RE: BLIZZARD (Full Version)

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BrianG -> RE: BLIZZARD (4/25/2018 12:28:48 AM)

and attack details


BrianG -> t26 (4/27/2018 10:54:02 PM)

this is 6 attacks in near Kalinin.


BrianG -> RE: t26 (4/27/2018 10:55:31 PM)

number 7 attack


BrianG -> RE: t26 (4/27/2018 10:56:25 PM)

add in a nice win North Moscow


BrianG -> RE: t26 (4/27/2018 10:57:16 PM)

And now closer to East Moscow.

Roko in command 28th Army


BrianG -> RE: t26 (4/27/2018 10:59:41 PM)

2 failed attacks


BrianG -> RE: t26 (4/27/2018 11:01:00 PM)

last attack in the area


BrianG -> t26 2nd blizzard (4/27/2018 11:05:53 PM)

Final North. Hitting fins where able. I would like to get as far west as possible and hold some rough hexes

He has no tanks here and I will be too strong elsewhere later for them to redeploy and try cut off of my future extended position.

That is the present thinking


BrianG -> RE: t26 2nd blizzard (4/27/2018 11:09:11 PM)

final Moscow

I think I see a German retreat in every Russian battle.


BrianG -> RE: t26 2nd blizzard (4/27/2018 11:12:47 PM)

Final Tula attacks

In the next few turn I will notice German units starting turn in low supply.

Many will be orange and red indicating poor resupply during blizzard. Mr. Freeze at work.


BrianG -> RE: t26 2nd blizzard (4/27/2018 11:17:07 PM)

and final south

I am waiting for cav guards to form and then merging 2 with a losing record div cav to get Guard corp.

I have not merged non guard cav.


BrianG -> RE: t26 2nd blizzard (4/27/2018 11:18:11 PM)

The toll.


BrianG -> 27 (5/2/2018 2:53:58 AM)

and the push continues


BrianG -> RE: 27 (5/2/2018 2:54:54 AM)

I throw in a hasty attack


BrianG -> RE: 27 (5/2/2018 2:57:47 AM)

once out of the forts the German units are much weaker.

Here though a close loss.


BrianG -> RE: 27 (5/2/2018 2:59:43 AM)

and here south of Moscow I attack panzer division. best to get them out of the fort belt.


BrianG -> RE: 27 (5/2/2018 3:01:24 AM)

another attack down south. I would like to recapture Stalino. We shall see what develops.


BrianG -> RE: 27 (5/2/2018 3:03:02 AM)

strong attack


BrianG -> RE: 27 (5/2/2018 3:05:50 AM)

attack overview.


BrianG -> Turn 28 we have Guards (5/2/2018 3:07:55 AM)

new guards units.

Very proud for my td battery. We knew you could we knew you could.


BrianG -> RE: Turn 28 we have Guards (5/2/2018 3:13:01 AM)

2 hexes retreated by germans.

Decent damage.


BrianG -> RE: Turn 28 we have Guards (5/2/2018 3:14:20 AM)

unlike last turn, Model cannot hold this hex.


BrianG -> RE: Turn 28 (5/5/2018 2:55:59 AM)

again near Tula.

This attack displaced a German hq.


BrianG -> RE: Turn 28 (5/5/2018 2:57:23 AM)

and I get some tank brigades into the action

I want as many in guard status as possible.


BrianG -> RE: Turn 28 (5/5/2018 2:58:07 AM)

a nice win further south


BrianG -> RE: Turn 28 (5/5/2018 2:59:33 AM)

final positions

north and attacks


BrianG -> RE: Turn 28 (5/5/2018 3:00:21 AM)

final middle


BrianG -> RE: Turn 28 (5/5/2018 3:01:00 AM)

final south


BrianG -> RE: Turn 28 (5/5/2018 3:01:25 AM)

turn 28 kia info

end of 1941 fighting


BrianG -> RE: Turn 28 (5/5/2018 3:07:42 AM)

end 1942 OOB and German generals.

The blizzard attack is progressing nicely but steady.

Where I've succeeded, Germans are out of fox holes and start low in supply. Keep up pressure and see what develops.

I like +1. Really makes Germans have bad outing in first winter. Which they deserve.

Too many of my prior games I was under such pressure that the first blizzard was just for rebuilding. Here i am getting many wins and better experience etc.

One downside is that fighting infantry divisions are dropping in total men. and with no Moscow, the replacement of troops is low.


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