RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (Full Version)

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larryfulkerson -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 6:50:34 PM)


Thank-you. I've word searched the manual and read the documentation (for this scenario) but can see no reference to what the actual rail capacity is. Any idea where I would find it?

I found it on page two or three of the situation briefing. You have to look for it, it's kinda buried in the verbage.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 7:03:17 PM)

Great thank-you. I have not commented on - because I haven't actually paid much attention to - the Situation Briefings and the News Summary. I shall do this each turn starting now.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 7:17:04 PM)

Turn 9 - News Summary
8th January 1941

It looks like the News Summary is a log of recent events, that show key events - e.g. places captured, what happens if certain objectives aren't captured/defended within specific timescales and also key data - in this case one can see how the Italian penalties are reducing over time.

I hadn't realised the point in Green.... maybe a good idea to read this stuff.....


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 7:27:25 PM)

Turn 9 - Situation Briefing
8th January 1941

Had I looked at this I would have known the rail transport capacity....[8|]


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 8:10:27 PM)

Turn 9 - The Aussies
8th January 1941

The 6th Cavalry carve through the Italians, slicing their forces in two. The objective is to encircle the whole for, but the problem is the lack of units to achieve a watertight ring. A reinforced Italian brigade at Halfaya Pass complicates matters...


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 8:22:48 PM)

Turn 9 - Artillery and Naval Bombardment
8th January 1941

O'Connor orders all artillery - inc naval - to be unleashed against the Italian defenders (see crossed swords symbols). This is likely to take about 30% of the turn, but should pay dividends later.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 8:30:00 PM)

Turn 9 - Artillery and Naval Bombardment
8th January 1941

The bombardment is generally pretty devastating - indeed the 3rd Battalion of the 116th Infantry simply disappears under the weight of shells falling on their exposed positions. True to the forecast this took 30% of the turn.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 8:34:16 PM)

Turn 9
8th January 1941

The follow up attacks are very successful. The Italian forces in the south are almost wiped out, and the remains of the Sirte and 4th Libyan Divisions are in trouble west of Sollum. The table below pretty much says it all.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 9:11:09 PM)

Turn 9 - Axis Turn
8th January 1941

The Italian air force continue to fight back, but the results seem to provide ever diminishing returns. The Air Panel states the Commonwealth lost 3 aircraft to the Italians 30. The Regia Aeronautica's attack on the RN task force off Bardia caused no damage for the loss of 7 bombers.

The Italian artillery continued to fight back and the last remaining unit in the southern pocket caused some casualties to the Commonwealth forces surrounding them.

The only real success was west of Bardia, where the Australians slightly over-extended themselves trying to get the Italians surrounded. A few Aussie units were forced back, and south of Sollum the Australian 20th Infantry Brigade was defeated.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 9:30:18 PM)

Turn 10
11th January 1941

The British and Australians get some more reinforcements from the Nile Delta. As per larryfulkerson's helpful post, I can see that both of these together are within the CW's rail capacity and so send them to Mersa Matruh.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 9:39:29 PM)

Turn 10 - Overview
11th January 1941

The Commonwealth forces have made some progress in the last week - particularly in the south. It is to these forces that O'Connor must look to get the advance back on track. The 6th Australian Division need something of a breather but should be able to hold their ground while the 2nd Armoured Division, the 2nd New Zealand Division and the Polish Brigade start to arrive.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/30/2017 5:17:10 AM)

Turn 10 - RAF and RAAF (well just the RAF actually.....)
11th January 1941

Well that's a bit of a shocker! As usual I check the air situation, only to see I have just four units and two of those are reorganising.

The RAAF Hurricanes have been eliminated. I hadn't realised but presumably the airfield bombardment and/or the air superiority mission whittled the unit to nothing.

This means I have no fighters around. I switch the Gladiators to air superiority and my only other operational unit - my Blenheim I's - to combat support. Both units are on 'limit losses' mode now.

A check of the reinforcements track shows an RAAF unit of Hurricanes will be available next turn.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/30/2017 5:22:46 AM)

Turn 10 - Royal Navy
11th January 1941

The task force stationed off Bardia is looking okay at present. HMS Valiant and HMS York have supply of 59% and 54% and readiness of 79% and 74% respectively.

These units will remain on station.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/30/2017 5:45:20 AM)

Turn 10 - Fort Maddelenna
11th January 1941

The key in the coming days is to destroy the final Italian resistance and engage the Sabratha Division.

The AI has annoyingly put an HQ on its own between the CW and Italian units. When the AI does these things I don't want to take advantage - but in this instance I don't see how I can avoid attacking and still get at the enemy. I'll see what I can do.


gabeeg -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/30/2017 5:54:56 AM)

Warspite1 I want to voice my appreciation as well for these extremely helpful AAR. Well done!

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/30/2017 5:59:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: gabeeg

Warspite1 I want to voice my appreciation as well for these extremely helpful AAR. Well done!

Thank-you and you're welcome! It's a fun game [:)].

