Hussars do the same to a battalion from the 86th Infantry Regiment, Sabratha Division.

However, once again the 7th Support Group's two battalions of motorised infantry come up short, despite assistance from two Blenheim squadrons. Elite units from the Ariete Division stand their ground. There are disgruntled mutterings that the tanks of the 7th Armoured were supposed to support them but...

Away from Battleaxe Wavell gets more good news with reports that the RN has smashed the Savona's 55th Anti-Tank regiment north of Bardia and at Tobruk another 20% of loss is caused to the German and Italian armour.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 11:02:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: Franciscus

Warspite, thank you again for you AAR !

But I have a question: a recurring theme in your campaign is the almost complete impunity of the RN to bombard to oblivion the DAK and, related to that, the inefficacy of the axis airforce to inflict pain on CW ships and land units...

Do you think this is historical ? Is it do to AI inefficacy ? And where is Regia Marina ?

Cherrs !

Well you know what I think of a proper Med game! I hope the RM makes an appearance - but I suspect not.

No, as Crete, Norway, Dunkirk etc etc etc proved, there should be a penalty for the Allies being able to use ships this way. I'm surprised they don't have the monitors available. It would be great if someone could get hold of this and mod it. But it is what it is - and bearing in mind I never thought I would get to play such a game - I'm happy with what I've got to play with!! [:)]

devoncop -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 11:10:48 AM)

On another tack Warspite....I noticed the Australian Blenheims have a long their any worth in using bombers to strategically attack supply sources? I am wondering given how precarious the supply lines are in N.Africa anyway.
May not be effective in game but just wondered as Italians seem to still be pretty effective.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 11:18:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: devoncop

On another tack Warspite....I noticed the Australian Blenheims have a long their any worth in using bombers to strategically attack supply sources? I am wondering given how precarious the supply lines are in N.Africa anyway.
May not be effective in game but just wondered as Italians seem to still be pretty effective.

Did you see what happened when I tried to execute a military operation? Please don't ask me for military advice; you are likely to be answered with total sloblocks [:D]

You may be right. I have not done much with the air force other than air superiority missions and combat support (with a little interdiction thrown in). But certainly worth a try - my air force should be staying quite strong numerically from here on in.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 11:20:37 AM)

Turn 56 - Round 5
21st June 1941

Pre the round starting a squadron of Hussars from the 7th Regt. destroy the retreating bicycle unit and the 1st RTR does the same to the Sabratha infantry that was attacked previously.

The 4th Royal Horse Artillery provide sterling support for the tankmen and target the Ariete armour and Sabratha infantry defending southeast of Sidi Omar. 8% losses are incurred. The cavalry on their southern right flank continues to receive attention from the 31st Field Artillery (7%) but the most concern for the Italian position is the 16% meted out to the main Ariete force on their northern right flank.

The trapped tank battalion at Sidi Suleiman is softened up further (4%) and its sister battalion receives another 2% hit.

Wavell congratulates Cunningham in Alexandria when he hears that the remaining Savona unit directly southeast of Menastir has effectively ceased to exist after another deadly accurate shell-fire. This dramatically alters the position in the north. The Germans south of Tobruk continue to get pounded and another 24% loss is recorded...


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 11:42:40 AM)

Turn 56 - Round 7
21st June 1941

Pre the rounds, the 2nd New Zealand Cavalry Division is ordered up by General Freyberg to try and exploit the damage done to the Ariete cavalry. The Kiwis are successful in pushing the Italian cavalry back, thus making the position of the Ariete's core group even more concerning.

Grasping the opportunities that seem to be spread out before him, Freyberg requests, and is given permission to advance, but maintain a defensive posture. He further requests that Messervy bring his Indian troops south as a prelude to trying to cut off the Bologna Division from the Ariete/Sabratha.

Messervy's infantry are brought up behind Freyberg's troops while the 3rd Motor Brigade, using its extra movement, takes up position south of Bir el Sheferzen.

The turn gets underway with the 4th RHA switching its focus to the HQ units at Sidi Omar iteself (8% loss). The 4th NZ Field Artillery keep the pressure up against the retreating cavalry but now have artillery of their own to provide counter-battery fire. The Axis come off worse but its close (7% vs 5%).

