RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (Full Version)

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warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 6:50:22 AM)

Turn 7 - Royal Navy
1st January 1941

The Dockyard strike continues....

Proficiency (P), Readiness (R) Supply (S)

HMS Valiant - P 80% - R 82% - S 82%
HMS Barham - P 80% - R 82% - S 82%

HMS York - P 80% - R 82% - Supply 82%
HMS Fiji - P 80% - R 82% - Supply 82%
HMS Dido - P 80% - R 100% - Supply 100%
HMS Euryalus - P 80% - R 100% - Supply 100%
HMS Arethusa - P 80% - R 100% - Supply 100%

Destroyers and others
HMS Bedouin - P 80% - R 91% - S 91%
HMS Marne - P 80% - R 91% - S 91%
HMS Lance - P 81% - R 96% - S 96%
HMS Ledbury - P 80% - R 96% - S 96%
HMS Partridge - P 81% - R 96% - S 96%
HMS Mohawk - P 80% - R 100% - S 100%
HMS Nubian - P 80% - R 100% - S 100%
HMS Jervis - P 80% - R 100% - S 100%
HMS Airedale - P 80% - R 100% - S 100%

At some point I think Admiral Cunningham will just need to head out regardless. With the 6th Australians reorganising, it might be that that time has come. He decides to keep a force back for the assault on Tobruk, but will sail with half his force to assist the defence of Bardia.

Bardia Bombardment Force: HM Ships Barham, Dido, Euryalus, Jervis, Mohawk, Nubian, Airedale. The ships come under attack from the air - Collishaw really needs to do something about this air issue.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 8:38:19 AM)

Turn 7 - The Royal Air Force (and Royal Australian Air Force)
1st January 1941

The words and figures differ... When I look at the air unit report there are two units not showing as reorganising - but they appear to be (denoted by the orange bar) on the map.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 9:31:22 AM)

Turn 7 - The Royal Air Force (and Royal Australian Air Force)
1st January 1941

The Gladiators are showing as bombers so I will switch their role to combat support. Collishaw can provide O'Connor with no fighter cover this turn.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 9:34:33 AM)

Turn 7 - The Nile Delta
1st January 1941

O'Connor pleads with Wavell for the release of more troops or the attack is in danger of stalling.

Wavell is able to offer:

2nd Armoured Division
2nd Armoured Division HQ
1st Armoured Brigade HQ
3rd Royal Tank Regiment
4th Hussars

3rd Armoured Brigade HQ
5th Royal Tank Regiment
Kings Dragoon Guards

2nd Support Group HQ
1st Tower Hamlets Rifles
1st Rangers
102nd Northumberland Hussars AT Regiment
2nd Royal Horse Artillery

XIII Corps
2nd Heavy AA Regiment
51st Field Artillery
1st Royal Horse Artillery
104th Royal Horse Artillery

Two units are placed aboard trains to take them to Mersuh Matruh. Along the route they are attacked repeatedly by Italian aircraft.... this is going to be a long, slow, painful reinforcement process....

The 2nd New Zealand Division is still forming, but the Polish Brigade are ready at least.

Polish Brigade
Polish Brigade HQ
1st Battalion
2nd Battalion
3rd Battalion
Kopanski MG Battalion
1st Cavalry Regiment
1st Polish AT Battalion
1st Polish Artillery Regiment

The Poles too come under massive air attack while travelling along the coastal road as far as El Daba.

Tamas -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 9:55:25 AM)

The Air War Panel updates "real-time" if I remember correctly, while the Air Report is start of the turn.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 10:10:47 AM)



The Air War Panel updates "real-time" if I remember correctly, while the Air Report is start of the turn.

Interestingly as soon as I started moving my land units the Air Panel information changed. This now shows that the Italians have 1% interdiction as opposed to the CW's 0%. As you say this must be real time. If so then those air attacks have cost the Italians another 24 aircraft.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 10:24:06 AM)

Turn 7 - 7th Armoured Division
1st January 1941

So what is the state of Major-General Creagh's 7th Armoured? The current order of battle and overall situation is as follows:


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 12:09:05 PM)

Turn 7 - 70th Infantry and other units
1st January 1941

The northern arm of the proposed pincer are in slightly better shape, but this is not going to be a turn full of attacks....


