RE: Nine years and going strong (Full Version)

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Lecivius -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/16/2018 3:04:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: obvert

I played some board games, with Wooden Ships, Iron Men being a favourite.

I loved that game!! [;)]

oldman45 -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/16/2018 6:07:55 PM)

It started with PAC WAR on the floppy. Years go buy I find it again and decide to google Gary's name and found this place. UV then WitP and of course AE. It has been a great experience here on the forums.

rustysi -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/16/2018 7:52:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lecivius


ORIGINAL: obvert

I played some board games, with Wooden Ships, Iron Men being a favourite.

I loved that game!! [;)]

Yeah, good game. Still have it, but I'd have to search the house to find it.

rockmedic109 -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/16/2018 8:03:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: rustysi


ORIGINAL: Lecivius


ORIGINAL: obvert

I played some board games, with Wooden Ships, Iron Men being a favourite.

I loved that game!! [;)]

Yeah, good game. Still have it, but I'd have to search the house to find it.

Brings back memories. I loved it as well. My first non-fiction book was Alexander Kent's "Enemy in Sight" when I was 15. I have almost the entire Bolitho collection. I would love to see a rebuild of Talonsoft's Age of Sail with current graphics.

obvert -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/17/2018 8:25:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: rockmedic109


ORIGINAL: rustysi


ORIGINAL: Lecivius


ORIGINAL: obvert

I played some board games, with Wooden Ships, Iron Men being a favourite.

I loved that game!! [;)]

Yeah, good game. Still have it, but I'd have to search the house to find it.

Brings back memories. I loved it as well. My first non-fiction book was Alexander Kent's "Enemy in Sight" when I was 15. I have almost the entire Bolitho collection. I would love to see a rebuild of Talonsoft's Age of Sail with current graphics.

Kent got me into the age of sail as well. I wish there was a good hex based strategy game like WSIM that was complex and had full campaigns.

rockmedic109 -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/17/2018 1:57:01 PM)

There was a WSIM game. It was entertaining for a short time. It had a limited campaign.

Age of Sail was very good. Large number of scenarios and a good campaign. I don't know if it will run on W10. The only drawback is graphics would be quite dated.

There is Naval Action which is online. It has servers that are like single player I guess. I tried it once and gunnery seemed arcade like and ran into a huge game breaking bug my first attempt at playing and never went back.

RangerJoe -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/17/2018 1:58:35 PM)

You could do the research and/or just make one up. Use WSIM to portray they battles. Then computerize the strategic part, then computerize the tactical part.

tarkalak -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/17/2018 2:35:15 PM)

The first game about the Pacific I played was Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO) for some ancient console. (I played it on a simulator).

I got into WITP:AE after finding Plan Orange and I don't remember how I found it. :)

I always liked hard games that make you think and never cared for them graphics.

CaptBeefheart -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/18/2018 1:44:57 AM)

My gaming history started with the next-door neighbor kid having Victory in the Pacific and me having Russian Campaign in junior high. I also played a bit of WSIM in high school. That was a fantastic game. Other oft-played titles of that era included AH's Air Force and Dauntless, its Pacific equivalent, and a few North African games. I'd love to see a good turn-based air-to-air computer game as well as a computer WSIM.


Deca -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/20/2018 9:02:21 PM)

Stumbled upon Matrix games several years ago & have bought many of their games since of which was WitPAE. If memory serves, I first learned about WitP, but waited for WitPAE to be released.

HansBolter -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/20/2018 9:10:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: Commander Cody

My gaming history started with the next-door neighbor kid having Victory in the Pacific and me having Russian Campaign in junior high. I also played a bit of WSIM in high school. That was a fantastic game. Other oft-played titles of that era included AH's Air Force and Dauntless, its Pacific equivalent, and a few North African games. I'd love to see a good turn-based air-to-air computer game as well as a computer WSIM.


I have an old Avalon Hill computer game (yes they made a few before going out of business) titled Over the Reich that was a turn based tactical dog fighting engine. IIRC it was a DOS based game. Might be worth looking for if you could get it intalled and running under a DosBox.

My post in this thread addressed how I came to AE, not how I started in wargaming. First serious wargame was AH's Blitzkrieg and I cut my gaming teeth on Panzerblitz. Wore out three countermixes of Russian Campaign.

But in actuality my wargaming days started with Milton Bradley games my dad got me for Christmas as a kid such as Hit the Beach. Played teh heck out of WSIM also.

Was completely hooked on AH Rise and Decline of the Third Reich and managed to get credit as a playtester of Advanced Third Reich.

