RE: Nine years and going strong (Full Version)

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Canoerebel -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/11/2018 4:05:22 PM)

Edited because I posted this in the wrong thread.

Please ignore this.


I beg you.

BBfanboy -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/11/2018 4:29:32 PM)

Everyone seems to think the US industry was totally unprepared for war at Dec.7th, 1941. But it was already ramping up to be the Arsenal of Democracy through Lend-Lease, making all kinds of goods and sneaking them into Canada to be shipped to Britain.

Did you know that they rolled bombers up to a few feet from the Canada/US border and the Canadians would throw a rope over the border which was tied to the nose wheel and the aircraft was towed across. The US team could say they never entered Canada and prevented the Canadians from crossing over. They just lost track of what happened to the airplane because their backs were turned when it disappeared. [:D]

rkr1958 -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/11/2018 5:10:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

No, it refers to the "watercourse" creek.

Very interesting. Unlearn something wrong and learn something right (new) everyday. Thanks! [8D]

rustysi -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/11/2018 6:44:52 PM)


Luftwaffe was my entry drug

Mine was AH's Guadalcanal when about 12. Been playing since, although there were times when the kids took higher priority. Not to mention the wife's frowns. It was she who really got me back into gaming in a way. When she started watching all the 'night time soaps', I'd flip the computer on and play. She still got annoyed, but I insisted I wasn't watching that... stuff.

Always had an interest in history. Played, read, read, played. Tons of board games. Onto computers, which I always thought would make the hobby better. Found GG's games and almost all were great. Anyone play Kampfgruppe? Loved it. Played PacWar, but not UV. Oh, no not me, I wanted the entire WitP. Which I got.[:D] Should have gone in for UV.

Kids, divorce and an antiquated computer back then forced me to delay purchase of AE. Got it when I got out from under, but still didn't have adequate time. So I dabbled. When time became more available I started in earnest. Never realizing what a 'time vampire' this beast really is, but it has been a great ride, and a lot of that has to do with the forum. Probably would have given it up by now if not for the site.

Graymane -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/12/2018 10:22:01 PM)

The original WITP for me. This is the best game ever made as far as I'm concerned (at least for me). I wish they would make a new version.

JoV -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/12/2018 11:22:35 PM)

Had my eyes on War in the East for about 6 months as a replacement for Hearts of Iron 2, which I had long since grown bored of. Never played 'serious' war games before, so was waiting for it to go on sale before making the plunge in case it wasn't for me.

When it did, on a whim, I picked up WitP:AE on sale as well, despite not having much knowledge of the theatre at all. It just looked interesting.

Suffice to say, since that time about 5 years ago now, I've played a grand total of one campaign of War in the East. I've put many, many, many thousands of hours into WitP [:D]

RangerJoe -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/13/2018 12:15:36 AM)

I was looking for PacWar when I found the forum. I got interested in WITP-AE when I read an AAR from an Italian lawyer who had unique English spelling techniques. When he was stating that he did not have the units to do things and was still stuck in the Solomons in 1944 then invaded [&o] Hokkaido, I was hooked.

I played a lot of the board games but not a lot of the computer games due to financial problems. However, I do have Panzer General II working on my Windows 10 machine . . . [:D]

Canoerebel -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/13/2018 12:19:36 AM)

You are referring to the famous Greyjoy and his match against Rader. Greyjoy had all kinds of spelling adventures, fell far behind in his game, and was unfailingly cheerful and kindhearted. In that game, Nemo became his mentor and helped him put together the stellar Hokkaido invasion. That entire AAR was too fun for words for us forumites. Sadly, none of those three men are playing AE these days, to my knowledge.

Long live Scoodra!

RangerJoe -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/13/2018 1:12:24 AM)

Yes Sir, that is the one that I am referring to. I do miss the Greyjoyisms, I wish that they were back on the forums even if it were to just give advice.

Long live Scoodra!

Yes, Long live Scoodra!

Chickenboy -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/13/2018 1:38:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: Graymane

The original WITP for me. This is the best game ever made as far as I'm concerned (at least for me). I wish they would make a new version.

Graymane! Long time no see, bro! [&o]

Chickenboy -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/13/2018 1:42:22 AM)


Did you know that they rolled bombers up to a few feet from the Canada/US border and the Canadians would throw a rope over the border which was tied to the nose wheel and the aircraft was towed across. The US team could say they never entered Canada and prevented the Canadians from crossing over. They just lost track of what happened to the airplane because their backs were turned when it disappeared. [:D]

Oi! We was just parking 'em there! [:@] THAT's where all our bombers went!