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 12:21:13 PM)

Turn 7 - Round 1 to 10
1st January 1941

The turn was limited to shore bombardment against the Libyans bearing down on Bardia, and the removal of the Sabratha Division - which went perfectly. All other troops are hopefully recovering. During the turn the Italian air force was once again worryingly active....


Olorin -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 12:35:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Two units are placed aboard trains to take them to Mersuh Matruh. Along the route they are attacked repeatedly by Italian aircraft.... this is going to be a long, slow, painful reinforcement process....

The Poles too come under massive air attack while travelling along the coastal road as far as El Daba.

Once you have Bardia, you'll be able to move some units by sea from Alexandria. Unless the AI switches to Sea Interdiction, you'll be safe.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 12:41:57 PM)




ORIGINAL: warspite1

Two units are placed aboard trains to take them to Mersuh Matruh. Along the route they are attacked repeatedly by Italian aircraft.... this is going to be a long, slow, painful reinforcement process....

The Poles too come under massive air attack while travelling along the coastal road as far as El Daba.

Once you have Bardia, you'll be able to move some units by sea from Alexandria. Unless the AI switches to Sea Interdiction, you'll be safe.


That's good to know thank-you [:)]

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 12:42:30 PM)

Turn 7 - Axis Turn
1st January 1941

It was a relatively incident free turn for the Italians too, although there air force is really starting to cheese me off [&:]


larryfulkerson -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 12:43:49 PM)

You could move a low-budget ship first to test out the sea int possibility
before you move your high-value items via sea.

I must say....I absolutely love your AAR. It's a LOT better than any I've
been putting out. Bravo.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 12:59:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: larryfulkerson

You could move a low-budget ship first to test out the sea int possibility
before you move your high-value items via sea.


Thanks - that's sensible, I'll try that - I moved Barham first - what a schmuck [8|]

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 1:00:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: larryfulkerson

I must say....I absolutely love your AAR. It's a LOT better than any I've
been putting out. Bravo.

I think you are selling yourself a little short [;)]

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 1:13:06 PM)

Turn 8
4th January 1941

The train to Mersa Matruh continues to send 2nd Armoured Division replacements from the Nile Delta as fast as possible, while the Poles continue their march west. The Kiwi's are still forming.

Good news - there were no air attacks this time around.

Ships, Feet and Automobiles. The Polish Carpathian Brigade preparing to board trucks to take them west.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 1:32:09 PM)

Turn 8
4th January 1941

Having been told to head east toward Mersah Matruh, the 9th Australian have been ordered to head west once more due to the build up of Italian units south of Bardia. The airfield at Fort Capuzzo and the small port at Sollum have come under threat from the newly arrived Sirte Division.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 2:19:57 PM)

Turn 8 - Rounds 1-7
4th January 1941

The next phase of the operation begins with the Australians of 6th Division. The Libyan units that had been on the receiving end of the pounding dished out by HMS Barham's 15-inch guns crumble when attacked. They fall back in disarray and suddenly the position of the Sirte Division is not at all good.

The Australians attack southwards in two columns - the left flank led by the 5th Battalion and the right by the 6th Cavalry Regiment. The Right flank then halts while the left pushes on in concert with the 5th Battalion coming up from Fort Capuzzo. The cavalry then gets underway again, but sadly its follow-up attacks are in insufficient strength and the Italians are able to retreat.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 2:37:08 PM)

Turn 8 - Rounds 1-7
4th January 1941

The position of the Cirene and Marmarcia Divisions has also taken a turn for the worse. O'Connor orders an artillery barrage to precede an attack by the 6th Royal Tank Regiment against the weakest part of the line. The 6th RTR then punches through the gap. The left wing of the Italian position is totally unhinged and begins to collapse in on itself.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 3:15:57 PM)

Turn 8 - Rounds 8-10
4th January 1941

The turn ends. As usual I can't do a summary. I think the attack south of Bardia went well and resulted in retreat, but do not think the attack in the south was as successful. We shall see.....