No such problems for the 5th NZ who dish out a further 9% loss to the Ariete HQ and its supporting units.

At the Halfaya Pass the VIII Battalion's resistance is ended. The 1st Army Tank Brigade advance and its simply a case of rounding up the surviving tankmen.

There is more bad news for the Ariete to the south, as the 7th Support Group force the light tanks back toward Fort Capuzzo and away from the rest of the division.

The next attack though falls up disappointingly short. Southeast of Sidi Omar the Ariete artillery is able to support the attack against Sabratha infantry and Ariete tanks. The 1st RTR and the 3rd Hussars are stopped in their tracks (7% losses each).

Meanwhile at Tobruk there is another 26% of pain for the besiegers. Rommel views the events at both Tobruk and Sidi Omar with mounting concern.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 12:28:35 PM)

Turn 56 - Round 9
21st June 1941

Rather than make unnecessary and costly attacks, Wavell orders his divisional commanders to concentrate artillery fire on the enemy. It is hoped that they will then be in too much disarray to do much by way of counter-attacking.

The 4th RHA dish out 11% losses to the northern most Italian units. The combined effect from two artillery regiments cost the Italian units to the south 10% losses, but only 3% to their southwest.

A rather damp squib ending to the turn.....

Tobruk's tormentors finish up losing another 16%.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 12:46:17 PM)

Turn 56 - Axis Turn
21st June 1941

Just what do the Italians have left? Wavell is about to find out....

It looks like Tobruk is in for some fun. Five crossed sword motifs appear, one on each hex + the navy. The attack on the navy task force sees 18% losses to the Axis and only 13% to the Allies. The other four land hexes are hit with 16% losses in total.

Back to Sidi Omar and there is an attack against the British armour southeast of the airfield. The 7th RTR are forced into a retreat but the 1st RTR holds its ground and the Italians are repulsed with 19% losses (vs 2%).

As hoped, the Bologna Division move north from Fort Maddelenna. Units from all three divisions then make a concerted effort against the 3rd Indian Motor Brigade. The attack is beaten off and the stubbornly brave Indian troops hold fast, incurring 20% losses, but having dished out 27%.

The Italians try and fight back at Bardia but the artillery barrage is weak. Tobruk's four hexes come under close scrutiny yet again; however the toll makes grim reading for the Desert Fox. 11% loss caused, but 6% taken in reply..... South of Sidi Omar the Italians are not finished yet. Infantry, tanks and air support drive the 1st RTR into retreat with 30% loss (vs 16%). The 3rd Motor Brigade continue to face ever more fierce attacks from the three divisions as they refuse to give an inch. 43% losses are taken and the Headquarters are overrun and destroyed, but these magnificent troops refuse to yield...yet.

Another pointless barrage is aimed at Bardia, before just two strikes are mounted against Tobruk. These see losses of 5% vs 2% in the Allies favour.....

As we move to the halfway point the Savona artillery just cannot get their aim right against Bardia, but at least Tobruk felt their 18% losses spread over three hexes. "Where the **** are the RAF?" The Indian resistance is finally broken and the 11th PAVO Cavalry regiment ceases to exist.

The Savona artillery switches target, ignoring Bardia and attempting to smash the troops barring the way to the port. This tactic succeeds in costing the British infantry 12% losses. However once again the two Tobruk barrages give only slight pain to the defenders. The Bologna Division hope to capitalise on their success and attack the retreating Indians again. However, although the Royal Lancers retreat, the Kiwi infantry and the rest of the brigade hold firm. Italian losses at 18% are more than double those of the defenders.

Just two desultory attacks on Tobruk fail to register with the scorers, while the Bologna Division refuse to give up. Another Indian unit - the 18th KEO Cavalry Regt. - retreats but the New Zealanders continue to hold. To the left, the 23rd New Zealand Battalion is attacked by Bologna infantry supported by Ariete artillery. 19% losses are incurred but once again the Kiwis won't quit. At Bardia there is a sense of desperation from the Italians. An ill-advised attack goes in but the RN support the defenders and the assault is repulsed with 35% losses....

