Philthib -> RE: PBEM (2/5/2018 11:08:19 AM)
Hi GioB Not as tough as it seems. Here is my recomendation 1 - find an opponent, and decide between the two of you who will "host" the game (= run the processing when your orders are in) 2 - run your side's turn normally, issue all your orders, and everything you want to do. Save. Do NOT process end turn at this stage 3 - either you OR your friend gets the saved files (yours and his... those files will end with the .ord extension)..the Host will copy those files in his Saves folder 4 - the Host presses "end turn" and processes the turn 5 - the Host sends to the players the processed turn files (those files are with the .trn extension)... and bis repetitam ad nauseam [:D] All the files that need to be exchanged (by email, as attachments) are the .ord and .trn files, all located in the Saves folder. The .hst file (the hosting file) remains with the guy who hosts the PBEM game. Nothing is automated, the files transferred by email are "attached" there manually Hope this helps. Feel free to go the the Ageod forum to find opponents and/or advice.