That was a goooood turn

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 3:30:13 PM)

Turn 8 - Axis Turn
4th January 1941

The Italians refuse to give up Cyrenaica and continue to give O'Connor, Collishaw and Cunningham problems. West of Bardia the Australian right wing is actually pushed back. A force also moves into the Halfaya Pass. To the south the 8th Hussars suffer at defeat at the hands of a clever attack in which the Italians coordinate their tanks and anti-tank units.

Annoyingly (from a game perspective) the AI has left two HQ out on their own....


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/28/2017 3:50:56 PM)

Turn 9 - Royal Navy
8th January 1941

Cunningham's task force returns to Egypt and is replaced by another centred on HMS Valiant. Cunningham takes larryfulkerson's advice and sends a destroyer ahead to check for enemy air activity. All clear [:)]

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 6:06:15 AM)

Turn 9 - Reinforcements
8th January 1941

I made a bit of a faux pas with the rail move. Seems that using normal movement I can get just as far in a turn as using the rail to Mersa Matruh.

By the start of the 8th January O'Connor has substantial reinforcements. The faster units of the New Zealand 2nd Division are at the Halfaya Pass (with the slower units on their way) and the Polish Brigade are just east of Buq Buq. The 2nd Armoured Division is concentrated at Mersa Matruh.

Armed with these newly arrived units (which will be in position for operations in the next few days) O'Connor believes he can now order maximum effort from the 7th Armoured and the 6th Australian to crush remaining resistance from the Cirene, Marmarcia, Sirte and 4th Libyan Divisions. A well earned bit of R+R is promised once these units are surrounded and destroyed.


John B. -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 11:45:27 AM)

This continues to be a very enjoyable AAR and I'm also impressed at the fight that the AI is giving you.

Curtis Lemay -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 2:06:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

I made a bit of a faux pas with the rail move. Seems that using normal movement I can get just as far in a turn as using the rail to Mersa Matruh.

Probably, but you'll burn up supply and readiness doing so. Rail movement doesn't cost any supply or readiness.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 4:33:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: Curtis Lemay


ORIGINAL: warspite1

I made a bit of a faux pas with the rail move. Seems that using normal movement I can get just as far in a turn as using the rail to Mersa Matruh.

Probably, but you'll burn up supply and readiness doing so. Rail movement doesn't cost any supply or readiness.


Ah yes, thanks - when I'm back on the computer I will have a look at that and post on the AAR. Thank-you as ever.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 4:36:35 PM)



.....and I'm also impressed at the fight that the AI is giving you.

Hi John B. There are two schools of thought here:

a) The AI is challenging
b) The AI is okay - but that warspite1 is a *********.

I know which one my money is on.... [:D]

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 4:54:52 PM)

Turn 9
8th January 1941

As Curtis Lemay says, there is quite a marked effect on readiness and supply (and thus overall health) for those units that got to the front by road (left and middle) compared to the unit that let the train take the strain (right).... I guess the trade off is the time to get the units to the front - there are only two units per train per turn.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 6:02:40 PM)


there are only two units per train per turn.

How much of your rail capability each unit uses is determined by the
weight of the unit. Check your Unit Report dialog and look for
how much it weighs. That's how much the rail will deduct from the
amount of rail capability you have remaining. I'll post a picture.

EDIT: Here's the unit report dialog from the editor....I happened
to be in the editor at the moment, hence the picture.
Notice please that the weight of the unit is given in the description
of it's properties. You can see that it's about 441. That's how much
rail it'll take to embark it.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (11/29/2017 6:28:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: larryfulkerson


there are only two units per train per turn.

How much of your rail capability each unit uses is determined by the
weight of the unit. Check your Unit Report dialog and look for
how much it weighs. That's how much the rail will deduct from the
amount of rail capability you have remaining. I'll post a picture.

EDIT: Here's the unit report dialog from the editor....I happened
to be in the editor at the moment, hence the picture.
Notice please that the weight of the unit is given in the description
of it's properties. You can see that it's about 441. That's how much
rail it'll take to embark it.


Thank-you. I've word searched the manual and read the documentation (for this scenario) but can see no reference to what the actual rail capacity is. Any idea where I would find it?

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