RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (Full Version)

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warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/23/2018 11:40:05 PM)

Turn 161
1st April 1942

Sadly, and perhaps predictably the best attack of the three - and the most important - failed.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/23/2018 11:54:30 PM)

Turn 161
1st April 1942

The next round sees a similar set of three attacks designed to push in the Italian lines.

The first in the south sees two regiments of the 7th Armoured working in conjunction with the infantry of 50th Division to force the enemy into retreat.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 12:01:52 AM)

Turn 161
1st April 1942

The second attack, led by 10th Armoured also forces the Italians back toward where they came from. I need this offensive to continue though....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 12:04:46 AM)

Turn 161
1st April 1942

Unbelievably, the enemy hold in the north once again. An 'excellent' attack proves to be anything but....

I chose four attacks for what I believe to be the last round. My anger is turning to something else as the Italian tank battalion in the north - not fortified, not dug-in - continues to hold of half my army [:@]

For the last round I opt for another 4 attacks on the Italian positions...

The first attack fails to make a breakthrough and I come face to face with another panzer battalion. However the Loss Report does not indicate the presence of German tanks...ah I've spotted why - this unit - the III Battalion of the 5th Panzer Regt. - came into the battle to assist the Italians.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 12:40:35 AM)

Turn 161
1st April 1942

That tank battalion has cost me so dear - even now, although the unit retreats it hardly takes any loss???


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 12:46:03 AM)

Turn 161
1st April 1942

This is turning into a really lousy round... An Italian infantry unit holds its ground when I had a chance of surrounding that panzer on 3 sides.

Right at the very end I get some good news as the Italians in the south are pushed back into the mountains.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 12:48:43 AM)

Turn 161
1st April 1942

Out of interest I'll do a tally up and see what that offensive cost the CW compared to the Axis.

.....Well that was a pretty brutal turn. It looks like both air forces were knackered as no aircraft flew. I don't know the replacement rate for the Axis but at 90 for the CW, they can't stand too many of those!

The scores on the doors (CW first):

Rifle/MG Squads - 301 vs 429
Eng/Supp/Cmd Squads - 0 vs 14
Machine guns - 114 vs 250
Mortars - 34 vs 67
AT - 5 vs 10
Field - 6 vs 6
AA - 3 vs 8
Soft Skin Vehicles - 14 vs 20
Tanks inc. Self Propelled guns - 16 vs 19
Trucks - 329 vs 443

Szilard -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 6:55:28 AM)

On a brighter note, according to the scenario briefing, on this turn (161) the C'wealth's 4% shock penalty goes away, to reflect Auchinleck taking direct command. So hopefully that means less re-organisation?

You're also supposed to get a theatre recon increase to 5%, from 0%.

The Axis has a 4% shock bonus which is supposed to go away on turn 177, when Monty takes over.

Manual Sec 17.9.4:

Force 1 or Force 2 Shock Level: This is
typically used to model surprise. Shock levels
can range from one to 200, but should in most
cases be limited to the 50-150 range. The
default is 100. Unit strengths are multiplied by
the Shock Level (as a percentage). Movement
costs for moving near enemy forces may be decreased if the moving Force has a Shock
Level greater than the non-moving Force,
and costs may be increased if the moving
Force has a Shock Level less than the nonmoving
Force. Time expended in combat
may be reduced if the Attacker has a Shock
Level above 100 and may be increased if the
Attacker has a handicap level below 100. At
levels below 100, Formations may arbitrarily
reorganize (becoming unavailable for your

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 11:33:14 AM)

Thank-you for the reminder Szilard. I will cover this off during the CW turn.

EDIT: A quick check of the Situation Briefing states:

Theatre reconnaissance capability is 0%

The 4% shock level penalty/bonus still remain in place - 96% CW and 104% Axis

EDIT 2: Right so these are the dates (assuming I survive that long):

- The 4% Commonwealth Shock Penalty lasts until Turn 185 (The Auk)
- At that time recon goes to 5%

- The 4% Axis Shock Bonus lasts until Turn 201 (Monty)
- At that time recon goes to 15%

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 11:33:51 AM)

Turn 162 - Axis Turn (in real time)
4th April 1942

The turn starts with an enemy unit retreating on the southern front (couldn't see what) before switching to the western from and the reduction of those units left behind

Sadly it looks like my exposed unit on the junction of the Western and southern fronts is going to come in for some punishment (damn that Italian tank battalion!).