Tobruk takes just 2% losses this round and the folly of taking on the entrenched Kiwis is shown when a third attack fails. Losses are almost equal 14% vs 11% but the Italian 40th Infantry HQ is lost in the carnage. Better news is found next door where the 23rd Battalion retreats at the second time of asking. Murderous madness continues at Bardia where men of the Savona Division are thrown at the British defences and cut down like something out of WWI. 54% losses are incurred in the latest futile attack.

Just 1% losses are taken at Tobruk, while at Bardia the artillery barrage not only fails to find a target, but are themselves subject to counter-battery fire that inflicts 14% loss. The 22nd NZ Battalion holds despite another attack.

And so ends the turn.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 2:01:19 PM)

Turn 57
25th June 1941

Wavell must decide on what to do next. The good news is that all three Italian divisions are engaged, their supply is low in many cases, and they have had some of their armour destroyed. The not so good news list is just as long. It's a good job Wavell didn't wait for the 2nd Armoured Division to be ready.... he would still be waiting.... The artillery is low on supply and this is needed if the Kiwis are to hold on open ground, there are a lot units reorganising and the loss of the 3rd Indian Motor Brigade takes away some of the mobility from the left flank.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 2:16:29 PM)

Turn 57
25th June 1941

Notwithstanding the supply situation it is decided in Cairo that the attack should continue and to not let up on the pressure being applied.

In the south the Kiwis left flank now extends to Fort Maddellena, while the Indians have been ordered to join with their antipodean brothers to attempt the severing of the two forces once again.

The first barrage that goes in is against the main Ariete armour and the Italians receive moderate loss (5%). moving south along the line the next barrage causes 7% loss to the Italians, then 15%, and then 10%

At Sidi Omar the divisional HQ comes under attack (6%)

The surrounded Ariete battalion in the north is utterly destroyed

South of Menastir the Italian decision to remain at Bardia is looking more foolish by the minute. A massive barrage goes in that destroys most of the remaining infantry. Tobruk is on the receiving end of a 19% loss.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 2:34:52 PM)

Turn 57
25th June 1941

As can be seen the artillery units are all but out of ammo. It is vital that the British armour breaks their Italian opposite numbers this round.

The turn could not get off to a better start with the bombardment by the RN at Tobruk. 43% losses including the total wiping out of the 2nd MG Battalion, 15th Panzer Division and a regiment of the Pavia Division.

The remnants of the 15th Regiment are destroyed south of Menastir.

To Battleaxe and the last of the Kiwi artillery shells are expended against the Sabratha HQ, west of Bir el Sheferzen - 12% losses are inflicted, with a similar number against the units almost surrounded west of Sidi Omar. However the key attack then follows as the 7th Hussars brush aside the I Tank Battalion, which retreats west toward Sidi Omar itself. This means that the main offensive power of the Ariete Division is now surrounded - 132nd Regiment HQ and the IX Tank Battalion and the 8th Bersaglieri Regt. HQ and its 5th Battalion.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 2:58:44 PM)

Turn 57
25th June 1941

Pre Rounds. The 11th Hussars engage and force to retreat, the I Tank Battalion, thus increasing the gap between the main Ariete units and safety.

An attack by the 7th Hussars and the 42nd RTR (with the New Zealand 26th Bn. and 27th MG Ban. in support) makes that gap even wider as they push the Ariete cavalry back.

Away from Battleaxe there is an artillery dual at Menastir that results in honours even (7% loss each). At Tobruk its another 23% - its all pretty routine now.

We now reach Round 7. Pre-Round the 7th Hussars destroy a Luftwaffe ground unit and the Ariete cavalry.

At Menastir the last of the Savona resistance is removed. At Tobruk there is another 17% loss to the Axis.

The only attack ordered as part of Battleaxe is in the centre of the line where the Sabratha HQ comes under attack from a largely Kiwi force (with assistance from the Indian KEO Cavalry and the 7th Armoured Brigade HQ). The Italians are pushed back and are in danger of being broken into three or four pockets.

The turn comes to an end with another 25% hit against the Besieging units of Tobruk and the almost complete annihilation of the Ariete trapped units.

That can be accurately described as a good turn for Wavell and the Desert Army....