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/30/2017 6:07:52 AM)

Turn 10 - Round 1
11th January 1941

The turn begins once again with a massed bombardment of enemy positions (see crossed swords on the four hexes under attack). This uses up rounds - but as per Olerin's previous post, I set to limit losses to reduce the number of rounds 'lost'. I believe it will be only two with this setting.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/30/2017 6:21:22 AM)

Turn 10 - Round 1
11th January 1941

Sure enough the bombardment took two rounds. The RN's 15-inch and 6-inch shells were particularly effective. The bombardment in the south proved devastating through the sheer weight of attack - three artillery regiments were ordered to unleash hell and the Italian 44th Artillery Regiment has ceased to exist.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/30/2017 4:27:59 PM)

Turn 10 - Rounds 3 - 10
11th January 1941

The turn is purposely short - although a little shorter than intended [;)]

Just two attacks were ordered by Major-General Creagh - designed to destroy the final resistance in the south - and which achieved their purpose.

Prior to this the lead elements of the 2nd New Zealand Division made their presence felt against the enemy units that had occupied Sollum. Totally demoralised from the Royal Navy bombardment, the remnants of the Italian force that had marched bravely to the coast, were swiftly mopped up.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/30/2017 4:41:34 PM)

Turn 10 - Axis Turn
11th January 1941

The Italians launch their aircraft against the Royal Navy task force - but with little to show for it. The only success was the forcing back of an Australian battalion at Menastir.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/30/2017 4:52:37 PM)

Turn 11
15th January 1941

The Italians seem to have assisted the O'Connor unknowingly. The Sabratha Division has piled forward toward Sidi Omar. But with their southern force now eliminated, the Sabratha Division could end up surrounded. What have the 7th Armoured got left in the tank?

Royal Navy

After another successful sortie, Cunningham's Flagship HMS Valiant lies at anchor back in Egypt. The Royal Navy will now rest and refit before sailing for the attack on Tobruk..... hopefully.


John B. -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/30/2017 8:41:20 PM)

Warspite1, I suspect you'd whale on me if we faced off. [sm=fighting0056.gif] It's usually more fun against a live player but playing the AI has it's high points such as it doesn't "know" that it's the Italian army in December 1940 so it should run away. Therefore, it fights a more historical battle.

Do you have a loss screen? I'm curious as to how much overall damage has been done to the British by this aggressive defense.

OxfordGuy3 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/30/2017 9:02:57 PM)

Subscribed! I haven't bought TOAW IV yet, but if I was to buy it, it would be almost entirely for the North Africa Campaigns and Scenarios, so I'd be very interested to see what you think of how it works out with these.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/1/2017 5:38:40 AM)



Warspite1, I suspect you'd whale on me if we faced off. [sm=fighting0056.gif] It's usually more fun against a live player but playing the AI has it's high points such as it doesn't "know" that it's the Italian army in December 1940 so it should run away. Therefore, it fights a more historical battle.

Do you have a loss screen? I'm curious as to how much overall damage has been done to the British by this aggressive defense.

John B. If you think I would beat anybody at a war game then I you haven't seen enough AAR of mine - I am pretty useless - although did manage to win a PBEM of Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa once [;)]

I agree about playing a human opponent - but not for a first game [:)]

As for losses, I cannot see an overall loss screen:


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/1/2017 5:42:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: OxfordGuy3

Subscribed! I haven't bought TOAW IV yet, but if I was to buy it, it would be almost entirely for the North Africa Campaigns and Scenarios, so I'd be very interested to see what you think of how it works out with these.

This is the main reason I bought it to be honest (although am keen to play the Pacific War too - but found this is for PBEM).

It's great to be reacquainting myself with the units I first fought with/against in Desert Rats on the old Spectrum back in the day.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/1/2017 5:57:51 AM)

Turn 11 - RAF and RAAF
15th January 1941

The air force are back up to 5 units and the Hurricanes of the RAAF are immediately placed on Air Superiority missions.

Proficiency, Readiness and Supply are all looking okay, with the Blenheim a perhaps needing a rest in the next turn or two.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/1/2017 6:22:01 AM)

Turn 11 - Round 1
15th January 1941

There are many units in the south needing re-supply at present. But in order to keep the momentum up, those in any fit state to move are ordered to push west and try and surround the southern-most enemy formations of the Sabratha Division.

The 2nd Armoured Division moves southwest to try and do the same to the Sabratha units between Gabr Saleh and Sidi Omar.

In the north the Poles have begun the same process - positioning themselves to the south of the Sirte Division while the Australians recover and the 2nd New Zealand arrive.

Six artillery bombardments are ordered in order to try and soften up the defenders (see crossed swords below). Again, a limit losses order goes out in order to limit the number of rounds this bombardment will use up.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/1/2017 6:36:49 AM)

Turn 11 - Rounds 1-3
15th January 1941

Mmmmm - not impressed.

The Wellington bombers, that Collishaw ordered on interdiction, have decided to attack Italian airfields behind the lines. This has proven an expensive mission....

This is the first time a CW unit has carried out such an attack this game. Maybe there are too few units elsewhere to interdict?

This phase actually took up 30% of the turn too...


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/1/2017 6:39:14 AM)

Turn 11 - Round 4
15th January 1941

Time to exploit the artillery's work. The Polish cavalry are able to exploit the confusion amongst the Italian infantry and push them back toward Sidi Azeiz


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (12/1/2017 7:13:26 AM)

Turn 11 - Rounds 4-7
15th January 1941

There is little likelihood of taking Tobruk in line with the real-life timescale, but the destruction of the Sabratha, Sirte and 4th Libyan divisions is now close at hand. The Polish and Kiwi cavalry have almost completed the envelopment of the units in the north.

The turn will finish with further artillery bombardments (see crossed swords).


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