RangerJoe -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/13/2018 1:46:20 AM)


Did you know that they rolled bombers up to a few feet from the Canada/US border and the Canadians would throw a rope over the border which was tied to the nose wheel and the aircraft was towed across. The US team could say they never entered Canada and prevented the Canadians from crossing over. They just lost track of what happened to the airplane because their backs were turned when it disappeared.

Oi! We was just parking 'em there! THAT's where all our bombers went!

Or they could have had a tug of war over it like they do between Fort Frances and a US city with the Rainy River in between the towns.

JeffroK -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/13/2018 8:03:20 AM)

Such limited gaming backgrounds [8D]

My first board game must have been in the early 70's, JEDKO's African Campaign with its unit breakdowns and step loss system was the start. My best mate (now Bro in Law) had their Russian Campaign and both were heavily played.
I only purchased 1 AH game, ANZIO, and using the tournament rules played it to death, both FtF and solo. I still think its a great game.

My favourites were S&T games and SPI magazine games. I think the first S&T game I got was NORMANDY, tweaked it a bit and had great fun. The mag games were hit and miss, a few great, many good and a scattering of recycling fodder.

Over the years I got Wellingtons Victory, HTTR, Atlantic Wall, CFNA, WITP and branched into GDW's Europa series with DNO, Unetscheiden, Desert War etc.

When PC's arrived on earth I had an Apple IIC, had great fun with the early computer games and evolved to WITPAE through PacWar, WITP, back to UV and then WITPAE. Its almost the only game I play, GG's Bombing the Reich gets a run and a few John Tiller Games as well.

Its just as well I never smoked and only drink a little, couldnt afford food otherwise.

Sadly I have moved a few times, posted twice to West Australia and 10 years in Adelaide has seen a few cullings, luckily my wife is a Quilter so puts up with my addiction, as long as she gets more quarters.

GetAssista -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/13/2018 9:28:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel
You are referring to the famous Greyjoy and his match against Rader. Greyjoy had all kinds of spelling adventures, fell far behind in his game, and was unfailingly cheerful and kindhearted. In that game, Nemo became his mentor and helped him put together the stellar Hokkaido invasion. That entire AAR was too fun for words for us forumites. Sadly, none of those three men are playing AE these days, to my knowledge.

Long live Scoodra!

Now and again I come back to that AAR to reread the part after Greyjoy's "..and here is a screenshot of the invasion" that revealed final stage of his Kuriles/Hokkaido push to the forum. The resulting explosion was a sight to behold [:D]

Barb -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/13/2018 1:28:43 PM)

To make long story short - since kid I tended to organize and play (or even home-invent) wargames of some type. Then came the computers and had played Sink the Bismarck and Guadalcanal on Comodore, much later came UV, WITP, WITPAE... With few offshots from time to time, I am staying there :D

rsallen64 -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/13/2018 4:41:53 PM)

My first wargame was AH's Panzer Leader, which I first played in about 1978 or so, in junior high. I wanted Squad Leader, but decided that was too complicated. That was my next game purchase, followed by the modules as they came out. I bought many AH and Victory Games titles over the years. The first computer wargame I saw was Hunt for Red October, I believe it was called, on a Commodore 64 that a guy in my army unit had, and I really, really wanted a computer from that day on. When I bought my first one in 1992, that was my first purchase.

I started the evolution into WITP-AE with Uncommon Valor, and bought the original WITP, but never actually got around to playing it. Too bad, because it seems I missed out. But WITP-AE is, to me, the best computer wargame ever made, and unlikely to be surpassed.

btd64 -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/13/2018 5:26:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: rsallen64

My first wargame was AH's Panzer Leader, which I first played in about 1978 or so, in junior high. I wanted Squad Leader, but decided that was too complicated. That was my next game purchase, followed by the modules as they came out. I bought many AH and Victory Games titles over the years. The first computer wargame I saw was Hunt for Red October, I believe it was called, on a Commodore 64 that a guy in my army unit had, and I really, really wanted a computer from that day on. When I bought my first one in 1992, that was my first purchase.

I started the evolution into WITP-AE with Uncommon Valor, and bought the original WITP, but never actually got around to playing it. Too bad, because it seems I missed out. But WITP-AE is, to me, the best computer wargame ever made, and unlikely to be surpassed.

My first wargame was also Panzer Leader. During the balance of the 70's and 80's I bought it 3 times and then built up a complete German and US Army Corps and made 4, 2' by 4'map panels. It was BIG fun....GP

Graymane -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/13/2018 5:56:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: Graymane

The original WITP for me. This is the best game ever made as far as I'm concerned (at least for me). I wish they would make a new version.