RevRick -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/21/2018 1:28:48 AM)

Many, many moons ago my oulde gaming buddy brought France '40 over. Then WSIM.. Still have both of them. Then we found an old "Pacific War" Game. That was in the 70's... Things changed - I moved and went to Seminary... and have not found a real gaming buddy up this way. Now, I am retired, and trying to get back in... I guess I will have to find some young'un and teach them WSIM...

Chickenboy -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/21/2018 3:27:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: HansBolter

But in actuality my wargaming days started with Milton Bradley games my dad got me for Christmas as a kid such as Hit the Beach.

Vas es das? [&:]

btd64 -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/21/2018 6:02:35 PM)

My first strategy game was chess. My cousin got me going with chess when I was 7 years old. Then came Panzer Leader and Squad Leader....GP

rustysi -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/23/2018 7:10:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: HansBolter

But in actuality my wargaming days started with Milton Bradley games my dad got me for Christmas as a kid such as Hit the Beach.

Vas es das? [&:]

Milton Bradly put out a heritage set of games back in the day. "Hit the Beach" was one of them. I've got the first four that were put out. I'm now waiting for my grandchildren to get a bit older so I will hopefully get them started.

I believe there was a fifth that came out later.

Tophat1815 -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/27/2018 10:18:11 AM)

My first game was PanerBlitz along with Tactics II and Blitzkrieg! All old Avalon Hill titles.

RFalvo69 -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/27/2018 10:42:51 AM)

I played "Wooden Ships" and Iron Men so much that, with my friends, we devised a full set of house rules to play it together with "Richtofen War" - the WWI biplane simulator. It is incredible to see how our "steampunk" approach worked so well: the two set of rules melded almost perfectly. The Spanish flagship "Santissima Trinidad" was a powerhouse, with her four squadrons of planes of various kind. Those were really the days! [:D]

m10bob -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/27/2018 1:14:52 PM)



Pretty incredible how strong AE is after 9 years. How did everyone find there way to AE? For me it was pure luck. I was looking for the newest version of another game from a company that went under and saw the classic WITP. So I scooped it up and the rest is history. Who else has a story to tell?....GP

Like others...I purchased UNCOMMON VALOR...which was the grand-daddy of WITP...then acquired WITP...and since it had an editor, and most of us were history buffs from the beginning...modding the game was just second nature..

Many people added to the game and a decision was made to create an "official-unoffical" mod which would include many of the more popular and accepted mods...which became WITP-AE...

Gosh...we sure miss the old timers from those early days......

AcePylut -> RE: Nine years and going strong (7/27/2018 2:20:26 PM)

How did I get started ---- Maybe it was my dad taking me to the movies when I was 5 years old, and we saw the movie Midway. That next weekend I was putting together a 1/72nd scale Jap Zero. Maybe it was spotting "Flat Top" in a corner of a Target store a few years later. Maybe it was my brother getting "Squad Leader." Maybe it was playing Close Combat and wanting to play flat top on a computer, and low and behold I discovered heaven... in the form of Uncommon Valor...

and that was all she wrote

RevRick -> RE: Nine years and going strong (9/30/2018 8:05:13 PM)



I played "Wooden Ships" and Iron Men so much that, with my friends, we devised a full set of house rules to play it together with "Richtofen War" - the WWI biplane simulator. It is incredible to see how our "steampunk" approach worked so well: the two set of rules melded almost perfectly. The Spanish flagship "Santissima Trinidad" was a powerhouse, with her four squadrons of planes of various kind. Those were really the days! [:D]

Yep! Been there! Done that - at least in a wet navy.

Friend of mine and I played WSIM so much that we cobbled together sheets for the Santisima Trinidad, USN 74's, and a notional USN 120 (Basically taking a United States Class, adding a deck, with 2 decks of 42 lbers, one deck of 32 lb guns, and a deck of 32 lb carronades on the main deck. We did not take into account the actual naval construction of the beast (I speculated that it would probably have four masts) and tried to add enough squares in the WSIM hit charts to make it work. We even figured out that the beast would probably end in a tie with the Monitor - because the crew of the monitor would be deaf as posts about a half an hour into the battle.

m10bob -> RE: Nine years and going strong (10/1/2018 12:12:03 PM)





I played "Wooden Ships" and Iron Men so much that, with my friends, we devised a full set of house rules to play it together with "Richtofen War" - the WWI biplane simulator. It is incredible to see how our "steampunk" approach worked so well: the two set of rules melded almost perfectly. The Spanish flagship "Santissima Trinidad" was a powerhouse, with her four squadrons of planes of various kind. Those were really the days! [:D]

Yep! Been there! Done that - at least in a wet navy.