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 3:29:14 PM)

Turn 57 - Axis Turn
25th June 1941

Predictably the turn gets off to five attacks against Tobruk which amount to little. The attack on the fleet causes damage to Valiant - but comes at the cost of 59 aircraft! The Italians also attack the naval force off Bardia to no effect.

More relatively dismal results against Tobruk follow...10% being the highest, but in the context of what they need its just small fry.

A half decent result against Tobruk (16%) for a change!

More Tobruk barrages, but only one gets into double figures.

Another desultory set of attacks on Tobruk....

Another desultory set of attacks on Tobruk....

Slightly better round, but the numbers being achieved are simply not enough and I don't know if the Axis even have the units left to mount an attack.

The turn ends - at least the Germans caused 18% loss in their final barrage.

Interestingly the AI did nothing on the Italian Front???

DanNeely -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 3:49:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Interestingly the AI did nothing on the Italian Front???

That probably means you've battered them all into reorganization. Keep chopping them up into splinters until the survivors surrender.

Zorch -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 4:38:10 PM)

I just can't get used to Italians in grey. Does TOAW let you change them to yellow?

I am hung up on the 'traditional' colors - British red, French blue, Russians brown, Germans grey/black, US green, Italians/Japanese yellow.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 5:25:54 PM)



I just can't get used to Italians in grey. Does TOAW let you change them to yellow?

I am hung up on the 'traditional' colors - British red, French blue, Russians brown, Germans grey/black, US green, Italians/Japanese yellow.

Yellow??? [adopts best Alan Partridge voice] Get out! I assume you meant Light Green? There's always one spoils it for the rest of us.

British - Red in times of the Thin Red Line, but Beige since the turn of the 20th Century (Dark Blue worked too in World In Flames (although was too difficult to see). I agree with Brown for Russia, although Red can of course work for them too - and Napoleonic Russia has to be Green.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 5:29:33 PM)




ORIGINAL: warspite1

Interestingly the AI did nothing on the Italian Front???

That probably means you've battered them all into reorganization. Keep chopping them up into splinters until the survivors surrender.

Ahh... I was thinking I would see the orange bar if reorganising. That makes sense thanks.

Zorch -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 5:55:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1



I just can't get used to Italians in grey. Does TOAW let you change them to yellow?

I am hung up on the 'traditional' colors - British red, French blue, Russians brown, Germans grey/black, US green, Italians/Japanese yellow.

Yellow??? [adopts best Alan Partridge voice] Get out! I assume you meant Light Green? There's always one spoils it for the rest of us.

British - Red in times of the Thin Red Line, but Beige since the turn of the 20th Century (Dark Blue worked too in World In Flames (although was too difficult to see). I agree with Brown for Russia, although Red can of course work for them too - and Napoleonic Russia has to be Green.

Light Green Italians? What game(s) have that? I'm thinking a pale yellow for Italy, bright yellow for Japan. Or orange.
If Austria-Hungary is around, they can be yellow and Italy pale something else.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 6:00:27 PM)




ORIGINAL: warspite1



I just can't get used to Italians in grey. Does TOAW let you change them to yellow?

I am hung up on the 'traditional' colors - British red, French blue, Russians brown, Germans grey/black, US green, Italians/Japanese yellow.

Yellow??? [adopts best Alan Partridge voice] Get out! I assume you meant Light Green? There's always one spoils it for the rest of us.

British - Red in times of the Thin Red Line, but Beige since the turn of the 20th Century (Dark Blue worked too in World In Flames (although was too difficult to see). I agree with Brown for Russia, although Red can of course work for them too - and Napoleonic Russia has to be Green.

Light Green Italians? What game(s) have that? I'm thinking a pale yellow for Italy, bright yellow for Japan. Or orange.
If Austria-Hungary is around, they can be yellow and Italy pale something else.


Austria = White

Who has light green for the Italians?


Zorch -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 6:07:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1




ORIGINAL: warspite1



I just can't get used to Italians in grey. Does TOAW let you change them to yellow?

I am hung up on the 'traditional' colors - British red, French blue, Russians brown, Germans grey/black, US green, Italians/Japanese yellow.

