RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (Full Version)

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warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/20/2018 9:10:25 AM)

Turn 157
18th March 1942

I have a much-reduced RN that I could risk, but this will depend on air cover. Retreating will also cost at least another battalion of Indian infantry as they are reorganising.

What I think I will try - though this is risky as the turn may end early - is to try and snuff out the salient south of the coast road, and then retreat. But sadly work calls so I will need to mull this over and return to it later....

Right then let's get this moving. I have air superiority of 9 vs 7 so will go for this - although will not the the RN.

I start with a bombardment and then go for the attack...

...I would be interested to understand this result:

22 MC202 Folgore fighters vs 145 Allied Hurricanes, Kittyhawks and Beaufighters (which are supporting 89 Blenheims, Bostons and Wellingtons.

AA available to the Axis? Nothing.


The Axis lose 11 fighters (3 destroyed)
The CW lose 29 aircraft (4 destroyed)

Attack south of the coastal road to pinch out the Italian salient and an attack in the south:

The CW have overwhelming superiority in the air - the Axis don't fly - allowing 88 bombers to assist the attack. The CW also have overwhelming superiority in all departments. The Indian/South African infantry - with support from two regiments of British tanks manage to evaporate the Bersaglieri infantry and force the Ariete tanks to retreat, but despite the superiority in evidence and the light losses predicted by the computer, the CW losses are significantly higher than those of the Italians. I put this down to supporting artillery?

On the southern front the 1st Free French Brigade mount an attack against the Italian units on the right flank of the Axis forward position. Again the odds are overwhelming for this 'excellent' attack and this time the enemy losses were higher - but all that good work was nullified by that air result.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/20/2018 8:34:18 PM)

Turn 157
18th March 1942

Dis-heartened by the results I decide to continue with my plan to try and retreat. A number of AA and an AT unit are engaged and join the Indian brigade previously reorganising in the firing line.

Zorch -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/21/2018 5:27:37 PM)

You could send a unit to Temple of the Oracle of Amun at the Siwah Oasis and ask for advice.

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/21/2018 7:37:34 PM)



You could send a unit to Temple of the Oracle of Amun at the Siwah Oasis and ask for advice.

I prefer getting my advice from the Oracle of Sparta. This is me on a recent visit to the sage young lady in question.....

"'ere darlin, what should I do about devoncop and his massed artillery barrages?"

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/21/2018 8:16:36 PM)

Turn 158 - Axis Turn
21st March 1942

More stupid mistakes by me cost me 3 squadrons of fighters, while the irritating furball [8|] mechanic costs me three more. So 42 squadrons becomes 36 and for 3 of those I can only blame myself.

I was debating moving my three front-line squadrons back but, unthinkingly left them where they are.... I still had air superiority at the end of my turn so why not? But I hadn't reckoned on the all too obvious fact that my retreats had put my airfields in range of the massed ranks of Axis artillery.....scratch 3 squadrons.

Less easy to accept is the furballing of 2 fighter and 1 bomber squadrons. I won't bother ranting about this irritating feature anymore other than to whine, bitch and moan that there is an obvious tactic the RAF should employ in this game; scrap all Beaufighters, Hurricanes, Wellingtons and Blenheims and swap them for Italian biplanes - I'd lose less aircraft that way.... [sm=nono.gif]

The air briefing confirms another 62 aircraft destroyed that turn and the indication is that the enemy suffered less than half that.

Meanwhile on terra firma the Indians lose an entire battalion and numerous AA and AT units are destroyed as the Axis push ever further west. In the extreme south one company of LRDG are surrounded and I have little to nothing left to hold the enemy forces with. What is really concerning is that the health indicator is dark green so panzers operating in the middle of the Sahara Desert appears to be no problem...with the movement allowance available to a panzer battalion Rommel could be in Cairo in a couple of turns....

Finally, to add to the general level of bonhomie and all round good cheer, my probing north of the Quattara Depression has resulted in Axis forces moving into the eastern mountains....

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/21/2018 8:28:29 PM)

Turn 158
21st March 1942

I best check out the aircraft situation first. I know from bitter experience what can happen if I move units before getting air cover in place.....

In one turn I lost 139 aircraft (replacements are 23 per turn) and my actual equivalent squadron strength is now less than 30 squadrons. There are just 215 bombers left....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/22/2018 6:11:14 AM)

Turn 158
21st March 1942

I send the two newly arrived battalions of the 161st Indian Motorised Brigade to the desert west of Cairo. There are two further battalions of this reinforced brigade expected shortly. I have no anti-tank units to spare for them (each battalion should have 4 organic 2-pounders but neither have any). I will try and nick some AA cover from 8th Army reserve.