The most exposed Italians east of the mountains (north of Quattara) all get to retreat without engagement despite all my units and artillery [:@]

The Axis bombardment starts but I can't make out which hex

More bombardments along the western front and then some undefined movement south of Quattara and in the mountains to the north

The Axis then attack on the coastal path - every attack sees my infantry battalions evaporate [&:]

The vacated hex is then filled with tanks, infantry etc

Huge amounts of artillery being brought up in support - I've lost count but its well into double figures in this small area

Another French battalion and an AA unit evaporates

Now its the turn of more aircraft from the Bardia area

Some artillery seems to be moving to the southern front

More bombardments...

Turn ends

News Summary:

Axis capture of El-Alamein means the fleet is in garrison mode (I'll need to see what that means)

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 11:52:53 AM)

Turn 162 - Axis Turn
4th April 1942

It was mentioned previously that the Germans would be at the end of their supply tether. Well a look at the bombardment losses show that is simply not the case: 40%, 34%, 45%, 30%...... no wonder I can't stop a single attack subsequently...

Another desperately worrying turn for the CW with infantry losses resulting in a shortfall of 68 compared to replacement rates. The army will be moving around on foot soon as another 249 trucks are destroyed. On the artillery front there are losses of 34 artillery pieces of all descriptions....

The Air Briefing suggest 9 losses to 22 in the CW favour (but as usual I have to assume the Axis number is exaggerated).

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 12:53:12 PM)

Turn 162
4th April 1942

I have just 12 operational squadrons - these are all fighters as I daren't make the bombers operational with such a paucity of cover. This is not going to make any continuation of the offensive easier but with El-Alamein gone, there is no point ****-footing around any longer. Given what happened previously I decide to make another 3 fighter squadrons operations but with limited range i.e. they are only able to intercept interdiction.

Szilard -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 1:04:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Thank-you for the reminder Szilard. I will cover this off during the CW turn.

EDIT: A quick check of the Situation Briefing states:

Theatre reconnaissance capability is 0%

The 4% shock level penalty/bonus still remain in place - 96% CW and 104% Axis

EDIT 2: Right so these are the dates (assuming I survive that long):

- The 4% Commonwealth Shock Penalty lasts until Turn 185 (The Auk)
- At that time recon goes to 5%

- The 4% Axis Shock Bonus lasts until Turn 201 (Monty)
- At that time recon goes to 15%

Oops - was looking at wrong version. Those dates certainly make more sense, historically.

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 1:36:19 PM)

Turn 162
4th April 1942

So let's have a look at my reinforcement situation. I have a few dribs and drabs coming through:

2 x battalions of the 10th Indian Division - I send north to the coastal plain

1 x battalion and an HQ for the 2nd Free French Brigade - I send this north too.

The South African replacements - a machine gun battalion (with only half its machine guns) and an AA battery I keep near Cairo to hopefully fill out....

The 9th and 10th Indian Brigades of 5th Indian Division that arrived previously are moved to the southern front area of operations. They do not have the movement allowance to allow any participation this turn, but can be available for future operations (and can also be switched south if the Germans break out).

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 2:33:45 PM)

Turn 162
4th April 1942

Right, I've decided to go for it. The gloves are off and so are the breaks. If the turn suddenly ends I'm screwed but I will proceed on the basis that I don't suffer a proficiency failure for at least 4 turns....

Everything I just said about my aircraft can be ignored. I've made as many squadrons operational as I realistically can....

Operation Beaver

For what I hope is the first part of Beaver I order three attacks and two bombardments (there is a bombardment south of Quattara too).

The bombardments take place in the north on the coastal road and on Ruweisat Ridge. Reasonable casualties are inflicted 11% and 14%.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 3:16:36 PM)

Turn 162
4th April 1942

On the Ridge a large air battle takes place as both sides contest this important piece of real estate. To defend the infantry - a battalion from the Trento and the 86th Regimental HQ of the Sabratha - the Axis put 208 fighters in the air (88 German). The CW counter with 262 fighters which escort 68 bombers. The Axis lose 54 aircraft (16 destroyed). The CW lose 52 (11 destroyed). Ground losses too are slightly higher for the Axis as the Sabratha HQ is destroyed. The tanks of the 5th RTR advance.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 3:17:38 PM)

Turn 162
4th April 1942

The second attack is the most southerly of the three. The hex is defended by a large group of German/Italian units - but weak in strength. Although three German Oasis Battalion detachments are destroyed (along with an Italian air base unit) the battle is more costly for the CW but at least the Axis forces retreat and the Scots Greys advance.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 3:27:34 PM)

Turn 162
4th April 1942

To the northeast the lone defender of the hex is destroyed under the weight of shot and shell.