Graymane! Long time no see, bro! [&o]
Hiya! How are the chickens these days? Looks like you moved to Tx?

sanch -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/13/2018 10:19:24 PM)

My first was AH's Tactics II; '65 or so. Then on to other AH games - had some epic Midway games over beer and pretzels. Then discovered SPI. Wound up playing War in Europe in the cellar of the local hobby store for a couple years.

For the computer, all sorts of titles, all for the PC. Played a bunch of (IIRC) Lucasfilm's Battle of Britain and others. Discovered Paradox and Europa Universalis; great game (beta tester for EU2). Then discovered Matrix; picked up various titles, and the WitP, and then AE. AE is without a doubt my favorite game.

Mikawa -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/14/2018 12:46:17 AM)

Ok, the addiction all really started with Gary Grigsby’s Guadacanal on an Apple IIc with 128k memory. That eventually led to uncommon valor and to where we are today with WitP AE. It’s just an amazing game. I just need to quit my job so I can play pbem and not occasional play versus AI. That will cap off all these years of play.

RangerJoe -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/14/2018 1:06:12 AM)

I just need to quit my job so I can play pbem and not occasional play versus AI.

I need to get my disability rating increased so I can get my own place, bake caramel rolls and play PBEM. Maybe even learn the Japanese side since I am, by US government training, supposed to be brash and take risks.

“L’audace, l'audace, toujours l'audace!”

Mikawa -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/14/2018 1:35:09 AM)

Ok Ranger Joe! We both need to set our priorities straight

Edward75 -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/14/2018 8:02:22 AM)

I used to play only CD-games before. I did not have Internet service for long time. One day my friend showed me game: The Operational Art of War 3, and at end of her manual I saw an advertisement from Matrix. There was WitP and I was shocked by this!
And here I have been here for many years. I hope game will be a new super update Edition! Don't say NO to me, please!

rustysi -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/14/2018 2:58:02 PM)


Don't say NO to me, please!

OK, I won't.[:D]

rustysi -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/14/2018 3:00:32 PM)


I just need to quit my job so I can play


I need to get my disability rating increased so I can

And I just thought I needed to retire in order to play more. Trust me as long as you have a life, nothing will help.[8|]

RangerJoe -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/14/2018 6:39:44 PM)

I am single with no children and I really have no life.

CaptBeefheart -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/16/2018 1:43:14 AM)

I bought "Pac War" back in the 90s and played it through a few times from both sides, then forgot about it. Then I found myself at a software store in Siam Square in Bangkok around 2002 when I saw something called "Uncommon Valor." I picked it up on the strength of a Wildcat taking off a deck on the cover and was pleasantly surprised to find out it was a Grigsby title similar to the old "Pac War" (I had also played his "War in Russia" and "War in the West"). That got me introduced to Matrix and I found my way to this site and then "WITP."


RangerJoe -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/16/2018 2:14:16 AM)

Somebody hooked me on Pacwar where you played the Japanese. When the Japanese won, you switched sides and won. We played head-to-head one time and wondered how I, as Allied, managed to get a division to Guadalcanal before he did. I took part of a division using APDs, let that part take reinforcements while bringing in more pieces. He never did take that place! [:D]

obvert -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/16/2018 10:05:33 AM)

I played some board games, with Wooden Ships, Iron Men being a favourite. I found early computer games and got addicted to Masters of Orion I/II and a WW2 global game called Empire. Tried to kick the habit after that, but ...

I found WITP one Christmas holiday about 10 years ago. It snowed in London the day I was heading back to the States, and my flight was cancelled, Then the next one, and then the third one on Christmas Eve. By that point I'd rewatched all of BOB and the Pacific, and went online in search of games.

The forum on WITP looked very active, and this was at the time AE was being completed. I was overwhelmed, but thanks to some good AARs and threads I got enough tips to get going. After a while on WITP playing the AI I watched the excitement as AE arrived, and decided to take the plunge.

My first game was against a very good player named Dan Nichols, and I foolishly chased him with the KB all over the Pacific. I found a massive supply line near Tahiti and was about to waste a bunch more fuel going to hit it when Dan had some health problems and had to bow out after only three months. He introduced Jocmeister and I and we played an epic game to the end in July 45. That game hooked me for good. [;)]

pmelheck1 -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/16/2018 12:41:39 PM)

Saw that someone was working on Steel Panthers and found Matrix games before they published there first title. When they published PACWAR Matrix addition I was hooked hard. As others on here I followed Uncommon Valor, War in the Pacific then WITP:AE I've enjoyed the game and community from day one. I've also gone through a couple of different user accounts due to assorted glitches with the board software over the years... Hats off to our fallen Friends who have left us over the years who cared for this community so much that there families came to tell us of there passing, never seen this on any other board.

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