Despite this they will be tasked with providing a blocking force in case the enemy continue their approach in strength south of Quattara. I have to hope that logistically this is not possible - or at least not without massive supply problems but I can't be certain that is the case.

On the western front I pull the 2nd Armoured out of the line and they take up position south of El Hammam. Only 22nd Armoured Brigade remain to provide an armoured reserve in the west but based on the last few turns, there won't be any counter-attack from this quarter anyway. I wish 10th Armoured could hurry up and get organised....

The retreat this time is two hexes and as always costs numerous AA, AT and RAF base units. My line is now 3 hexes from El-Alamein, although I don't really see this as a place to stop the Axis. The ability to move south of Quattara gives this place less significance than real life, but the main problem is the enemy artillery anyway. Against this no stand in even fortified positions is possible. I will need to be more inventive if I am to stop the Axis juggernaut.

The front line continues to be manned by a hotch-potch of ever-dwindling 1st South Africans, 4th Indians, 1st Free French and British infantry drawn from various brigades as can be summoned up. As mentioned previously, it is not sensible to put too many units from one formation in the front line in case of reorganisation.

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/22/2018 5:34:08 PM)

Turn 159 - Axis Turn (in real time)
25th March 1942

The Axis start on the coastal plain, retreating the South African AT battery, which finds the 'safety' of the CW lines. An RAF base unit then evaporates. Two more retreat, as does a Free French AA unit, and sanctuary - no matter how brief - is found for these units too.

This is followed by the all too familiar drill of a billion artillery tubes and their infantry and armour support heading to the western front.

Action switches to the east of the Quattara Depression and an Italian tank forces a commando unit west into the mountains - it then continues on and finds the main British line. One can imagine my mood when this unit simply heads away without being engaged.....

There is then mention of an airstrike but the caption moves too fast and so I've no idea what, who or where?

The bombardments then begin - can't tell how many but half a dozen? - the Saffer AT units evaporates.

More aircraft move in from the Bardia area

To the extreme south an LRDG unit evaporates

Back to the western front and yet more artillery move in and more bombardments are underway..

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/22/2018 6:05:55 PM)

Turn 159 - Axis Turn (in real time)
25th March 1942

The bombardments take a steady toll on the defenders. 57 Indian rifle and machine gun squads of the 2/10 Baluchs are quickly reduced to just 31.

In another hex its the turn of the 1st Pacifique Bn. of Free French - 63 squads are reduced to 47.

Added to this are liberal sprinklings of artillery pieces and other weapons.

In the air 23 Kittyhawks take on 35 Me-110 and MC200 fighters that are escorting 17 bombers. The CW lose 4 (1 destroyed) while the enemy suffer 8 losses (1 destroyed).

In a second aerial engagement 15 Tomahawks take on an even more motley crew - 57 Italian fighters inc 23 biplanes and 20 He-111's. The Axis lose 10 aircraft (5 destroyed) to the CW 2 (1 destroyed)

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/22/2018 7:57:51 PM)

Turn 159
25th March 1942

Just the two-hex withdrawal, leaving behind 5 AA/air base units. I limit my turn to bombarding south of Quattara but I have to assume a major offensive here. Once the units in the extreme south got rid of my LRDG unit I do not know what happened to them for certain, but I think they headed north rather than east....

I have air superiority 11 vs 9 and I put a few bombers on interdiction - being careful with the range.

10th Armoured Division (effectively just a brigade) has moved to a position south of El Hammam.

I think my withdrawal rate has been too fast - I hadn't planned on being this far east at this stage, and still ages to go before I begin to get any decent reinforcements....

My turn lasts two rounds of bombardment and then I fail a proficiency check.....

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/22/2018 9:04:38 PM)

Turn 160 - Axis Turn (in real time)
28 March 1942

More artillery being brought up....

A base unit retreats - another evaporates. But that is the only one. The remaining units get to the main line - where they await the bombardment and possible attacks to come...

North of the Quattara Depression the Italians are on the move. I hope the camera pans out as I can't quite see exactly what is happening.

Soooo much artillery moving into position...[:(]

More aircraft and other, unidentified manoeuvres further back - lots of German and Italian fighters spotted.

At last the camera pans out


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/22/2018 9:36:03 PM)

Turn 160 - Axis Turn (in real time)
28 March 1942

The Axis start bombarding the hex south of the coast road and I see a message that one unit evaporates - but all units have disappeared.... Let's hope that's an anomaly - I've seen that once before - otherwise its a massive stack that's been lost.

Yet more aircraft flying in, Me-110 this time and Italian fighters too

Right the units have re-appeared - only to retreat in the face of a major attack - artillery then move up and the hex in front of the advancing units is bombarded - this is really big problems.