Any joy from this is totally wiped out by the fact that 38 German fighters (half German) do battle with 90 CW fighters that were escorting 42 bombers. German losses are just 10 aircraft (2 destroyed) while the CW lose 15 (8 destroyed).


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 3:51:02 PM)

Turn 162
4th April 1942

For Round 4 there are again 3 attacks and 2 bombardments (plus the one in the south) but the focus switches to the north....

The two bombardments in the south again cost the defenders reasonable - if unspectacular - damage 14% and 11%.

The first attack takes place on the coastal road just southeast of El-Alamein. At heavy cost 66 rifles squads (vs 42 enemy) the Italians are pushed back - and they lose 27 tanks in the process (17 destroyed).


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 4:07:08 PM)

Turn 162
4th April 1942

The next attack sees the focus switch to the south. Once again the enemy retreat, once again the losses to the CW are huge in comparison, but once again still, the real killer is the what happens in the sky. 198 CW fighters escort 133 bombers. They come up against just 116 enemy fighters - only 41 of which are Me-109's. The Axis lose just 35 aircraft (11 destroyed) while the CW lose 56!!!! (13 destroyed).....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 4:11:21 PM)

Turn 162
4th April 1942

The final attack of the round takes place on the Rusweisat Ridge. The Italians fall back but CW losses are more than double those of the enemy. Once again its the men of the 5th Royal Tank Regiment that advance.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 4:13:33 PM)

Turn 162
4th April 1942

Its now Round 6. I've had two and will get a third. If I'm lucky I could get a fourth but I have to have one mind on the fact that I may not. But once again I say to hell with that.

I decide to go for attacks all along the line. The rationale here is that there are a lot of Italian units that have been/will be attacked and I have to assume at some point these are going to go into reorganisation. Oh well here we go....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 5:11:29 PM)

Turn 162
4th April 1942

From the extreme north to the extreme south now and the 3rd Royal Tank Regiment manages to make further advances into the mountains. The attack as per usual takes a far higher toll on the CW than the Axis....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 5:16:13 PM)

Turn 162
4th April 1942

The third attack, where the western and southern fronts join, is a total disaster. The CW lose over 100 rifle/SMG squads - three times as many as the Axis units which don't come remotely close to retreating - and this wasn't even my most risky attack of the turn......


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 5:20:48 PM)

Turn 162
4th April 1942

Results aren't getting any better. South of the coastal road the next assault manages to retreat most of the enemy units, but one battalion remains stubbornly in place. at least my losses were similar to the enemy that turn - even if the outcome of the battle position-wise was massively sub-optimal.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 5:25:21 PM)

Turn 162
4th April 1942

The next attack simply continues the bad news and confirms what a total balls-up I've made of this round. The CW weakly advance into a hex with just one cavalry unit on its own and the losses for the CW are crippling...


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 5:31:47 PM)

Turn 162
4th April 1942

The final attack was, according to the prediction. likely to be one of my better ones... the reality - losses to infantry, tanks, artillery and aircraft tells a completely different story [&:]

I should do a tally up of the losses for each side for this turn but I think if I do I'll just resign in a fit of depression. So instead I'll stick my head in a bucket of sand and ignore it - maybe that way this turn never happened....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 5:34:01 PM)

Turn 162
4th April 1942

Well how the hell did that happen? The last round was round 6 and I used ignore losses AND at least a couple of attacks went more than the max rounds permitted. But there is still 20% of my turn left! I don't know how it happened but frankly I don't care [:)]

...well what's the old saying? Don't care was made to care.....

That last round was even worse. In the south a lone tank regiment has advanced straight into 2-3 panzer battalions. Meanwhile the Italian battalion all on his own held his ground against an 'excellent' attack....great.

Zorch -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 5:46:08 PM)

Thank you, Warspite.
Your experience has put me off buying TOAW IV. It seems a very frustrating game.

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/24/2018 6:15:55 PM)



Thank you, Warspite.
Your experience has put me off buying TOAW IV. It seems a very frustrating game.

Well there are a couple of things. Firstly, as can (hopefully) be gathered from the extent to which I am playing this, its great fun and a really, really good game.

Frustration? Yes of course its frustrating when one can't win - although I should be used to that by now [:D] but that does not stop this being really good fun.

Is it perfect? No - but then what it? There is one mechanic (the air war where under certain conditions no information is given) that needs amending as it is a bit disappointing, but its not going to stop me from playing this brilliant game anytime soon.

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