RE: Nine years and going strong (Full Version)

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Squamry -> RE: Nine years and going strong (10/18/2018 4:50:47 PM)

8. No asset is worthless. Any asset can be used as improvisation to hold the line. Those who abandon / dismiss assets as inadequate to the challenge – will lose the challenge no matter what assets they have

I'd more likely say "No asset is worthless. If you think that you just haven't worked out how to use it correctly."

Squamry -> RE: Nine years and going strong (10/18/2018 5:03:01 PM)

I'd been doing a lot of miniatures gaming of naval warfare in the Pacific but it took a lot of effort to set up games and run. I then came across the DOS Carrier Strike which allowed me to play carrier battles on the PC really easily. Then migrated to PacWar which allowed the whole theatre to be played.

I skipped UV but when I saw WITP announced I remembered all the time enjoying PacWar and got a copy. When AE came out it was icing on the cake. Only started playing PBEM 2012 but the highs and lows provided aren't matched by anything.

Still miniatures gaming but now doing ancients/medieval

Mac Linehan -> RE: Nine years and going strong (10/22/2018 12:57:25 AM)

Chris21wen -

Buried somewhere, I also have SSI's (IIRC) downstairs in the basement - you have brought back old memories!

Bought Beyond Valor, then WitP and then WitP AE. All are First Class.


pontiouspilot -> RE: Nine years and going strong (10/22/2018 3:57:27 PM)

Jutland...good old Jutland. I remember morphing the Jutland platform into a campaign game of Blitzkreig using 2 sets of boards. Boy we pissed a lot of time away as kids...if I hadn't I might have been as smart as CR.

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