It looks like the turn then ends....

Wow - it wasn't even an attack!!! It was just a bombardment. Look at those numbers - that is just.....

oh and my bombers remained grounded apparently rather than interdict....but then I look at the Air Briefing and it suggests the score was 12 vs 42 aircraft destroyed [&:] and so aircraft did fly....who knows?


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/22/2018 9:57:16 PM)

Turn 160
28 March 1942

I take a closer look at what has happened. Two whole battalions of South African infantry are in danger - one is out of supply and both are almost cut-off.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/22/2018 9:57:52 PM)

Turn 160
28 March 1942

A quick check is carried out on the aircraft situation. My Spitfires have been in the thick of the action (apparently) and will need to be taken out of the line for a while. I have another bomber squadron - albeit its the highly vulnerable Wellington which I have to manage with kid gloves. Still, frankly I'll take anything at this stage!

With 1 Blenheim squadron on reorganisation, I end up putting 6 fighter squadrons and 1 bomber squadron on rest and the remaining 31 squadrons are made operational - made up of 21 fighter and 9 bomber squadrons.


700851McCall -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/22/2018 10:05:36 PM)

The Axis must be at the end of their supply tether so they won't be able to keep bombarding like that forever. You can't go back anymore so I think you just have to soak it up. Dig in everyone on ignore losses and hope for the best. Don't say that in the official communique to Churchill, though.

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/22/2018 11:02:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: 700851McCall

The Axis must be at the end of their supply tether so they won't be able to keep bombarding like that forever. You can't go back anymore so I think you just have to soak it up. Dig in everyone on ignore losses and hope for the best. Don't say that in the official communique to Churchill, though.

I'd love to believe you, but bombardments like that previously are just unsustainable - I am not exactly flush with infantry as it is and that level of losses is just crazy. It may look like I'm running headlong and without purpose but believe me, there is a plan.... as soon as I've worked out what that plan is I'll let you know [:D]

Zorch -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/22/2018 11:06:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1


ORIGINAL: 700851McCall

The Axis must be at the end of their supply tether so they won't be able to keep bombarding like that forever. You can't go back anymore so I think you just have to soak it up. Dig in everyone on ignore losses and hope for the best. Don't say that in the official communique to Churchill, though.

I'd love to believe you, but bombardments like that previously are just unsustainable - I am not exactly flush with infantry as it is and that level of losses is just crazy. It may look like I'm running headlong and without purpose but believe me, there is a plan.... as soon as I've worked out what that plan is I'll let you know [:D]

Brave Sir Robin!

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/23/2018 5:30:09 AM)

Turn 160
28 March 1942

So what to do? Well firstly I think I need to make a decision on the Saffers. Do I write-off two battalions, do I make a big effort to assist (and accept it may not work), or do I make a limited effort and accept there is less chance of it working? I'll come back to that.

Secondly I look at shoring up the south. I don't know where the Axis forces have gone to. The Indian 161st Motorised Brigade (with one battalion of Rajputs curiously on foot?) remain where they are in the desert west of Cairo. The Indian 10th Brigade is sent further north given the Italian moves east of the Quattara Depression.

As far as reinforcements are concerned, I get a battalion of Saffers back and I put them on the rail line for transport north next turn.

I decide to put the RN to sea. One cruiser (Naiad) and one destroyer (Bedouin) are left behind due to damage - serious in the case of Naiad - and the remaining seven ships, led by the light cruiser HMS Ajax, head for El-Alamein.

The ships are barely out of Alexandria harbour when the Axis aircraft attack - 86 fighters (63 of which are Italian and 43 of those are biplanes) escort 24 deadly Ju-87. The allied air forces respond with 103 fighters (only seven of which are biplanes). Some bombers get through and the flagship Ajax is the target. The stukas bracket the cruiser and damage is caused (3%). But this success comes at a cost of 33 aircraft (9 destroyed) and the stukas bear the brunt of this. The CW lose 14 aircraft (2 destroyed).


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/23/2018 6:34:28 AM)

Turn 160
28 March 1942

To hell with this. I order more air cover - three resting squadrons -inc the spitfires - are sent to RAF Dekheila to add their support. As the task force steers southwest along the North African coast the attacks come in again and a furious air battle is fought.

This time no bombers get through and no further damage is done to the task force. It's a different story in the air.....

Another 24 Ju-87 are ordered to intercept the British ships, escorted by 101 fighters (24 Me-109 and 43 biplanes). The CW order up 207 fighters. In the ensuing dog fight the British lose 26 aircraft (5 destroyed) but the Axis suffer the loss of 48 planes (11 destroyed). 6 of the destroyed aircraft are from the Ju-87 squadron which evaporates.