Yellow??? [adopts best Alan Partridge voice] Get out! I assume you meant Light Green? There's always one spoils it for the rest of us.

British - Red in times of the Thin Red Line, but Beige since the turn of the 20th Century (Dark Blue worked too in World In Flames (although was too difficult to see). I agree with Brown for Russia, although Red can of course work for them too - and Napoleonic Russia has to be Green.

Light Green Italians? What game(s) have that? I'm thinking a pale yellow for Italy, bright yellow for Japan. Or orange.
If Austria-Hungary is around, they can be yellow and Italy pale something else.


Austria = White

Who has light green for the Italians?


Looks like yellow-green to me. [:D]

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 6:13:24 PM)




ORIGINAL: warspite1




ORIGINAL: warspite1



I just can't get used to Italians in grey. Does TOAW let you change them to yellow?

I am hung up on the 'traditional' colors - British red, French blue, Russians brown, Germans grey/black, US green, Italians/Japanese yellow.

Yellow??? [adopts best Alan Partridge voice] Get out! I assume you meant Light Green? There's always one spoils it for the rest of us.

British - Red in times of the Thin Red Line, but Beige since the turn of the 20th Century (Dark Blue worked too in World In Flames (although was too difficult to see). I agree with Brown for Russia, although Red can of course work for them too - and Napoleonic Russia has to be Green.

Light Green Italians? What game(s) have that? I'm thinking a pale yellow for Italy, bright yellow for Japan. Or orange.
If Austria-Hungary is around, they can be yellow and Italy pale something else.


Austria = White

Who has light green for the Italians?


Looks like yellow-green to me. [:D]

Nah its greeny-yellow [:D]

Zorch -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 6:21:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1




ORIGINAL: warspite1




ORIGINAL: warspite1



I just can't get used to Italians in grey. Does TOAW let you change them to yellow?

I am hung up on the 'traditional' colors - British red, French blue, Russians brown, Germans grey/black, US green, Italians/Japanese yellow.

Yellow??? [adopts best Alan Partridge voice] Get out! I assume you meant Light Green? There's always one spoils it for the rest of us.

British - Red in times of the Thin Red Line, but Beige since the turn of the 20th Century (Dark Blue worked too in World In Flames (although was too difficult to see). I agree with Brown for Russia, although Red can of course work for them too - and Napoleonic Russia has to be Green.

Light Green Italians? What game(s) have that? I'm thinking a pale yellow for Italy, bright yellow for Japan. Or orange.
If Austria-Hungary is around, they can be yellow and Italy pale something else.


Austria = White

Who has light green for the Italians?


Looks like yellow-green to me. [:D]

Nah its greeny-yellow [:D]

What color is Spain? Yugoslavia? Greece?
This is like the 4 color map conjecture.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 6:31:15 PM)




ORIGINAL: warspite1




ORIGINAL: warspite1




ORIGINAL: warspite1



I just can't get used to Italians in grey. Does TOAW let you change them to yellow?

I am hung up on the 'traditional' colors - British red, French blue, Russians brown, Germans grey/black, US green, Italians/Japanese yellow.

Yellow??? [adopts best Alan Partridge voice] Get out! I assume you meant Light Green? There's always one spoils it for the rest of us.

British - Red in times of the Thin Red Line, but Beige since the turn of the 20th Century (Dark Blue worked too in World In Flames (although was too difficult to see). I agree with Brown for Russia, although Red can of course work for them too - and Napoleonic Russia has to be Green.

Light Green Italians? What game(s) have that? I'm thinking a pale yellow for Italy, bright yellow for Japan. Or orange.
If Austria-Hungary is around, they can be yellow and Italy pale something else.


Austria = White

Who has light green for the Italians?


Looks like yellow-green to me. [:D]

Nah its greeny-yellow [:D]

What color is Spain? Yugoslavia? Greece?
This is like the 4 color map conjecture.

It depends. There are some mods out there. For example the Dutch are Red white and Blue, but someone made an orange mod. The Spanish Nationalists are actually pink... I use a mod that makes them brown. The Portuguese are a sort of dirty yellow colour but I use a mod that makes them Red white and Green.

Greece are dark blue and light blue, Yugoslavia are white.