Friend of mine and I played WSIM so much that we cobbled together sheets for the Santisima Trinidad, USN 74's, and a notional USN 120 (Basically taking a United States Class, adding a deck, with 2 decks of 42 lbers, one deck of 32 lb guns, and a deck of 32 lb carronades on the main deck. We did not take into account the actual naval construction of the beast (I speculated that it would probably have four masts) and tried to add enough squares in the WSIM hit charts to make it work. We even figured out that the beast would probably end in a tie with the Monitor - because the crew of the monitor would be deaf as posts about a half an hour into the battle.

RevRick!!!...Gadzooks!...Speaking of "old timers"!

HansBolter -> RE: Nine years and going strong (10/1/2018 2:00:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: HansBolter

But in actuality my wargaming days started with Milton Bradley games my dad got me for Christmas as a kid such as Hit the Beach.

Vas es das? [&:]



HansBolter -> RE: Nine years and going strong (10/1/2018 2:03:12 PM)

And another Milton Bradley classic I played as a boy:


rustysi -> RE: Nine years and going strong (10/1/2018 7:41:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: HansBolter


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: HansBolter

But in actuality my wargaming days started with Milton Bradley games my dad got me for Christmas as a kid such as Hit the Beach.

Vas es das? [&:]



Ah, memory lane.[8D]

dave sindel -> RE: Nine years and going strong (10/1/2018 8:08:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: HansBolter

And another Milton Bradley classic I played as a boy:


I loved this game too !

John 3rd -> RE: Nine years and going strong (10/1/2018 10:56:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Great game. Great community.

Back in '02, I was looking for something better than Fighting Flattops (a computer game that's still out there - do a Google search). I found UV and started playing. My opponents included Admiral Dadman, Miller, and John III, each of whom is still active. I bought WitP when it came out in '05, but it was "too big" - would take too much time. John III and I were involved in a UV match - he switched to WitP and left me standing at the alter, lamenting his departure. I eventually got involved in WitP around '07 and played several matches. John III kicked my butt early in one game but I got him by the short hairs in a December '43 invasion of Hokkaido that turned epic. I also played an epic match or two against Miller that included an invasion of the Kuriles in which Allied PT boats sank the four Kongos in one or two days (if my memory is accurate).

I finally ceased playing WitP, taking a sabbatical to concentrate on work. I ended the sabbatical when AE came out, starting with a match called "Shattered Vow" against Miller. Since then, I've played Q-Ball, Chez-da-Jez, Panzerjager Hortlund, John III and now Obvert.

I've been lucky to find such fun opponents - nice men all.

I used to say, "I can play this game for decades without tiring of it." How right I was. I still feel like I've got decades ahead, Lord willing and the creek don't rise.

What this good man and friend said...

Zorch -> RE: Nine years and going strong (10/1/2018 11:17:17 PM)

There should be a book, "Everything I need to know about life I learned playing WitP:AE".

Or, "The Zen of WitP:AE".

T Rav -> quite a coincidenceRE: Nine years and going strong (10/2/2018 12:26:35 AM)

Hans - I played Hit the Beach while growing up in St Petersburg. That's quite a coincidence!

T Rav

stuman -> RE: Nine years and going strong (10/2/2018 2:52:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: HansBolter


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: HansBolter

But in actuality my wargaming days started with Milton Bradley games my dad got me for Christmas as a kid such as Hit the Beach.

Vas es das? [&:]



This was my first game as well !

Macclan5 -> RE: Nine years and going strong (10/2/2018 6:00:32 PM)



"Everything I need to know about life I learned playing WitP:AE".


Feel free to add / correct / amend as you see fit.

1. Strategy eventually loses to logistics – period

2. Quantity is quality – if the quantity is large enough

3. Strategy only works if logistics support it; and any good strategy must have allowances for unexpected results and logistics to absorb unexpected results.

4. Don’t keep repeating the same mistake again and again. If your strategy didn’t work the first time, change strategy

5. If you are going to participate/provoke a fight – bring enough to win

6. Shock(ing) attacks only work if the odds are (3:1 or better) in your favor – so you better be damn confident you did the math right before you shock attack.

7. It’s not enough to simply win the fight – you need to support the victory with long enduring support (and supply); otherwise your victory is hollow

8. No asset is worthless. Any asset can be used as improvisation to hold the line. Those who abandon / dismiss assets as inadequate to the challenge – will lose the challenge no matter what assets they have

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