Three CW squadrons are reorganising already and others are placed to rest. In fact, as I scroll through my units, most of my fighters are suddenly on rest as supply and/or readiness falls off a cliff. This explains why I've lost air superiority all of a sudden. I place my better units on air superiority - which gets air superiority back.

The little task force continues on to its destination.

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/23/2018 6:16:24 PM)

Turn 160
28 March 1942

The break-out mission northwest of El-Alamein proves something of a failure. The two trapped South African battalions attack from the north, while a weak Free French battalion attack from the east. Although the German recce unit retreats, Italian reinforcements stop the South Africans from escaping.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/23/2018 6:34:18 PM)

Turn 160
28 March 1942

For the second attempt, a third battalion of South Africans are called up to help rescue their comrades. This time the attempt works; the Italians are pushed back under the weight of the attack and the supporting naval and artillery support. The question now is whether the turn will continue to allow the escape to be made.....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/23/2018 6:41:42 PM)

Turn 160
28 March 1942

The turn continues but the Cape Towners are engaged and so their escape is curtailed.

I decide to stay around for one more round so that the RN can have a pop at some of the Axis artillery....

There is one more round left. Do the RN stay or do I decide to try and save them for another day? I decide to order the ships back to Alex but almost immediately they are under attack.... The CW air forces don't fly in defence but the fleet takes care of the remaining Ju-87 - 5 aircraft lost (1 destroyed).


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/23/2018 9:20:58 PM)

Turn 161 - Axis Turn (in real time)
1st April 1942

Well that's not the start to the turn one wants to see [X(] A panzer battalion - II Battalion, 5th Panzer Regt. - moves along the coastal road to El-Alamein - and then the sister battalion joins it....

A Ju-87 squadron is on the move to replace the lost unit - oh and an Me-109 too....

Next the Axis begin attacking the air base and AA units left behind last turn

Then, south of the Quattara Depression a Bersaglieri unit gets up close and personal with my LRDG outpost and another panzer battalion comes across my recce battalion - what else does he have here?


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/23/2018 9:22:49 PM)

Turn 161 - Axis Turn (in real time)
1st April 1942

Sadly the answer is plenty. A big stack of units prepares to remove my recce battalion from the road. Damn I missed that.

Meanwhile there is no let up on the western front. A big attack is coming along the coastal path.

A Hurricane Squadron evaporates???

Then the bombardments start. Two South African battalions simply evaporate along with the units with them....

Hahahaha a Beaufighter squadron evaporates

Largescale air movements interspersed with bombardments

The Italians north of the Quattara Depression move forward too.

A Tomahawk squadron evaporates... of course.

A Blenheim squadron evaporates... I mean what is going on?? I have air superiority here, my airfields are closer? This is crazy...

Huge bombardments more evaporated land units

A Blenheim squadron evaporates

More bombardments

An artillery regiment evaporates

A look at the total losses show not that much difference (aircraft aside). The big loss to the CW is in infantry and precious artillery pieces. The Air Briefing states 71 CW and 87 Axis loss but of course these don't count the evaporations and the Axis numbers are probably exaggerated....

NOTE: Both tables refer to all engagements - CW on top and Axis on the bottom.

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/23/2018 10:23:11 PM)

Turn 161
1st April 1942

The air situation is now acute. The CW bombers simply can't venture out - even with fighter cover. I will have to go into conservation mode...


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/23/2018 10:26:35 PM)

Turn 161
1st April 1942

The 1st Free French Brigade decides it would be a good time to reorganise.... That means more battalions simply swallowed up next turn..

sapper32 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/23/2018 11:02:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Turn 161
1st April 1942

The air situation is now acute. The CW bombers simply can't venture out - even with fighter cover. I will have to go into conservation mode...


What were the British thinking? ONE Spitfire Squadron in North Africa in early 1942 i wonder how may where sat in the UK at this time with not a lot to do

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/23/2018 11:16:20 PM)

Turn 161
1st April 1942

With the Axis up to the El-Alamein line I wanna be startin' something as Michael Jackson once warbled.

The schwerpunkt is in the south. I target three Italian hexes with infantry, artillery and armour.

Here goes nothing....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/23/2018 11:24:34 PM)

Turn 161
1st April 1942

The initial attack goes in in the centre. The attack is led by the 1st Army Tank Brigade on the right flank and 10th Armoured on the left. Infantry is provided by the 50th Infantry Division. The attack drives the Italian infantry of the Pavia and Savona division into retreat.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/23/2018 11:34:55 PM)

Turn 161
1st April 1942

The second of three is in the south and sees the Axis defenders pushed back


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