DanNeely -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/30/2017 8:02:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1




ORIGINAL: warspite1

Interestingly the AI did nothing on the Italian Front???

That probably means you've battered them all into reorganization. Keep chopping them up into splinters until the survivors surrender.

Ahh... I was thinking I would see the orange bar if reorganising. That makes sense thanks.

Nope, you don't see the orange/yellow bars on enemy units.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/31/2017 8:25:25 AM)

Turn 58
28th June 1941

They say a week is a long time in politics....well not as long as a week on the battlefield it seems.

Operation Battleaxe is far from over, but with the best of the Ariete Division blunted, the two remaining infantry divisions between Sidi Omar and Fort Maddelena are in for a rough ride.

With the clearance of the north, an unexpected bonus for Wavell has been the release of the Australian 9th Division. The question now is how best to exploit this situation? The first thing Wavell does is to check the Expected Reinforcements schedule. This tells him that late in July he will lose the use of the 150th Infantry Brigade and the few battalions of the 5th Indian Division. Some of the latter are only just arriving and so, like with the 70th Division battalion a while back, he won't even bother moving them to the front.

The 150th Brigade will need replacing as they are the only infantry at Bardia. Wavell's mind is thus set. He will deploy the Australian 9th in the north on the coast road and use the British armour to cut off the Italian units to the south. The ever disappointing and under performing 2nd Armoured will provide cover to the Australians.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/31/2017 8:50:08 AM)

Turn 58
28th June 1941

To the big picture. On balance Wavell decides that he might as well use those new arrivals to try and flush out the Axis units in the southern desert.

Note: the divisions and smaller units do not appear to attach to specific Corps - these are just named here for a bit of historical nicety. The Corps do have their own corps assets e.g. artillery, and I will try and keep this as closely aligned as possible.

Proposed set up of the Desert Army

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/31/2017 9:04:48 AM)

Turn 58
28th June 1941

The first of the Polish 1st Brigade replacements are ready at Alexandria. They are shipped to Tobruk but there is no room at the inn. The troops are sent back to Bardia which will be used as a waiting facility for any replacements required. The opening up of Bardia also means that 18th Brigade units (which were originally designed for Tobruk) can also make their way there for future departure to Tobruk.

Round 1

The attacks planned are three-fold + 2 bombardments:

- 2 x bombardments of the enemy at Tobruk (west and east of the southern strong point).

- An attack against a battalion of the 16th Savona Infantry Regiment west of Menastir

- West of Sidi Omar the last of the Italian Ariete resistance is hopefully to be overcome

- The Kiwis and Indians form a pocket of Italians northeast of Fort Maddelena. Attempts to start reducing this pocket begin.

Note artillery supply is near to exhausted hence the Commonwealth units are heading straight into the attack.

The 1st Royal Tank Regiment leads the charge against the Ariete and, unsurprisingly given their hopeless situation, the Italians are quick to throw in the towel. This attack now frees up whatever armour the 7th Armoured have left.

Northeast of Fort Maddelena the Italian pocket is reduced to one small piece of fortified real estate as Indian units from the 3rd Motor Brigade and the 4th Indian Division force back units from the 39th and 40th Infantry Regiments of the Bologna Division.

The utter futility of the Savona 16th Regiment's actions in heading east toward Bardia is confirmed as all three battalions simply evaporate under the strength of the attack by the British infantry and Australian cavalry. The Italians also lose 5 aircraft in the attack - although the CW lose 9.

At Tobruk 19% and 9% losses are inflicted.


DanNeely -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/31/2017 2:49:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1
With the clearance of the north, an unexpected bonus for Wavell has been the release of the Australian 9th Division. The question now is how best to exploit this situation? The first thing Wavell does is to check the Expected Reinforcements schedule. This tells him that late in July he will lose the use of the 150th Infantry Brigade and the few battalions of the 5th Indian Division. Some of the latter are only just arriving and so, like with the 70th Division battalion a while back, he won't even bother moving them to the front.

I disagree here. You should send them forward and slam them into the teeth of the axis somewhere until they're withdrawn. IF you can make room in Tobruk, put them on the front line to eat German shells for a few turns. If not use them as shock troops in your attack towards the port.

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